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Messages - Mifornia

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Well, we might be going down, but Adobe itself is still selling well. Otherwise our ranking would go up even if our sales are slowing down.

So we simply don't have the right content for what buyers are looking for right now.

I did upload quite a bit of summer content, but I think it arrived too late and just like with people I have no footsteps in the summer algos.

Next year will be better.
I do have spring and summer seasonal content, so I cant use that excuse. This Monday is even worse, I think if portal is on the downward, then its shown less. Whats interesting is that my images that are selling usually well, stopped selling but images that never sold are now selling, but are one hit wonders.

I wonder if algorithms changed?

PS: for example I have older traditional photograph that Ive made to png that use to  sell every day, its timeless, not seasonal - now it stopped. My seasonal best seller also stopped

Its strange that from this thread we are all going downwards. Did I miss anyone? Anyone is selling well?

Im also sliding downwards 4270


As for the art form dying, true, but the demand for oil paintings is hardly enough for anyone to want to go into that for a living. As a side interest of hobby, sure. Some demand for stock images, won't support anyone's life or equipment investment in the future. Also that won't keep the stock photo agencies in business as they would be selling an obsolete product.

Think of being a blacksmith as a trade? There's still a need, but hardly enough commercial demand. All that's left are specialists and the last trade artisans.

He-he, try to find a good blacksmith! Huge demand! Horses need shoes every 8 weeks. Best have 2 people working for them and do several horses at the same time. 200-250 horses per week in rain, freeze, or heat.

Friend of mine in her 50s decided to take art classes from Stanford, started to paint and now has several exhibitions and galleries rep her. She is an amazing salesman. My guess she makes $20k per year from oil paintings.

Sorry Pete to debunk your post, to each their own, Stock is fast, but painting is slow. I painted for many years, its the same principle as in Stock: only 20% of what you produce sells, where to store other 80% of large paintings? Not for me anymore, but it was fun and there are still droves of people who would love to make extra cash with art. Art will never die, its therapeutic and romantic. It weathered centuries 😉

I remember when Photoshop illustrations were called not real illustration and when digital art was called not real art and most traditional artists said they would never use photoshop or digital painting and look at the reality now!

Photography had a very long run with no competition. Give it 5-10 years and AI photography (and illustration) will be as normal as Photoshop and Lightroom. (+ most of photographers are already using AI to remove something on photos)

AI will not kill traditional photography, just like digital art didnt kill traditional art. However, the quality level for traditional photography will have to increase.

Microstock might change, but its ability to pull variety of talent from all over the world will stay.

Dont give up hopes for your flowers, just because my flowers dont sell the best. May be your flowers will become bestsellers! Obviously there are flowers that sell great!

He-he Cobalt, We always think the grass is greener on the other side: you are doing AI illustrations and Im doing AI photos 🤣 I always thought photos are the money makers: look at all office and tech people that are so wildly popular! (and my illustrations of flowers are not selling well) Im so tempted to go and take photos of office people, but one probably needs actors for releases? And real offices are so messy!

So question for earlier contributors, whats the slowest month? It should be April, correct?

I have already passed my total income from april 2023, so perhaps i should not complain.

But the extreme drop after good high is always depressing.

How many years youve been contributing to Adobe and how many pages you have?

PS: yes, the swings are quite wild lately. Im more than 60% down in April


File acceptance varies greatly lately: at times immediate acceptance within minutes as I upload, other times a week for illustrations. For photos from 5 days to a month + . I think they take faster images that Adobe needs and leave less desirable images in queue for longer. My acceptance rate is 100% since Holidays when Adobe use to decline the whole submission batch for no apparent reason. Glad that they fixed it.

I submit only 1-5 files per day, mostly illustrations since I like digital painting (and AI photography lately) My traditional travel photography doesnt sell much, like 5 sales per image per year. I do a lot of keywords research.


