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Messages - w7lwi

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Dreamstime.com / Re: Dreamstime.com is DOWN
« on: November 01, 2015, 21:08 »
Yep.  Just tried to log in and can't even connect to the site.  Hopefully things will be better in the morning.  I need to request payout.

Shutterstock.com / Re: Large image previews on SS ?
« on: October 30, 2015, 12:21 »
The reason many may not be signing is that they have to sign up with AVAAZ first.  In this day and age with internet hackers running rampant, people are understandably reluctant to sign on to a site they are not familiar with.

Here's another example of why many of us use what are essentially anonymous names.

OT I guess but I always assumed that was your callsign!

That's why I said "essentially anonymous."  Relatively few would recognize that and fewer yet would know how to look it up.

Here's another example of why many of us use what are essentially anonymous names.  It's a shame we feel we need to do this, but agency retaliation does seem to be a fact of life.

As to why we don't see CANVA (Lee) on here any more, if you go back to that original, very long, CANVA thread, about half way through some individuals started getting quite nasty with their comments against both the company in general and Lee in particular.  Not that their complaints may not have been justified, but the way they chose to express themselves was out of line by any measure of polite discourse.  Had I been in Lee's shoes, I would have also abandoned any further attempts to explain what was going on.  This seems to be a problem all over the Internet where you don't have to speak to an individual face-to-face.  In their anonymity they seem to feel they have the freedom to express themselves in the most base way available, without giving any thought to the other party's feelings.  Small wonder many are leaving forums such as this.  All the worse when we drive away those agency reps that do try to help in whatever way they are allowed.

Adobe Stock / Re: FT Reviews
« on: October 23, 2015, 15:46 »
I think you might find it depends on whats on the coin

At present, there are no government restrictions with regards to photographing U.S. coins, only restrictions regarding currency (paper money).  Some other countries do have coinage photography limitations, but there are none in the U.S.

Adobe Stock / FT Reviews
« on: October 23, 2015, 11:52 »
What is the method of contesting a rejection on FT?  Is there a procedure or just resubmit?  For example, I submitted two images of a 19th century U.S. $5 gold piece.  One image showing the observe face and the other the reverse face.  The observe face image was accepted while the reverse face rejected for intellectual property reasons.  One or the other of these two images was reviewed incorrectly.  I really don't care one way or the other which is correct. I just expect consistency in reviews (don't get me started on SS reviews).  I've a few more that fall into this same scenario so am just trying how to proceed.

Canva / Re: Canva
« on: October 18, 2015, 16:54 »
Thanks for the info. I have 400+ images online, started uploading by the end of june this year. Haven't reached payout yet (50$?). But I see more sales every month.

I guess PNG files are selling best there. I don't have any of those, some of my photos are waiting for cut-out, but as I understand, it may take years for them to be cut out.

From what I've heard, you can probably forget about cut-outs.  At least in your lifetime.  :'(   Better to cut them out yourself and resubmit.  Relatively simple if you're proficient with the pen tool in Photoshop.  Another thing to consider is seasonal images.  The vast majority of my current sales are Fall and Winter related.  Also some Easter related themes.  Once we get out of the time frame for these types of images, I suspect my sales will drop off unless I get off my butt and upload more season-related images.

Adobe Stock / Understanding FT Sales
« on: October 18, 2015, 16:46 »
Now that I've got a few sales on FT (just joined last week) I'm trying to understand some of the differences I'm seeing.  For example, while I have XXL subscription sales at 0.25 credits, I also have a much smaller size M subscription sale at 0.80 credits.  Is there someplace on FT that breaks down these various sale amounts or is this the difference between FT and Adobe sales?  And I assume the conversion from credits to dollars is one-to-one (50 credits equal 50 dollars) ... correct?

Canva / Re: Canva
« on: October 18, 2015, 13:28 »
Anyone wanna share their experience with sales on Canva? I mean, like in real numbers. How much sales, how many images online etc....?

I've only got a little over 100 images up (roughly 80% PNG and the rest full image JPEG).  This is after some previously approved images have been rejected.  Still for the past few months I've had payout each month and I'm already over minimum payout for this month.  Hardly big-time dollars, but a few hundred dollars a month is fine with me.

Adobe Stock / Re: Payment Selection
« on: October 13, 2015, 16:08 »
Got it.  Thank you.

Adobe Stock / Payment Selection
« on: October 13, 2015, 15:49 »
I finally broke down and joined Fotolia this week.  Everything has gone fine so far and I've several images uploaded and accepted.  Just a few to begin with to get an idea how the system works.  Only question at the moment is how/where do I select the type of payment method I wish to use (I use primarily PayPal).  I've looked at the site and, to date at least, haven't found where I can make this selection.

123RF / Re: Checking Earnings
« on: October 03, 2015, 10:53 »
It's confusing how the page is set up, but those two numbers are for buyers, not contributors.

