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Messages - runeer

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26 / Re: iStock's Mevans Passed In the Night
« on: December 04, 2013, 03:58 »
This is sad and such a big loss... My condolences to the family...

I'm a designer and i used to buy stock illustrations and photos from iS but since they rised the prices on the illustrations i had the unpleasant experience to find out that i had to pay 80 usd for a photo used in one of the flyers i've designed and since that experience i've quit buying from iS and redirected to other sites where i can find a decent price for stock photography.

If only iS look into feedbacks like yours...

So is it true that most customers went somewhere else for cheaper clip-arts and illustrations?

I have a feeling that my newly accepted illustrations will go "invisible/stagnant" just after few downloads...

For those who cancelled iS exclusivity, is it troublesome to deal with multiple stock sites? Are the rests generate better income per month than iS?

I don't know how to come out with a best topic title. I generally wanna ask all illustrators/vector artists out there about your sales performance this year.

I'm an iS exclusive illustrator, DLs have been really slow since last year and there's no sign of going uphill till now.

Is it only happening to iS exclusive vector artists? A lot of my fellow iS artists have been inactive or stop uploading for months, and moving their talents somewhere else, e.g. projects.

Any clue guys? Feel free to discuss and share your opinion whether ya iS or non-iS artists.


30 / Re: So who's going to miss their RC targets?
« on: December 03, 2012, 05:11 »
I need more 9262 credits to stay at 35%... arrrrrgggghhhh... LIARS!!!

$60,000 to $200,000 per year. I am sure there are some folks making $60k to $200k per month right Leaf?  ;D

Well, I was a junior in that group back in 2009-2010... not anymore :-(

You were making over $60,000 a MONTH in 2009-2010?   :o

Unless your name is Yuri Arcurs (and he was never Istock exclusive) I am quite skeptical of what you're claiming. 

I mean per year

I would say that exclusivity is digging your own grave.
If you get 5 times the earning as that of independants.

You get 5 times the lazier.

It will not take many years before you cannot compete anymore.
Its like those birds on islands, that cannot fly.

Now I couldn't agree more... but, OUCH!

$60,000 to $200,000 per year. I am sure there are some folks making $60k to $200k per month right Leaf?  ;D

Well, I was a junior in that group back in 2009-2010... not anymore :-(

okay, I am now curious on what a typical exclusive makes from IS? Is there a large percentage that make from say 60k to 200k range? I figure most folks that are making below $50k wouldn't mind dropping out of the exclusive to spread their pics to the other sites. I assume that IS paid the exclusives very handsomely until the last two years?

60k to 200k... per year or month?

Am I just the one asking this question? I'm feeling helpless with the sales trend and changes in iStock and wonder if I should just drop my crown too and start selling everywhere else. Maybe some of the members here could share their experience?

36 / Re: How to LEAVE iStock???
« on: February 05, 2012, 03:21 »
You're making a right decision to not go exclusive, istockphoto is not what it used to be!

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