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Messages - Lizard

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General - Top Sites / Re: I'm the guy with the grey beard
« on: June 09, 2022, 19:48 »

I don't know why people waste so much time obsessing about me. They (you) would be a lot better off obsessing about your own port.
Move on!

Dude, you do realize that you are trying to push yourself in the center of the attention with both arms and the legs to the limit that you complain people are obsessed with you ?


My question for years is, who do these politicians really represent? Not the people or the honest long term good of the country. Which leaves, themselves and their party.

It leaves a bit more options.

28 / Re: My first Illustration
« on: May 18, 2022, 15:21 »
I painted an abstract canvas in acrylic with a pallet knife and took a picture of it.  I have a dozen of these.  After finally getting the property release right for SS, the image was rejected again with a note to make it an illustration, not a photograph.  What?  Is this the new normal for photographs of art?

I think you have to select a illustration category for it and that's that. BTW, requesting property release for your own art is most annoying thing ever.

I love how conservatives complain about the evils of socialism and how free market capitalism solves all problems . Then when the law of supply and demand kicks in and the price of gas goes up 50 cents a gallon they complain that the government isnt doing enough. 😂

Well, if you look the green part as the market price, blue as the gas station profit and the red part is what governments are taking from the cake I wouldn't call this free market by any means  ;)

Would you ?

Looking for ideas and I know that some people do this and do well. I asked Annie after she mentioned promotion using social media. Anyone else with ideas that have worked, please join in?

Well, I managed to replace my stock income with the one coming from POD so Ill share few thoughts if someone find them useful. BTW my portfolio was always to artsy for stock so Im not sure if this would work with classic stock portfolios.

1. Building social presence is a long term process and really time consuming

2. Organic reach on some platforms became non existent so focusing on that is a wast of time if you don't do payed promotion ( read FB )

3. Avoid only follow for follow or like for like in a niche cause you will just find yourself in a net of artist liking each others stuff. On the other hand it can be useful to have large following so I wouldn't totally exclude those methods.

4.Get to know more about your have to figure that out for yourself

5. Be social, don't just post stuff for sale, you will most probably have to do marketing of yourself, your creative process which sucks for me cause I'm a introvert. If you do a research you will see that most popular artists tend to involve their personal life in their socials big time.

And another thing, one of the most important tools for random sales is SEO optimization of your content. You need to have your keywords in Title and Description. Long descriptions can also help.  Tags on the other hand are internal thing and are not helpful outside the selling platform. On FAA they openly state that 90+ % of sales come from google. Also building a own website that can rank stuff on long tail keywords can help a lot but its extremely hard to achieve in so saturated niche as art . So site hierarchy, ranking categories and serious keyword research is a must but that also doesn't guarantee nothing if the stuff you do is to competitive.

Having a niche is beneficial in my opinion , trying to market a little bit of everything...good luck with that

31 / Re: Contributor forum deceased?
« on: May 10, 2022, 16:38 »

I know some people won't like this, but the way the forum could have been rescued would have been actual moderation, with guidelines and rules that were fairly and equally enforced. The forum was abandoned long before it had to be shut down for going feral.

That's exactly right.  Vast majority are "good" users interested in sharing and being part of community, but small % will always be trolls, stirring up trouble. If you don't deal with it, it will drag board down as few people are interested in online drama.  On top,  you had "10 cent" restructuring, which naturally made just about everyone unhappy;  it didn't take rocket scientist to predict eventual extinction, only question was when. Yes, Kate was nice, Anna too, but strings were pulled by someone way above them.

Alamy too removed public link to their Forum from main page, simply not wanting to make it directly visible to potential customers.  But at least they didn't take it down and it is still moderated.

Trolls played same role in that forum shutdown as traffic lights in GTA.

