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Messages - cobalt

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If you only do Adobe then yes, but if you have well established quality ports in many places, even if income is currently going down, there still are a lot of full time stock families.

Maybe not living in central London or New York, but 1200 - 3000 dollars can feed many families. And production is also a lot cheaper, hiring models and actors is very affordable in many countries.

The full timers often also have access to some of the high end agencies where sales volume is less, but the individual sale is higher.

But most people doing stock full time have gone dark on public forums. They do keep talking in closed little groups on social media.

But this thread is helpful to give people realistic expectations. It can help to balance the screaming youtube influencers.

Stock is very hard work and often better as a hobby than a full time job.

of course you can

you just need to have the same level of downloads

we also learned that it is based on no of downloads, not money.

so people could have a lower rank, but might be earning much more. good news for the video people

We dont know how many people share a rank.

It could be 10 000 people or more sharing the rank 1000

There are a lot of old timers with huge portfolios that never post publicly.

There are also very large Russian or Asian language stock communities.

In my season I made it into the top 500, which meant over 100 dl a day on weekdays.

So I think the top 500 are doable for a single artist all year round with the right content and enough content. probably 30k+ files.

top 50 or maybe 100 for the studios and production companies.

Progressed from weekly position of 11,000 to 10,700 with 14 further sales. Not great but RPD is better and above average. I knew early on when I started MS in 2019 I was not going to be able to achieve high volume like the above contributors, so pivoted focus to video - my recommendation for any beginner in stock with no or little collection of photos or specialized niche in demand as there more earning potential with overall fewer files.

That is a very good return for only 45 sales. Video is apparently really worth it. Much better average than photos.



I am interested in the weekly rank data because i want to rebuild my full time stock income. Not just from Adobe of course.

Seeing where other people stand during the same week is very helpful to get an understanding how many more files i will probably need to get where I want to be for Adobe.

My goal is to reach a reliable 300 dollars or more per week from Adobe.

And looking at the data, it looks doable and I wont need 50 000 files.

I obviously still have to upload a lot more, I only have 4000 files.

And to diversify from seasonal content.

msg not taking my screen shots so


115 downloads, 87,46, 4000

currently 4017 files

This is for today Friday

It is probably best to look at Sunday evening stats

General Stock Discussion / Re: This month's sales
« on: March 01, 2024, 09:57 »
12% less than Jamuary 24, 31% more than Feb 23.

I am disappointed

istock and a few smaller ones are still missing, but it won't change much.

Adobe was by far the strongest agency, but they are also the place that gets the most uploads.

Trying to process more videos for BB and pond5, hope that can help with diversification.

I am quite frustrated with spring/easter results. Although I can find my files in often very good search positions, sales are very slow. I mean I have daily sales for the genre but it is much less than I was expecting.

Will try to upload more non seasonal content to get more balance.

for me it is 16:9,  but I try to make sure it can be easily cropped into a useful 3:2.

The problem is getting something very specific with only your prompt.

And most people dont even know what they are really looking for, when they start creating.

I think most agencies will offer you a hybrid search - you add a prompt or description for ai and at the same time you will be offered the ai creation on your prompt as well as general results from search terms.

then you can pick a few files from either ai or the database and refine your prompt again.

Which gives you new hybrid resultsetc

Already today some of my best ai images come from using one of my own files as a starter image.

the need to look at a huge database for inspiration will not go away.

it will probably also be combined with prompt description service. if you choose a file from the stock database you will be given prompt suggestions for creating something similar for yourself.

ai creation and a stock database are not exclusive opposites, they will be used together to make life easier for the customer.


Oh thanks.  I may try Dreamstime.

they dont even take santa clause or vampires. also no people done as watercolors or art unless you are down to just silhouette outlines

i guess it is their way to avoid legal issues, they dont have a big legal department and insurances like adobe.

but they take everything else and they accept files in 30 minutes.

sales are slow but it does grow over time.

