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Messages - derby

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Shutterstock.com / Re: Not Editorial use?
« on: November 02, 2022, 09:38 »
Not worry about it.  End usage is the buyers problem.

I appreciate that it's the buyer's problem, but surely if it's being used for commercial purposes, then I should be paid appropriately for that?

Price for commercial use is the same as editorial one

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Stock Free Collection: Video Nominations
« on: October 31, 2022, 12:24 »
If that's true? Anonymous can make up anything he wants. He's in Indonesia and 0.0053 Indian Rupee to a pound. 6 figures doesn't include the 2 to the right of the decimal point.

There is something called reliability in an anonymous internet forum.
Justanotherphotographer is here from years, he wrote a lot of posts and did many good comments; at the end, I don't see any reason at all not to trust him.
By the way, everyone can take his own conclusions and decide who is trustworthy and who's not

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Stock Free Collection: Video Nominations
« on: October 28, 2022, 09:17 »
Not everyone here is in the professional league

And this is a very good reason for listening to him, and to profs in general, instead listening to low earners suggestions and tips.
(... Assuming everyone would like to grow up and not to kill his own market... sometimes it seems the opposite....)

General - Top Sites / Re: Dall e 2 will make us all redundant?
« on: October 25, 2022, 08:55 »
I predicted too this move. I think it's necessary for agencies, unavoidable, and others will follow soon.

There will be hard legal wars, but this is the future and nothing will change it.

Now it will be very interesting to see if buyers have will and ability to use the AI feature.
I suspect that, after a first enthusiastic view, most of buyers will find how difficult is to translate in word what they have in mind (assuming that they have in mind a really specific subject)

We'll see. By the way, this step is inevitable

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Stock Free Collection: Video Nominations
« on: October 23, 2022, 07:25 »
Either way, participating in the free program will bring more existing buyers to my portfolio. And this is the main point!
And even if not, $8 for a lot of videos is a very profitable option. I agree to give Adobe half of my portfolio for $1 even.
Why don't you write Adobe your concept simply giving away your portfolio for 1$ each clip? You're so sure that this will bring you many people to look at your full port to buy more clips.
These idea seems... Let me think... It's quite near the famous "great news" we had in the past from several agencies:
"we will pay less, but you will have much more sales"
"we will pay less but you will gain a new market slice"
"we will pay less but your portfolio will gain great visibility"

Of course none of these happened to anyone.
It's like a broken record but despite this after years of experiences someone seems still to believe this.

Once again, Adobe seems to me fair and good with contributors, so I'm not talking to them. I'm talking to you. It seems you're just arrived from Mars.

Listen to me, send your port to Adobe for 1$, no one will know, but trying to convince other experienced contributors it's hard (and useless) way to go

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Stock Free Collection: Video Nominations
« on: October 22, 2022, 16:39 »
For $50 per clip I'm in. Can you pay me that much? ;)
This would be a reasonable amount for me too

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Stock Free Collection: Video Nominations
« on: October 22, 2022, 16:37 »
I don't think Adobe will attract new buyers. I treat this program as an advertisement for my portfolio, for which I am also paid money.

And it, unlike us, adobe conducts market research, and conducts appropriate policies. I trust adobe.

You think Adobe makes market research and you trust them, yet you believe they pay you money for videos to give away for free, but it doesn't attract new customers to their site, so they are just wasting their money without anything in return?   ???

This is really becoming a funny show 😂
He doesn't even read the proposal from Adobe and he think that there will be a monthly add of this buying offer...
Let's back to serious 😉

Attract new buyers with free section it's the main target for Adobe and it's absolutely obvious,

General - Top Sites / Re: Dall e 2 will make us all redundant?
« on: October 19, 2022, 11:29 »
As it stands, the list of agencies who have concerns over the legality of this is growing by the day and they do have a lot of legal minds who have experience in this field.

The only problem for the agencies is that they can't legally refer an image to an author: this follow the early decisions in USA about copyright on images created by AI. I suspect that this is the only reason to not accept these images.

Of course most of the thing I wrote are only my opinion, like for every one else :-)
But, once again, I suspect that the way in which AI works is much more a fact than an opinion...

General - Top Sites / Re: Dall e 2 will make us all redundant?
« on: October 19, 2022, 09:28 »
You're fighting a losing battle with this one I'm afraid. If you were to take parts (learnt) of X amount of songs to combine and form a new one, you'd have to pay the copyright holder of the original content

You're wrong
First of all in music there is a specific legal limit in terms of sounds and sequences in which you can claim a copyright infringment. That is quite obvious, because with only seven notes it's hard to create music without copying existing sequences.

