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Messages - caspixel

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I know about the 4th of July, but that's on Monday. Are ppl taking vacations earlier? 'cause yanks don't be buyin' sheat ;). Europe, as always is kickin a$$, but today even south America bought more from me, I got a single DL from the USA :s

Maybe they heard about how much you dislike them. :D

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Woo-Nay
« on: June 30, 2011, 15:02 »
Also note that the new summer "Woo-Yay" thread has a total of zero posts so far.

Seems the community there is  near dead. Glad for the friendship I made and where they are flourishing, elsewhere.

There are now two posts, one of which is this: It's winter over here!!

Illustration - General / Re: Best selling VECTOR sites?
« on: June 27, 2011, 09:16 »

If you are working with clients and they are expecting images that wont be used in their same industry, Royalty-Free is not the proper license type. You should be licensing Rights-Managed images for such clients. For rights managed images I recommend working directly with the artist or the following sites.

Well, that would be great, but none of my clients can afford RM prices. They are all just small businesses. They don't "expect" anything, but I do what I can for them by trying to find them images that have low download numbers to decrease the chance for duplication, for my own piece of mind. There is enough selection in microstock that this is usually possible. And sometimes I do work directly with artists and photographers.

However, the issue I was addressing was the limitations of ClipartOf's library to the same downloads for all their customers by excluding fresh work from new contributors. I'm not trying to rip anyone. I'm just stating a fact. Without new content in the genres, it would only be the same stuff constantly being offered to all customers, right? Or am I missing something? Also, wouldn't some of the stuff become dated after a while?

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Buyers Bailing on Istock
« on: June 27, 2011, 09:06 »
To be fair, if it's a whole bunch of photos that would be a real PITA.

Illustration - General / Re: Best selling VECTOR sites?
« on: June 26, 2011, 21:47 »

I'm very curious from the customer's point of view, but I do understand it both ways; from our customer's (that have reported to me on this issue) and from an artist's point of view.

Well, I'm strictly a buyer. While I appreciate your business model and limiting your library for your contributors sake, I think it limits your business. By excluding new artists, your library will eventually lack variety in genres and you will only be offering the same art to all your customers. I don't want that for my clients. I like a lot of variety, even within genres. I tend to look for images that have fewer downloads, because I don't want one of my customers to open up a magazine or find an ad online that has the exact same stock images as a competitor (it has happened to me and to other designers I know). So when I know that those are all the illustrations that will ever be offered on your site in any particular genre by the same artists, I will go somewhere where I know there is fresher content.

The other thing I notice is that I can get helix7's illustrations right off his own site for considerably less than you would be offering them on yours. Interesting.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Buyers Bailing on Istock
« on: June 26, 2011, 18:12 »
What was the bug the customer was referring to?

If you try to zoom in on an image, you get a white blank space where the zoomed image should be.

Oh, right. I noticed that the other day. I guess since stuff breaks periodically, I didn't even think twice. LOL

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Buyers Bailing on Istock
« on: June 26, 2011, 17:15 »
What was the bug the customer was referring to?

Illustration - General / Re: Best selling VECTOR sites?
« on: June 26, 2011, 16:17 »

If you actually had any eye for talent, you would be able to clearly tell that helix7's stuff that you posted is far superior than the shown items in your library. 8 years as a reviewer and you still cant tell quality?

I liked helix7's stuff better too. Much nicer quality, IMO. I'd love to see more on his site.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: New price filter
« on: June 24, 2011, 18:24 »
You dont MOVE the SLIDER!  you click on the dots! 

Okay, I finally figured it out. You can click on the dots OR you have to move the top slider down to see the cheaper stuff (or bottom slider up if you want to just see the more expensive stuff). That is not at all clear, IMO.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Buyers Bailing on Istock
« on: June 24, 2011, 18:16 »
Had a chuckle at the title.So contributors are having less sales and assume that's because the buyers are leaving..What bollocks !
More contributors ,more choice of content =Less sales.Simple.

Hi Shanks!  blimey,  fancy bumping into you here,  where have you been all these years?

He was last here when he was banned on the iStock forums for a while - has that happened again?
Sure has...   ::).I'm now enjoying my 6th holiday from the forum.

For what?! You've been such a cheerleader lately?

iStockPhoto.com / Re: New price filter
« on: June 24, 2011, 08:28 »
Well, it already seems to be broken. I moved the slider down to the first dot and what is on the first page? All Vetta and Agency. Way to go iStock!  :D

EDIT: It seems you have to click the dot rather than move the slider. Doesn't that kind of defeat the purpose of using a slider?

And people are talking about a bottom slider? What bottom slider?

iStockPhoto.com / Re: New price filter
« on: June 23, 2011, 15:34 »
So is this one of those things that is coming "soon"?

