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Messages - GL Reviewer

Pages: 1 [2]
GLStock / Re: Graphic Leftovers Down?
« on: December 19, 2010, 09:53 »
I notified Daniel. No status update yet. We are very sorry for this inconvenience.

GLStock / Re: Graphicleftovers and paypal payment
« on: December 01, 2010, 22:41 »
Thanks to all for your help.
In fact, indead, I am non-US (the way I write is a confirmation ;)).
But I receive the payment from stock agencies by paypal, and they (most) never cut the amount I get that way.
I am not talking about withdrawal to my bank, nor conversion rates that are applyed for $ -> conversion.
That cut happens before the conversion. And, even if my account was in $, they cut the same...
In fact, I have to validate that payment (and give them $3.73) before the conversion or refuse.

The same thing happens with photomedia, an agency that pays me in euro...

I wonder why this is not the case for most agencies, do they pay that cost on their side?


We are looking into this, but it seems to be something particular to your Paypal account. Even though we are charged a fee to send you money, we do not assess these charges to you. We will be in touch with on this.

GLStock / Re: Graphicleftovers and paypal payment
« on: November 30, 2010, 19:27 »
I just asked for a payment at Graphicleftovers. They did it very fast.  :)
But... Paypal is cutting $3.73 from the $87.88 for costs of perception.  >:(

What is your experience? is it lower if I do the transfert with moneybookers?


We pay in us funds so that fee is probably to convert the funds on your side. I don't have your account info right in front of me, but I am guessing you are non-US.

I don't know about Moneybookers so I can't offer any help for you there. Maybe some MB users will come along and comment.

GLStock / Happy Thanksgiving from Graphic Leftovers
« on: November 24, 2010, 10:57 »
A Happy Thanksgiving wish to all from the Staff at Graphic Leftovers. We celebrate tomorrow, Nov 25th. As our USA contributors know it is one of our biggest holidays of the year.

While we will be around throughout the day, we too will be taking a little time off to partake in festivities with family and friends. So reviews will slow a bit and the emails may be a little bit behind for the day, but not to worry, we'll be back to work in short order.

We wish all of you a happy and festive day ;-)

At Graphic Leftovers we take them, although when possible and no transparencies are used, please do save as EPS 8. It makes things easier. Some of our buyers are still on very old vector software.

Newbie Discussion / Re: Who has had sales at Graphic Leftovers?
« on: November 21, 2010, 13:16 »
@ Graphicleftovers staff

How is the "Upload queue" vs the "pending approval" queue supposed to work?
I assumed that once I had set the price and clicked "submit for approval" images would move from  "Upload queue" to "pending approval" but they don't. At least not straight away.
Is this a bug or is this how it is supposed to work?

The images first go into the Queue, or what we call a Subpending Queue. It stays there until batches are manually moved by the Content Editor to Pending. This is done at least a few times a day.

While images are in the Queue, they are reviewed by the Content Editor for things such as Commercial Value, general "first look" quality, and copyright and intellectual property issues. When a batch is deemed viable on all counts, they are moved to Pending for the reviewers.

You can upload as many images as you want in any one session. We try and move about 40 into Pending at one time. Sometimes more, sometimes less depending on the workload.

As a real world example, say you upload 20. If the overall quality looks good, the content has good commercial value, and it clears property issues, the whole batch is usually moved. If an image or two is "questionable", such as a property issue having to be researched, the image hangs around in Queue until such issues are resolved. This will explain why perhaps 18 are moved up and 2 stay behind.

Everyone who submits on a given day is given a look and given a chance to get their images moved into Pending. The person who submits 20 on a day is given the same weight as a person who submits 1000. The person who submits 20 will not have to wait until the previous submitter who jammed us with 1000 gets their batch cleared. In this way all submitters will get at least some images up for sale withing a reasonable amount of time.

Images which do not clear property or are simply bad are deleted directly out of Queue. In the same vein, sometimes things are Approved directly out of Queue. It all depends on the image.

Right now, our Subpending Queue is into the double digit thousands in case you were wondering ;-)

Hope this helps answer your questions.

April at GL

There was a thing going around on the web a few years ago with the IRS trying to go after those "pro" Ebay sellers but it never materialized to my knowledge. Perhaps this is the new way the IRS will approach.

Newbie Discussion / Re: Who has had sales at Graphic Leftovers?
« on: November 18, 2010, 13:15 »
Thank you for posting here April.  I signed up today and look forward to uploading my portfolio, and seeing what works at GL.  I love the commission structure, and the site looks slick.