Second, you are still thinking and telling that some parts of a copyrighted image is used inside the new image. That is simply not true.
AI create a completely new image, having an idea of how a wheel, a face, or a burger, is done.

Come on, it's called AI because it can do exactly the same operation that everyone of us do creating an image, having in mind the previous created images (created by others) with the same subject.

This is the problem, and this is very serious.

But you think that a legal problem will be the use of copyrighted creation INSIDE a new AI generated image, you're wrong.
Any AI engineer will easily demonstrate that no part of copyrighted images has been used

General - Top Sites / Re: Dall e 2 will make us all redundant?
« on: October 19, 2022, 09:13 »
Isn't it training on an ongoing basis? My point is that in 10 years, if no one (or much fewer people) are producing images the AI will have trained (if you don't like the word pulled  ::) ) using images a decade old.

Sorry, but there is still something wrong; probably you have not a really clear view of how AI works.
It learn continuously, every time you use it and every minutes from our own inputs.
The lessons analyzing zillion of images were just a starting point; when it knows enough to reproduce a new requested object, it will start to learn more from our inputs and results. There is no need to feed AI with another zillion of images every couple of year. It will know, based on inputs, the new styles, also probably it will create new ones

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Stock Free Collection: Video Nominations
« on: October 15, 2022, 17:07 »
Ah. Ok. I understand.
You're working for an agency.
Or you're trolling us.

Back to serious.

It seems the issue is going to be "free or not free".
I'm in the middle: the proposal has been tested with photos, and a lot of people was happy with it after one year. I'm one of them.
Giving to Adobe a small portion of still images for one year with reasonable amount in return was good for me, I see a good growth in sales, and I can think that this happened because a good free section has attracted new buyers in Adobe market.

Unfortunately, the video clip market seems to be very different: clip production can be much more expensive, and the produced clip can give much higher profit in return; 8$ a year for a free clip seems a very very low agreement. 5$ for still is really not comparable with 8$ for clip.

So for me the problem is the price, and not in general the "free against not free".
We all know that everything has a price (in normal market business I mean...). If Adobe should offer 40$ for one year free clip I'm sure a lot of us would change ideas about the answer.

Finally we have to admit that Adobe is transparent and never in any way forces contributors to partecipate, and this is fair and good.
It's an opportunity and everyone can take their conclusion.
This is the point we're talking about: the personal conclusion.
Apart from trolls

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Stock Free Collection: Video Nominations
« on: October 15, 2022, 16:51 »
Certainly I also have my own bias, but it is the product of more than 40 years experience in the industry.

David, don't tell him this! he claimed to be a great expert!

DT is what stock?

He knows well the agencies

people will go into your portfolio and see what you have

He deeply knows how the client search around, and how long they take time to analyze a single portfolio

And the more buyers buy something, the higher the portfolio rating.

He also knows everything about the search rating! And this is the reason for which he has so many thousand of unsold clips in Adobe

a fixed monthly price for unlimited downloads leads to an increase in income and stability.

Ah. Ok. I understand.
You're working for an agency.
Or you're trolling us.

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Stock Free Collection: Video Nominations
« on: October 13, 2022, 09:22 »
The math here is simple. The more videos that are initially nominated, the more videos will be included in the free collection and the more money will be transferred to you.

Unbelievable. Quite the same as selling clip in standard market. Great math.

Did you understand that footages chosen in the free collection won't sell anymore on adobe and probably way less on other sites too??

No, he doesn't understand; at the third page of thread, because he doesn't want to waste time reading the first one.
He doesn't understand that proposal is to sell the clip to Adobe for one year

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Stock Free Collection: Video Nominations
« on: October 12, 2022, 10:25 »
derby, I'm in the stock business more than you, for sure. No need to send me to where you yourself have not been.
As for prices and subscriptions, you dont understand what a modern subscription is at all. Compare prices here
and here

I'm sure you're a top expert, so it seems you don't need to read what we're talking about  ;D

You're simply talking and talking and put comments about something completely different, something that has nothing to do with the thread; the title is "Adobe stock free video collection".
Where should be the link between subscription offers and free assets? Only you expert could see

And that's all :)

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Stock Free Collection: Video Nominations
« on: October 12, 2022, 09:48 »
The idea of putting up an $8 video is a good idea. This is advertising for the portfolio and income. But, it makes sense if adobe selects more videos.
In general, I recommend Adobe to create a subscription collection following the example of Envato Elements, I am ready to give all my videos to it. I think that subscription sales will bring more income.

