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Messages - NitorPhoto

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After nearly two decades as a win user I few years ago I switched to mac. As so many other users I advertised it to my friends to switch and forget that loser PCs. Three years gone and I silently switched back to PCs and using my mac only for locational shooting.
My advise is simple: don't use a mac for WIN programs, use a PC for it. And use the mac when you need to run a mac software. And you will live longer.

177 / Re: Release confusion at Dreamstime?!
« on: September 11, 2009, 04:15 »
Now they rejected an image telling the model release in not good legally or not in english. The same release was ok for more then 6000 times. I don't know what is happening at DT but I am thinking on to suspend our uploads until they train the new reviewers better.

Adobe Stock / Re: Premium subscription XLs
« on: September 10, 2009, 15:34 »
Hmm... my portfolio at FTL is 7000+ images. Before the premium subs* my income was steady or increasing. The last months (when premium subs took effect) was a terrible slow down. Nearly the same amount of monthly downloads with a much lower income.

Since the new premium subscription is in effect I realize a DRASTIC decrease in PPD. It means significantly less income as well. I am not happy.

Exactly. Except that Fotolia doesn't quite care about whether we're happy or not.

I would really like to see a mass exodus from Fotolia, this is the worst ever agency from photographer's point of view. I simply hate those emails "congrats you have sold another Premium Subscription XL size photo". They also dropped in revenue for me to a funny place 5, even after 123RF.


I am curious as to how many photo's you have in your portfolio there.  Can we see an example of your work to determine if it is in fact the agency that is causing your poor revenue stream?  I see my sales and profit continue to increase month after month with a diverse mix of regular subscriptions, Premium subscriptions, L, XL and EL sales every day on Fotolia.

Looking forward to seeing your work,


Adobe Stock / Re: Premium subscription XLs
« on: September 09, 2009, 04:40 »
For me FTL is still not bad. Before this premium subscription they were the more dynamically advancing agency... income-wise.  They already outstiped SS and they were near to IS in monthly income. It resulted a higher priority in our daily upload policy so FTL got the most images of our and they got them first. But now they are back to 3-4th place.  This is sad, because I had and still have high hopes in this agency. I still hope they will change their mind... or something.

Adobe Stock / Re: Premium subscription XLs
« on: September 08, 2009, 16:36 »
Since the new premium subscription is in effect I realize a DRASTIC decrease in PPD. It means significantly less income as well. I am not happy. I agree that IS exclusivity is going to be an option again. Downloads on SS are decreasing month after months, StockXpert is sold out, DT never had been a real big seller and FTL is lowering its prices methodically. So yes, IS is going to be the final winner.   

181 / Re: Release confusion at Dreamstime?!
« on: September 06, 2009, 16:41 »
Both have two people so should require two releases.
It doesn't matter how many people contains an image, only recognizable faces, tattoo or any person-specific sign(s) do matter.

Yes, I agree, but still, if I have the release and I attached it how can it hurt anyone if it's there? And what is the result of the rejection now... DT will not have that image. Well. ok it will not bankrupt them :)  

On the other hand, I could easily accept they rejected the second image because of the lack of second release. I don't have a word against it - well, it was our mistake that we forgot to attach it.. we should have to and we used to. But if they are so cautious one time why do they punish me with a rejection next time when I do the same?

182 / Release confusion at Dreamstime?!
« on: September 06, 2009, 15:55 »
I am getting more and more rejections stating that I attached too many releases to a photo. TOO MANY! Usually we attach as many releases as many people are seen on that particular photo. Regardless of how much recognizable they are... it is always questionable who is recognizable and who is not... so this is an extra security we use. But DT is rejecting these images. Why . do they need to reject images for this reason? I do not see the point.
Just an example from the VERY SAME batch - images linked from FTL:
We attached releases for both models - DT rejected the submission stating too many releases attached.
We attached only one release - DT rejected the photo and requiring both releases.

Uhh, so what? In the past I had not only one occasion when they rejected an image with this stupid too many releases message. We uploaded the image again and removed the questionable release... this time they rejected it because of the missing release.

Well, we are uploading a lot of images on daily bases so I don't really care if some of them are missing from DT. Usually we do not reupload images because it slows down the workflow too much. But I must say that this kind of inconsistency - even in the very same batch - is a bit annoying.

General Photography Discussion / Re: August 2009 earnings breakdown
« on: September 01, 2009, 09:23 »
It was bad month, a very bad one.

Microstock Services / Re: looking for images to buy
« on: August 31, 2009, 16:59 »
I hate to say it but with the simplicity of digital camera now, every one is a stock photographer.

Yes. A stock photographer who never makes real money. If you want to make money, you still need experience, skill and eqipment.

It's too late now anyway... otherwise I would have been interested.