To me it's a challenge. All the whining about 10 cent sales is a waste of time.
Complaining about rejections is a waste of time.
In short, complaining is a waste of time.
The challenge for me is to overcome.
Marines are taught to improvise, adapt, and overcome all obstacles.
I think that's a good attitude.
I don't care to read about the whines. All forums are full of them.
I want to read about success stories not bs
My income kept going up after the dime hair cut. Then I hit a plateau.
I stopped uploading because I hit a block.
Now I'm back to taking pictures and uploading. It's fun!
I enjoy the challenge.
Here's the thing for me, Stock Performer tells me I'm in the top 80% on downloads.
But I'm only in the top 30% on income and now I'm in the top 60% on uploads.
The problem is obvious. I need to create more images people want to pay for.
So that's what I'm working on now. Yes, upload, upload, upload. Dimes add up.
On Shutterstock I don't upload on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Like everyone else I'm
tired of the goofy judges that reject everything. So I don't bother with that.
On comparing agencies. Yes, Adobe, Dreamstime, 123RF and so on pay more for pictures but
in the final analysis Shutterstock pays more at the end of the month because they sell a hell of a lot more.
Wirestock started out good but now has gone off the rails.
Adobe pays me more for the thousand or so images I have with them.
Yeah, even Dreamstime gives me greater earnings than Wirestock.
Anyway, that's how it works for me. How other people work is their business..
I'm not on forums much anymore because it's a waste of time reading all the whining.
I do a lot of research and try to keep my eye on the ball.
What I don't know is what pictures bring in the big bucks. I've not discovered
that secret yet. So that's the challenge for me.
People are free to cut off their noses to spite their face but Shutterstock rules.
If you can get on with Stocksy because they pay well and work with photographers.
Good luck and upload, upload, upload.

Each life has limited amount of time. Being stubborn and choosing to invest yours in something that has become so non rewarding in a world full of other possibilities s a complete waste of time.

Good luck with that.

Off Topic / Re: Russian photographers should be banned!
« on: March 08, 2022, 14:53 »

Once again, you are trying to implement I dont agree on that. I fully agree.

The problem is that is that you and half of the world are so focused on them that you fail to realize  how many boxes some other countries check with yours being high on the list.  ;)

So... you do admit that Russia IS a fascist state.
We are making progress, although you still can't refrain from throwing in another "whatabout".

Otherwise, no, we don't fail to realize "that". No democracy is perfect.

There are several boxes checked by the USA and other democratic countries, most of them temporarily, and most of them corrected by a healthy feedback loop (like democratic elections, inter-institutional checks and balances, the justice system...).

You are systematically focusing on the trees and you don't see the forest. You are desperately looking for isolated examples, for exceptions matching your rhetoric and you wrongly extrapolate them to the whole.

That's your problem and that's how propaganda is working.

Perfect? You are further away from perfect than fart from smelling nice. Same as China , Russia and similar imperialistic and colonialist forces creating trouble for years and bringing misery wherever they show up.

Isolated examples ?  You had been in war for 227 years in your 244 years history of which almost all on others people lands.  ;D

And I don't see a tree from a forest ?

I see couple of wolves fighting over power for centuries making peaceful people miserable and pulling them in wars that could easily been avoided. And we live in nuclear times.

People of Ukraine are being killed by a psycho in the middle of a fight for imperialistic dominance while other psychos are planning their next move.

Off Topic / Re: Russian photographers should be banned!
« on: March 08, 2022, 14:04 »
Nice spin. Yes they are, together with other invader on sovereign countries.

No spin. You asked for an example and you got it. You're welcome.

You may also want to educate yourself on what fascism is.

FYI, fighting wars is not a sufficient reason to call a regime fascist. It may not even be a necessary reason. A regime can be fascist without any involvment in wars.

These are the main boxes checked by all fascist regimes:
- Authoritarian leader
- Supression of the oposition
- Submission of the ecomomy to the will of the government.
- Submission of the justice system to the will of the government.
- Suppresion of the free press and free speech
- Aggresive nationalist and cult of personality propaganda.

