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Messages - Albert Martin

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Nice to see that there IS AGENCY which respect seasoned contributors!

Good move Veer!

Interestingly enough, as I just noticed, there are large download (and, obviously, earning!) count discrepancies between figures at www.123rf.com/myfavimages.php > My Images and www.123rf.com/submit/commission.php -- even taking into account the refund to-and-fro download math at www.123rf.com/submit/downloaded_stats.php.

In other words, assuming the summarized download count at  www.123rf.com/myfavimages.php > My Images for my port equals to 100%, the Downloads Total at www.123rf.com/submit/commission.php shows only about 85% of dls, with earnings reduced accordingly (!)... (Just one example in order to be more specific: at My Images, an image has a statistics of 9 dls, while scrolling through the monthly stats at www.123rf.com/submit/downloaded_stats.php shows only 6 dls and no refunds.)

Needless to say, I have properly documented all the above -- and looking forward for immediate and efficient reaction from the 123RF side. Also, it goes without saying that I will not hesitate to be in touch with my copyright agency, should a necessity arise.

P.S. Just to avoid any misunderstandings: I use static IP for years and have no habit to download anything from my ports for free...

WOW! You must really be a big shot in order to have a "copyright agency" working for you!!! Checked your hidden profile. We do not have Copyright Agencies in the USA we have Copyright Lawyers. Where are you from??

BTW this is not a copyright issue it is a Contract Issue. You have a contract with 123 and IF they broke it or IF they committed theft of your commissions, you would have a case for civil or criminal action.



It depends from which angle problem is viewed. When agency sells your images main is that THEY MUST PAY your royalties. If they don't do that then it IS COPYRIGHT case!

When bashing of any agency is on the go, I am for it if it is covered with evidence(s).

But, regarding that you're doing it in public forum, then you must expect various approaches to your OP.

Nevertheless, this is not the place for collecting people to your cause because we are all different.

You should contact agency first via PHONE. If you aren't satisfied with their response you can always make Court Case of it and include your Copyright Agency or Lawyers...

Anyway, you must do it under rules on which you've agreed when applying with that agency!

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Account is under investigation
« on: May 01, 2010, 01:31 »
iStock has many copies online... They are pretending to do their job well... But, they don't know to do it on the right way.

Their quality control staff is not pro and that is problem. They have just some wannabe in QC...

Yup... Why Bother with any agency... You should make your own site and collect your earnings from there!


General Stock Discussion / Re: Finding a partner
« on: April 27, 2010, 14:56 »
It's always better something than nothing... And, if you can get something with no significant effort it is ok... But, I am more for 1/3 of earnings to give to your partner...

Off Topic / Re: Irony
« on: April 25, 2010, 14:35 »

General Stock Discussion / Re: Copycats
« on: April 25, 2010, 14:25 »
It is against the rules to download other people's photos and use them in your work.

Yes... If you don't have license which allows that... Some micro agencies have such allowance in their licenses ;-)

[ADDED] I think it is called 'ELECTRONIC ITEMS FOR RESALE' License... Thus as Macrostock dinosaur I really don't understand it...

I don't think that it true, electronic items for resale is for web templates, screen savers and alike.

Otherwise you could buy a few extended licences of the best sellers in microstock and submit them you could easy make a profit with a couple of hundred downloads on Istock. If this was possible people would be doing it. The only option I think that you can do this is buy the copywrite.  

Definitely. No license allows this kind of usage on any of the agencies I know, also that would suck.

I've seen some examples of people using the same public domain images for their works, e.g. old illustrations from graphic design books that were made for the purpose. I never acquainted myself for the rules on this though.

I think you are thinking about German author which name begins on "A"?

Well... Thanks! But, NO thanks!

Alamy.com / Re: how does RF v RM does at Alamy?
« on: April 23, 2010, 16:54 »
Do you think conceptual / editorial illustrations would sell on alamy?
If so , as RM or RF?

NO... Not much at all! Buyers go elsewhere for illustrations... Ispot for example!

Newbie Discussion / Re: Repeated rejection from iStockphoto
« on: April 23, 2010, 16:52 »
IS is still a slow, slow process to build a port there.

Part of the problem is that they use the term "artifact" with no clear definition.   Are they talking about compression artifacts, color fringing, oversharpening, other post-processing anomalies?  You never really know what the reviewer is referring to. Occasionally the problem has been obvious; more often I'm left scratching my head.  Sometimes I've appealed or re-submitted and it sails through.

Double standards bias comes to conclusion that you must shoot raw and process your images on minimal level. Noise is something No-No for iStock... And artifacts are shown after you overprocess your photos or if you shoot with aps-c.

Newbie Discussion / Re: Repeated rejection from iStockphoto
« on: April 23, 2010, 16:46 »
iStock has double standards!

When knowing that it is much easier to trick their system...

