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Messages - Hoodie Ninja

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.56 for me.

202 / Re: My second EL!
« on: June 09, 2008, 14:31 »
Congratulations, I have been at SS for over a year, and am still waiting for my first EL , I've had a few elsewhere, but never there.

Thanks!  I was thrilled when I got my first one.  My second one was exciting, too, because they just upped their pricing. :D
I haven't had any on the other sites, but I hardly have any pictures on the other sites.  I need to work on that!

203 / Re: My second EL!
« on: June 09, 2008, 14:29 »
Congrats! I'm still waiting for my first one.

204 / Re: My second EL!
« on: June 09, 2008, 14:29 »
Wonderful Paula!

Some people don't like subs, but I have to say Shutterstock is the best model for me in terms of delivering EL sales.  I've gotten by far more with Shutterstock than with anyone else.

And they pay $28 per EL, which is great!   8)
I started with SS as my first site and it does far better for me than any of the other sites.  I almost tend to neglect the other sites because they aren't very "rewarding" for me.

205 / Re: My second EL!
« on: June 09, 2008, 14:27 »
congrats...i have only been in this game for 4 months but still waiting for my first EL at SS.  I got one on Fotalia, but that was only 7 bucks.
Thanks!  SS just upped their prices so my second EL got me $28!

206 / Re: My second EL!
« on: June 09, 2008, 14:26 »
Can we see the photo?

My first EL
My second EL
The first EL was one of my better shots.  The second one was just something I saw while out driving so I took a few quick shots of it and hopped back in the car.


The point:  I shoot what I want which is primarily landscape & nature, and I get paid to do it  and I am still doing what I enjoyed doing when I shot my first 35mm picture  47 years ago.

I'm a lot like you in the sense that I shoot what I like and upload it.  If people buy it, great.  If not, oh well.  I am not really into photographing people.  But I love hiking and nature. :D

Most of my photos are of landscape and animals and I was wondering which sites sell best for those types of pictures. 
are you referring to "selling" or just getting accepted?
personally, i would say crestock tends to like nature and animals.

the others too, but only in rare cases. it has to be unlike what they already have. but careful with your selective focus, stock sites consider that "out of focus"  ;)

once again, i reiterate...this is "acceptance percentage" not selling percentage i'm referring to, as i just uploaded these images only a couple of weeks ago.
I am referring to selling.  I am not currently on Crestock, but perhaps I will give them a try.  SS is doing well for me on those types of photos so they are my main focus.  I know what you mean about selective focus.  I have had quite a few pictures rejected.

Adobe Stock / Re: My first sale(s)...FINALLY!!!
« on: May 23, 2008, 14:04 »
from consensus, i am taking it that fotolia is a slow starter.

i am new but i have been with fotolia the longest (one month.. woo hoo  ;D ;D),
 the other sites i just uploaded a handful and got my acceptances, got me my first sale within a couple of day of publication, but none with my portfolio at fotolia after a month.

as for SS, i feel it can also be depending on what your images are too.
maybe it works for the others, and it may not work for me.
i quit SS after my first reject. i do not want to wait a month to resubmit.
also, i feel my images were not SS potentials , as they like images quite unlike the ones i make.

i like to think that we have 6 or 9 different sites to sell our images,
and SS is not the only one.

numero uno "does not impress me much" .
apologies to Shania Twain for stealing her quote... but i love her more , now that she's single...  ;D ;D ;D ;D

I wouldn't totally write off SS as they are the biggest earner.  I was fortunate to get accepted on my first try and I got sales right away.
None of the other sites have shown to be as good of earners for me and most of the other sites have such high rejection rates (except 123RF)

Most of my photos are of landscape and animals and I was wondering which sites sell best for those types of pictures. 

Adobe Stock / Re: My first sale(s)...FINALLY!!!
« on: May 23, 2008, 12:42 »
Fotolia was a slow starter for me but now things are running steady there.

Congrats and wish you many more sales!
Thanks!  SS was my first site and it is doing really well.  I have gotten on with all of the other Big 6 (except SX who doesn't want the kind of pictures I take) and also BigStock.  Fotolia and DT have finally started going for me so I will include them in my focus of getting more pictures on. 