Adobe Stock / Re: What's your weekly ranking and how many images?
« on: February 29, 2024, 13:51 »
I think if adobe gave better stats tools, it would help people to analyse their own ports much better. especially now that people can grow huge ports faster with ai.

a simple sales to port size, both as a total but also as an important weekly metric would help many people refocus.

also stats on acceptance/declines would certainly help.

what i like about the adobe system is that it is very dynamic. although my port is small it can move up very, very fast if my content is right for the season.

and of course it then crashes quickly if the time is over.

but if you focus on what is needed even a newbie account actually has a chance.

Adobe Stock / Re: What's your weekly ranking and how many images?
« on: February 29, 2024, 02:27 »
more downloads, more money

when i reached pos 250 very briefly over the holidays i was earning a lot more and had over 100 sales a day.

then i dropped back down because i did not have enough content for january

my port is still very small, so i have drastic swings. with more content and more diversification there will hopefully be a more stable and higher weekly rank.

the rank also helps to see how overall downloads are doing. sometimes i move up although sales volume goes diown. then i know it is an overall drop.

a better factor would be a sales to port size indicator. that would give me visually the efficiency of my port.

Shutterstock.com / Re: Is Shutterstock dead?
« on: February 28, 2024, 11:05 »
Because they have a high end platform called offset, but customers who need something very, very specific need a huge volume of files to sift through.

Customers that want prefiltered high end collections, can choose from offset, stocksy, getty, westend61 and many other boutique places.

There is really no lack of high end agencies.

But high end doesn't have the depth of a huge planetwide database.

The market needs all of it.

Dreamstime and Deposit have small but regular sales and especially deposit inspite of basically not uploading for years. I don't see them going anywhere.

Alamy is a very old and specialized agency with a lot of editorial and great client connections. They will still be around as they are not really microstock.

Eyeem was just bought, so we will see what freepik does with it. Give them 3-5 years and then we will see.

Can't really comment on the others because I either don't or hardly supply them.

While these are all small agencies (any many others), I know a lot of people who would say that 30-40% of their income comes from many of these smaller places. As individuals they don't look like much but all of them combined, as a bundle of 10 places or more, it becomes genuine income they don't want to miss.

Maybe some will be bought and then absorbed or retired, but as individuals they don't move the needle. But as a group I think they still matter.

I think the more interesting question would be where are the new agencies, perhaps specializing in ai, or maybe even specializing in only authentic film/analogue, a new interesting video agency etc...

Which small little gems do you know and think are worthy of support?

There are many smaller places out there - which have an interesting concept and are worth supporting and pushing by the contributor community?

Adobe Stock / Re: What's your weekly ranking and how many images?
« on: February 27, 2024, 03:50 »
At the moment I keep bouncing between 3100 and 5200. 4000 files.

Hope to move further up again soon, this is frustrating. But for a port this size it is probably ok.

Shutterstock.com / Re: Is Shutterstock dead?
« on: February 27, 2024, 03:49 »
It would be a lot more expensive to pay professionals for custom shootings upfront.

This way they get all the content for free.

And they will keep needing daily life content shot by normal people, because for social media advertising you often need real life content "editorial style" not high end glamour shots.

They just need a stream of fresh content with enough variety for their ai training from the entire planet. Keeping a base microstock agency open will deliver that.

Half the usual uploads is probably fine, maybe even could drop another 50% without affecting their ai business.

But they could lower royalties again, especially if going forward their main focus is not growing the stock business.

It is an easy way to make more money instantly and inspite of the complaints, uploads will continue.

And if high end content is missing, I wouldn't be surprised if they can generate that out of the mass content with the help of ai. Maybe employ a few specialised designers who keep maing high end content out of the "authentic"/amateur upload streams.

I would also be good for advertising the skills of their ai engine.

Ok, I simply don't have the problem of needing to upload hundreds of files in one batch. Then I am sure it is more tedious than other places.

I submit 10-20 a day or 50-100 a week and do the details on my phone when I am waiting for the bus or other boring daily life situations.