Just see about that to make something VETTA-Like... And upload that for initial exam...
You'll get through for sure because they have someone who is watching on that kind of images... I think that all initial submissions are reviewed by SCOUT(s)... Read carefully what they need and what they don't need.

Also, after you're accepted - they will accept any image which is technically OK.  That means NO NOISE as well in-camera colors... Try not to radically process your images and that is all!

Best of luck!

[ADDED] Preferred Cameras for iStock: Nikon D700, Canon 5DMkII... And similar! If you have such camera - you'll have full pass!

Shutterstock.com / Re: Shutterstock Stats
« on: April 23, 2010, 16:34 »
US source dropped by 10% to 16.5%.

Crisis ;-)

General Stock Discussion / Re: Copycats
« on: April 23, 2010, 16:30 »
It is against the rules to download other people's photos and use them in your work.

Yes... If you don't have license which allows that... Some micro agencies have such allowance in their licenses ;-)

[ADDED] I think it is called 'ELECTRONIC ITEMS FOR RESALE' License... Thus as Macrostock dinosaur I really don't understand it...

General Stock Discussion / Re: Copycats
« on: April 23, 2010, 12:57 »
Hi all,
I'm not very new in microstock, but only active for 18 months or so.
I need some advice in this situation,
My image:
and others image:

What do you think?
Thanks in advanced

Not even close to copy...
Only concept is the same!
It is just my humble 'dinosaur' opinion.

You should really look more carefully... the splashes are identical.

Ifongokea, you should contact the support.

Well... After some more consideration it turned to be very similar part... The question is if that is or isn't allowed.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Copycats
« on: April 23, 2010, 12:52 »
what ? is an identical copy, look at the right margin.....

I really don't see your point here.  They are both images of water like 1000's of other similars.  Nothing new or original in either and they aren't even very alike..
Hi all,
I'm not very new in microstock, but only active for 18 months or so.
I need some advice in this situation,
My image:
and others image:

What do you think?
Thanks in advanced

In this case YES... That is obvious RIP - not copy! Or should I say clean steal!

Adobe Stock / Re: Should I raise my EL prices?
« on: April 23, 2010, 04:06 »
I think that MAXIMUM price gives you maximum earnings... If someone wants that image as EL, then will pay maximum with no hesitation.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Buyers frustrations
« on: April 23, 2010, 03:37 »
How I see this in the future?

Someone sitting behind 3D CG computer system is making 3D setting of an image. Defining backgrounds, lighting and props... He/she is positioning and posing model as desired and then renders output picture.

It may be Hulk Hogan or Arnold, Chuck or Naomi or anyone else because that will be RM Stock for dimes. Anyway such images will be possible to create in just a seconds and in any resolution!

That will be future of stock pictures.

i was thinking the same years ago and there's already many examples of 3D photos and concepts selling well on RF.

but i think there's a legal issue on using celebrities as 3D model, because same happens if you make a painting
from a photo (ie : the author of famous Obama painting, taken from an AP photo, got sued and lost).
recently i've seen some photo-realistic videos made in 3D from scratch and they look very good, but how much time
you need to produce these things ? will you recoup the investment ?

Well... Today's information technology can make 3D model from just 2 photos of ANY subject! You also may create very precise model from more photos. So, just imagine what will be possible with future information technology... I can have some picture about it, but that may even be far, far more than I can guess...

General Stock Discussion / Re: Copycats
« on: April 23, 2010, 03:32 »
Hi all,
I'm not very new in microstock, but only active for 18 months or so.
I need some advice in this situation,
My image:
and others image:

What do you think?
Thanks in advanced

Not even close to copy...
Only concept is the same!
It is just my humble 'dinosaur' opinion.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Buyers frustrations
« on: April 23, 2010, 03:06 »
How I see this in the future?

Someone sitting behind 3D CG computer system is making 3D setting of an image. Defining backgrounds, lighting and props... He/she is positioning and posing model as desired and then renders output picture.

It may be Hulk Hogan or Arnold, Chuck or Naomi or anyone else because that will be RM Stock for dimes. Anyway such images will be possible to create in just a seconds and in any resolution!

That will be future of stock pictures.

So, take now what you can and try to get as much possible. Soon, cameras will small and in any gadget as commodity and more powerful than we can imagine.


Do they have some more jokes?

If I want I will give my image free of charge to my friend... This is really funny!

Adobe Stock / Re: Is FT giving us a very poor deal?
« on: April 12, 2010, 16:27 »
I can't believe this!!!

It is outrageous!!!

Featurepics.com / Re: Made me laugh...then close my account
« on: April 12, 2010, 06:20 »

What apples and monkeys... It is that they are the same isn't it?

Anyhow, that two images aren't similar at all except for subject!


Dreamstime.com / Re: Removing exclusivity
« on: April 10, 2010, 03:58 »
Gaja Welcome to the club and Good Luck!

General Stock Discussion / Re: RPD on Various Sites
« on: April 07, 2010, 11:46 »
More than $50 RPD here ;-)

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