Thank you for the note. Beautiful pour on the orange juice shot. I just sent that one through along with a few others into Pending. We are pretty backed up in the Queue today, but will get to some others later. Nice to have you aboard ;-)

Newbie Discussion / Re: Who has had sales at Graphic Leftovers?
« on: November 11, 2010, 13:51 »
I wanted to become a submitter and looked at the site but when I see what you can do with one photo I wondered if $5,- isn't cheap selling? This looks like an extended license elsewhere or am I wrong?

You set your own pricing for photos of anywhere from $1 to $20. The most popular price point with buyers seems to be $6, meaning what is reasonable to buyers for an average image.

Extended license is $45, Ultimate License is $85. 52% of those isn't hard to take. On the question of The extended and Ultimate selling - yes, they do.

GLStock / Re: GraphicLeftovers big news
« on: November 08, 2010, 16:40 »
Hmmm... have I just been "played"?  ::)

No not at all. Just thought I would offer congratulations in a fun way.

Newbie Discussion / Re: Who has had sales at Graphic Leftovers?
« on: November 08, 2010, 15:56 »
I found 3 EIffel pics, and they are now removed. When the tower thing all started, it was the Light Show that was copyrighted, and it was said that some general illumination was ok. But now this from the Tower people

Q: Is the publishing of a photo of the Eiffel Tower permitted?
A: There are no restrictions on publishing a picture of the Tower by day. Photos taken at night when the lights are aglow are subjected to copyright laws, and fees for the right to publish must be paid to the SNTE.

The Lights Aglow - is the the key phrase. Anyway, these should drop from search within 24 hrs, maybe sooner.

GLStock / Re: GraphicLeftovers big news
« on: November 08, 2010, 15:22 »
I am 60 cents from my first payout and apparently will remain there forever.  :)

I eat those words.

I just made a sale and have achieved Payout!  I will now immediately shoot 1,000 more photos.  As soon as I can think of some more subjects. :)

It's great that the Download Fairy visited your port ;-) Congrats and many more!

Newbie Discussion / Re: Who has had sales at Graphic Leftovers?
« on: November 08, 2010, 15:20 »
Many people here are pleased with the site and it is great that Danoph visits our forum.
I am not a contributor (yet) but I have a question.
As far as I can tell, GL sells commercial RF licences. Yet, I found a picture of the Eiffel tower at night.
The illumination of the Eiffel tower is copyrighted, this is a very well known issue, and commercial licensing of such images is asking for trouble. Also, I found a photo of skyscrapers where logos are recognizable even in the preview image.
Was it a reviewer's mistake or something else?

This was my concern also when I took a brief look into their site. Some of the vectors seemed (in my opinion) to be traced from images found online. I would say the inspection process is very lenient compared to the bigger sites.

While we try our best to be thorough in reviews, things can be missed.

If you are the owner of an image that has been infringed upon or have concerns in general, feel free to PM and we'll investigate this issue. This goes even if you're not a site member. We take copyright and intellectual property issues very seriously and appreciate the help of all who value their own work and the work of others.

A PM here works - I try to take a look at things here a few times a day. You can also contact us via the Graphic Leftovers website.

Many Thanks,

April at GL

Newbie Discussion / Re: Who has had sales at Graphic Leftovers?
« on: November 08, 2010, 15:14 »
Many people here are pleased with the site and it is great that Danoph visits our forum.
I am not a contributor (yet) but I have a question.
As far as I can tell, GL sells commercial RF licences. Yet, I found a picture of the Eiffel tower at night.
The illumination of the Eiffel tower is copyrighted, this is a very well known issue, and commercial licensing of such images is asking for trouble. Also, I found a photo of skyscrapers where logos are recognizable even in the preview image.
Was it a reviewer's mistake or something else?

We began review of the site with regards to trademark and copyright issues in August. It is not nearly done. Some portfolios with major issues have already been addressed, others are pending a thorough review. We have already addressed some major infringements and problems such as full flat depictions of currency, both domestic and foreign, hot topics such as some major landmarks, toys, vehicles, and more.

Unfortunately this is a slow process. Trying to accomplish it via search is sometimes futile because of misspelling of keywords. Yes, believe it or not, sometimes Eiffel is spelled wrong. We get Eiffle, Eifle, EIfel, you name it.

I did a sweep on France properties back in Aug/Sept because in France, property laws differ. But apparently I did not catch them all. If you would like to have an individual item addressed or explained. just PM me with an image link.

Thanks - April at GL

Newbie Discussion / Re: why can't I start a new thread?
« on: November 04, 2010, 17:49 »
Silly forum rules ;-)

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