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Messages - ShadySue

Pages: 1 ... 565 566 567 568 569 [570] 571 572 573 574 575 ... 622
I bet the talented people here could make more than minimum wages.
Yeah, but they're probably the ones who'd be promoted after a week at the minimum wage job.

As if all the above wasn't enough, PP sales don't count towards your RC total on iStock, "because it's not iStock, so how can it count?", yet, and wait for it, today it transpired that your RC level on iStock affects what you get paid for your PP downloads.
Perfect double whammy, which if it has been announced before, I wasn't the only person not to clock it.
There were two threads in the discussion forum on PP issues, which I can't now find (deleted?)
The only one left appears to be this one in the Help forum:
with the exchange:
"1. Why are PP royalties now affected by RCs whilst RCs are not affected by PP sales ? That seems to make no logical sense.
2. Was this linking of PP royalties to RCs ever previously announced before today in the forum ?
3. Please give us an update regarding the broken connectivity between here and the PP sites which prevents people from either removing or adding PP content ?"

"1 - 3: The Partner Program as it stands has a lot about it that needs fixing. We are working on fixing the connectivity and will have an update about future royalties in the next little while - before the next round of payouts."

So they have four weeks to spin it.

14228 / Re: Buyers Bailing on Istock
« on: January 26, 2011, 15:08 »
Seems to be a total search blank on some version of Firefox on Macs. Two weeks after reporting the problem, the OP, a buyer, said:
"I'm really starting to wonder what istock is doing. This new web site has been a real let down. I have deadlines to meet and i can't wait for istock to get thier act together and fix thier site. i have looked at page after page of "missing" images, messed up search engine results, and wacked-out back button page loads....i have no choice but to look elsewhere.
Get it together istock....or no ones going to be around to see all the amazing website updates you have planned."

General - Top Sites / Re: keyword search for microstock
« on: January 26, 2011, 09:28 »
I was wondering how to optimized my keyword for my stock photos, is there a program that can search most popular keywords being input in each micro-stock site?
You don't search the most popular keywords to keyword your own images. You just put what's actually in your images. The most popular keywords searched on are quite possilbly nude woman, but that doesn't mean it's being bought most, and there's no point in putting these keywords into your image unless that's actually what's in your image. There is no sense in p*ssing buyers off by keyword spamming.
There are some programs out there that claim to do some of the work, but the results are usually poor.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Alamy Rocks!
« on: January 25, 2011, 17:47 »
Alamy just made my day - one of my images sold for over 1300$! I just get 40% of that but, hey, 550$ isn't bad. Most I had made on a single sale was just over 200$ after commissions.

Looking forward to my next payout.
WOW! Congratulations!!!

General Stock Discussion / Re: Editorial: RM vs RF
« on: January 25, 2011, 08:29 »

It is clear they don't like it, though. It's also clear that they don't like stuff selling in two different places at wildly different price points, which means that they don't really like micro files also being on Alamy, however helpful they are to people who ask about that.
At least, that they don't like micro RF files being on Alamy as RM.

14232 / Re: Istock F5 epic fail
« on: January 25, 2011, 08:27 »
From the OP "This Getty inividual has apparently said you can download any istock image at thinkstock. "  I hope this was a mistake not a plan for the future.

Getty employees have been known, historically, to put the knife into iStock with lies being economical with the truth, if necessary.
Like you, I hope that was just a lie.
Of course, the iStock admins will soon be on that thread to pour oil on the waters, but now we are so twitchy, we can't trust a word they say. And even if they say, it's not on our plans, that doesn't mean it won't happen next week. It isn't so long before we were firmly told that editorial wasn't in their plans (but see that forum has died out, and no-one has officially answered reasonable questions there).
It's such a mess.

General Stock Discussion / Re: yuri interview on John Lund
« on: January 25, 2011, 08:22 »
In my experience the majority of buyers are the small time ones mentioned.
If I google my name most of the copyright declarations are on exactly this type of usage. Try it with your name if you sell enough volume to find results.
Googling my name usually throws up editorial-type uses like Scientific American and what have you, but that's biased because only editorial use has to be credited. TinEye shows up commercial uses, but nothing like as many as XSm and SM sales would lead me to believe.
Working out the credits paid for your own sales is a bit more likely to show up the relative numbers of smaller-value sales for your port. But I accept that if you're selling on a large scale that would prove far too time-consuming.

14234 / Re: Missing sale!?
« on: January 25, 2011, 08:13 »
How is possible that Alamy don't track automatically their sales?
I don't understand point of "self reporting" system for buyers?
Again, you'd have to contact their member services for a full information. When I asked about my October sale that's all they told me: the Daily Telegraph is self-reporting, and it usually takes 2-3 months, but contact them at the end of that time it if didn't show. Which is why I have 1st Feb engraved in my brain.

14235 / Re: ann
« on: January 25, 2011, 07:02 »
Thanks, RacePhoto. So it sounds like sales typically are reported in less than 3 months.
Have you contacted Alamy's Member Services?

General Stock Discussion / Re: yuri interview on John Lund
« on: January 25, 2011, 06:17 »

  Students, scrapbookers, scout flyer designers, micro-businesses, personal bloggers, etc.
Did you really actually saw these kind of usages? There are few probably but I never saw them personally what I saw was Microstock-Images in advertising campaign of Dell, Apple and so on that easily did cost a 5 to 6 figure sum but the pictures they used just did cost a few bucks.
I think you are largely underestimate that buyers are willing to pay if the pictures really fit their demands.
I don't have a problem that students would use my images for a buck or free but they are not the main buyers of Microstock-Images.