If I had to choose between those 400USDs every second Christmas and my daily income from stock... well what do think? :)

Microstock Services / Re: Lookstat Giving it a try
« on: July 17, 2009, 03:38 »
I couple of months ago I joined... and I have come to like the site especially when they promised they add FTL and more sites very soon. Since then no improvements and they even lost SS from their list. Using lookstat is pointless now. A few months ago I logged in 2-3 times a day while now I log in every second week only. This is a sad story. :( i know this is not their fault but the agencies started a war against 3rd party stat services. But lookstat looked different, lookstat's aproach looked so professional.

Veer / Re: Veer Marketplace Opens for Submissions!
« on: July 16, 2009, 08:50 »
My experience is good. They accepted 10 of 10 and it took less then a week.  Their FTP worked without any problem and the upload interface looks pretty good, it is already better then most of the agencies have.

189 / Re: Can't Upload with DeepMeta
« on: July 09, 2009, 05:24 »
I am sure I am suspending my uploads until they fix the communication with DM. Well, if you ask me they shouldn't just give a full-scale support to DM but they should buy it and make it to the official upload client of IS... and yes, they should employ Franky with a high enough salary. I simply do not understand why they depend so much on a 3rd party software.

About 1200 images online. 17 sales so far and it equals 6.5$ This is extremly low. I hope the site will perform better in the future.

General Stock Discussion / Re: moodboard anyone
« on: June 16, 2009, 04:16 »
I sent 10 test images - all rejected because they weren't at 300 dpi... I rolled my eyes and left. 

I like the look and feel of their site and feel like they could do well, but they have made things over complicated.

Exactly the same here. Very slow editing, those funny not-300dpi rejections. Then I got a rejection where they said the image in not the kind they need... that particular one was one of my bestsellers, sold over 5k times. :)
After a lot of time and effort I managed to have one or two images online on moodboard. Great advance! I have like 6k left... uhh, no way! They look like a good agency but they seem to be in very early alpha state and my time is limited. If wish they would accept DVD submissions.

192 / Re: Site down again
« on: May 13, 2009, 07:44 »
I runs again but I can log in :(  Deleted the cookie but it doesn't help. I hate this.


Perfect example of a point I've made many times before, this IMO is what could eventually lead to the demise of some microstock sites. When will sites learn to actually look at the image not just judge it on technical terms. And the problem is getting bigger every day because these sites seem to think they need to keep announcing how large their collection of images is, and yet what do they think a buyer would prefer - sorting through pages of cr*p like this or just being presented with one or two pages of good quality relevant results.

Yes, but even what you sad is 100 percent true the new sites which are trying to establish themselves on the market with a premier collection... well, they are not doing really well. :( I am afraid subscription sites always need a lot of new images... weekly. If one site has 50k a the other needs 60k... etc. No one on the Earth needs 50k or even 10k images a week. But the agencies aren't stupid. The customers are those who are choosing the one which is offering 'MORE'. It is is difficult to communicate that you have better quality while it is so easy to prove that more is MORE.

I think the real problem is they are accepting ANYTHING now. I do not intend to blame anyone or any other photographer's work but I need to prove my oppinion with an example. This is not personal, this is just one example from the thousands.

I do not see it as risky as it seems first. Just think on it! The copy of passport is one thing but... if you do not trust him, you can still withdraw your earnings every week. So in the worst case scenario he is 'stealing' one week but not more. But it is still very unlikely he can do it. On most sites there is a pending time from the request until the actual payment, so you have a very good chance to realize the request in time and cancel it. If he ever tries to do this with anyone's account, everyone will be informed here instantly. Ah well, and you can verify his reference by an email to Yuri. :)

I already have assistance in uploading but otherwise I would be interested.

sub 74%
OD: 16%
EL: 10%

Rahul, no need to apologize. The site is free and it's beta, right? And other features are working great. I am sure you will fix it. If you are interested I send you a list of the minor bugs I experience.

It must be great. But this feature is not working for me at all. For the all time question I am getting a 504 Gateway Time-out error every single time since I registered at Lookstat a months ago. :( But otherwise I love the site.

I have both systems. I switched to Mac about two years ago... and I loved it. After a while I realized the Mac also has its week points and disadvantages. It also crashes, it's also generating mystical malfunctions just as the windows does. I switched back to PC but I kept the Mac as well.
Color management and and some functions of the user interface are much better on Mac. Other functions are better in Windows and you can access more programs there. My overall opinion: if you aren't an IT expert, use Mac, if you have an IT background (25 years in my case) you will be frustrated by Mac's strange restrictions. In my opinion Mac is more accessable for non-IT people but this why sometimes it drives you crazy. When I use the Mac I feel like driving a Mercedes... but there are many tasks you won't like to use a Mercedes for.

For studio work and for server purposes I am using a 64-bit Vista PC. It is more stable then my Mac ever was. It is working 24 hours and I restart it once a months. Well, it's good for windows - you know every restart is a risk that something strange happens :) But Mac is not better here.

Off Topic / Re: Steelers or Cardinals
« on: February 01, 2009, 09:26 »
Since I am not american I have the luxury to change the team I am cheering to every year if I wish :) It wasn't Arizona nor Pittsburg this year. Well, now I would be more happy with the Cardinals but I doubt they can beat the Steelers. 

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