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Messages - Snufkin

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Software - General / Re: Chrome
« on: June 17, 2011, 17:38 »
Also, is there any problem switching between the two ... FF and Chrome?  No conflicts?  Is it okay to leave the Chrome software installed when you return to FF?
Did you notice any significant difference in the speed of the two browsers?

I use FF and Chrome, but FF is my main browser because I like the interface more.
You can have both, I have also Opera installed. Opera is pretty good too.
To me Chrome seems a bit faster than FF, and much faster than Internet Exploder, but IE is a joke. It's not a browser, it's a snail.
Anyway, FF is my favourite browser. I love the customizable bookmarks bar below the address bar, I have the favicons of MSG and the major agencies there, I just click on the favicon and the site opens. 

General Stock Discussion / Re: German stock agencies
« on: June 14, 2011, 16:32 »
So, do you mean its better to translate the keywording into German? Im thinking of Panther and Zonar.

I create English and German versions of every image anyway.
I upload the German version to Zoonar and later paste the English keywords as well, because they also have international partners.
As far as I know, English + German keywords are recommended by the agency, when they send the photos to their partners the software filters the language.

As for Panther, long time ago I had some problems with finding my images keyworded in English. This may no longer be the case, but I don't have time to check it and I just got used to double keywording. Because I have relatively many cityscapes from Germany I think it is helpful, but for other people it may not be worthwile.

General Stock Discussion / Re: German stock agencies
« on: June 14, 2011, 15:12 »
As far as I can tell Bildunion is in German only. Maybe it is better this way, after Panther and Shotshop opened to international contributors my earnings there dropped.
I translate keywords into German for Zoonar, Shotshop, Fotolia, Bildunion, Clipdealer, Bildmaschine.

General Stock Discussion / Re: German stock agencies
« on: June 14, 2011, 15:03 »
how is the uploading?

With the new software Shotshop simplified the upload process, FTP + a few clicks per image. Not very fast but it used to be worse.
Reviews tend to be slow.

Bildunion: rather complicated, you need to set up a folder, upload per FTP, then check if the keywords were imported correctly (sometimes special characters in place names get scrambled), then you save the folder and submit it. After approval you activate the folder and the rejected files are deleted.
Reviews used to be quite slow, at the moment it is about 1 day.

General Stock Discussion / Re: German stock agencies
« on: June 14, 2011, 14:17 »
Shotshop used to be pretty good in 2008, when I started. With a small portfolio I had regular sales, each sale was 15 (50% of 30). Later they introduced multiple price points, tiers, upgraded the software... and my sales tanked.

Bildunion: I get a sale from time to time, prices are higher than microstock, payout is twice a year. Relatively slow in terms of sales but they pay 50%.

Fotocent: I never heard of them.

StockFresh / Re: A year? Really?
« on: June 09, 2011, 18:45 »
Their most popular photo with the keyword "Paris" has 1 download. It seems that in 1 year they only sold 9 images with that keyword. I am just a part-timer but it takes me about 1-3 days elsewhere to sell 9 photos from Paris and I only have about 12-15 of them in my portfolio.

I know many people here are former StockXpert fans, but I am quite skeptical about SF.

StockFresh / Re: A year? Really?
« on: June 09, 2011, 18:27 »
It's now June 9, 2011 and my application is still pending for over a year now while others get in after a week or so (or a month or so).

Anyone else experiencing the same for that length of time?  I just wanna know that I'm not totally alone in this world.

Yes, me too.
I'm starting to think that they don't have enough resources to play any significant role in microstock. I am no longer sure if I want to be a contributor there. Making people wait 1 year or longer can mean either arrogance or lack of resources.

When I feel that Zazzles's base price of a product is too high for the market I leave my commission at the default level.
Otherwise I set 20-35%.


not a zazzle fan but 10% is just insane.. IS pays 15%

You shouldn't compare 15-19% of a digital licence with 10-15% of the price of a product which needs to be physically manufactured.

Photo Critique / Re: I need critiques on this one please
« on: June 04, 2011, 09:47 »
Noise, noise, noise.
Did you apply sharpening?

Pixmac / Re: How long does PM take to review images?
« on: June 01, 2011, 13:58 »
Zager, I think the OP meant Panthermedia.

Photo Critique / Re: Photo Critique - Suggestions Please
« on: May 29, 2011, 15:36 »
Interstate 40: this photo is not sharp, I would delete it from the hard disk
Route 66: dust spot in the upper right corner, if you fix that - maybe, I don't know
Deer sign: the same dust spot

(I guess Luis was faster with typing)

General Stock Discussion / Re: Arrogance abounds at istock
« on: May 27, 2011, 13:12 »
Lobo is becoming "unprofessional"...

Lobo is becoming unsustainable...

Istock's management actions are becoming unsustainable judging by my sales this month.

Mr. Thompson's current position is unsustainable. Good luck!

Well, it looks like IS may be able to keep up with SS this month, but only with SS On-Demand  ;D ;D ;D
I had several ELs, pretty good sub sales - and May is already a BME.
IS and SS used to be more or less equal for me, now SS is light-years ahead...
IS is sinking.

Are you familiar with Imagekind, Tom?  Is there a comparison?

Yes, I am also on IK, Warren. They are very different, IK is a typical print-on-demand agent, you upload what you want and there is no inspection. is very artsy, it is quite hard to get a photo accepted, and they started as a gallery showcasing "the best photos in the world". If you get a photo accepted it will be viewed by thousands, so apparently they want to turn it into cash now by selling prints.
IMHO Vetta is kindergarten stuff compared to

I got an email from them about print sales, but I am a member there.
They have a beautiful collection.

Off Topic / Re: From Me To You
« on: April 20, 2011, 19:58 »
Cool, thanks for posting:

And I thought animated GIFs were dead... :)

243 / Re: Stop Feeding the Beast!
« on: April 13, 2011, 13:13 »
Argumentum ad hominem - a classic logical fallacy, quite common here unfortunately

I'm pretty sure there is a proper medical term for his condition.

Actually, I think the company of Mark Adamus is not bad at all. :)

And probably in 99.999999999% no one will ever recognize that an image was taken illegally from their property unless it's bloody obvious (like ISS space station...).

In the case of many observation decks the views tend to be easily recognizable, but I have never heard of anybody having problems because of that.

I have several cases like this, for example skylines taken from observation decks of skyscrapers, and I had my doubts as well.
I may be wrong, but I am assuming that the owner of the building doesn't own the view if his property is not visible in the picture.

Site Related / Re: Panther Media experience
« on: February 23, 2011, 13:26 »
It used to be a solid agency. In 2008 I had a small portfolio of selected images there, in a good month they would have an RPI similar to the Big 4.

After they dropped the prices to microstock level and started to actively promote the site among international contributors my sales collapsed.

I don't send them anything now. 9 commission for a merchandising licence is a joke.

249 / Re: istock video upload keeps crashing
« on: February 16, 2011, 16:52 »
I don't upload video to istock anymore, it's masochism.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Request For Work Outside istock
« on: February 11, 2011, 17:20 »
don't feed the parasites at IS, contact them
if that's your niche, it could be very beneficial
good luck!

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