In other words, there is little difference between communism and fascism. The only difference is their position on the private property
The communists are confiscating it, while the fascists are tolerating it, as long as the owner is executing the orders of the fascist government.

Russia checks ALL boxes. We can add the aggression of several sovereign nations to it, if you want.

Russia simply switched from communism to fascism.

Once again, you are trying to implement I dont agree on that. I fully agree.

The problem is that is that you and half of the world are so focused on them that you fail to realize  how many boxes some other countries check with yours being high on the list.  ;)

From building walls in fear of different, closing doors on refugees, racial issues, nationalism, patriotism, imprisoning people like Assange or Snowden for purely speaking the truth and revealing facts, invading sovereign countries against the will of our allies in UN, organizing revolutions, executing leaders without right of free trials, implementing laws on arresting people without a single proof for being guilty, having extreme percentage of population in prisons, police brutality...I could go on and on and on.

Pretty much same colors different shades. 

Off Topic / Re: Russian photographers should be banned!
« on: March 08, 2022, 13:23 »

Which example ? 

Russia. Russia is a fascist state.

Nice spin. Yes they are, together with other invaders on sovereign countries killing civilians and creating refugees.

Off Topic / Re: Russian photographers should be banned!
« on: March 08, 2022, 13:20 »
KHPG is one of the oldest Ukrainian human rights organizations and partners with Amnesty etc.
Plus plenty of other articles on that site. To show the claim is ridiculous coming from Russia.

You want me to post photos of American NeoNazis militias? or from other Eastern European countries, almost all of which also have Neo *? How about photos of US members of congress attending white nationalist meetings or conventions? How many photos do you want? Thousands? I can dig up thousands if you like.

Yes, the ones that are part of official US army forces on national payroll.

Show me one , just ONE,  US soldier with nazi symbol on him standing in front of his superior.

I'm waiting...

Off Topic / Re: Russian photographers should be banned!
« on: March 08, 2022, 13:17 »
Extremists are everywhere.

I can give you US examples from Charlotsville, from the Capitol insurection and more.
It doesn't mean that the USA is a fascist regime. We always had a strong opposition, private companies can censor the president, individuals can sue the government and win.

However, Putin's regime is checking ALL fascism boxes.
Russia is today 100% a fascist state. There is zero doubt about it.

You asked for an example and you got it. Consider yourself educated.

Which example ?  Which country has nazi wings battalions as part of their national army wearing nazi symbols on their uniforms on national paycheck?

Answer please... no crap and around around...which country ?

General Stock Discussion / Re: Drones - UAV and the law
« on: March 08, 2022, 12:56 »
Even those who are setting future laws might have a huge problem here. Personally I think the answer is in intent and how the photo is used. Same thing with public places.

Btw, will they remove google satellite images then also because its basically same thing in a way?  ;D

Off Topic / Re: Russian photographers should be banned!
« on: March 08, 2022, 12:29 »
This doesn't have a precedent in the modern world. If you know about one please educate me.

You obviously need to be educated. You have the most obvious precedent in front of your nose, but you refuse to see it.

The whole Putin regime is a fascist regime.

His fascist army invaded an independent country after they brainwashed a very large majority of the Russian society (+ you) into believing that they are fighting fascists.
That pseudo-swastika symbol they adopted is pure irony.

Sure, some are really ironic...the kids are just having fun and an idiot like me thinks it can be serious when the go and provoke a psycho like Putin with nuclear missiles.

Luckily we have you to educate us how they use it for a good lough and irony or they are into ancient Buddhism and use their symbols. 

