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Messages - MarcvsTvllivs

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Pond5 / Re: Do you think Pond5 is going to be a leader?
« on: August 14, 2014, 09:03 »
Seriously, they have all it takes to win - great interface, search, fresh content, recognizable brand, contributors' support. The last one may turn out to be the most important these days. Pond5 give fair 50%, allow to set your own prices and have clear distribution network.

... horrendous site design for buyers,  lousy interface for sellers, unable to stop input mechanism from converting uppercase letters to lowercase after years of requests ...

They have things to work on.

Sean, I gotta be honest, most of the time I find you a bit too harsh to people and agencies both. But, my god, this ridiculous inability to carry over capital letters is... man... you are letting them off too easy here. What *idiots*. Leaders? Please. They appear to be worse engineers than me, and I am a goddamn lawyer.

DepositPhotos / Re: Deposit Photo's - 3% Royalty Confirmed
« on: August 11, 2014, 07:17 »
I've said it before and I'll say it again: There is nothing this sorry bunch can say or do at this point to ever make me upload another of my images to their site, and I cannot understand the mindset of people who, knowing what we know, are still with them.

Adobe Stock / Re: Fotolia is my best seller this month
« on: July 22, 2014, 06:36 »
Fotolia is up for me as well. I too am opted out of DPC.

Maybe they can use that money to fix their upload system's inability to retain capital letters as such. Appears to be harder to achieve than world peace.

This has suddenly stopped working for shutterstock for me. It says connection problems when i try and access sales or refresh the balance. I've been using this for a year without issues so maybe ss have changed something? Is anyone else having issues?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Can confirm.

For something that prides itself on anonymity, you may not wanna pull Gravatar profile pics without so much as asking for permission...

...aaaaaand I just had a "sub" sale on an image that was deactivated months ago (with the rest of my port). Great.

I am beginning to feel that uploading my port to Depositphotos was the biggest mistake I made in this business.

Man I would lawyer up and seek copyright restitution.

If I knew who bought it I might. They are the ones using it without a proper license, and it is them one would have to go after to really screw Depositphotos.

But aren't they selling your work without your permission? That's illegal.

Sure, but what damages could I really ask for? If it would look even the slightest bit like I might win they would pay up the few hundred bucks and be rid of me.

Sue the buyer and you have news. "Buyer of major stock site Depositphotos sued because Depositphotos sells photos that they have no right to sell." And Depositphotos with no direct way to stop the case, as they aren't even a party to it.

Ah well, one can dream. In all honesty I am not even sure I would win. I am sure they have weasel words somewhere in their terms, and I am sure they have more expensive lawyers. Let's not even speak of the quality of judges, juries and the legal system in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. :)

...aaaaaand I just had a "sub" sale on an image that was deactivated months ago (with the rest of my port). Great.

I am beginning to feel that uploading my port to Depositphotos was the biggest mistake I made in this business.

Man I would lawyer up and seek copyright restitution.

If I knew who bought it I might. They are the ones using it without a proper license, and it is them one would have to go after to really screw Depositphotos.

...aaaaaand I just had a "sub" sale on an image that was deactivated months ago (with the rest of my port). Great.

I am beginning to feel that uploading my port to Depositphotos was the biggest mistake I made in this business.

Citizen Journalism Forum / Re: Demotix- Good or Bad.
« on: June 03, 2014, 05:33 »
I do not have a lot of uploads (I rarely shoot news events) but I do have a few sales. All of the sales are through their Corbis arrangement, so not really news but stock sales. The RPD isn't great but it is better than in microstock.

After having to delete and reinstall the App, some of my logins do not work anymore. As in when I enter the correct username and password it just won't log me in.

After reading this thread I took my last 20 rejections, downsized them to 6MP, and had 14 accepted. That settles it for me.
Maybe it settles it for you in the easy way, but there is a lesson you didnt learn.
Question: Can you not shoot quality in full size?
Answer: it is not always possible (convenient), and sometimes you have to downsize to maintain image quality.

But if you have to do it on a regular basis, it shows that your are either working in a borderline field or are not good enough as a photographer.

Maybe I am not good enough, or maybe I am just not trying hard enough. I don't know, but I suspect both are very possible. Frankly though, I don't really care. Why?

Well, what I do know is that the same images that don't get accepted at 20 MP do get accepted at 6 MP, and they sell. Where is my incentive to *not* downsize them, I ask? Preserve the overall quality of Shutterstock's image bank? Pleeeeease. And, really, if they didn't want 6 MP images -- or 4 MP images for that matter -- why oh why do they accept them?

After reading this thread I took my last 20 rejections, downsized them to 6MP, and had 14 accepted. That settles it for me.

