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Messages - Kone

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101 / Re: Feeding the beast
« on: August 19, 2010, 10:00 »
Ditto lagereek; Im getting pretty fed up with the beast and feeding it.
Its so disencouraging to see a new picture sell 10ish times aday the first couple of days (must mean its a good picture with a market for it); and then see it die off completely the next week burried deeply somewhere in the oversupply.

Yes, that happens to me very often. My thoughts are that buyers are making their own libraries. I am not so sure about the license, if it is still valid after a couple of years.


I have close to 6000 photos on SS. Accepted to SS in 2006.
I have seen an increase at SS every month until July of last year. Almost every month was better than the previous. But I count only the total monthly income, I upload almost regularly. Since July 2009, my income went down by 20%. I blame economics for this.

Dreamstime is way down for me,
Fotolia is OK,
Istock is down 25%,


Yes, you are right, and even their search is not relevant. I searched my portfolio for "office" and unrelated images came up. I am positive that I have never used the keyword "office" for the images that showed up. They should do something about this problem.

Thanks Liza for pointing this out, I've always wondered why they sell much less than other agencies.

Off Topic / Re: My future microstock star ;)
« on: August 08, 2010, 19:12 »
Congratulations to you and your family Eric!

105 / Re: New iStockphoto web design - IT'S LIVE!
« on: August 07, 2010, 18:26 »
From a style standpoint, I'm not in love with it.
The whole thing look a bit flat to my eye.
But I'm sure I'll adjust and before long I won't even remember what the old site looked like :)


Me too

What did the correlation statistics show?
That there was a clear covariance between uploads and subsequent downloads. It took me a lot of time since I had to go back over 4 years to fill in all the uploaded batches. The variation was good enough since I had some periods of no uploads at all, and periods of high uploads.

Thanks for this FD, I doubt that you will have a steady income if you do not upload regulary.

It was for 300, not microstock. I did some work to customize, yes...
I didn't put money in the shoot, because actually was artwork..
so I didn't have expenses like photogs have.

First, you should never send the high resolution image until they pay. If I have to spend any money to make the image (model etc) I would ask for an advance payment. Without an advance payment I wouldn't even think about it.
At the end when the image is ready I send a small sample like 500 x 300 pixels (watermark) and if they like it they have to pay for the HR file.
Money first, file second.
I use PayPal and when payment is clear, I send the image.

Newbie Discussion / Re: Contacted by a Flickr-er
« on: August 05, 2010, 20:39 »
Okay.. this is my first ever thread here.. couldn't decide which category should this belong to.. Sorry admins/mods if this is posted in wrong category. :)

Well, I've been contacted by a flickr member asking for this photo of mine for a project of an educational institution. You can see the company logo prominently on the photo. His demo webapp is here and I just don't wanna give it for free. A few images similar to that has been used by the company officially, but not this one. And I just can't decide that should I tell him to use Getty's Request to license, will they allow selling the image with a logo if somebody needs it? or should I ask him to give me a few bucks for it. Also suggest me how much is this worth?

Ill let you know what he says in the email later on...

Are you selling your images or just having fun making them and giving them away?
If not, don't give it for free!
From my experience, if you give them the image for free, they will soon ask for another one, and you will be their favorite photographer! Also, maybe their friend will show up asking for another image (for free). This has no end, so end it now.
One more time my suggestion is: no freebies.


I think this is a great idea. I don't believe in harassing people that are misusing our photos, but if the link to the "stolen" photo were posted here, we all could post a comment saying that the person is copyright infringing and pointing out their error. Other people will read it, and maybe word will start to get around about the facts of the matter. At least until their page comes down.

I like your idea, we should start doing that.


He is offering free download.

Oh and he claims he owns the copyright.

Those sound like two clear violations to me. 

Too bad writing him was a waste of time.  Looks like DMCA letters to the sites he's got it on are the way to go.

Me, too. Clear violations. I am certain it will be taken down, but no other punishment will be given to the infringer, like having his account suspended. I hope flickr points him to their copyright policy, available at the bottom of their pages.

I don't think so, if you remember my image being stolen and somebody else has that image in his portfolio, so You , FD_regular, Click-Click, Jsnover and some other people from this forum reported it and helped me to take it down. As well I sent a letter to Flicker and they suspended his account.
If a person did not buy Click-Click's image and cannot prove it, Flicker will suspend his account.

DepositPhotos / Re: How to delete portfolio?
« on: August 02, 2010, 11:59 »
Hello everyone,

how can i delete my whole portfolio on ? (considering exclusivity with another agency)

You should send them email asking to close your account.

Off Topic / Re: Gallery Invitation email
« on: July 29, 2010, 22:07 »
Never mind about the camera, is there any room for a model (models).
A little duck. Model's hands under the fabric at the back to do hand shoots. Actually Nikola, it's all your fault since I was jealous at your product shots.  :P

Well, I am sorry, but thanks.

Off Topic / Re: Do you have a life away from microstock
« on: July 29, 2010, 10:41 »
I was going to say that I play guitar, but when I sow Dreamframer's video and Simsi's songs I decided to stay quiet.

Off Topic / Re: Gallery Invitation email
« on: July 29, 2010, 10:22 »
eheheh nice! where do you place the cam? at the top? I dont see room anywhere else! :P

Never mind about the camera, is there any room for a model (models).

