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Messages - JFP

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26 / Re: iStock simplifying collections
« on: May 14, 2013, 11:09 »
I think in theory it could be a good change if done properly, but the facts are that:

- Vetta will now be made for Getty Agency files. Mr Lobo said there will not be preferences, but they also previously said that all Getty Agency files would go through same review process, which was a complete lie.
- They are going to screw up the site again so be prepared for a further drop of sales
- it's getting closer and closer to an end of the Exclusivity program but Getty/IS doesn't have the decency to tell it

27 / Re: death of istock postponed?
« on: April 08, 2013, 12:01 »
istock is already dead. The best match is still broken but my files are pretty well placed in the best match.... no sales thought. no more buyers.

28 / Re: Feb Getty Bump
« on: March 27, 2013, 02:32 »
BME for GI sales, BME for GI Refunds, but still enough to compensate the huge drop of IS sales...

Off Topic / Re: airbnb photographer job offer
« on: March 20, 2013, 03:19 »
Better do a bit more research before posting stuff like this.
It's not a scam site. I've used it many times and it's great for when you travel to expensive locations like HK of SG.

Distrustful as I am of someone I don't know asking me for any personal info and pointing me to a rather vague website of a company I've never heard of, I googled 'airbnb scam' - just in case there was something to worry about here.  I found this (among other negative comments):

Be cautious here, it sounds possible that you could end up with permission to photograph an apartment, only to find later that the person giving permission was not the owner.

I'm a bit puzzled also that you have a personal invitation out of the blue from these people, but anyone else who wants to participate has to do so by giving their information to you.   

For the moment, it is based in Non-exclusive RF. What they basically want is an RF extended license for footage. 

I already have the stock footage done, and available on some of the stock sites.

Pricing is open to discussion, but having a percentage on sales would not be very easy to track or verify how many sales they have done.


I have a request from a client who wants to license some of my footage for use into video templates that they will resell for a specific use to their clients. The final video can be shared online and downloaded by the client.

I am fine for the resell for the specific clips they want to use, but I have trouble to find the right price for it.

My RF clips are usually priced between USD60 and USD80 on Pond5.

How much would you price footage for such use?

NOTE: Please keep replies to the pricing issue, not whether it's right or wrong to allow them the resell them. Thanks

32 / Re: Istock exclusive price rise again
« on: March 07, 2013, 23:30 »
So what?  A contractor job is not a lifetime position and can be (should have been) terminated


Posted 5 mins ago

I'll run this up the chain to see if we can make this a priority! Thanks for the great idea! I will make sure we get people on this immediately. It's comments like this that help us continue to make sure our contributors are heard!

Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule. I know you didn't have to do us this great favor but because you have I will name my new bamboo plant after you. I hope you don't mind if I shorten it's name, as it's name tag will only allow for 5 characters due to the fact that I use bubble letters for all my name tags.

is Lobo aware that such a comment to a customer would make him fired on the spot in any other normal company ?

why nobody writes to istock's CEO ? i can't believe Getty is employing such an unprofessional employee.

They're not. He's a contractor, not an employee.

33 / Re: WME is the new BME
« on: March 04, 2013, 10:25 »
Do you really think it is that sophisticated?  They can't handle basic functions of the site, I doubt they have rocket science algorithms...

We have no idea what's happening at the technical level inside iS. They could have an algorithm that limits earnings for contributors based on folio size, earnings, etc, to try and spread the wealth. They could be using some of the profits to buy the occasional image to encourage production. We have no idea what they are doing. We just put in our images and the magical money machine pays out.

34 / Re: Banned from Istock club
« on: March 03, 2013, 22:42 »
Management doesn't read the forum, so probably doesn't have a clue about his routine.

Lobo is a strange creature -  very needy - definitely gets a buzz from putting people down who can only respond at risk of further insults (or expulsion from forums - Putin style lol) -  kinda like a boxing match with only one boxer wearing gloves. - could it be his job at istock is the only place he feels adequate? Obviously management supports his routine and - and he hasn't concerns about karma.  ;)

General Stock Discussion / Re: Earnings in February 2013
« on: March 01, 2013, 13:59 »
I would be interested to know how many files you have managed to upload on other sites in those 2 weeks, and what is the damage over Jan 2013.

