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Messages - jarih

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Am I how wrong...

Same here. I've been shortlisted at least 10 times and never chosen. And it was very hard to tell if the brief was even awarded. Just says "closed". I've given up on them.
I have followed and about 87% was closed, so only 13% was awarded. My test time is coming to end and result, I am pretty sure it's waste of time. Maybe there is few who make some income. But is it to good place to make money, I do not think so. I think it's much better themselves, collect membership subscriptions and so on. It's shame, I like an idea of prices and how they market images.

Nice case, maybe it's just a mistake from an other photographer. And he or she believe it's her/his image. Landscape images can be so similar among themselves. If both have taken a picture at same place. It can be possible.. it can be the answer of the mystery :)

123RF / Re: Anyone get payment of May?
« on: May 22, 2016, 12:21 »
My April payout arrived on May 15 (a week ago). The May payout won't arrive until June 15th.

If you didn't receive your payout - and did you check your earnings total? - I'd contact support. I've never known them to be a week late (in recent times; there were hiccups when they were just getting started)
My english mistake Jo Ann :) Yes, I mean in May. Normally they paid 15th but not now.. I will contact support.

123RF / Anyone get payment of May?
« on: May 22, 2016, 01:43 »
It is little late..

Royalty Cut..

Aren't there any successful stories with them ? :)
I haven't sold none, but my friend has sold couple images via marketplace. For her it's ok, small marketplace portfolio and she will not sell via microstocks at all. But success, hard to say.

if you plan to bring the photo into microstock, i'd suggest that you take it off IB first.
I am not the biggest fan of them.  A potential 'buyer' can put a brief out with little commitment, and then we, the photographers do the leg work for the 'human powered image search' or whatever their tagline is. and more often than not, I see the brief go quiet.   I think that place could convert a lot more briefs into sales for us photographers if they got a simple deposit from a 'buyer' for each brief they put out. 
Otherwise, the buyer is about as committed to the brief as a google image search.
I agree, only about 10-15% are awarded.

Delete image before you offer that to microstocks or other stock (price under price $250). Of course, you can not return same image to the IB later.

FYI in case anyone wants to disable their 500px Marketplace "store" without removing pictures (perhaps hoping they'll see the error of their ways...), you can just make one selection in the Marketplace settings:

logged in to your account that'll get you the choice to "Disable 500px Store. Disable sale of your photos for commercial licensing."
I will use this since 1 April and write link to my other marketplace to "about you" section. (

Crazy opportunity for social media war against 500px

General Stock Discussion / Re: How long are reviews on 500px?
« on: March 21, 2016, 12:50 »
I got an email couple days ago "Your Marketplace submissions have been reviewed".

"Thank you for participating in the 500px Marketplace fast-track submission process! Our Content Team has been busy reviewing your photos and identified 0 images that need your attention before they are cleared for licensing."

How long did your files were pending before they got reviewed?

And i was also thinking, those who purchased Awesome plan - do they get any priority for files to be reviewed over those using the Plus or free accounts?
I uploaded first image on last July and so on and just free account.

But just got a new happy email, they decrease comission from 70% to 30%. That's it, no more new uploads!

General Stock Discussion / Re: How long are reviews on 500px?
« on: March 21, 2016, 04:11 »
I got an email couple days ago "Your Marketplace submissions have been reviewed".

"Thank you for participating in the 500px Marketplace fast-track submission process! Our Content Team has been busy reviewing your photos and identified 0 images that need your attention before they are cleared for licensing."

Did you have to do anything to participate in the "fast-track submission process"?
I do not know nothing about this "fast-track submission", what does it mean.
I think I just upload like others.

General Stock Discussion / Re: How long are reviews on 500px?
« on: March 21, 2016, 03:41 »
I got an email couple days ago "Your Marketplace submissions have been reviewed".

"Thank you for participating in the 500px Marketplace fast-track submission process! Our Content Team has been busy reviewing your photos and identified 0 images that need your attention before they are cleared for licensing."

I wonder why he didn't make them 4K in the first place?!
Limitations of the original image, resolution size!

General Stock Discussion / Re: Pets need release??!!
« on: January 18, 2016, 10:18 »
Canstock rejected shot of my dog for release issue.
SS and FT approved the same shot.


Probably u need siganture from mother and father's dog too?  Ask them  :-X


Of course, she is clearly a puppy, not adult ;)

Yaymicro / Re: YAY closing
« on: January 10, 2016, 15:41 »
Had you reached payout threshold? Or did they agree to payout regardless..?
It's under but they promised to payout.

Yaymicro / Re: YAY closing
« on: January 10, 2016, 15:23 »
Yeah? Fascinating. Thanks for your contribution.
Yeah, about year ago I deleted my images and week ago I requested to close my account and payout. And they promised to pay at the next payout.

Yaymicro / Re: YAY closing
« on: January 10, 2016, 10:22 »
Did you ever receive a reply to your 'cash-out' request..?
I got mine.

45 / Re: ODs/SUBs ratio in SS
« on: November 30, 2015, 08:27 »
Quite ok November, it's 0,81

I just realized that the max number of keywords allowed by 500px is 30.
The industry norm is 50. This is why most of my files have ~50.
Completely agree, and I believe that most of us. I hope 500px understand to fix this issue and increase keywords max to 50. And it's so logical, just drop one zero and result is so beautiful and clean 50 :)

DepositPhotos / Re: Changes in royalties
« on: November 24, 2015, 03:32 »
My last 160 earnings was about 20% credits and 80% subs. I think it's better than year or two ago. But, DP is also most "look out" partner.

General Stock Discussion / Re: ImageBrief "premium" membership
« on: November 15, 2015, 04:31 »
Has anyone ever seen their brief closed and awarded? I haven't.

I followed closed briefs (50) to which I added images, about 20% was awarded and 80% not.

Update: only 16 - 17% was awarded. This is some kind of issue, low award value

General Stock Discussion / Re: ImageBrief "premium" membership
« on: September 28, 2015, 05:19 »
Just thought I'd have a go at something and discover....
with freebie account you only get to submit ONE image to a brief.
I must have missed that in the small print! :(
Show them your portfolio, if they like, you get ten image submit limit per a brief.

50 / Re: Cap on daily earnings?
« on: September 19, 2015, 00:43 »
... and last 3 days I think they play with a search... my earnings are drastically down...
I thought that no one mention and I am alone, exactly same here!

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