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Messages - tundraphoto

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iStockPhoto.com / Re: Freedom of speech and a hint of intimidation
« on: February 05, 2011, 09:19 »
I find it amusing that this thread


has been allowed to continue.  It has even gotten to the point of Mr. Lobo calling someone a "Nerd."  

Still lots of irateness all around!

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Anyone cancel exclusive contract yet?
« on: February 04, 2011, 13:44 »
anyone see this?
Curt_pickens is leaving IS.  wow.  is he here?  I can't always keep up so sorry if this was already posted.


not sure if he's moving to other sites or just quittin' alltogether.

There seem to be some other big-guns over there that are pretty irate about this whole deal.  I wonder how many birds will fall from the sky after this incident.  I suspect many that were on the fence over the royalty structure change just fell off the fence.

Whats the point everyone writing telling how many images they lost??  in the end we have 10 pages of numbers??

If my images were fraudulently purchased 10 days after iS knew of a problem, I think that would be nice to know.  The motivation for starting this thread (i.e. when the downloads occurred, not the numbers) was to see just how quickly iS reacted.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Freedom of speech and a hint of intimidation
« on: February 04, 2011, 09:00 »
I am a little puzzled at asking to be banned. Why not just stay out of the forums? That's pretty much what I'm doing, just not wasting my time over there.

Thanks, Sue.

Tundra, I'm just fed up. With Lobo deleting my posts and not those of others, with one brouhaha after the next, the whole shebang. And sure, I could self-censor/moderate or just stay out of the forums, but I know myself. crap there continues to hit the fan and piss me off and I'd rather not have even the temptation of posting or having to bite my tongue. If the threat of speaking my mind in my own voice (and yes, sometimes that means with a heavy dollop of sarcasm) means sitemails warning me to cool it or be banned,  ban me then.  it. I no longer give a crap. Besides, like I stated earlier, there is this forum if I *really* have something to say or want to interact with my fellow contributors.

I hope they get it together and the company continues on successfully for each of us, I really do. But I'm no longer interested in trying to help people who could care less about what I have to say.

I hope you didn't take my question the wrong way.  The reason I asked is that I contemplated doing the very same thing.  Then I just decided I would try to stay out.  As a result, I was curious why you actually did it.  So, I completely understand your motivation now.  I still peruse the forums over there occasionally and I have even typed in a response a few times.  However, up to this point I have just convinced myself to close that browser window and move on (i.e. not post my response) - since like you, I realize it will do no good.  I just wish more of those folks knew about this forum.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Freedom of speech and a hint of intimidation
« on: February 03, 2011, 22:09 »
So I'm now banned, by special request.
Hey, look: the Club of the Banned is so cool, people are asking to join.
Welcome!  8)

I am a little puzzled at asking to be banned. Why not just stay out of the forums? That's pretty much what I'm doing, just not wasting my time over there.


Although, there is the high likeliness of these (mine included) popping up on various file sharing sites sooner or later (depending on the ethics of the scammers).

Depending on the ethics of the scammers?  That's the funniest thing I've read all day. Thanks!!

You other guys who had just one photo nicked - was it your best seller?

It was one of my poorest sellers, though it did have a few downloads.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Freedom of speech and a hint of intimidation
« on: February 03, 2011, 16:22 »
Censorship like this is an admission to guilt! Istock would not be censoring people if they didn't feel that they were saying something that was correct.  I stock will most likely make millions off of this lawsuit...lets not forget that the penalty for copyright infringement is about $10,000 per infringement....multiply by how many images were stolen...that is millions...  Something fishy is going on here.

Let's also not forget that this is an international serving company.  If the images were purchased some place where copyright doesn't mean anything, it won't amount to anything.  I don't care what the agreement on iS says.  I doubt any of us will ever see anything from this.

My file only had 4 previous downloads and was pretty generic (it was of a generic structure).  So, I am wondering the motivation as well.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: iStock hires new vice president
« on: February 03, 2011, 13:33 »
Istock is announcing tomorrow another pay cut to pay for this new VP. 

I wouldn't be surprised if they pulled back enough $$ from contributors this morning to pay for a month or two of that salary!

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Freedom of speech and a hint of intimidation
« on: February 03, 2011, 13:31 »
What they seem to be missing over there is that all the contributors to those forums have a vested interest in iS doing well.  If the company does well, the contributors do well - and vice versa.  I have had too many posts deleted where I was trying to provide "constructive" criticism.  For that, I'll just keep my thoughts to myself now or post them over here.  Furthermore, I'm not going to waste my time troubleshooting the web site, and bringing malfunctions to their table, if they won't allow me to participate in other ways.  I am not paid for troubleshooting.  You reap what you sow!

Now that I think about it, I had a similar bout last year.  I tried to make an international purchase using my credit card.  It was rejected.  Within no more than 2 minutes, I received an automated call from the credit card company notifying me to contact them immediately if this was a fraudulent transaction.  I was very surprised how quickly that occurred.  I guess the purchases at iS looked too normal to set off any alarms.

With all the forum posts, etc., on the fraudulent purchases, I just wonder how long iS knew before something was done to stop it.  How quickly did they act to protect the property?