I would guess contributors who are in 500 weekly range make 1k + per month

April been brutal for me with no bestsellers for .35, but files that sell are selling for 1.05, $3.30 etc. its strange to see higher $ numbers, must be from natural search - without being featured. (My bestsellers have only 6 months life)

Have to produce something new and eye catching that nobody else thought off 🤣

Also not really worried about copycats, because i still have no clue what really sells in illustrations.
Its always a surprise for me what exactly will sell: its not difficult to guess the subject, but what will take off is, at times my favorite designs dont sell or the worst one on the same subject will. Ive read that there is some kind of rating that reviewers can assign. Dont worry about this week, its tax season, youll probably come up again soon. (Matt wrote before that if you got featured on top sellers, you have a good idea of what customers want. I believe its a feeling that is difficult to put to words, but if you have it, youll produce best designs again and again)

One of my bestsellers became a regular seller and thats a big hit for me, Im also down a lot.

I disagree on being featured as useless. When I was featured during the christmas season, the week I was on that list I had a push of nearly 40% more sales compared to the week before.
3 times when I was featured, my sales dropped those weeks, thats the reason why I asked Matt how featured affects you. The only difference I personally felt was that my images got accepted much faster after being featured.

I saw some contributors with a million downloads on top sellers list, so its possible to be featured even with a big portfolio.

Double post, dont know how to delete

There are some really interesting ports on that illustration list.

Absolutely love this one


I have been experimenting with oil painting style, but mine never get a good uptake. But i havent ujploaded a lot of flowers, perhaps I should just go for it.

The list also always has new ports with just over 1000 downloads, sometimes the ports are quite small.

Congratulations on making a top sellers list!

I tried flowers early on, very few got sales, I think there is already too many of them out there. Unless you can come up with something new. Only 2 files got 40 and then 20 downloads, nothing special, dont understand how they got sales while others didnt at all. I spent a week on them, earned $50 🤣

I was on top seller list several time with very few png files and position about 800 - because its calculated how efficient, how much sales you have compared to how many files you have. (Not how much $ you earn) I had several best sellers that took off (and then died) so my earnings were very efficient compared to how many images I had. (How many copies of hand drawn png can one do? Might as well draw a different image in that time)

Now, I have 28 pages and make more $, but diluted my portfolio on purpose, since I dont want to be featured on a top sellers list - as Matt said: you earned bragging rights but Customers dont see it, reviewers dont see it, search engine doesnt see it, but copycats do!!! Sorry, I see no upside to it.

However, I know that if someone uploads many variations of the same image or does mainly copycats - their portfolio gets marked down in searches. You have to create something new for Adobe to push your images in search.

I had several digitaly-drawn bestsellers that sold like wildfire , but each of them died just as suddenly. Plus, I only had 2 bestsellers at a time that sell great

Im starting to doubt that one can rely on bestsellers long term post 2021?


That said, I do enjoy teaching so when I retire, I would like to teach one or two people about how I did things. Not so much for money etc, just because I like the idea of passing something on.

Its difficult to retire if you enjoy to create. Especially if you are good at it and success comes fairly easy. Part time is a wonderful option to still use your talent. Its so enjoyable to see your work sell.
Thats why I dont upload hundreds of images. Im done with being efficient and streamlined, now I enjoy creative process and little rewards

This is the first time that I dont have a bestseller (all suddenly died out) and sales are cut in more than half!!! I didnt realize how much I rely on my bestsellers.

Thank you for letting us know.

But why dont you report this, to get that account removed?

because agencies require the actual copyright holders to complain and send in proof.

if enough theft is proven the accounts get pulled.

which is why you keeping seeing criminal ports always being posted in stock groups.

Actually, you don't need to be the actual copyright owner to file complaints to remove them.  I've reported fraud accounts of somebody else's videos many times and got them removed from Adobe Stock and Shutterstock.  After you report them, they do their own investigation and remove fraud accounts.

How do you do that?

