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Messages - melastmohican

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General Stock Discussion / Re: Winners and loosers
« on: August 11, 2008, 13:14 »
I suspect two things.
  • I am new to microstock and these 3 I mentioned are probably easiest to push photos thru so I was able to build up some portfolio
  • Others might not like type of images which are majority of my portfolio. Fotolia and IStock take least number of photos I submit.

General Stock Discussion / Winners and loosers
« on: August 11, 2008, 12:45 »
It seems like this summer SS, 123rf and StockXpert are winners. Other either loose or maintains their positions. Is is typical situation during vacation time?

1428 / Upload from DeepMeta is messed up
« on: August 11, 2008, 12:42 »
Most of the time it just times out then retries and then we got duplicate photos...

1429 / Page Load Error
« on: August 11, 2008, 12:23 »
I cannot access my account page at Did they messed it up again?

123RF / Re: New Earnings Page Roll Out
« on: August 07, 2008, 13:42 »
I was asking same question. Would it be nice to have explained somewhere on the page?

1431 / Re: First Sale Zymmetrical
« on: August 06, 2008, 15:28 »

Adobe Stock / Re: Rejections, rejections, rejections...
« on: August 06, 2008, 01:13 »
I was able to put whopping 8 pictures on FT last month. At the same time my toughest so far, IS, accepted 15. Month ago I was complaining about CS but they accepted 69 in July :-)

1434 / Re: FP increasing
« on: August 05, 2008, 17:51 »
It must depend on portfolio type cause I do not see anything like this. My top 8 looks like this:

1435 / SS W-9 letter
« on: August 05, 2008, 17:27 »
"Congratulations!  You've had a large number of your
images downloaded from the Shutterstock site.  Once
you've earned more than $600 in a year, we're required
to receive a W-9 form from you so we can file a 1099 tax
form at the end of the year.  Since it looks like you're
on the path to hit this target, we need to have you fill
out the form now.

To download the form, please go to

After filling out the form, please fax it to 347-402-0710
clearly labelled with your account ID"

If every site gives me 1099 form it would eliminate my guessing on how should I file my taxes :-)  Still have no clue how to deal with non-US sites.

It is stated in instruction of W-9 form:

"Payments over $600 required to be reported and direct sales over $5,000"

1437 / Re: Soft or lacking definition rejections
« on: August 05, 2008, 17:07 »
I eventually figured out that small batch once a day got higher chance to get thru. I think it will be very lengthy process to upload there so I need to be patient since it does not seem like it is going to produce any results soon.  At first I was thinking that there was something wrong with my workflow so  I purchased GF5 but it did not solve any problems. If they check randomly I need to keep batches small to eliminated pictures that are rejected and resubmit the ones which were not checked.

It looks they assumed I will make $600 this year :-)

General Stock Discussion / Re: July 2008 earnings breakdown
« on: August 04, 2008, 12:16 »
litifeta that is good one. I wonder what is a formula for your calculations? You are so much off :-)

General Stock Discussion / Re: July 2008 earnings breakdown
« on: August 01, 2008, 01:13 »
Still I got mostly DL on SS:

SS   81.13% BME
StockXpert   7.88% BME
123RF   5.19% BME
DT   3.97% BME
CS   0.72%
FT   0.57%
IS   0.55%

Software - General / Re: Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 is here
« on: July 31, 2008, 18:20 »
LR is all what photographer should need. If you alter photos beyond that you are probably designer or illustrator and you need Photoshop instead. I guess there is no tool that would suit both type of users. You either do small fixes on large number of photos or extensive modifications on individual files.

Software - General / Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 is here
« on: July 30, 2008, 15:04 » is accepting pre-orders

1443 / Re: 500 DL/month my next milestone
« on: July 30, 2008, 00:48 »
Guys, I said 500 DLs/per month which is 500 * $0.25. I am close to $400 total per 3.5 month :-) If I got $500 per month I would be extremely happy :-)

1444 / Re: 500 DL/month my next milestone
« on: July 29, 2008, 18:48 »
Assuming that my numbers would still grow next month I should rich $500. Second month was 40% better than first but third is only 20% better than second.

1445 / 500 DL/month my next milestone
« on: July 29, 2008, 15:36 »
This is my third full month and it seems that I need one more to get to $500 mark :-)

1446 / Re: Brian..any news on the FTP?
« on: July 24, 2008, 00:58 »
50 per day seems to be a good start for negotiations :-)

General Stock Discussion / Re: your most laughable rejection
« on: July 13, 2008, 02:36 »
Close-up of a snail on the grass - rejected by FOTOLIA for not having a model release

Wow, this snail must be some sort of celebrity. My bad I cannot recognize who he/she is...

1448 / Re: Soft or lacking definition rejections
« on: July 11, 2008, 17:01 »
I do not do sharpening at all. I just export RAW to TIF from LR and use GF5 to resize it in PSE. I cannot figure out why they seem to be too soft for them. I start suspecting that my lens are just soft. I am upsizing from 8.3Mpix.

I wish they inspect every photo individually instead of one random photo of the day. This does not make me understand what is wrong. I can only eliminate rejected photos and try again. It will take years to upload there.

First, it's average across a board I should say. IS takes 21% only and it takes weeks them to review 15 pictures. It's second week of this month and I already got 30 images in queue waiting. You have to add some sort of UI factor to the equation. IS, DT and FT are the worse in terms of handling bulk uploads. See statistics in Yuri Arcurs article: I am saying that I try to upload 1000 pictures to every agency but some of them make it more difficult. Currently the fastest are StockXpert, 123 and SS.

1450 / Re: Soft or lacking definition rejections
« on: July 11, 2008, 13:08 »
I got stuck with them. I even tried to upload one image per batch but then they rejected all batches cause they claim that all images with the same date are still evaluated together so if one fails all fail. What's the point of batch then???

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