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Messages - SpaceStockFootage

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Microstock Services / Re: different topic
« on: Yesterday at 02:20 »
I think you'll find it's usually the people who have actually read reports that have a better idea of what they're talking about, than those who have just watched a bunch of Youtube videos by somebody with the world 'truth' in their name, and use terms such as tell-lie-vision, convid, plandemic, face diapers or how Fauci and Bill Gates are reincarnations of Satan and Biden is trying to turn the frogs gay etc etc. There are exceptions, sure... but its not like the majority of these 'truthers' have medical degrees or have spent at least a considerable amount of time doing actual research using peer-reviewed scientific documentation.

And no, I don't watch the news on TV... too busy working, studying, reading, sleeping, eating, drinking, playing poker and/or playing video games. 

Thank-you for giving me credit though for being an intelligent person, and quite well rounded.

You appear to have interpreted the data incorrectly... I said you sounded intelligent and well rounded, I didn't say you were intelligent and well rounded. The end of your original comment, combined with your reply, confirms to me that my initial findings were incorrect. 

Convid, diapers, poisoning on PPE, tell-lie-vision, psych tactics? I can only hope you get the help you need.

I really would have stopped at f)... you sounded like a reasonably well-rounded, reasonably intelligent member of society up until that point. You always have to go and ruin it though!

With DP video sales, I make the $25 payout every couple of years... if I'm lucky. On places like Shutterstock, Adobe, iStock and Pond5, I'm making that amount every couple of days on a good month!

General - Top Sites / Re: WireStock removed sales today
« on: May 05, 2024, 22:33 »
I'm assuming that happened to me as well... got sales emails in April totaling X amount, and only received half of that in my Paypal payment yesterday. I would check my Wirestock dashboard to see if there have been any adjustments, but I've not been able to access it for about a year... keep getting and connection refused error. Have dropped an email to support today.

Envato / Re: Envato acquired by Shutterstock
« on: May 04, 2024, 02:52 »
While I'm not disputing that their growth is definitely slowing, there's not really anything in this chart that gives the impression they are ''going bust''.

No refunds for me, but the lowest month in over four years... by a long shot!

I don't agree with your point of view, but that's mainly because I don't understand it. So what serious agencies would you suggest? And what are the negatives of submitting to Shutterstock?

2,but maybe 3 or 4 soon:
if you like to go skating on the thin ice don't be surprised when a crack in the ice appears under your feet,and you slip into it as you claw the thin ice.

Sure, but you get paid for being on that thin ice, no matter how small that amount may be... and the result of voluntarily giving up skating is exactly the same as falling through the ice. I.e. no more money.

No. I hired someone to make me an original character design...

Were they cheap?

1) $100 a month that will gradually increase, decrease or stay about the same... depending on the amount of new content uploaded

2) $100 a month that will gradually decrease every month until it's more or less zero

3) $0 a month

4) $0 a month

I'll go with option 1 please!

This AI software generates content in the cloud
This means you will pay a lot of money to the cloud and pay constantly for every video created.  ;D ;D ;D
It will be cheaper for a buyer to buy a video on stock than to pay to the cloud.

Where are you getting this information from? Please provide comparative costs for purchasing a stock video versus generating an AI video.
My friends are using the cloud to create artificial intelligence models. They pay a lot of money for the use of computing power.
How much will it cost to create a video? How do I know. You probably think that all this will be free for you or buyers.  ;D ;D ;D
I am sure that it will be cheaper for the buyer to buy a video on subscription stocks than to create it themselves in the cloud. I think it will be cheaper for the buyer to buy the video and on classic stocks.

If they're your friends then just ask them how much they're paying, instead of just making a complete guess as to the cost. And what do you mean by creating artificial intelligence models? Are they creating videos... or are they creating software, models and platforms that can generate these videos? There's a big difference!

Anyway. DALL-E, Midjourney etc... they vary from $10 a month for unlimited images to about $0.02 per image. And there's plenty that are free, albeit probably not quite as good. So what's a video going to cost? It's not been announced yet, but Andrej has heard $0.01 to $0.10 a second which is only going to decrease as they get more users and cheaper GPUs. Sure they could get a $30 a month subscription and download a ten second video that is pretty much exactly what they're looking for... or they could pay $1 or less and get a ten second video that is 100% exactly what they're looking for.

