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Congreswoman Anna Paulina Luna (asked by Comer to co-chair the hearings) is briefly interviewed by Matt Laslo regarding the upcoming open UAP hearings which will bring forth further Whistel blowers who have more information regarding the UAP phenomena and what it means for the human race. In this brief interview he asks her what is the format and plan and outcome ....

ML: Have you guysare you going to be focusing on the whistleblowersGruschs mates? Trying to corroborate his story? I think, Gillibrand says thats what shes gonna do but sounds like you guys here are trying to be a little broader?

APL: So what we're focusing on is, one, getting the information out to the American people: Clearly, this is a big galaxy that we live in and that there is very likely technology that we are unaware of where its come fromand so, does this pose a national security threat?

And then, as far as UAP goes, I mean, the Air Force had a program called Project BLUE BOOK that was established, and there's archived information. Were going to be pulling that information out and presenting that to the American people.

But it's important that instead of trying to make this conspiratorial and poo-pooing it, that people are actually understanding that it's very likely that there's other life forms out there and that we're not alone in this universe and that we can address these things with a scientific mindset.

Further several aerospace engineers employed at various firms have been contacted by the heads and told that they are not permitted to speak to the press and that any and all comments or information will be referred directly to the congressional AARO team.

Interview this week ...

Tim Gallaudet - Admiral Tim Gallaudet discusses how he received the go fast video in 2015 via supranet (military internet) via email flagging air safety issues due to number of sightings.

While you wait here are the 80s Roswell incident interviews many of which have long since been deleted from utube. Click the link and a roll back to beginning of live stream.

House Oversight Comittee to hold public hearings featuring whistblowers regarding UAP. Scheduled to run at the end of the month. Date tba

Another Ross Coulthart interview in the last 24 hours.

part of the episode context .... the law that has been passed gives UAP holders as in those that are saud to be holding UAP for back engineering  ... Lockhead is one that has been accused I'm aware of that ... gives them 6 months ro come clean or their funding will be stopped dead. The Interviewer asked his question and Ross drops a bombshell. This hasn't be made public until now ....

17.50 onwards ....

"Yeah but Ross doesn't this just give them 6 months to hide their .... "
Ross "OK. How about this. What if that .... is just too big to move."
Interviewer "How big is big"
Ross "So big they couldn't move it and had to build a building over the top of it. In a country outside of the US"

1971 more periscope photos

From 1971 Periscope photos.

Some of the good bad and ugly uap footage clips out there recently. The one he claims is fake where a lad is filming it in a dark street ... isn't fake but it isnt a UAP. I would bet money it's lasers. We have that very display over our house at certain times of the year along with distant thumping music.

@LDV8 ... not sure if you caught this one. Ross is dropping some rather hefty hints as to the way this is going ...


In a June 26 interview with NewsNation, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) stated that multiple individuals had corroborated a whistleblowers explosive allegations of a secret, decades-long UFO crash retrieval and reverse-engineering effort.

As the top Republican on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, and a member of the so-called Gang of Eight, Rubios extraordinary comments carry particular weight.

According to Rubio, only one of two remarkable outcomes will ultimately explain recent developments, Either what [the whistleblower] is saying is partially true or entirely true, he said, or we have some really smart, educated people with high clearances and very important positions in our government who are crazy and are leading us on a goose chase.

Most of these people, Rubio continued, have held very high clearances and high positions within our government. So, you ask yourself: What incentive would so many people with that kind of qualification these are serious people have to come forward and make something up?

Pressed for details, Rubio stated that individuals with firsthand knowledge or firsthand claims are saying to us what youve seen out there in the public record, whether its about legacy [UFO] programs or about current events.

According to Rubio, the whistleblowers statements are beyond the realm of what any of us [on the Senate Intelligence Committee] has ever dealt with.

I'd say the third option is psyops... but I don't know how likely it could be at this point.

I am leaning towards option 1. Am I certain? No. But it is a very interesting and important subject matter.

Denialists will say: "It can't be, therefore it isn't."

If what Ross said a couple days ago then option 1 seems to be the way it's going to go. It's looking increasingly likely that in a couple of weeks Grusch and the committee will be holding the hearings. But what is surprising is that it appears or rather Ross states that its looking more and more likely that they will be open.

A stumbling block is that those holding them won't have enough clearances so it's is being pushed towards Biden that clearances can be waved. Given the evidence it appears that if true, there was never any oversight and therefore clearances will mean little legally.

Further he states there is a movement among the skeptic community to bring the whole thing to a halt. They haven't been able to corrupt Gruschs credibility so they are going after the Head of intelligence claiming that he stated that Gruschs claims were as stated and presented an urgent and credible threat. But that he meant nothing more than Gruschs claim of being hindered and victimised because he pushed for access to the special programmes. The head of intelligence has clarified that he meant the claim of back engineering craft following his own exhaustive investigations while speaking with people within these programmes who have testified under oath.