I find the uploads really easy. I keep hearing that having some exclusive content with them will increase exposure and downloads. Might try that.

Adobe Stock / Re: Request for Clarification: Account Termination
« on: February 25, 2024, 19:37 »
From what I understand we always get paid normally if content is bought via free trials.

Which is where the abuse part comes in, some people do make their friends sign up for free trials and buy content. Some criminal gangs might even have a large networks organised this way and make thousands of dollars before Adobe finds them.

Then they steal or create new identities and start again.

Especially in countries where 3000 dollars is worth like 30 000 elsewhere, it is extremely profitable to steal via agencies with endless fake profiles.

In addition they sell their free downloads to other users who can buy much cheaper from then than from Adobe directly.

The problem is real.

But producers should be protected from criminals. There is no way you can protect yourself from abusive downloads.

Why would these gangs or groups target zi_fi, or anyone else not associated, for downloads then, if they have no financial gain in doing that?

I suppose there could be some kind of personal attack or revenge motive to pick someone out to harm their income?

They probably want his content. These gangs also sell batches of stolen content online.
They make money in all ways in this scam.

Shutterstock.com / Re: Is Shutterstock dead?
« on: February 25, 2024, 19:29 »
They went from 42 million to 35 million yoy for the same quarter. They lost 50% of uploads.

They give no guidance that they plan to revive their stock business. All the focus they talk about is ai and expecting great things for it.

They will still make more money than dreamstime or deposit. They will always get uploads from somewhere in the world.

Just read their own statements.

I would prefer if they had a strong increase in stock sales and proposed brilliant plans to revive. their stock business.

It would be better for producers if pond5 and SS thrive and grow. 4 strong marketplaces are better than just 2.

But their numbers show that is not the case.

We will see what they report next quarter.

Lots of fair point from people who believe stock is basically dead. It is important to act on it and readjust the income flows.

ai is the biggest change in creative work ever. So everybody will have their ow solution.

You are assuming that every customer wants to spend time playing and learning ai.

I know a lot of people with agency plans that tried it but quickly gave up.

Especially when you really are not sure what you are really looking for and need, it is a lot faster to browse a very large database and pick out a few files.

I do believe people will use ai to adapt what they download.

You need to have a basic understanding of photography or video to even prompt what you want. If you dont know what rembrandt lighting is, how different lenses affect an image, what color processing you might prefer etcthere are endless variations. Differences between acrylic and oil color painting or even a percentage wise mix of different art mediait is very complex.

Plus a lot of the people with an agency plan are normal people, not media professionals with years of training.

Again, those who believe it is all over, it is probably best if you readjust your income sources.

But it is not over for everyone.

Adobe Stock / Re: Request for Clarification: Account Termination
« on: February 25, 2024, 07:01 »
From what I understand we always get paid normally if content is bought via free trials.

Which is where the abuse part comes in, some people do make their friends sign up for free trials and buy content. Some criminal gangs might even have a large networks organised this way and make thousands of dollars before Adobe finds them.

Then they steal or create new identities and start again.

Especially in countries where 3000 dollars is worth like 30 000 elsewhere, it is extremely profitable to steal via agencies with endless fake profiles.

In addition they sell their free downloads to other users who can buy much cheaper from then than from Adobe directly.

The problem is real.

But producers should be protected from criminals. There is no way you can protect yourself from abusive downloads.

Adobe Stock / Re: Request for Clarification: Account Termination
« on: February 25, 2024, 04:02 »
Sorry to read this.

I wonder if people from some regions of the world have a higher problem with these fraudulent downloads because there are simply are a lot more fraudsters active in that region.

Perhaps being spurred on by some youtubers sharing "tips" how to get "free" content by abusing the trial periods.

But Adobe should look into the individual case and only terminate if they have a genuine reason to suspect that the producer is somehow involved.

I hope there is a real human involvement in termination.

Because no artist can prevent abusive downloads.

I hope they can help you. Because it seems to be that only Adobe has these massive amounts of portfolio closures on the artists side.

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