Mine was early on 12/27.  The first post here on the issue by sjlocke was on 12/26 and on iS forum very early on 12/26.  My purchase was at least 12 hours, and likely more, after iS was notified of a potential issue. 

fotoVoyager claims to have submitted a support ticket prior to Dec 26, 2010 2:56AM.

You know, this really is fishy.  I went and looked at the file that was fraudulently downloaded.  It was a very simple image.  I am not sure why someone would need to steal it.  I am starting to think someone did this on purpose with the intent to hurt iS - and the contributors.  The timing after the announcement of decreased royalty rates seems somewhat conincidental.

Has this ever happened at iS before on such a large scale?

Have we just stumbled upon the achilles heal of online microstock? 

Just over $10 lost hear (not really complaining) - but based on the un-encouraging tone of the e-mail, I will not be surprised to get another.  I just hope they don't send me a bill and tell me I am going to owe them more this year than I can possibly make.  Wouldn't that be great?

iStockPhoto.com / Re: iStock hires new vice president
« on: February 02, 2011, 10:25 »
Guess things are back to being sustainable again.  Whew!

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Depressing January
« on: January 31, 2011, 13:14 »
The sales trend in IS seems quite negative according to most people here... :(
maybe its because of the crappy site ?

I don't see how one could even remotely think that the site issues have not contributed to a lower sales volume in recent weeks.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Anyone cancel exclusive contract yet?
« on: January 31, 2011, 13:10 »
I dropped exclusivity shortly after the announcement and have been too busy (or lazy) to upload to other sites.  I had around 1000 photos on iStock and as expected my sales are now down next to nothing. 

I'm confused?  Why not swallow your pride and go back exclusive with iS.  Then, you can forget about that whole aspect of your business.  At least the income you do get will be higher and you can go off and do other things.  As it sits, you have more potential earnings just sitting there going in someone else's pocket.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: iS shows no images in Search or Portfolio
« on: January 31, 2011, 13:02 »
It was working earlier, I did a lot of wiki-ing this a.m.; but it's not working right now.

Yeah, why don't they just put up a page that says "We don't want your business?"  In my mind, it's analogous to turning customers away when the search doesn't work.  Maybe I'm just being to picky  ???

iStockPhoto.com / iS shows no images in Search or Portfolio
« on: January 31, 2011, 09:03 »
Is this just me or is Search over at iS not working this morning?  Should be a great sales day to get the week started off right!

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Anyone cancel exclusive contract yet?
« on: January 28, 2011, 11:30 »
Still on the fence, been really happy so far as a Gold level contributor, but dropping from $2000 a month to maybe $800 this month is disturbing.

That's not good. iStock has been pretty bad for me this month too. I wasn't sure if that was a pattern or just my numbers.

Yikes, that does give cause for concern. 

My numbers are up about 40% from last January and up from December 2010.  HOWEVER, I am at a higher royalty rate from last January (went Silver to Gold and, luckily, stayed there in January) AND the size of my portfolio increased by probably 40% or more in 2010.  So, I am not so sure the increase I am seeing is what it really should be and is likely more of a leveling off or perhaps even a decrease.  Only time will tell...

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Image Thieves targetting IS again?!!
« on: January 28, 2011, 10:59 »
But credit card companies guarantee payment with an authorization even if fraudulent?  If not, nobody would accept credit cards.  So, why wouldn't iStock get to keep the money?  The loser is the credit card company.

What ever happened with this? Have people had money taken away from them for the suspected fraudulent downloads? It seems people are still reporting suspicious activity. There is the expected silence from iStock.

So, if the credit card authorized the purchase, and they don't take the money back from IS (that's how it works), why would people have royalty money taken back?  The cost of covering fraudulent use is just a business expense for the credit card companies. 

iStock said they were giving people the RCs, but the money was a different story. I was just wondering if anyone affected has cashed out or had money taken back from them for any of the suspicious purchases.

General Stock Discussion / Re: rights managed microstock
« on: January 28, 2011, 10:58 »
Could you explain to me why I would want to sell and image for $10 and get a royalty of, say, $3, and then have the image removed from a site because it is RM?  Talk about a losing business model..

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Image Thieves targetting IS again?!!
« on: January 27, 2011, 10:50 »
What ever happened with this? Have people had money taken away from them for the suspected fraudulent downloads? It seems people are still reporting suspicious activity. There is the expected silence from iStock.

So, if the credit card authorized the purchase, and they don't take the money back from IS (that's how it works), why would people have royalty money taken back?  The cost of covering fraudulent use is just a business expense for the credit card companies. 

Jeeeezzz... I find reading this thread unbelieveable in that some people are saying you need up to 1000 photos to make $300 a month, why on why would you bother to do all that work for $300 a month!!! Unless people are saying they are shooting isolations shot at a million different angles or something! For me as an independent Id say 150 to 300 images spread across the top 4 will easily achieve that.

Jeeezzzz... The top selling image at iStock had almost 1,300 downloads last month.  Assuming a $1 credit, $3 per download (Small) and a 20% royalty rate, that's at least $780 in just one month.  So, it sounds to me like you are doing more work than necessary.  Why not just upload one really good image and not mess with the other 149 to 299 images?  What will you do with the extra $480?

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