How would someone identify an alien skeleton?

DNA analysis. This is what Noland did.

I read the link, it says it was human DNA?

I'll try this again. What do aliens look like? Height, weight, eyes, hands, just some basic features that we can identify?

Someone chopped off your fingers? Do your own research. Lol ...

"ill try again ... i demand answers now run off and get them for me 🤣

I have looked and I can't make sense of this, I thought someone who has the answers and experience would be able to give me some clear ways to identify what the aliens look like. As I've asked, it's not that difficult, is it. There are all kinds of claims and sightings, what do they look like? Tall or short. How many fingers. What do the eyes and heads look like.

How can you talk about all these alien sightings and no one can say what they look like? They aren't invisible are they?

Or are you just avoiding the answer, because you don't have one?

Yes I have fingers... I'll just leave it at, I'm asking a question, can't I ask questions? Jezz, nice answer "Do your own research.".  :o

facetious though isn't it. You know and I know, and you know I know, that if someone had a body in the public domain we wouldn't even be having this conversation. David Attenborough would be slithering all over it. It was a dull attempt Peter. Clumsy.

But you know ... perhaps if you did your own research and found one in the public domain you could be sitting there now ... polishing your Nobel prize.

Excellent avoidance and side step, once again.

What do the aliens look like? We have all kinds of reports and claims, people have seen them and believe they have been abducted. What do aliens look like in their descriptions. That's a pretty basic and simple question? Is there any group consensus or collective way to describe the alien appearance?

What do UFOs look like. I mean, I can describe an airplane, boat or a car, can someone describe what the aliens travel in? No I don't expect anyone to understand the propulsion systems, just some nice basic data to build from?

 There are all kind of photos and claims. Darn near everyone now carries a camera/phone that can take photos or video. I would expect we'd have more and better images, than in the old days.

The problem is Pete you've already made it abundantly clear you don't believe a word from anyone. Me I get ... pffff random poster etc... but you don't believe anyone. Not military pilots. Not members of the public. Not government employees who's job it is to investigate UAP ... you claim are mistaken identity. Claiming I and others are avoiding your demands is ludicrous ...

Peter Page 1 and subsequently as well ...

"Just like Nessy, Champ, sasquach, the Bermuda Triangle or so many more. Well OK Area 51 is really something, but mythical beasts and UFOs that are satellites, landing lights, Venus, "strange disappearances" and most of the time very well explained, are the basis for a whole mythology.

Good for public speakers, books, blogs and radio talk hosts.

People who outgrew, ghosts, faeries, the Easter bunny and Santa Claus, still have more modern adventures, searching for outer space visitors."

Why would they waste their time Peter. Not side stepping tye question. Just who is asking it. And as a photographer you should know very well why any photos and pictures are rubbish. Cameras have got better and more prolific ... but they can't do much with a 2.4mm focal length or there abouts can they apart from zoom. Which you know very well doesn't zoom it just crops. End result - fuzzy. Most have image stabilisation. End result- Jerky zoomed fuzzy images.

237 / Re: Shutterstock is an embarassment
« on: July 07, 2023, 08:42 »
Interviewer: Good to catch up with you again DJ so since SSs new payment tier system and the introduction of A.I. and free give aways, have you found that your bottom line has moved south at all.
DJ For sure but you know because I listen to my own advice ... via my online course ... I have managed to diversify to soften the blow. And my average income from stock is a modest $348.00 per hour.
Interviewer Only Fans right?
DJ *smirk ... feetfinder ... bunions and calves like canned corned beef next to a bar fire, who knew.
Interviewer Before you discovered your new audience what kept the money rolling in?
DJ Well it was being modest and quietly humble. I think having someone to look up to in the industry really was what saw my meteoric rise in popularity with the gullible iPhone owners of Bangladesh struggling through their formative years. And of course they saw a famous, rich, videographer who's talent bordered on prodigy and yeah, they thought collectively, they wanted some of that. Of course I was duty bound then to rise to the heights of the pedestal everyone I had ever met put me on. And I exceeded their expectations. Obviously. I taught them they needed three things to equal my success.
1. My course.
2. State of the art computer.
3. A Shutterstock profile.
That's it.
Interviewer What about a camera?
DJ I don't count that because I already had a camera.
Interviewer A camera set-up worth in excess of $60,000.00+ bucks.
DJ Whinging about equipment wastes my time. If you want to be a successful stock videographer then you'll buy professional equipment but not before you've bought my course.
Interviewer You've also got access to regular rocket launches and regularly film and TV location contracts.
DJ Right and the money I make from stock footage is just stuff I would film anyway even if I didnt have those press passes and contracts. I would just do it from much, much, further away.
Interviewer Well thanks DJ it has been my honour to catch up.
DJ If anyone does want to change their life and become a less worthless human for once and excell please find my course at and remember ... you're only one snap away ...  ☝️😉 ... from the top.