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Woo-Nay
« on: June 23, 2011, 14:40 »
They have really killed any fun those forums used to be. I notice they aren't nearly active as they used to be. And all the thread locking certainly doesn't give a great impression of the site anymore, either. There are six locked threads out of fifteen (that are not stickeys) in the Discussion forum. Off-topic forum is dead except for the race threads. Designer forum has been dead for a long time now. Logo forum is dead and beaten a few times too. And on and on...

So he is raking in the millions (net worth $65 M.) and is willing pop out $1.000 for his company logo that identifies his entire work?

I think that's really cheap.

Me too. Cheap *insult removed*.

EDIT: I just watched his video pitch for that contest - arrogant *insult removed* too.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Woo-Nay
« on: June 23, 2011, 09:14 »
Also note that the new summer "Woo-Yay" thread has a total of zero posts so far.

General Macrostock / Re: submitting to Getty
« on: June 23, 2011, 00:56 »
I can't believe anyone would be taken in by that scam to con contributors out of money like that. $50 PER IMAGE? For real? That would be like me paying my clients for the "privilege" of working for them. That anyone could even defend that has drunk deep of the corporate Kool-Aid. Hearing that makes me even more resolute to avoid buying images from iStock. Getty truly is a corporate monster.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Buyers Bailing on Istock
« on: June 20, 2011, 14:58 »
Just posted today:

Just another voice asking that iStock make it possible to filter on some type of price measure. I LOVE iStock and try to use it exclusively, but I'm already starting to use other sites just because I can't afford to spend a lot of time finding images only to find they are Vetta and consequently not usable for me at that price. Very frustrating to spend a lot time pulling together a lightbox and then having to go through manually one by one and eliminate the high priced images. I'm hanging in there, but it won't be for much longer.


iStockPhoto.com / Re: Buyers Bailing on Istock
« on: June 18, 2011, 19:31 »
Force Trick buyers into buying the most expensive offerings when a cheaper one will do the trick.  So shortsighted!

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Buyers Bailing on Istock
« on: June 18, 2011, 09:44 »
What continues to be disturbing is the silence from Istock....almost admitting they could care less about bailing buyers. Very strange.
Looks more to me as though they couldn't care less.
I suspect they have got target buyers, with larger budgets.
If I go into Debenham's (or Macy's) with an own-brand budget, how much would the designer departments care if I said, "Yours are the only clothes that I like, but I can't afford them"?
The weird thing is that they (iStock, not Debenham's or Macy's) seem to be hiking up the prices to squeeze out small buyers, then offering the big buyers huge, unadvertised discounts.

It's a really silly - and dare I say it, unsustainable - strategy, IMO. In essence they are putting all their eggs in this big-buyer basket. A smarter strategy would be to keep the smaller buyers happy while still courting the big buyers. Sure, if a small buyer leaves they won't feel the impact (until enough of them do), but if a big buyer leaves it will immediately make a much bigger dent in their bottom line. And we all know how loyal big corporations are, so that scenario can happen at any time if someone offers them a better deal somewhere else.

For my own business, I like the small budget customers as well as the bigger budget projects. It keeps the income stream a lot more consistent than just relying on the bigger buyer (who may only make a purchase only once or twice a year).

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Buyers Bailing on Istock
« on: June 17, 2011, 21:16 »
And another says goodbye:

One things is sure, I often bought from istock photo, but now I just can't afford with the high Vetta prices, so will shope at other websites. What's silly, is that some of the photos that where a while ago at low prices are now 10x more, you're joking or ?

bye istockphoto,


iStockPhoto.com / Re: Buyers Bailing on Istock
« on: June 17, 2011, 21:07 »
This one too, from the same thread. Ouch.

For my one-off project, Vetta were the only photos that met my criteria. However, I did not buy because of the pricing. 30 credits would be just fine, but I can buy only 26 ($39.50) or 38 (26 + 12 for $58) or 50 ($75).

Every Vetta photo seemed to start at 30 credits, so why isn't there a 30-credit option?

I got the feeling that I was being manipulated into buying more credits than I needed and more than I would likely use, which pissed me off. So I didn't buy anything.

iStock try to manipulate buyers? Noooo.  ::)

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Buyers Bailing on Istock
« on: June 17, 2011, 21:04 »
Just found another one from June 8:

Absolutely give us a filter. I have many clients who will not pay for images at this level, nor will they pay me for the time I spend sifting through 100s of Vett pics to get one that is in their budget. I am effectively excluded from iStockphoto after years of use. Thanks a million- not. What a joke.


Talk about a nanny state. Sheesh.

I just noticed that iStock search wasn't working at all (though you can go into personal portfolios or public lightboxes) and hopped onto the forums. Strangely, only three people have posted about it. Oh, as I was typing this I fired up IE, and search is working there, but not on Firefox. Don't they test their 'tweaks' on Firefox?

How frustrating for buyers and contributors alike. I, fortunately, have had several IS-search-free blissful days. :D

Off Topic / Re: Is it real or is it Photoshop
« on: June 15, 2011, 16:53 »
one thing is certain....some of you know nothing about airplanes.... ;D but the comments are amusing.....

Why don't you share your expert knowledge then?

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