General Stock Discussion / Re: forget it
« on: March 08, 2022, 12:14 »

I said it so many times: #whataboutism

You still here? Decided not to volunteer after all and stay in the hot by the stove eating mamas soup while calling out Europeans to fight a war ?   ;)

General Stock Discussion / Re: forget it
« on: March 08, 2022, 12:10 »
Azov got their power/ formed because Putin attacked in 2014. They were one of the first groups to volunteer and go to fight. Taking them into the National Guard was an attempt to de-Nazify them. What was the alternative in a war-time situation which is still ongoing? Wars are ugly and messy and give power to the worst people. That is why they need to be avoided at (nearly) all costs.

They have their mirrors fighting on the other side in the Donbas and financed by Putin. The RIMs Imperial Legion, Union of the Russian People, For Faith and Fatherland etc. All committing atrocities, some of them with dozens of offices and open training camps in Russia. If you look into their ideologies you can clearly see the dog whistles in Putins speeches referencing Russias great imperial past.

None of this good, all of it is easily explained given the situation. It doesnt have anything to do with Putins imperial pursuit of the Ukraine and its resources (other than being fuelled/ created by it and his using it for propaganda).

Are you serious ? Man, you can get in trouble for missing a button on your uniform in the army and they are letting people with painted swastikas on their helmets to line on serious events. They are probably into Buddhism right ? So what do you do to stop it ? Not only to legalize it but make it part of authority and let those people patrol around on a payment. Common. So the best thing to destroy KKK would be to give them payments, authority and let them patrol around.

That kind of people are useful when you need an idiot to send him to dig some s..t, and then the other side send their idiots, then media cover that in an abstract way, then the other side media cover that in their abstract way and then you have a war. Been there, saw that...for years.

A guy with a room full of arms with a body covered in n.zi symbol tattoos is a psycho who just waits his moment. Not just there...anywhere. 

General Stock Discussion / Re: forget it
« on: March 08, 2022, 10:46 »
They went for half of a swastika instead of the full of it.
Copyright concerns maybe? 🤔

Every cattle has its pot:

Yes, Ukrainian NeoNazis are also scum. They are also not the government of the Ukraine and have nothing to do with the real reasons Putin invaded. They are politically completely marginalised (unlike in Russia). They got like 2% of the vote if that (dont have the number to hand). War only gives more power to these kinds of people anyway. Putin's attack will no doubt make them more popular as a war anywhere would tend to do with this kind of extremist group.

I can't fathom how your mind works. It is possible to not like two things at the same time. How do you see innocent people being attacked and your first impulse is to try and justify it or point the finger at something else not relevant to the situation?

Once again, Azov brigade is incorporated into National Guard and members are being financed from national budget. Whats a better argument to give a psycho in his agenda ? 

Just to be clear, anyone signing orders to attack civilians should rotten in prison until death. Any individual acting under such order should face the same faith.

And at the same time, anyone that spreads the fire during peace time should also face the same.

Like this 2 for example coming to spread fires in others peoples countries and:

They should be locked in the same cell with Putin, and all people like them.

Off Topic / Re: Russian photographers should be banned!
« on: March 08, 2022, 10:11 »
In Ukrania there are neonazis, in Germany there are neo-* , in Russia there are neo-*, in United States there are neo-*.

Sure, but the problem starts when they get brigades officially incorporated into the national guard ( Azov brigade ) and they become part of the official system and authority.

This doesn't have a precedent in the modern world. If you know about one please educate me.

And you have a psycho leader on other side so you bring all the world in existential danger by arming those extremists. 


General Stock Discussion / Re: forget it
« on: March 08, 2022, 10:02 »
They went for half of a swastika instead of the full of it.
Copyright concerns maybe? 🤔

Every cattle has its pot:

Off Topic / Re: Russian photographers should be banned!
« on: March 06, 2022, 11:04 »
Lizard, I am not sure I am understanding what you are trying to say? That, in a democracy, whenever the elected government is making a decision for the country, the whole country was "forced" into that decision whenever there was no referendum? You don't seem to understand that referendums, while they are part of democracy, are extrenmely rare and just because there was no referendum about an issue (so in 99,99% cases) it doesn't mean a whole country was  "forced" into anything when a government that was rightfully elected by the people and given the authorities to make decisions for the people, actually makes a decision without asking every single person for their agreement.