You haven't understand nothing on how it works; it would be nice if you read the rules before giving away your ideas.

First of all, Adobe has already subscription offers alive.
Second, the "8$ proposal" is for one year of your clip in the free section; nothing to do with subscriptions.
Last but not least, you cannot give away your full portfolio: Adobe "nominate" some elegible assets, and AFTER this they choose a (little) slice of them to be payed for the free section.

So, usually if you have, let's say, 1000 clips, you will find 300 nominated for the 8$ proposal, and after this a small part, let's say 30, will be accepted and payed.

Please read before posting strange opinions

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Stock Free Collection: Video Nominations
« on: October 11, 2022, 14:19 »
I understand well how marketing dept in big company works, and probably 8$ for a one year free clip has been calculated on download numbers/earnings, but sometimes numbers should have a more different perspective.
I'm absolutely happy with your offer: we can opt out, and we can select what's in and what's not, and this is absolutely fair from my point of view.
I've just sold (right now!) for 70$ one of the nominated clips.
Of course it's a coincidence, and of course this is something that do not happen every day;
but, in general terms, we all know that a clip can generate a much higher revenue than 8$ in one year.

If you have the option to report this notice (the general terms I mean, not my own sales! :-) ) to your sales dept, maybe they will rethink the amount of 8$ offer for one year in free market. It's really too low, and the risk for Adobe is to spent money to gain only poor and old clips

Only my thoughts: I'm not a "company", but I know that sometimes it's hard for a company to understand some little human reasoning :-)

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Stock Free Collection: Video Nominations
« on: October 11, 2022, 12:11 »
In principle, I find the FreeCollection offers quite good, but $8 for a video clip does not seem to me to be in proportion to $5 for a photo.
I will definitely not participate in this programme with my videos.

8 for one year is really poor for what clips could generate. I'm a little disappointed

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Stock Free Collection: Video Nominations
« on: October 11, 2022, 07:13 »
Didn't receive any letters. I don't think this is true.

Why on earth Matt should announce something not true  ;D
Who is this Matt? And how does he know.

uhm if you don't know him it seems you are not frequently partecipating in this forum

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Stock Free Collection: Video Nominations
« on: October 11, 2022, 03:38 »
Didn't receive any letters. I don't think this is true.

Why on earth Matt should announce something not true  ;D

General - Top Sites / Re: Dall e 2 will make us all redundant?
« on: October 06, 2022, 04:07 »
incorporating copyrighted elements, parts of someone else's artwork is inevitable

AI doesn't incorporate anything.
AI learn what is and how to recreate any object (or human faces, animals... everything)

Of course there are legal problems because images used to train are copyrighted; but there is nothing that will be "incorporated" in new images

It's quite new scheme, and it cannot be managed with "classic" discussion, it's completely new issue to solve.

General - Top Sites / Re: Dall e 2 will make us all redundant?
« on: October 04, 2022, 13:45 »
Last weekend I invested on an old green suitcase at a flea market and using Dalle2 very useful to brainstorm various concepts for book covers.

This is a GREAT way using AI! 👍👍👍

back in symbiostock days i started some keyword analysis since we had data from multiple sites


i did some calculations for uniqueness, information value, and relative worth

there was little interest at the time so i didnt refine the calculations

Thanks for sharing!

In general terms it seems to me that a really accurate keywording should always consider difference between agencies: there will never be one good keywording for all, each one requires single adaptative keywords job.

Probably this can be done for two or three major agencies, not for all

Obviously all agencies will have their own ai tool at some point.

This will be for sure.
Soon there will be first tests, giving buyer otpion to create their own unique images instead of doing database search.
For tomatoes on white background will be the end, but for more complex images there will be always space for human work; also editorial will still have life.

There are a couple of big issues in AI:

It's not so easy for buyer to give an exact description; probably most of the buyer only search for a subject without exact idea of the way in which they want to see it. AI works well only if you give detailed descriptions.

About legal issue, I don't think an agency can use its own database to feed AI learning. Maybe some will offer a fee to authors. Once the feed issue will be solved, also legal issues about ownership of new images will be solved as well.

So there are some questionable points, but I'm sure that they will be managed and soon we'll see an option in search page, something like "describe and create your own original unique image"

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