Feb 2013 included 14 days of independence -  royalties are down 49% compared to Feb 2012, downloads up 12%

36 / Re: Where is the ASA?
« on: February 28, 2013, 20:59 »
Where is the ASA?   Does it matter anymore? They keep changing the terms without our formal consent and constantly breaching the terms anyway. Latest one, not getting the GI payment at end of the month because they were "busy"!

I can't for the life of me find it.  Do they purposely bury it so deep so you (or your attorney) can't refer to it?

AND - today is 30 days for me and 70 photos still on Thinkstock and   Do I send take-down notices to them, or Istock?  Do I send 70 notices or do I send all of the numbers in one.  Hopefully when I wake up tomorrow they are gone and I won't have to worry about it. I just want them off those sites before the next PP cycle.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Prices vs volume - John Lund
« on: February 26, 2013, 08:47 »
Does Google generate banners with referral code? 

Pro-Macrostock, but still putting SS's banner on his site.

Nice catch!  ;D

the banners are automated by google, he doesn't choose which ones get displayed.

if you have a stock blog you'll flooded by microstocks ads.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Prices vs volume - John Lund
« on: February 26, 2013, 01:00 »
Pro-Macrostock, but still putting SS's banner on his site.

John Lund:

There is a price point at which the volume just does not make up for the low prices. That concerns me since there seems to be a movement of clients away from the higher priced sites, including microstock sites such as iStockphoto, and towards the less expensive agencies such as Shutterstock.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Prices vs volume - John Lund
« on: February 26, 2013, 00:57 »
Indeed quite easy to get in if you are willing to pay a fee of USD50 per image

Image sold 157 times on SS for $58.72, same image sold 30 times on DT for $66.43.  Hmmm, I think I'll take both.

40 / Re: What a crappy coding.....
« on: February 19, 2013, 11:54 »
They probably hired istock's staff!

41 / Re: sjlocke was just booted from iStock
« on: February 14, 2013, 12:15 »
but those ones are not the one we signed

Did anyone read the agreement thoroughly?  Anyone keep a copy.  It seems really fishy, doesn't it?

The agreements are there on their website for anyone to see:

Different asas for different media linked from the above pages.

42 / Re: sjlocke was just booted from iStock
« on: February 14, 2013, 11:17 »
The "funny" thing is that Sean has been booted out under an ASA that he didn't signed as istock unilaterally changed the contract. I can't believe this could go on istock's favor in court.

Looks like iStock's lawyers have the same degree of expertise as its development team.

43 / Re: sjlocke was just booted from iStock
« on: February 14, 2013, 08:21 »
I am confused now... have they changed the ASA again without telling us, like they did recently for the "Net revenue", or did I missed the change?

here is a related thread:

Look at your istock ASA, the one you were gently asked to agree last year, otherwise you would have had you account closed.

JFP, I'm not with them.  The last ASA I agreed to was back in April (I think) 2010.

I'm looking at the ASA now and it says they're an agent:

Background of Agreement
This is a legal agreement between any member intending to upload data or materials onto the Site (in this agreement referred to as you or the Supplier) and iStockphoto LP (iStockphoto). If you are a corporation or other entity or a minor you may be subject to further filing requirements. The Supplier wishes to appoint iStockphoto as its non-exclusive agent to license, sublicense and distribute Content (as defined below) produced by the Supplier on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement Upon accepting the terms of this Agreement, you may make Content available to iStockphoto by following the Upload procedures and policies identified on the relevant portion of the Site. Each upload of Content will be governed by the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

ETA added quote and link

44 / Re: sjlocke was just booted from iStock
« on: February 14, 2013, 08:05 »
Look at your istock ASA, the one you were gently asked to agree last year, otherwise you would have had you account closed.

There is nothing there that indicates they are taking ownership of anyone's work. Artist's are clearly included to what they refer to as "iStock parties".

The way it is written implies that they are part owners.  They are acting as agents to contributors and the DMCA should be written on their behalf and only on their behalf not for 'iStock parties' that include iStock.

Here's an example of the way an agent should write up a DMCA.

Maybe I am nitpicking but I don't believe it's worded correctly at all. 

ETA:  apologies for going off on a tangent.

Also nit=picking and off at a tangent, they aren't anybody's agent, they are merely a distributor. I would have thought you would have had to be an agent to be entitled to issue take-down notices.