Do you also understand what constitution of a country is ? If constitution says referendum has to be held when entering international unions and +50% turnover is needed something to be valid, than 43% is a referendum that did not pass. Changing rules after to fix the result is a criminal act.

This is not correct. The turnout for the referendum was only 43% (= only 43% of eligible voters took part in the referendum - for whatever reason). This 43% of the participating population voted 67% in favor of joining the EU.


Exactly what I said, and for a referendum to be valid more than 50% of voters should take part.

Article 6 or Clanak 6 in Croatian:

Na dravnom referendumu odlučuje se većinom birača koji su glasovali, uz uvjet da je referendumu pristupila većina od ukupnog broja birača upisanih u popis birača Republike Hrvatske.


The state referendum is decided by a majority of the voters who voted, under the term that the referendum was attended by a majority of the total number of voters registered in the voter list of the Republic of Croatia.

43% turnaround is not majority of registered voters.


And here is the full law on official government site.

So what I stated is absolutely true, and by Croatian law that referendum was not valid.

If we wanted to exit EU and we had a new referendum with 49% turnaround with 100% of votes for the exit , the referendum would not be valid and we would have to stay in EU.

Which means 57% of the countries population simply did not give a f*** about whether to join the NATO or not and of the 49% who cared enough to vote , the vast majority of 67% voted in favor of it. How in the world are you twisting this around to support your claim that countries were "forced" to join the NATO?  :o

First learn to read, this is about referendum on joining EU not NATO.

Referendum about NATO NEVER TOOK PLACE even if it had BY LAW and CONSTITUTION.

Croatia was pulled in by a declaration written by a bribed guy who is rotting in the prison for working against the country and accepting bribe from western companies.

For loosing independence absolute majority of all voters have to agree and Croatia had only 67% of 43% that voted on EU referendum.

1,299,008 people were for joining EU out of 4,504,765 voters which is 28% and by constitution they needed 51% of all voters. 

In both cases the LAW was broken and supreme court didn't give a f..k cause they are all puppets. 

Off Topic / Re: Russian photographers should be banned!
« on: March 06, 2022, 07:05 »
Lizard, I am not sure I am understanding what you are trying to say? That, in a democracy, whenever the elected government is making a decision for the country, the whole country was "forced" into that decision whenever there was no referendum? You don't seem to understand that referendums, while they are part of democracy, are extrenmely rare and just because there was no referendum about an issue (so in 99,99% cases) it doesn't mean a whole country was  "forced" into anything when a government that was rightfully elected by the people and given the authorities to make decisions for the people, actually makes a decision without asking every single person for their agreement.

Do you also understand what constitution of a country is ? If constitution says referendum has to be held when entering international unions and +50% turnover is needed something to be valid, than 43% is a referendum that did not pass. Changing rules after to fix the result is a criminal act.

This is not correct. The turnout for the referendum was only 43% (= only 43% of eligible voters took part in the referendum - for whatever reason). This 43% of the participating population voted 67% in favor of joining the EU.


Exactly what I said, and for a referendum to be valid more than 50% of voters should take part.

Article 6 or Clanak 6 in Croatian:

Na dravnom referendumu odlučuje se većinom birača koji su glasovali, uz uvjet da je referendumu pristupila većina od ukupnog broja birača upisanih u popis birača Republike Hrvatske.


The state referendum is decided by a majority of the voters who voted, under the term that the referendum was attended by a majority of the total number of voters registered in the voter list of the Republic of Croatia.

43% turnaround is not majority of registered voters.


And here is the full law on official government site.

So what I stated is absolutely true, and by Croatian law that referendum was not valid.

