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Messages - zeamonkey

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 5
Canva / Re: Canva
« on: August 27, 2013, 02:48 »

28 / Re: Bad Week
« on: August 23, 2013, 22:15 »
DLs down and mostly sub-sales......

Symbiostock - General / Re: Upgrade WP to 3.6?
« on: August 09, 2013, 06:55 »
Just uploaded, all fine, switched themes, Uploader is still working

Last checked on August 9, 2013 at 12:25.   Check Again
You have the latest version of WordPress.

The problem IS the new version of WP. Uploader gone after upgrading to 3.6.

Symbiostock - General / Re: Upgrade WP to 3.6?
« on: August 09, 2013, 04:18 »
Same as Ron, no uploader even after switching themes.

Symbiostock - SEO & Marketing / Re: what is keyword spam?
« on: August 07, 2013, 02:09 »
Just a thought...I've noticed in analytics that my most common keyword on my site is "minipic" aka the thumbnail. Would it be helpfull SEOwise to change minipic to stockphoto?

32 / Re: Shutterstock down - again ?!?
« on: August 05, 2013, 06:11 »
Can upload via ftp now, not through the site.

Symbiostock - General / Re: Organic search %
« on: August 02, 2013, 07:16 »
Would tell ya if knew where to see it. No pies or worldmaps on my dashboard. Have google analytics, yoast etc installed....

Symbiostock - Technical Support / Re: Wordpress 3.6
« on: August 02, 2013, 06:49 »
Anybody having issues with NextGen gallery after upgrade?

Symbiostock - Technical Support / Re: Wordpress 3.6
« on: August 02, 2013, 05:09 »
I have upgraded this morning and so far everything seems fine.
In my browser chrome on mac, your HOME link is hanging 1 line below the rest of your menu items.

Symbiostock - Technical Support / Re: Wordpress 3.6
« on: August 02, 2013, 01:29 »
Upgraded..and my footer is now gone......... :-\ New WP has cleaned out my content of the footer sections, so ahve to redo them now. Back up all your footer text b4 upgrading!

Update: Reconstructed my footer but it doesnt show up on my home page, only on other pages.

Symbiostock - SEO & Marketing / Re: Google Search Results
« on: August 01, 2013, 05:45 »
Did anyone have an answer to why google and google images see the results differently? Many of my indexed photos are on page 1 and 2 for a normal search, but dont show up on google images. Just wondering?

Hi zeamonkey,

I've read some times ago an old post about websense and their potentially damaging content

You can go on trendmicro site

you need to submit your url and to make a reclassify request on "photo searches category".

It can help for websense categorizing.

My site is now rated SAFE on trendmicro. thanks for the advise!

39 / Re: Can someone switch on my port?
« on: July 31, 2013, 08:27 »
5-10 sales a month with around 300 files. One thing Ive learned is that 90% of my sales are images with predominantly blue area like blue water diving photos and others with big blue areas like clear blue sky. If nothing else, I makes me upload just that file type on CS

40 / Re: All batches rejected?
« on: July 30, 2013, 21:27 »
You are not alone. I had my last 3 batches rejected 100% and now taking a break from uploading to SS. Several photos in those batches has since been added to my portfolios at Getty and Stocksy....they were not series but all very different subjects and lighting.

Newbie Discussion / Re: Moldels and Money ?
« on: July 29, 2013, 07:06 »
On facebook there are many pages for models, photographers, makeup artist etc where people are seeking models, announce jobs etc. Just search for them.
I don't use Fb to search (though I heard yesterday to my astonishment that it's overtaking Google search), so I tried model and my home area and got 0 results. Then I tried model Glasgow (nearest city, just for research) and found three, one of whom is with an agency, so probably won't do stock one is covered with tattoos and one is an actor, so possibly won't do stock (but might).
What do you search for that you find 'many'?
I hardly need to search for them since FB suggest them to me based on my interests, like this one:
I don't get any suggestions of local models, and my search terms didn't help, I wondered if you had different search terms.
I just tried 'modelling UK'. Returned 7 pages, probably not all usefull for our purpose but a starting point for searches.
I tried 'modelling Ayrshire' (my home area) and got 0.
The more local it is, the harder it would be to find, I agree.

Newbie Discussion / Re: Moldels and Money ?
« on: July 29, 2013, 06:48 »
On facebook there are many pages for models, photographers, makeup artist etc where people are seeking models, announce jobs etc. Just search for them.
I don't use Fb to search (though I heard yesterday to my astonishment that it's overtaking Google search), so I tried model and my home area and got 0 results. Then I tried model Glasgow (nearest city, just for research) and found three, one of whom is with an agency, so probably won't do stock one is covered with tattoos and one is an actor, so possibly won't do stock (but might).
What do you search for that you find 'many'?
I hardly need to search for them since FB suggest them to me based on my interests, like this one:
I don't get any suggestions of local models, and my search terms didn't help, I wondered if you had different search terms.
I just tried 'modelling UK'. Returned 7 pages, probably not all usefull for our purpose but a starting point for searches.

Though I dont have a lot of faith in the Scoopshot model, I have to admit im impressed with what some people can create with their mobile and how they can monetize it. Pretty impressive gallery in my book.

Cool photos; thanks for the link.
I'm not on Instagram (do you really have to sign up just to see beyond the first page? I usually won't do that.) Is there any way of protecting your work there?

I have no idea tbh, the link showed up on my twitter and Im not much of an instagrammer myself. Im sure others here know more about it. I was jsut curious and the the photos were much better than I expected. Worth sharing.

Newbie Discussion / Re: Moldels and Money ?
« on: July 29, 2013, 06:36 »
On facebook there are many pages for models, photographers, makeup artist etc where people are seeking models, announce jobs etc. Just search for them.
I don't use Fb to search (though I heard yesterday to my astonishment that it's overtaking Google search), so I tried model and my home area and got 0 results. Then I tried model Glasgow (nearest city, just for research) and found three, one of whom is with an agency, so probably won't do stock one is covered with tattoos and one is an actor, so possibly won't do stock (but might).
What do you search for that you find 'many'?
I hardly need to search for them since FB suggest them to me based on my interests, like this one:

Though I dont have a lot of faith in the Scoopshot model, I have to admit im impressed with what some people can create with their mobile and how they can monetize it. Pretty impressive gallery in my book.

Newbie Discussion / Re: Moldels and Money ?
« on: July 29, 2013, 06:24 »
On facebook there are many pages for models, photographers, makeup artist etc where people are seeking models, announce jobs etc. Just search for them.
They have to be in the same country and even in the same area as you, so its not like you have plenty of choice.

I dont know...Im based in Bangkok and there are at least 5-6 pages that caters to that city.

Newbie Discussion / Re: Moldels and Money ?
« on: July 29, 2013, 05:51 »
On facebook there are many pages for models, photographers, makeup artist etc where people are seeking models, announce jobs etc. Just search for them.

Can you please give me the link where the original watermark image stays? I've changed it and i think it's all messed up because of that.


My problem is solved now. Couldn't do it with DreamHost, so went with BlueHost instead and I'm very impressed with its speed and ease of use. Thanks for suggestions everyone!  :)
I increased php memory on Dreamhost and had them restart fast CGI and apache instance. All good after that. They were very helpful.

50 / Re: PP Sales Anxiety
« on: July 27, 2013, 17:35 »
Seems Getty are now delaying some payments to flickr contributors.....

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