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Topics - MillesTeam

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Shutterstock.com / Shutterstock is unsafe.
« on: April 18, 2017, 14:29 »
Hi all Microstock members.

Today i want to tell you a story about Shutterstock. If you think they support you and guard from problems.. No.

Few years ago we hired 4 African models and made few sessions with them. We payed them. They are circus dancers. And their boss from circus payed them additional money. In total every model got about 200-300USD for this work. Also we sent them all images we retouched. We gifted them almost all accessories, jewellery, clothes and underwear that was bought by us for these shootings. We spent about 3000-4000USD for these shootings.

Then we started to upload retouched images.

After some time one of the models started to write to Shutterstock that she didn't want to be a model on these images. Shutterstock wrote to me this"

Dear Milles,

We have received a complaint from a person claiming to be the model in the following images:


Please provide us with the following information about this image:

1) when and where the images were taken;
2) who took the image;
3) the name of the individuals in the images; and
4) the circumstances under which the images were taken (e.g., photo shoot, etc.)

Please also send us a copy of the model releases on file for the images. We request that you respond to us within 3 days, or your Shutterstock account may be suspended. Thank you for your cooperation.


What i answered:

i made detailed description of where we found these people, how much we payed them, dates... everything. All information they asked and even more. Images from backstages where all these models are smiling together with us, photographing and so on.

in addition i provided this:

In addition to previous mail with all info i'm sending you extra information.

Here you are facebook links to people we worked with:

[model info removed]

you can ask them about our cooperation. I also know that they got payed from him additionally too for working with us. So every girl got money for photos we took. I don't see nothing criminal.

But i see that your contributors are totally unsafe and you can do what you want if someone from nowhere writes to you.

They did not answered anything.

But today i received this:

Dear Kedrinski Kirill,

Please know that the models continue to complain about these images. We we are obtaining further information but it may be in your interest to remove the content to avoid any issues with licensing this content.


So i can see, that Shutterstock don't care about its authors. If you have all docs ok, if you are working by law and everything is clear you can still be treated badly.

In fact every your model can just write to Shutterstock and you will be *removed coarse language* off. They will say that they will close your account even if you are right. even if you have all documents. They will be on the side of blackmailer who just want to earn more from nothing.

Who is this woman who writes to them? She is a fu**ing blackmailer.  She strikes her boss in circus that she will not work with him if he will not hire her husband. She wants more and more money and she will never stop. And Shutterstock supports it.

What everyone should learn from this?

1) [questionably racist comments removed]

2) You should never trust Shutterstock and maybe other agencies too. You should be very attentive. Because they care only about themselves. They don't care about authors. They think that +- one author never change the situation. And theyd don't care if you are full time photographer with team that wants their salaries. The will shutdown your account if someone will ask.

So keep in mind that working with Shutterstock is unpredictable and unsafe. Once you will make 30 000 beautiful images for them they will switch you off and even never regret.

That is one of the reasons i stopped submit to them and concentrated on Stocksy. At Stocksy you always in dialog with editors, staff, owners... But Shutterstock is just a money machine. If today a roulette have chosen you.. I'm sorry.

I wish you all the best and i hope you will never face such problems.

Good Luck!

admin edit: post edited for content (and noted)

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