Totally agree.
The belief that microstock images are mainly used by students, bloggers and microbusinesses etc is as airy fairy and irrational an idea as those 'earn gazillions from microstocks with photos on your hard disc' blogs.
Microstock images are used on TV, billboards, ads of serious companies who don't even care to buy an extended licence.
For these uses, ELs would not usually be required, at least on iStock.
What concerns me more is that while the students, bloggers, Mom & pop businesses and small charities pay higher prices per credit, the big companies with all the money are negotiating credits down to ridiculous levels. (Yes, I am aware that huge bulk discounts are normal in business.)
I still say that (on iStock) the EL details should be spelled out on every page, not just Vetta/agency, then there would be no 'ignorance' excuse.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Agencies with Fair Commissions
« on: January 24, 2011, 14:44 »
I've suggested at least twice on iStock forums that files could get an increased percentage commensurate with their flame level, on the grounds that it's proved its worth, and more than earned its expenses to iStock of inspection and server space, but the suggestion didn't garner any support (or opposition).
Trouble is, with that sort of post, there's not much you can say if you agree except +1 (or its equivalents), though I guess people could give their reasons against.

14238 / Re: Istock F5 epic fail
« on: January 24, 2011, 14:33 »
You can still get to "upload" but clicking on "My Account" in the bottom left, then click on "Contributor Tools" and it's right there.   no need to go to sitemail for it.  
I can't find that in the bottom left - where is it?
I only see the Shop iStock links at the bottom left.

Here's a screenshot from mine.
I'm still not used to that fixed bar! When someone says 'bottom left' I automatically scroll right down. Brain drain (again!)

14239 / Re: Istock F5 epic fail
« on: January 24, 2011, 13:49 »
You can still get to "upload" but clicking on "My Account" in the bottom left, then click on "Contributor Tools" and it's right there.   no need to go to sitemail for it.  
I can't find that in the bottom left - where is it?
I only see the Shop iStock links at the bottom left.

Newbie Discussion / Re: Here are my numbers... is it good?
« on: January 24, 2011, 13:28 »
why dont a reviewer know this kind of work? they are SO FAMOUS!
To be honest, I wondered this myself. Even though I don't do 3D and don't really look at it, I could see that these were unoriginal. But I also know that many people do similar work.

14241 / Re: iStock royalty cut goes live
« on: January 24, 2011, 12:54 »
Horrendously low credits reported here (bronze, inependent)
"OMG, same photo, same size, same method of everything ok here???
Saturday January 22, 2011, 08:29 AM XSmallRegular 0.12
Saturday December 04, 2010, 02:45 PM XSmallRegular 0.29"
PLEASE let that be a mistake.

14242 / Re: Istock F5 epic fail
« on: January 24, 2011, 11:25 »
I wonder how busy the inspectors are now.

52,397 in the queue just now: considerably up from the 44,XXX of a couple of weeks back.

Is there a way for a "normal" contributor to access such information, or is that only available to moderators and reviewers?

I'm neither.

14243 / Re: Istock F5 epic fail
« on: January 24, 2011, 11:08 »
I wonder how busy the inspectors are now.
52,397 in the queue just now: considerably up from the 44,XXX of a couple of weeks back.

14244 / Re: Missing sale!?
« on: January 24, 2011, 07:34 »
@ Race - I don't know why 'muppet' became a derogatory term here... it just suddenly did.  One of those things...

It's in the Oxford English Dictionary, so that should be more than good enough for everyone  :P
I guess my hearing the term used predated me being aware of The Muppet Show

14245 / Re: Missing sale!?
« on: January 23, 2011, 18:51 »
Poppet is also a chiefly English term of endearment.[/i]  ;)
Isn't it great to be multi-lingual  8)

14246 / Re: Missing sale!?
« on: January 23, 2011, 18:46 »
Thank you, master of poppets!  ;)
So Sue becomes Poppet Master of Muppets like me. :D
I am lost, lost, lost.
Way back when we were marching against the impending war on Iraq, many of the banners had photos advising Tony Blair "Don't be a Puppet for a Muppet", which I found very amusing.

14247 / Re: Missing sale!?
« on: January 23, 2011, 16:41 »
Thank you, master of poppets!  ;)
I don't know what a poppet is. Except on a car engine of course...
It's got quite a few literal meaning, particularly a sort of bead which pops into the next one in a bracelet or necklace, but this context is borrowed from 'poppet' (slang) meaning a particularly cute toddler. In an affectionate way.

14248 / Re: iStock royalty cut goes live
« on: January 23, 2011, 12:07 »
Ran across this on a Russian blog, thought it needed posting.

I think that page was linked to back in Sept, but still makes interesting reading in its fullness, and the comments:

14249 / Re: Missing sale!?
« on: January 23, 2011, 07:17 »
Hey guys!

I found one of my photos from Alamy in use on this website, but I haven't this image registered in my sales!!! Why?
Is it the administration's delay of Alamy, (page is from 19th of January) or...!?
What is your experiences?

Here is link:


Patience, poppet!
The big buyers are on self-reporting accounts, and three calendar months is not considered unreasonable in this market. Take a screenshot and mark your diary for 1st May.
I have a screenshot of a usage from 12th October, and have 1st Feb marked as 'chase up if not reported by then'.
As they have credited you/Alamy, its almost certain they are on this arrangement.

14250 / Re: Istock F5 epic fail
« on: January 23, 2011, 06:43 »
And there's the mysterious left hand navigation disappearance.
Now if you want to upload, you have to do it via your sitemail page.
Who would have guessed?

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