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Topics - rjphoto

Pages: [1]
Photoshop Discussion / Life Size Prints
« on: December 06, 2008, 12:45 »

Does anyone know of a way to print out a full size photo? This would be where you would print out sections and tape togeather to get a height of 6 feet.

Unsure if Photoshop will do it but there may be other programs or plugins that might. I need to do this for some Christmas decorating we are doing at work.

Thanks for your help

Photoshop Discussion / Photoshop Elements Info
« on: November 10, 2008, 14:21 »

Can anyone suggest some good sites where I can get Tips and Tricks regarding Photoshop Elements? I have been looking at Photoshop Elements Techniques at but not sure if it is the best.


Cameras / Lenses / Pentax Lenses
« on: September 15, 2008, 22:40 »

Just wondering if anyone knows a good WEB site that may list the best Pentax lenses to have in your kit. I would like to have a good Portrait, Wide Angle, Zoom and maybe an everyday type of lense.

Appreciate any ideas.


Video Equipment / Sofware / Technique / Portrait Software
« on: August 25, 2008, 11:13 »
Hello all,

I am doing more and more portrait shots and was wondering what everyone else uses to clean up the photos besides Photoshop. I've been looking at Portrait Professional and hear it is a good product.

Any ideas???

5 / You'll love this one
« on: July 26, 2008, 07:54 »
After 7 or 8 months of trying to get approved at Shutterstock it finally happened.
Yesterday I had about 5 minutes and sent Shutterstock 10 photos I had with no other fine tuning thinking I would be rejected again and in a matter of a few hours I get a notice back that ALL 10 PHOTOS have been approved  :D

So either they felt sorry for me and finally let me in or I got lucky and had a newbie checking pictures.  ::)

6 / Somethings Wrong Here
« on: July 17, 2008, 22:42 »
Hi All,

I just sold a $5.00 image on SnapVillage and my share was only .30 cents, I was getting .30cents on my $1.00 images.   

Am I wrong or should that be more? Should I drop them an email?

Thanks for your input

Photoshop Discussion / Signature Line
« on: April 28, 2008, 20:40 »
Does anyone know of a good way to save a signature line in Photoshop Elements and place it on photos. Right now I just recreate it everytime, I tried to copy the layer from one photo to the next and the text does not come over.



Was getting ready to purchase Noiseware and wondering if Standard will work fine or if Professional is better.

Photoshop Discussion / PS Elements version 6 and Noiseware
« on: January 03, 2008, 21:50 »
Has anyone tried loading Noiseware plug-in with Version 6 of Elements? I have been trying and it looks like Elements does not see the plug-in, I am pointing it to the Plug-in directory under the Elements folder.

Photoshop Discussion / Photoshop Elements Question
« on: January 01, 2008, 10:22 »
Can anyone suggest a good book or WEB site that is geared towards creating Stock Photos in Photoshop Elements?
Something that might provide good examples and is written for our business, everything I've seen is more towards the general use of Photoshop Elements.
Most of my rejections are lighting or artifact problems so just looking for a few hints to help improve my photos.


Just wondering which settings most people use when taking photos, Programable or Manual.
I try to use Manual mode the majority of the time although I get upset if I don't get the settings just right otherwise I leave my camera in programable mode to catch those shots that don't allow you the time for manual.

What are everyone's thoughts on the settings that should be used to capture the perfect shot?

New Sites - General / Anyone try Shutterfarm
« on: December 17, 2007, 13:57 »
Has anyone used

It was my first Stock site which I've been on for about 6 months, granted I only have about 15 pictures on here right now but traffic seems to be low. Just wondering if I should dump it for a more up and coming site.

13 / Something strange at Shutterstock
« on: December 14, 2007, 21:46 »
Okay, I received an email this evening asking me to verify my account at Shutterstock which I did.
Now here is the strange thing, I have been trying to get approval for the last three months and tonight it no longer is telling me that I need approval; just go ahead and upload. My next try was not to come till the 28th of this month.
Anyone else run into this? I'm going to give it a try and see what happens.  :-\

Well....I uploaded three files so I'll sit back and wait.

Software - General / Noise Reduction Software
« on: December 14, 2007, 12:00 »

Just curious as to what type of Noise Reduction Software everyone uses. I have been looking at Noise Ninja and Neat Image and leaning towards Neat Image, is one better then the other and does it really improve your chances of having a photo accepted?

Right now I have been using the noise reduction feature in Photoshop Elements.

15 / Approval Rating
« on: December 13, 2007, 22:12 »
Good Evening,

I submitted 15 photos to SnapVillage a few days ago and today they accepted all of them. Either I'm that good or they are taking anything you will submit, I think it might be the later :-\

Anyone else finding this to be true?

General Stock Discussion / What to charge?
« on: December 13, 2007, 09:39 »
Hi Everyone,
Just starting out in the Micro Stock arena, Ive been taking photos for a long time now and figured why not try to support my habit.  ;D
Just curious as to how some people are pricing their work, Ive seen anything from $1.00 to $50.00, any help or insight would be appreciated. I've started out by pricing my work at $1.00, maybe I'm to low

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