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Messages - SpaceStockFootage

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Adobe Stock / Re: Payout query
« on: November 17, 2021, 04:47 »
And be advised it takes a week or more for them to transfer the money. Used to be just days.

Yup, really annoying, I suppose it's the (counter) effect of the lowest payout threshold in the market and payout at any request time.

How annoying, unless you were being sarcastic, that they pay at a comfortable low minimum and faster than all the rest?  ;D

Not sarcastic, it is annoying because there's a lot of delay, in comparison to IS and SS, especially IS always seems to land in my Paypal faster than expected. But the other two things are positive.

A lot of delay compared to iS and SS?! You make a sale over $25 on AS and it's in your bank 7 days later... make a sale on iS or SS and it's in your bank 5 to 56 days later.

I know I'm making myself unpopular here, but I am getting a little bored with these 10 cent discussions.

Nobody wants to get only cents for their images, that's why I left for example iStock. It just didn't fit, but I'm not making a big deal out of it.

If I had only 10 cent sales at Shutter, I would say goodbye and that's it.

But there are still some who earn good money with Shutter. I myself see sales in the double digits every day, which compensate for these stupid cent sales.
Except for Alamy, I don't have those sales anywhere, not even Adobe. That still makes Shutter my best agency.

The annoying review is another story.

And as Thijs rightly says, what are the alternatives? Exclusively 25 cent sales at Deposit?

So now you can jump all over me  ;)

Same with the 25 cent discussions for video. Those that have left seem to be under the impression that that's all you ever get now, 25 cents and no higher! Sure, I get a few at that price, but my RPD average for November is $32, so it's not all doom and gloom.

Shutterstock.com / Re: SS annual plan fraud
« on: November 12, 2021, 09:40 »
Yeah definitely not fraud. Best to just write it off as a costly learning experience and make sure you check the fine print the next time you sign up to a trial.

General - Stock Video / Re: Shutterstock video sales
« on: November 01, 2021, 01:45 »
About a 45% drop from 2019 to 2020 and about a 20% increase from 2020 to 2021.

That's nice.  Have you added many clips this year?

Some, but not a massive amount. Less than a 20% increase in portfolio size anyway.

General - Stock Video / Re: Shutterstock video sales
« on: October 31, 2021, 20:31 »
About a 45% drop from 2019 to 2020 and about a 20% increase from 2020 to 2021.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Envato Elements?
« on: October 28, 2021, 00:36 »
The way the email explains it says that my items will be transferred from Videohive to Elements. You suggest that I can continue selling my items on both. Do they let me sell the same item on both platforms?

Yeah, they've not worded it very well... it's more of a copy and paste than a cut and paste. And to Mimi... while selling on Envato Elements might undervalue you work with regards to RPD, he'll make more money selling on Elements and VideoHive combined... so while I kind of see your point to an extent... it's slightly paradoxical that undervaluing your work, in this instance, results in your content having more value from a financial point of view.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Istock payment delay ??
« on: October 27, 2021, 01:12 »
Yeah got mine.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Envato Elements?
« on: October 27, 2021, 01:12 »
Yes, Envato owns both. The offer is for 90 days after upload, per clip, but runs until the 3rd of May, so anything uploaded on the 3rd of February or before will get the full 90 day bonus. I'd ignore the estimates they've come up with as I've no idea how they figured those out. Some people earn less than what they do on VideoHive and some people earn more (some considerably more), so it's impossible to give a prediction. However, I've never heard of anybody earning less on Elements and the marketplace combined, than they do just being on the marketplace... so, if you're already on VideoHive, and you're happy to carry on selling there, then it makes sense to join Elements.

General Stock Discussion / Re: MotionElements October payout
« on: October 19, 2021, 04:44 »
Got mine yesterday via PayPal.

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe Stock Sales are so slow this days
« on: October 10, 2021, 04:05 »
Interesting. For video, my custom sales are usually priced at less than the regular ones. Not always, but more often than not.

