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Topics - wispydudeman

Pages: [1]
Selling Stock Direct / Best platform for selling direct
« on: September 27, 2014, 18:44 »
Hi all,

First time poster.

I have been considering getting into selling stock direct. I have a decently large portfolio of food photos that are on many of the microstock sites.

I was looking into different platforms to sell with and I was curious about other peoples opinions on them. I've looked through the forums here, but some of the threads are rather old.

I was interested in possibly using


I was originally planning on building a symbiostock website, but I've been a bit turned off with the starting and stopping of the project. Photodeck seems like the slickest platform overall, but I wish it had some of the "community"  surrounding it that some of the other platforms did.

Any suggestions or comments would be much appreciated.

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