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Topics - Serge

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I've spoken to my lawyer about the fact that SB withholds the tax for every sale, not just US-based ones. He has checked out how other agencies and marketplaces work in that regard, noting that what they are doing might constitute illegal activity, and that a class action lawsuit might be possible against them.

If you're interested in contributing and are a contributor from a country affected by this, please send an email to me at [email protected] as we'll need to organize ourselves in the event that we decide to go through with the lawsuit.


I'm wondering how quickly should I update my address, both in my contributor details and in the tax forms? The biggest change is that I moved from a country with a tax treaty with the US to a country which doesn't have a tax treaty with the US, so I'm wondering if I should change my address immediately or should I do it at the end of the year?

Hi, I am wondering if there is a difference in contributing to GI alone (through the Moment collection) or through some of the distributors, like W61? I have been accepted by GI and as they are exclusive, I don't know if I want to limit myself only there.

If I understood correctly, if I contribute to a distributor such as W61, they will take a certain percentage (50% or more) from the already low 20% (or 30?) from GI and other outlets? What is the advantage in submitting to distributors instead of going directly to the agency except in the fact that they distribute it to more places (but the question is if those places are profitable at all..)

What would your suggestion be for a person like me... I have some higher end imagery I am almost certain would not sell well on microstock, and also I don't feel like selling those shots for 25c. Submit to GI as an individual or use a distributor?


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