I was thinking of doing a series of alien exoplanet landscapes and also selling the 3D landscape models I create in the process. Should be very festive.

In video you rarely reach over 50 sales for video files so at those low numbers start crunching because maybe you are operating at al loss. Yes i get that those of you that do renders use your time and from time to time change computers ...the rest we do the same, pay props, models , travel expenses etc. So for a few dollars video I would say it is a big waste of time.

I have dozens of clips with more than 50 sales (with my top sellers having over ten times that), my best selling clip has made over $10K, I make almost $5 per clip per month, and I work an average of two days a week. So, while it may be a big waste of time for you... it works for me.

Yeah but if they have a subscription at SS then it's highly unlikely they're going to download something from AS instead, or anywhere else... they'll just go with the best they can find at SS as they won't want to shell out any extra. And if they don't have a subscription at SS then that increases the chances that they might buy elsewhere, but what are the odds they can't find anything suitable on the whole of SS, but they can find it in your portfolio elsewhere? And if they don't have a subscription at SS then they're paying $20+ for HD. Not sure where you're getting the 'a few dollars at most' from. 

Here we go again

Well it's not automatically $0.25! Sure, more often than that it's closer to that, but the average is still a lot higher than 25 cents. The point is, you're just leaving money on the table.

Oh and just a side note....

$30 = $30

$30 + $0.25 = $30.25

The final number at the bottom (the one on the far right with the 2 and the 5 after the little dot thing) is a bigger number. I know that's hard to get your head around, but it is pretty straightforward!

Sorry, doesn't work that way. Without him disclosing his total earnings, or you disclosing your total earnings.... all we had to go on from the information provided at that point, is that he's getting a cheeseburger every month by contributing to SS. And you aren't. As a result... he's doing better than you.

So what if you earn more at P5 and Adobe? Maybe he earns more at P5 and Adobe as well? Maybe he earns just as much, if not more, than you at P5 and Adobe so he can dine at your fancy restaurant too... but he also has his cheeseburger to come home to if the fancy portions didn't quite fill the gap.

I thought people were deleting accounts rather than creating new ones.  ;D

Exactly. And lots of threads here about SS. Guess everybody reactivated their accounts.  ::)

Or never deleted our account because we make money from SS.

So, you can buy a cheese burger every month? Nice, just keep going. And praise ShitterStock.  ;D

No... it means he can buy one more cheeseburger than you can every month!

Could be the same, The previous one mentioned the 10 cent minimum, which would have to go if it was unlimited (it's possible they could get a lot less than 10c per download before they've even paid us), and that one just contained less popular items... this new one seems to include everything. The main thing I'm going on is that it doesn't say anywhere in the article or the announcement that it's unlimited downloads. It uses wording that could give that impression, but it still clearly mentions getting a certain amount of credits for downloads every month.

DepositPhotos / Re: Deposit Photos Revenue Share
« on: September 14, 2021, 08:37 »
I assumed everyone had got invited. Can't be on performance... I got invited with my one sale in the last five years or so! Have you checked your spam folder?

I wonder how hard it would be to make a virus that downloaded stuff from SS on these unlimited plans.

It's not an unlimited plan, it's just another subscription plan... you still have a set number of credits to use each month.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Stock video
« on: September 10, 2021, 00:13 »
I don't know exactly what Wirestock is or how they work, but I would probably recommend them over BlackBox.

Shutterstock.com / Re: Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion
« on: September 01, 2021, 14:23 »
I think somebody has a slightly unhealthy level of anger in regards to these rule changes. While I can understand why somebody might be opposed to these changes, I'm having a bit of trouble understanding why somebody would have quite that amount of opposition to these changes! Chill out, it's not the end of the world.

Looks like all my Blackbox stuff is in there (through Pond 5 then presumably), but none of my direct Pond 5 stuff.

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