I have used LaCie, Seagate and Maxtor over the years and haven't had an issue with any of them, though I know I read that some people do. I have only worked on 1 computer (not mine personally, but at my employers) where the internal drive failed and had to be replaced. I think it was a Western Digital.

I think you should go to Staples and get the cheapest thing you can, any one of the big name brands. I got a 1TB Seagate a couple of months back for $120 so I am fairly certain they would have something smaller for about half as much.

Just my 2 cents, probably not even worth that.

Sorry about your computer failures...

Personaly never use LaCie, I heard they are safe (and expensive),
Seagate is another alternative but I had Maxtor that failed on me and lost some data.

...All modern drives are good, but will fail eventually.  It's how you look after them and use them that makes the difference in lifespan :)

I didn't know that. I refrain from kicking my computer. I also remove dust from the interior of the housing regularly.

How do I extend the life span of a hard drive? Or how do I "look after them"?

Simple, Don't remove dust.
Just joking.

I would go with WD as well.

118 / Re: Editorial on SS
« on: July 23, 2010, 22:23 »
Sports are selling well.  I think all my editorial is sports?

Have you try some of editorials (sport) on Alamy?
If yes, how does it compare with SS.

Computer Hardware / Re: you use this for on location backup?
« on: July 23, 2010, 14:39 »

I am thinking to buy this so I can backup my Memory Card if full during a shoot
and then format and shoot some more.
Is this safe and good idea to do with this?
Can you do it from Camera out USB to this gadget?

Would you do it , or is it safer to wait ,come back to studio backup on HD?

I also think maybe can be useful during travel.

WOW !!!!
  128GB Echo SE Backup Drive
Part Number: LEHSE128BSBNA
Price: $499.99
For $500 you can buy few "8GB" cards or even "16GB" (I have been using SanDisk Ultra II for years, they are good, never fail).
I also prefer smaller cards like 4GB, so if card has problem you lose only part of your work (but it never happened).


General Stock Discussion / Re: Found at Alamy , sold at SS
« on: July 23, 2010, 14:18 »
Why . someone will pay you 10 or 100 times more for something what YOU are selling on other places for cheap?

License, license and licenses!!!

Again, for those who do not know why???
With brain... ;D ;D;quote=153292;num_replies=21;sesc=33f80e08463f885421f32e472896e8fe

Sjlocke explained very well that eternal question , why...?

Question about your SS upload. Are you uploading full size of images or croped version?

General Stock Discussion / Re: Found at Alamy , bought at SS
« on: July 23, 2010, 14:06 »
At Alamy buyer is buying Full RF license, and on microstock buyer is buying limited RF. When you buy extended license on microstock it is almost similar as RF on Alamy but even then you have restrictions.
So from buyer point I will sometimes buy from SS, sometimes from Alamy depending witch license I need.

That is what I understand how it works

122 / Re: alamy for beginners
« on: July 22, 2010, 08:26 »
"Partially Failed" usually means there was an image processing error on one of the images, not a QC failure.

In that case they will pass the rest, assuming they pass QC.  Click on the batch number (OL658544) to see the full results.

That's what I thought - check that batch and let us know what the "rejection" reason was. I had only partially failed ones because of processing errors and not inferior images.

You have a right, it is my mistake. I am sorry.
Rejection reason, "Image processing error".


123 / Re: alamy for beginners
« on: July 21, 2010, 18:54 »
i read this somewhere that's their policy if 1 image isn't accepted, the whole batch will be rejected without reviewing the rest. I wonder is it true? doesn't sound logical to me.

This is true.

The only time they reject one image and pass the rest is "processing error" or system problems. One fail all fail is still the standard. If you have 200 images in one batch uploaded and upload 10 more photos in another batch, and one of those fails, while both batches are awaiting QC ALL WILL BE FAILED. It's not complicated and I don't know why people try to find exceptions to the rules, which may give someone false hope.

One fail all fail.

The logic is just was someone else wrote. They are not going to babysit and review. They don't judge for content, it's easy if someone only has to produce good quality images, and self evaluate. On the other hand you can send something very nice and well exposed to micro and get it rejected for some individual reviewers opinion "not suitable for stock" or "too many like this".

Please, check this out. Pay attention to June 11. 2010. (I just copy and paste this)

 11 June 2010 OL658544 Online upload 10 1 9 0 18 June 2010  Partially Failed

All the best

This post has been modified by Kone
Sorry, was my mistake

124 / Re: alamy for beginners
« on: July 21, 2010, 15:15 »
I have to say that is not true, at least not in my case.
It used to be that way but lately Alamy changed it, if there is problem with the image in the batch they will only reject that image and accept rest.

That is also true. It does happen what you're talking about.

But it also depends on your track record. If you have been uploading shots that all got accepted in the past they might just reject one and accept the rest.

In other cases where people kept uploading inferior images, Alamy reserved the right to fail all uploaded batches if one images looked bad.

Thanks for clarification

125 / Re: Lisafx is black diamond on iStock
« on: July 21, 2010, 15:11 »
Congratulations Lisa.
Well Deserved.
I wish you many, many more.

And yes, you can sing now: "I am big fish now."

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