Image Sleuth / Re: Private Photo in promotional materials
« on: April 10, 2014, 16:44 »
...If it is ruled to have just been factual and in no way misleading or seeming as an endorsement, they may stand a chance...

I think the fact that they paid twitter to promote the tweet, which in itself is a paid advertisement, will screw them in this case. Maybe the photo itself is editorial in nature, but it doesn't matter what kind of photo it is when a company pays to have it appear in a certain way for promotional purposes.

What if the Washington Post would pay a newsagent to place their newspaper above others, would that change the character of their front page image? I don't think so. The image itself and the wording surrounding it sure matter. Whether they paid someone to improve reach... I don't really think so.

Image Sleuth / Re: Private Photo in promotional materials
« on: April 10, 2014, 12:43 »
There was one recently where a law firm used a photo of Judge Judy in their ad.  OMG, how did they pass the bar?  It was the first time Judge Judy sued anyone.  I think it's still in court, but pretty sure we know who will win.   (For non-North Americans Judge Judy is an American TV judge).

That really was a hilarious case, but quite different from this one. A photo of a famous person leaving a Duane Reade could well be considered "editorial" reporting of facts, even if the reporting party is Duane Reade itself. It's a lot like making the statement "she shops at Duane Reade!". If it is ruled to have just been factual and in no way misleading or seeming as an endorsement, they may stand a chance.

That being said: it will settle.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Imgembed
« on: April 09, 2014, 09:08 »
I wonder if this would be compatible with offering the same image as RM elsewhere. On the one hand it seems like a tightly controlled way to license an image, on the other hand it really isn't controlled in the way an RM license is.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Imgembed
« on: April 09, 2014, 07:42 »
Interesting idea. And certainly better for creators than what Getty is doing.

Finally made payout yesterday, asked for it today and then had a deactivation clickfest. Now all but three non-sellers deactivated and good riddance!

Image Sleuth / Re: Fiverr
« on: April 01, 2014, 04:20 »
If any of these sellers turn out to be located in Germany, let me know. I will go after them.

No use in trying it anywhere else though. (for me)

Deutsch und deutschsprachig, suche schon seit einiger Zeit einen Ausweg aus dieser Problematik ;-P

Image Sleuth / Re: Ignored DMCA, now what?
« on: March 29, 2014, 12:55 »
Does this work?

I don't see how -- the site isn't on Wordpress.  Doesn't this only work for Wordpess blogs?

I am not sure that it works only for WordPress blogs.
WordPress is used as example I think. But it is not very clear.

"If youd prefer not to use our automated form, you can send your complaint to our designated agent (we prefer email):

Automattic Inc.
132 Hawthorne St.
San Francisco, CA 94107
Attn: General Counsel

Phone: (877) 273-8550
Fax: (415) 840-0710

You must include the following:

A physical or electronic signature of the copyright owner or a person authorized to act on their behalf;
An identification of the copyright claimed to have been infringed;
A description of the nature and exact location of the material that you claim to infringe your copyright, in sufficient detail to permit Automattic to find and positively identify that material. For example we require a link to the specific blog post (not just the name of the blog) that contains the material and a description of which specific portion of the blog post an image, a link, the text, etc your complaint refers to;
Your name, address, telephone number and email address;
A statement that you have a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law; and
A statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that you are authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed."


They don't say that it is specific for WordPress.
They are an independent company.

Maybe the best is to contact them directly and ask: [email protected]

Yes, but it would have to be on a website hosted by automattic, Inc.

General Macrostock / Re: Agefotostock "LBRF"
« on: March 29, 2014, 12:52 »
Yeah well. It's not in the contract I signed. That's what I meant.

General Macrostock / Agefotostock "LBRF"
« on: March 29, 2014, 04:56 »
So I know there has been some discussion, griping and ridicule of Age's "Low Budget Royalty Free" collection, which essentially separates out and brands microstock photos in their own, low cost group. Like a good ole' sheep, I have always submitted my microstock images to that collection on Age, because that's how it's supposed to be, right?

Well, after scanning through their legal material once more the other day I realized I cannot find the wording that says so. Has anybody else looked this up? Are we actually legally bound to submit micro photos only to LBRF on Age, or could we submit them to Pixtal (their regular RF collection)?

Image Sleuth / Re: Fiverr
« on: March 25, 2014, 08:49 »

Check out this response I got on Fiverr from one of these sellers:

No, i buy this photos from website, that are Royality Free !!
Royality Free = You Can re sell them, use them in your website !

My morning headache just got worse...

I half expected something like this... wouldn't even be surprised if they honestly thought that.

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