Give the contributor support the link to original clip/photo and fraud clip/photo.  Originals are the oldest.  All fraud stolen clips have newer item#.

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Thank you

Yes, for years either with a Samsung or iPhone.
I mostly use the phones for editorials and they sell ok.
With the iPhone, the latest models are ok with the 48 Mpixels ProRaw.
I have latest iPhone Pro. I usually use my Sony Alpha A7 for videos, but rarely have it with me. Is there a specific iPhone settings that you use for videos?

And how does IPhone compares to Sony Alpha?

It's just a common sense to try to create what's selling.  But I was trying to explain a pitfall of creating very similar images.  You got to differentiate from what's already out there in the same concept/genre.  That's my approach.  There's no copyright in concept for photo/video/images.  So, you can't own that.  Nobody owns "business theme", "Christmas theme" etc.

Also, many images on my portfolio top page are images with only 1 recent sale.  And if these don't get additional sales, they'll get pushed back to further down pages.  So, it's not that simple to guess what's really selling on somebody's portfolio.

A lot of people copy images almost one to one along with titles, etc. thats what is bothering me. Not a just a knowledge that concept of technology or Christmas theme is selling well, so they should do technology and Christmas images. (Yes, those themes sell the best, but there are millions of images of tech and Xmas that dont sell at all)
I do own a copyright to my hand drawn illustrations and I dont want them to be copied. It takes a lot of time to report it.

1 good day and 4 slow days somehow kept me at good ranking this week.

My advice to newbies is to listen to people who are doing well and at least much better than you. 
Also look at contributors on Top Seller list and figure out why they are doing well.

Just copying their bestsellers may not bring you $$ because everybody may be doing the same and the market is saturated with similar images already.  It can be hit or miss and big disappointment in my own experience.  So, find your niche also and come up with your original idea.
Well, that actually bothers me and thats the reason why I dont want to be featured again on a bestseller list. First time was ok, but after second,  third time, I got 50+ ports copying my images!!! It really sucks, since coming up with original ideas is not that simple and then hundreds of similar images with exactly same description etc now my profitable niche that I found is over saturated with copycats. I understand ports from 3rd world countries copying, they are desperate and dont give a flying #$& about copyrights , but in well educated countries you do know about copyrights and yet still openly advertise to copy bestsellers? Why???

@Andrei S youll get there with quality.
When I found this forum and read that majority of AI contributors upload hundreds or thousands of AI images per week, I panicked and started to upload more as well. It didnt bring more $ at all. It was just busy work.  Now I slowed back and refocused on quality again. The quality images might get selected to be featured. If you can produce something original and highly usable, that cant be found on Adobe search, this is what brings sales for me usually. (Unfortunately then copycats get them and it does get diluted somewhat)

Another slow day yesterday, but somehow my ranking is holding steady.  Must be a slow week for everybody.  I only had 1 good sales day this week.  In general, day to day sales are not consistent.  10,000 photos, 0 video portfolio.
strange week, a bit slower than last week, but my weekly standing is ar 2020  now, way worse than last week. (Still under 3000 files, 28 pages )


Doesn't make any sense. If Adobe will lower the commissions you will get less earnings even if you have the same ranking. So earnings are the most important figure.

It depends for whom: for us earnings are most important, but for Adobe its downloads- it shows that your content is popular with customers, so Adobe will push that content to customers even more.
I wonder if @Matt can clarify that for us please?


When I will hit the 30 USD / month mark on Adobe I will switch to Pro+ Plan, since you then can install all models from civitai.
There are some finetuned models there, which could be used for even a better generating quality. But currently it would be a loss business case for me, so that I'm waiting for growing earnings.
do you mean $30 usd payment to Adobe Photoshop Lightroom or $30 usd per day from Adobe stock?

Im not familiar with Stable Diffusionat all, what are finetuned models mean? Can it generate good quality AND big sizes without upscaling to delude the original quality?

Thanks in advance

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