From the main page, go to the bottom of the screen and select "more" from the contributor column.  Then select "downloads" and you'll see what images have been sold.

123RF / Re: incoherencies in the recording of earnings
« on: September 20, 2015, 13:41 »
My last payout was in July.  I've had a couple of sales since then.  The "your balance" at the top right of the page says "0".  Should that be showing the total of my sales that can be paid to me, or is that somewhere else?

Sean, I could be mistaken, but I believe those are numbers for buyers, not contributors.  The "S" link is labeled subscription downloads and the "C" link is labeled credits remaining.  I find the contributor sales on the earnings page which you have to access from the menu at the bottom of the page (after entering one of those silly CAPTCHA screens).

Canva / Re: Canva
« on: September 10, 2015, 18:01 »
Thanks.  I'll just wait until the end of next week and see what happens.  I don't recall seeing anything in writing from CANVA so didn't have much to go on other than previous payment dates.

FYI: I just received my payment for August.

Thanks.  Mine showed up today as well.

Canva / Re: Canva
« on: September 05, 2015, 17:01 »
Thanks.  I'll just wait until the end of next week and see what happens.  I don't recall seeing anything in writing from CANVA so didn't have much to go on other than previous payment dates.

123RF / Re: incoherencies in the recording of earnings
« on: September 05, 2015, 10:56 »
It got fixed now for me too. But the incoherencies undermine trust in the business! I hope will never happen again!

No reason to not trust the agency.  All agencies have some degree of time lag between their various server updates. Some more than others, but certainly nothing to cause any concern.  Unless there is some major problem, everything will sync within a few hours or a day at the most.

Canva / Re: Canva
« on: September 05, 2015, 10:51 »
Does anyone recall what day of the month CANVA issues their payouts?  My previous payouts all came around the 4th or 5th of the month but I haven't seen any notification yet for my current payout (close to $200 at the end of last month).

Canva / Re: Canva
« on: September 01, 2015, 12:21 »
I don't think they are accepting vectors.  I had a few PNGs rejected after acceptance - sent back to the cutout queue - but others are still there.  I have found that many of my isolations were not as isolated as I thought once I made them into PNGs - I am trying to fix those before submission.  At least Lee is very responsive when you have a problem so that makes them good in my book.

The trick is to view the finished cut-out file with a red, blue and green background.  Look at the edges of the cut-out to be sure they are clean.  I do all my work on a TIF file.  Once everything looks clean, only then do I save it as a high rez PNG file.  So far that's worked fine as I've yet to have a rejection of a submitted PNG image.  From what I understand, this is how PNG images are reviewed, so it makes sense to do it myself that way before submittal.

Another tip.  Save the cut-out TIF file for possible future use on composites.  No point in having to isolate an image all over again.  ;D

Canva / Re: Canva?? Need your opinion
« on: August 31, 2015, 09:52 »
Any clue what files they are looking for? Isolated would be my guess

Nope, at least not at present.  Their plan was to do their own high quality isolations, so every image on a white background had to wait for that laborious manual process.  Then the queue for isolations got so big they said they might never get to them.  Images without isolation can get approved or rejected quickly; isolations aren't worth submitting until something changes.

I don't submit any.  And that includes any color background, even if it is not just a solid color.

I was told by Lee that solid color backgrounds are treated the same as a white BG.  They all must go into the cut-out queue.  If you can isolate the subject with a transparent BG and submit as a PNG file, they seem to be accepted OK (so long as the isolation is of high enough quality).

Canva / Re: Canva
« on: August 28, 2015, 20:28 »
has anyone had new uploads processed lately?

I've sent in two batches over the past week.  Both batches approved within 24 hours (with a few rejections of course  :'(  ) and a few have already begun to sell.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: iStock and their selfish thinking
« on: August 09, 2015, 21:56 »
Istock = Dead man walking  ;D

More like the walking dead.  Be careful not to get too close and get bit.   ;D

Canva / Re: Canva
« on: August 07, 2015, 13:00 »
Here's part of a note I got from Lee last June.  While we may not be happy about it, at least it tries to explain what's going on with the image deletions.

"And just so you know, the quantity sold doesnt influence our decisions.  Some people buy even the worst images.  The cleanup is designed to have them using great images despite their inability to tell the difference.  Unlike normal stock agencies, we bear a lot of the brunt of bad designs made with our images."

As I mentioned, we may not be happy about this or agree with the way they went about it, but as people have said, it's their company and they are free to run it in a manner that seems right to them.

Snide remarks and arrogance will be their downfall.

Snide remarks and arrogance are their trademarks.  >:(

According to a post on SS this morning, in the last video session from SS the question of automated reviews came up.  According to SS, they use an automated review when an image first arrives to confirm it meets the 4mp minimum requirement.  After that, all images are reviewed by human eyes.  They also state that they have in excess of 200 reviewers worldwide and they are constantly being reviewed by a team of coordinators.


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