Now... you're probably right. I mean, you're very wrong about the whole computing power thing... but you could be right about the prices and whether it's easier to go for a subscription at Envato, Storyblocks or Motion Array. We don't know how much Sora is going to be and the quality will become more apparent when it's released to the public. But 6 months to a year? GPU pricing vs performance has halved, bugs have been ironed out, better models have been developed, adoption increases... the situation will probably be very different. 

This AI software generates content in the cloud
This means you will pay a lot of money to the cloud and pay constantly for every video created.  ;D ;D ;D
It will be cheaper for a buyer to buy a video on stock than to pay to the cloud.

Where are you getting this information from? Please provide comparative costs for purchasing a stock video versus generating an AI video.

I can therefore imagine that in 3 years the AI videos will have high quality.
Yeah, and any buyer will have a PC (probably worth $1000 and no more) to quickly generate such a video. Probably the generation time will be several seconds, maximum minutes.
It's all fantasy. It will be easier, cheaper and faster to shoot or buy a video than to generate it.
Even now you can use cloud computing power, but it costs money. Its cheaper to buy a ready-made video, which is what buyers do.

This AI software generates content in the cloud, you only need a very basic device to generate images and footage. You've been told this multiple times, but you never listen. Yes, there are AI models that use your computer to generate content, but they're usually more experimental models that are still in testing, the kind you might get from Github or somewhere... most AI content generated today does not use your computing power to produce. 

VideoBlocks / Re: Storyblocks revenue collapse by 90%?
« on: March 01, 2024, 23:50 »
I'm down about 10% on Jan/Feb 2024 compared to Jan/Feb 2023.

They did send an email about a month or so back saying they were removing low performing content from our portfolios... might be in your spam folder or something.

17 / Re: Happy Reset!
« on: January 10, 2024, 23:20 »
The amount that we get paid is absolutely the most important thing... but Stoker stated that 'buyers are leaving this stock' when the numbers would indicate that they're not. 

18 / Re: Happy Reset!
« on: January 09, 2024, 21:51 »
In my opinion, the problem with shutterstock is not the percentage for the author. Its problem is the constant decrease in the number of buyers. Buyers are leaving this stock.

Do you have evidence to support that? This chart below would say otherwise. In my opinion (although it's pretty much backed up with numbers, experience and observations), the number one reason for declining income with microstock is, and always has been, the competition from fellow authors and new authors. At Shutterstock and everywhere else. Sure, there's plenty of other issues that can affect it... levels, commissions, changes to searches and other features, new agencies, people using cheaper agencies, subscriptions, the rise of AI, the rise of free sites... and all of those combined probably affect earnings more than competition, especially of late... but as a single factor, competition is the one. We don't hit 'the wall' due to a reduction of buyers, we hit it because we can't produce a year on year percentage increase on our portfolio numbers that exceeds the percentage increase of competing content.   

My iStock earnings are pretty much exactly the same as Pond5 and Shutterstock combined.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Dump sites?
« on: October 31, 2023, 04:21 »
There's more to the story than what you are telling

In 2016, a certain dude (one of the highest paid photographers) sold a dirty potato for a million bucks... to a guy who'd had four wines?

22 / Re: What a cool SS, how well he sells
« on: September 28, 2023, 00:32 »
Take the rough with the smooth, I guess...

For me... Five months from start of April to end of August 2023, was 57% more than the five months prior. Only got 105 videos (I thought it was more than that!) but I didn't upload anything new over that period so it's an accurate comparison. If I dont upload anything for a year and my earnings go up, then that's always a pretty impressive result!

General Photography Discussion / Re: Advice Needed
« on: August 07, 2023, 21:31 »
That usually relies on you being paid though. No payment, no ownership... you still own the rights. Although a decent chunk of clients still stick to the slightly outdated process of 30 day invoicing unless agreed otherwise, so I'd try to keep everything civil until the 30 days have passed.

25 / Re: Getty Video royalties change
« on: August 01, 2023, 08:22 »
the way I understood the example: right now if a 200 dollar plan buys ten files, every file is awarded 20 dollars, irrespective of file type. so 20 dollars for any video or photo.

for me essential 20 dollars for a photo, i get 15% - 3 dollars

now the photo is awarded 5 dollars, i get 15% of that0.75 dollars

but getty has many different plans, credit packages etcthis is one specific subs plan for video.

not everything is changing.

that is how i understand it.

how many people buy photos on the video plan?

Depends on what they're downloading. If I'm understanding it correctly, then if they download 9 Signature Videos, and 1 Essential Image... then the Essential image would get you $0.20. Pretty harsh drop from $3.

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