Cmdr David Fravor and Ryan Graves call to action UAP filmed podcast ... discussing what needs to happen. 1.5 hours. Uploaded today.

Listen to these two professionals and then tell me you or Mick West knows better and these men are delusional. You'll just be embarrassing yourself.

I do not know if we descended from apes. Therefore I wouldn't claim it to be so. Some skeptics would argue that if we descended from apes ... why do we still have apes.

You may not know it, but science has proven 100% that we descended from apelike creatures.  We did not descend from the current apes, nor they from us, but we all derived from a common ancestor that lived a few million years ago.  We still have other apes because they live in different environments and have not gone extinct, the same reason we have many wild species of cats, or birds or any other creatures.

Thank you. I actually did look it up yesterday because I didn't know it. I've heard the argument I mentioned many times but I don't get involved because it is something that I have no knowledge of. 98 to 99% similar dna apparently proving a common ancestor as you said.


And don't label body parts when they're (a) inaccurate and (b) gross - warning: don't click on this if you're squeamish.

Ah now see Jo this is actually completely accurate. This is exactly how the internal organs of a human are. If you take a pensioner and fire them out of a space station air lock. Then drag them back in using a hook on a pole, and return them to earth .... free fall from high earth Orbit and they arrive on the Earth's surface at terminal velocity and land in a strategically placed trash can, that's being used to burn plastic cups, then as long as you allow a teenage crack addict high on miracle grow and kerosene to have at it with a glue gun, bag of walnuts and a brown condom ... ta da ... this is totally accurate.


Prawn cocktail was a very popular starter in the UK in the 70s. Small prawns mixed with rose marie sauce or thousand island dressing. Then a large wine glass was layered with lettuce and the prawn mix layered in and finished off with a pinch of cress and a lemon slice. The top then dusted with paprika for colour. Unless you knew that already some may or may not.

The A.I. however had created something horrifically different lol. gag worthy.

No, I didn't know that. But it sounds gag worthy to me too, to be honest.  :o

🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣  brilliant. Later they replaced the wine glass with an avocado to make avocado prawn. Was very posh if you were working class. I can remember my mum ordering one and well all ghasped at the splendor of it on our last meal of the holiday.

On the car journey home we must have pulled off every slipway and side road as she had it coming out of both ends. She never touched prawns again lol. I however still continued until I watched a documentary on where most prawns come from. Its a real eye opener and if you do watch it be warned you are very unlikely to ever eat another prawn ... up to you ... 😊...



Finally "We began with prawn and an avocado lemon squeezer"and awoke to find the paramedic performing an ermegency colonoscopy to remove the alien tapeworm that had survived the cooking process.

Not that just the very idea of putting PRAWN in a cocktail wasn't already highly questionable.

Prawn cocktail was a very popular starter in the UK in the 70s. Small prawns mixed with rose marie sauce or thousand island dressing. Then a large wine glass was layered with lettuce and the prawn mix layered in and finished off with a pinch of cress and a lemon slice. The top then dusted with paprika for colour. Unless you knew that already some may or may not.

The A.I. however had created something horrifically different lol. gag worthy.

How would someone identify an alien skeleton?

DNA analysis. This is what Noland did.

I read the link, it says it was human DNA?

What's the problem? Nolan examined it said it was human. That is the whole point. Read the context of the post. A poster claimed that there is some "UFO propaganda" rejecting all evidence that doesn't fit into the narrative. And here you have people like Nolan.

OK I thought you were saying this is some kind of proof of alien life forms, when it was instead a deformed fetus that had DNA defects.

I also wondered how someone claiming it was Alien DNA (not you, someone else) would have alien DNA to compare it to, instead of jumping to the conclusion that, since they don't know why it's different, it must be space visitors.

Well would it be the same as ours?

Though judging by the US going in to meltdown about a guy with a beard, dressed as a Disney princess at Disney working in the Fairy Princess makeover room with children, I doubt if alien DNA did make it into the public domain the US could cope. Judging by the comments on every platform a large section of the US would mallet it into a smear with their shoe whilst wailing about "their Lord" 🙄 tragic.

How would someone identify an alien skeleton?

DNA analysis. This is what Noland did.

I read the link, it says it was human DNA?

I'll try this again. What do aliens look like? Height, weight, eyes, hands, just some basic features that we can identify?

Someone chopped off your fingers? Do your own research. Lol ...