Adobe Stock / Re: My first sale(s)...FINALLY!!!
« on: May 23, 2008, 12:38 »
I'm not sure any of us can tell the future.  In seen from the ratings people have given shutterstock they are still they overall top earner.  For me they are the top earner and have been for the past 4 years.  I can't obviously say what is going to happen in the future but I have enjoyed great earnings there so far and am right now so the best I can do is focus my attention on what is earning me $$ now and what has proven to be a solid earner in the past (ie: shutterstock)

That being said, shutterstock gives new images a big boost which is why you are seeing good sales only there so far paulacobleigh.  Give it time and you will start to see your shutterstock earnings get a little lower and your other site earnings rise.
Well, I am constantly uploading to SS, so hopefully my sales will stay steady.  In my first two months, I've gotten 2 EL's which has really boosted my income.  At the moment, they are my favorite site.  ;D

Adobe Stock / Re: My first sale(s)...FINALLY!!!
« on: May 23, 2008, 12:35 »
I have been uploading onto Fotolia for about a month now and I finally got my first sale(s).  Yay!  I was just about to forget about the other sites and just focus on SS since that was the only one that I was making any money on. 

Wow congrat, I'm not upload on SS. Many people said there is no future on SS, is that right?
I'm not sure why they would say there is no future on SS.  I got d/l's right away with them and as I get more pictures in my gallery, my sales are increasing.  I love their site.

Adobe Stock / Re: My first sale(s)...FINALLY!!!
« on: May 23, 2008, 12:34 »
Congratulations, that site gets better and better for me.  :)
Thanks!  I have 38 pictures in my gallery now so hopefully things will pick up.  They do tend to reject a lot more pictures than SS does, though.

215 / Re: My second EL!
« on: May 22, 2008, 17:23 »
Congrats!  ;D

216 / My second EL!
« on: May 22, 2008, 16:39 »
Last month was my first full month on SS and I got one EL for what I consider one of my best photos.  Yesterday I got another EL for another photo.  I was kinda surprised that THAT photo got an EL, but hey, I'm not complaining!  ;D

Adobe Stock / My first sale(s)...FINALLY!!!
« on: May 22, 2008, 16:36 »
I have been uploading onto Fotolia for about a month now and I finally got my first sale(s).  Yay!  I was just about to forget about the other sites and just focus on SS since that was the only one that I was making any money on. 

218 / Re: Whats wrong with buyers?
« on: May 22, 2008, 10:13 »

I cant belive it sells!!!!!!! congratulations!

You never know what is going to sell well.  When I first started on SS, I put my best work up and was accepted 9/10.  However, for the most part, those aren't the pictures that are selling well for me.  Yesterday I got an EL on a picture of a red barn in a green field! 
At the end of the day, I don't care which pictures make the most money as long as I'm making money!


A heads up to everyone it appears that "Attila the Reviewer" has surfaced at BigStockPhoto (BigStock). It has been seven days since my last approval (1) and 29 rejections since then. Hell ... even God rested on the 7th day.


I noticed you didn't get very many supporters on your comment.  I have been on SS for a couple of months now and have been doing pretty good.  I decided a couple of weeks ago to try the other top sites and I have to say I was quite surprised at the amount of rejection I got on pictures that had been accepted by SS and are selling well.  Out of the 10 pictures I submitted, the rejected all but one.  Quite a few were rejected due to "blurry image", which I disagree with.  From a new person's perspective, I'd say that Attila the Reviewer has taken a full time position as BigStock.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Keeping Track
« on: May 09, 2008, 11:54 »
How do you embed keywords into the photo?

File > File Info .... and fill in the keyword box seperated by commas.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Keeping Track
« on: May 08, 2008, 23:09 »
Key words would be a good thing to keep in my spreadsheet since I'm constantly having to look them up on SS to see what I've used.

It saves time if you embed keywords/title into the photos. It is called IPTC, most sites can read it from the image, and you don't have to enter them every time ;)

I use my stock spreadsheet only for German keywords for images that I upload to German midstock sites. I don't want to have a mess with two languages in my Bridge keyword tree.
How do you embed keywords into the photo?

222 / Re: Total Rejection
« on: May 08, 2008, 22:04 »
Granted, most of my pictures are scenery shots, but they're nice and I get a lot of d/l's on SS.