If we wanted to exit EU and we had a new referendum with 49% turnaround with 100% of votes for the exit , the referendum would not be valid and we would have to stay in EU.

Off Topic / Re: Russian photographers should be banned!
« on: March 06, 2022, 05:27 »
Lizard, I am not sure I am understanding what you are trying to say? That, in a democracy, whenever the elected government is making a decision for the country, the whole country was "forced" into that decision whenever there was no referendum? You don't seem to understand that referendums, while they are part of democracy, are extrenmely rare and just because there was no referendum about an issue (so in 99,99% cases) it doesn't mean a whole country was  "forced" into anything when a government that was rightfully elected by the people and given the authorities to make decisions for the people, actually makes a decision without asking every single person for their agreement.

Do you understand a statement : 'If you don't vote to enter EU, you will not get your pension"."
A pension for which people payed all their life and which is their property.
Do you understand that's a blatant blackmail with threat to take peoples property if they don't vote as instructed ? Do you understand that is totalitarianism and dictatorship at its best and has nothing to do with democracy. 

Also in any law, an agreement signed under threat is not a legally valid agreement. An agreement signed using fraud or misleading is not a valid agreement. I can not force you to sell me your house for 5 Euros and if you sign that that's not a valid contract.

Do you also understand what constitution of a country is ? If constitution says referendum has to be held when entering international unions and +50% turnover is needed something to be valid, than 43% is a referendum that did not pass. Changing rules after to fix the result is a criminal act.


Off Topic / Re: Russian photographers should be banned!
« on: March 06, 2022, 04:12 »
And also a statement before EU referendum given by Croatian foreign minister at that time in all main Croatian media frightening pensioners:

Vesna Pusić: I don't want to be too cruel, but if we don't join the EU, you won't get a pension!

Links to the statement from the main Croatian media ( just use google translate) :


So that's that democracy. Same propaganda as used by eastern block. No difference at all.

Off Topic / Re: Russian photographers should be banned!
« on: March 06, 2022, 03:35 »

It was not NATO expanding. It was the free democratic will of many countries who suffered under the Russian boot, deciding and voting to join an alliance able to guarantee their integrity. Putin believes that he is entitled to dictate, what sovereign countries should do, while his propaganda is blaming NATO for the expansion.
NATO forced no country to join.

Not true. A lot of countries were pulled in without voting with referendums avoided at any costs after analysis showed that majority of people is against integration. Croatia is one case. And it was done under a pupet premier which was imprisoned later for stealing national money and selling national companies to private investors from the west under-priced while being bribed.

Ivo Sanader is a convicted criminal which had full support of highest European authorities. Second guy from the right on the photo of the ceremony on the day Croatia joined NATO saluting its flag.

And here he is taking a 10M Euro bribe to sell national oil company for which he got 6 years among other things he did.

And here is the same guy being arrested in Austria after he escaped from Croatia.

And here is Merkel publicly supporting his elections on his party meeting:

And a proof that Croatia never had a referendum on NATO integrations and joined on a declaration  by a convict even though under constitution joining international integrations requires a referendum.–NATO_relations

"Croatia had considered holding a referendum on NATO membership. On March 23, 2007, the Croatian president Stjepan Mesić, Prime Minister Ivo Sanader and President of parliament Vladimir eks declared that the Croatian constitution does not require a referendum on this issue."

Also Croatian referendum for joining EU had turnover under 50% and thus it was non constitutional. So the constitution rule about 50% turnover was changed to enter the EU and than changed back the very next week.

And this is a FACT nobody can challenge.



Off Topic / Re: Will the Russia/Ukraine war affect sales?
« on: March 05, 2022, 15:54 »
And yet, you are still fighting your own forum war instead of volunteering and signing up to go to Ukraine. No one can stop you but you still choose to spread the fire among others on how to start ww3 against a nuclear superpower country comparing them to some banana republic in military aspect.

Once again, go and fight, you are more than welcomed to join.

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