"ill try again ... i demand answers now run off and get them for me 🤣

I have looked and I can't make sense of this, I thought someone who has the answers and experience would be able to give me some clear ways to identify what the aliens look like. As I've asked, it's not that difficult, is it. There are all kinds of claims and sightings, what do they look like? Tall or short. How many fingers. What do the eyes and heads look like.

How can you talk about all these alien sightings and no one can say what they look like? They aren't invisible are they?

Or are you just avoiding the answer, because you don't have one?

Yes I have fingers... I'll just leave it at, I'm asking a question, can't I ask questions? Jezz, nice answer "Do your own research.".  :o

facetious though isn't it. You know and I know, and you know I know, that if someone had a body in the public domain we wouldn't even be having this conversation. David Attenborough would be slithering all over it. It was a dull attempt Peter. Clumsy.

But you know ... perhaps if you did your own research and found one in the public domain you could be sitting there now ... polishing your Nobel prize.

OK folks today's lucky finds begin with lady with cracked heals. Who appears to have solved the pain of cracked heals by putting her hands and toes into a car door whilst someone repeatedly slammed it shut. Looks like she split a nail because some bright yellow puss is leaking into shot

Then we have pretty flower feet and a rather nasty case of hammer toe

Trip out the the country where we spend a lovely autumnal evening gathering Horse Chesconkercherries and some P. Never forget your P when making a chesconkercherry coating

Finally "We began with prawn and an avocado lemon squeezer"and awoke to find the paramedic performing an ermegency colonoscopy to remove the alien tapeworm that had survived the cooking process.

...I know Jo. It's tragic. But if you're in the market for Pintomatapples, avocana Orangebeets, or a dear child wielding a monkey paw clutching a Qwetty keybone then look no further than Adobe house of hilarity.

I thought I'd put Firefly beta to work - you might be onto a really hot new market segment there :) Click for larger size

🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣  You've turned it on itself 😲😲😲 careful Jo ... we don't want this to happen ...

Jo Ann Snover?

😳 Yes ....


How would someone identify an alien skeleton?

obviously through dna analysis. Assuming they aren't actually descended from us they should in theory be different from us. But this planet is old. Maybe like we broke away from the apes "allegedly", they broke away much sooner.

allegedly??  do you not accept evolution?   you dont accept the relation between apes & humans, but you guess at an 'alien' species before the divergence 6-9 MILLION years ago

there is no fossil evidence for such creatures -- learn some biology - species don't 'break away', with isolation, mutations & natural selection they change slowly over time.

Your English is actually quite bad i was mistaken. You have the ability to write it perfectly clearly but you lack some ability when reading it. The word maybe isn't used when stating known facts. We use it when we don't know. I don't claim to know. So I used maybe. I used allegedly to stop you jumping on me for claiming it as fact. I do not know if we descended from apes. Therefore I wouldn't claim it to be so. Some skeptics would argue that if we descended from apes ... why do we still have apes.

As for attacks against you, you are irrelevant. I merely respond to your attacks claiming nonsense and delusional opinions. Which serve  no purpose but to inflate your ego further. You obviously cannot moderate yourself so I'll moderate myself.

Clearly your self proclaimed superiority on all matters is significantly lacking when it comes to the simple act of being polite and having a conversation. I feel sorry for you because it must be a lonely place to be. Ah well.


How would someone identify an alien skeleton?

obviously through dna analysis. Assuming they aren't actually descended from us they should in theory be different from us. But this planet is old. Maybe like we broke away from the apes "allegedly", they broke away much sooner.

How would someone identify an alien skeleton?

DNA analysis. This is what Noland did.

I read the link, it says it was human DNA?

I'll try this again. What do aliens look like? Height, weight, eyes, hands, just some basic features that we can identify?

Someone chopped off your fingers? Do your own research. Lol ...

"ill try again ... i demand answers now run off and get them for me 🤣

...Which then begs the question how is this shower of sit possible ...

... not only is the image nonsense ... there is a lot of nonsese permitted ... no rejection for similar Matt???

I have a collection of examples of massively repetitive similars from genAI images approved in the last week or two.

It's not just a few times it happens. It's many more than 5 or 6 similars.

Even when the images are not "mistakes", when a photographer gets a rejection for similars when there are only 2 or 3 alike, it seems absolutely clear that there's a completely different rule book for the genAI submissions

Here are just a handful from those I've seen
35 yellow suitcases

79 overhead shots of peaches (there are some pie shots I couldn't exclude because the keywords are spammed)

129 sunset on a beach with palm trees

220+ marble wave abstracts

I know Jo. It's tragic. But if you're in the market for Pintomatapples, avocana Orangebeets, or a dear child wielding a monkey paw clutching a Qwetty keybone then look no further than Adobe house of hilarity.

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