Hmmm, they're not an agent?  Did they say they're a distributor and not an agent and if so, is this something new?  By definition they have to be an agent.  To be a distributor, they would have to buy the licences from the contributors and then distribute them to third parties.  They also wouldn't have any negotiating power as a distributor.  I can't see how they're a distributor.  Isn't the contract of a licence sold between the copyright holder and the buyer?  If so, they'd have to be an agent.

45 / Re: to recap and review...
« on: February 14, 2013, 07:41 »
You are lucky then...

I m exclusive since 2009 with a descent size portfolio

My weekly revenue in Feb is 3 TIMES LOWER than in Nov.

That is certainly not my experience, nor that of others I know. My income is gradually rising, as others I know also report, although still well down from, say, 2 years ago.
I had my best week since last summer last week, others I know report improving sales ( again, although still well down on previous years) I have no way of knowing how many sales 3 times lower is, but I suspect those with smaller portfolios and who have been at IS for a shorter period may have a bumpier ride, especially as the best match is currently favoring older files and thus disadvantaging newcomers. To say IS is 'unlikely to recover' and 'the cataclysm has already happened' is overstating the situation to an absurd degree.

46 / Re: to recap and review...
« on: February 14, 2013, 06:58 »
I will certainly not stay exclusive at IS and working on preparing my files for becoming indie. I grew my portfolio by 30% in 2012, had my BME in November and have a huge fall of revenues in Dec and Jan.  My weekly revenue in Feb is 3 TIMES LOWER than in Nov.

The cataclysm already happened and IS is unlikely to recover. No steady income anymore.

Other exclusives will follow Sean's lead and their buyers will go too.

I think this is an unlikely scenario. Most exclusives I know have been keen to keep their heads down and not cause trouble, most are realistic in feeling that buyers are loyal or otherwise to iStock, not to individual sellers. Most exclusives are not going to give up their steady, albeit reduced, incomes unless something cataclysmic happens at IS.

47 / Re: Transfer from iStock RF to Alamy RM
« on: February 13, 2013, 06:19 »
Great. Thanks for this info!

I will deactivate at least a part of my portfolio at iStock and would like to sell part of it as RM on Alamy.

Does Alamy accept images that have been RF somewhere else and that have sold as such before?

Yes, you can do this but you are ultimately responsible for managing your license history. EG, if you want to sell the images as RM, you need to make sure they are not for sale as RF anywhere else. Also, any RF images that have previously sold would not be available for an exclusive RM sale. These are however rare and in cases where an exclusive may be in the works our sales team would be contacting you to ask about the previous history on the image - if there were no conflicts we could proceed with the sale.

James Allsworth
Content Executive

48 / Re: sjlocke was just booted from iStock
« on: February 12, 2013, 09:57 »
I am afraid it may not be that straight forward for Sean to get the same levels of income, even if it has declined recently...  Look at the number of Agency and Vetta files he has on both Getty and iStock. How many several hundreds sales you need at SS for a single Agency sale?   :P

Probably true, and Sean does have a family to feed.
OTOH, it will be difficult to get buyers to pay a fair price if you're selling the same images for a pittance on the sub sites. I guess splitting the images could make some sense, maybe putting the more generic shots onto some other sites.

But I have every confidence that Sean has more business sense in his pinky toe than I have in what passes for a brain.

You still don't understand the concept of 'microstock'? It's a low-price/highvolume thing. That's how it works.

As an independent contributor, SS generates about 50% of my monthly microstock income (with BigStock adding another 3-4%). Without the 30% or so that IS and the PP (combined) currently generates, presumeably the situation that Sean will find himself in, then SS's contribution would actually be 75%. That's how important SS will probably be to Sean's income until another player like Stocksy makes an impact. That's also why Yuri, Andres, MB, etc are all 'selling their images for a pittance on the sub sites'. Because it works.

I'm hoping that someone at Getty will have enough sense to get around the table with Sean over the remaining 25 days, discuss it properly, and resolve the issue to the benefit of both parties. What has happened is madness.

50 / Re: Banned from Istock club
« on: February 11, 2013, 09:35 »
There is probably a big difference between getting a ban at SS, DT, FT or IS...
... at least at the 3 first ones, you don't get insulted or threaten by a rude and impolite moderator.

Yup and from SS too (there was a spate of bannings following the thread about the last change in commission structure there too)

I think we all have to accept that the IStock forums are dead as far as communicating with management goes. They are a publicity tool for the company and are kept pristine for that reason. Anyone making a mess is quickly swept away.

Anything productive, such as organized responses to policy changes will have to get discussed on MSG.

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