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Messages - dunsmore

Pages: 1 [2]
iStockPhoto.com / Re: Gone exclusive
« on: May 23, 2009, 07:19 »
Congrats, Istock is the best place to be, if you are exclusive. In these times of agencies fighting for cents with subs programs, IS offers the best deal and a devent sub program, Being exclusive you can sell your pics for a resonable price and at a reasonable comission (being Diamond). Right now, I don't see another site worth for itself, besides, maybe, Veer.

Another thing is the photos.com deal. Well, at least there's and opt-out.


I said some, you can draw your own conclusions  ;)


The writing on the wall is starting to become pretty clear for both exclusives and independents who submit to Getty sites.  All that happened was they tried to toss the frogs into the boiling water and they jumped out.  This time around they are wisely placing the frogs in the cool pot of water and slowly turning up the heat.


Perfect synopsis of what is going on. But there are some who are too blind or blinkered to see.

Its called humour ichiro! Dont take yourself so seriously  ;)

Until they have enough of a monopoly. After that both contributors and buyers will suffer!

Good luck Veer, it's now or never!

sjlocke called and said to spread the word  ;D

So Dreamstime want to keep old files which are probably of lower quality and reject new stuff  ??? A move guaranteed to date the site very quickly!

Agreed good idea

Pages: 1 [2]


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