Because SS is a different kind of site, they sell almost everything that they accept.
You may try to look for similar photos as yours on StockXpert and see how popular they are. If it's scenery, the odds are they are not popular at all. The problem is not your photos, but the site's ability to sell them.

I take only outdoor photos, and from the micro sites I am satisfied only with SS and IS. DT is borderline, I keep uploading there, but maybe will drop them one day.

The rest of the micros are IMHO a waste of time and bandwidth, as far as scenery/outdoor photos are concerned. With a small portfolio I have better results in higher-priced agencies.

Most of my photos to date are the kind you would find on a calendar.  Pretty.  Lots of color.  However, I have started taking pictures specifically for stock. 
So far, I'm not too impressed with IS or DT.  IS has such a limit to uploads (15/wk) and DT takes forever to review them.  SX's site isn't very user-friendly IMO so of all the sites that could've rejected me, I'm glad it was that one.  BigStock also has slow review times.  Right now, besides SS, I like Fotolia and 123...but of course, I just got started with them and haven't sold anything yet.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Keeping Track
« on: May 08, 2008, 21:52 »
I also use the spreadsheet method for tracking. I have columns for file name, description and keywords, and a couple of columns for each agency the file is uploaded to. Coding is as simple as Pending, Active, Rejected and Black (for those that have yet to have anything done to them). I also break-up my images into broad categories to give me some summary info on the type of images that are working.

I've recently modified my sheets to give me some overall totals so I can see where there are more photos still to add (as cascoly when agencies come and go).

I don't file my images in stock specific folders but everything is labelled by date and that date info is stored in my spreadsheets so I can find them.

Currently I'm not tracking my sales figures in any effective way because I'm not selling that much :( Perhaps when the sales come rolling in it will be more worthwhile.
Well, after I posted my question, I started working on my spreadsheet.  Right now I'm working from a bank of 179 images that were accepted to SS.  I like the idea of using colors instead of just putting and A for accepted, etc.  That way I can use the space to type file sales if I want to try that...although that seems very time consuming.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Keeping Track
« on: May 08, 2008, 21:49 »
i've got about 3500 images in my database now -- i use excel.  my main fil lists each image b date, number, desc and keywords

there are columns for each MS site.  for new images i submit everything to all sites but IS.  and mark the column yellow.  if accepted, that goes to green, if rejected for a technuical reason, i noite that otherwise i just note it wasnt accepted [toosimilar, not stock, etc].  so i have an immediate view of what's been accepted where.

the reason for tracking rejects is that over time, as MS come & go, i need to upl to new sites, and often then resubmit to previous sites if it was something correctable or arbitrary.  i then have other wks that do actual tracking of upl, dl, sales by month, and create ongoing charts, so i always have a quick picture of what's happening.

the only thing i dont have is a tracking of sales by indiv image, because there'
s not a simple way to automate that, and on some sites it's really timeconsuming to get the info.

Key words would be a good thing to keep in my spreadsheet since I'm constantly having to look them up on SS to see what I've used.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Keeping Track
« on: May 08, 2008, 21:47 »
Well, I don't think I'll be offering any exclusive files so I won't have to worry about that.  Perhaps I could keep a spreadsheet with the file name and then list which sites accepted or rejected the shot.
Another that were rejected by SS....should I submit them to the other sites just in case they accept them?

It depends why they were rejected. If both SS and IS reject a pic, it probably isn't a great stock photo. But sometimes SS reject photos that are easily accepted elsewhere. In my case it was some night city shots, SS said "poor lighting or incorrect WB", LOL  ;D, they were accepted everywhere else. Some people will say that SS is particularly sensitive about noise, although I haven't had a noise rejection yet (joined in March).
On the other hand, SS seem to like some photos which IS says are "overfiltered"  :D

One of the things I've experienced with SS is rejection for focus when I'm using a shallow DOF.  For instance, I took a picture of a rattlesnake that focused on the head and the parts of the body that were closer or farther away were blurry....but it's a great pic.
I have all my rejects from SS categorized by why they were rejected.  The only thing that I find annoying or frustrating is DT allows you to upload based on your approval rating so it makes me leary to upload stuff that has been rejected by other sites. 

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