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Messages - RedScarlet

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You guys are a tough crowd.

I have an HDR version of the water drop that I sell print only. I'll never upload it or put it on MS.

Sorry Mate... I've seen your Portfolio, back to the sweat shop for you.

So.... the water drop... good enough for MS?

Well somebody just clicked on the pick from this site.

I got Wordpress Stats. I can see.

Talk trash about MS. Free world do what you want.

Is this pic of a water drop good enough for MS?
*link removed*

Please don't be a photo thefter. Looky only.

I never sold any websites on Flippa. I listed several sites over a dozens times. Never Sold.

What's with the personnel attack?

Please learn how to read.!

Unfortunately, this listing ended without a winner.

No Sale at Flippa.

Keep diggin.

Listen. I posted this entry this morning at it already has 450 hits.
*link removed*

I don't need hits from MS group.

Again there is that suspicious attitude... like everybody is a scam. Get over yourselves, your not that important.

I offer 800 free pics through a download service. People have to fill out a survey to get the download.

It's free. But people sure get all worked up and suspicious.

Rather humorous.

Again the rather petty remarks of driving traffic to my sites.... quite childish.

I've had 15000 hits at *link removed* in the last 10 days and climbing. A few clicks from here is not a big deal.

I would assume the big selling point of my DVDs was the 300 HD video clips. With links to said clips at stock sites.

Actually if you do your research you will find that I listed 17 different times on Flippa and sitepoint.

I find MS artist very much like Amway salesmen, they buy into the BS from the agencies.

I am not here to offer you anything. I'm simply saying there are viable alternatives to being a Micro-stock slave.

Micro-Stock will be so watered down and priced so low in a few years it will make all points here irrelevant.

Personally I think Pond5 will be the number One  agency in 2 years if they stick to setting your own price. All other models will fail.

Building up a good blog or website certainly adds to exposure. The site I just sold a site while back got 1 million plus hits in 7 months and I was posting all of my pics for free. *link removed*

I find micro-stockers overly protective and petty when it comes to their images. The fact is that with one download your highly prized photo has just been put for free somewhere on the internet. Stock Agencies and Cameras companies are making the money from artist.

But hey that's your choice. Free world and all.

To digress for a second,

I'm very stoked about the new Nikon Coolpix P500. Especially the video. On the photo side I'm going to downscale to minimum sizes for MS. But the video really blew my socks off. One a tripod and with good lights of course.

OpenCL Render. ATI 4850. Cinema 4D 11

I did a more complex render of this scene for a contact through a stock site. Took about 72 hours to render 300 frames on my quad core.

I guess your not very adept at an Ebay search.

So I am now providing bona fides?

For what purpose? I have not entered into self promotion.

I am not selling something... yet you want my secret ingredient for free.


Just my opinion of course... but MS is way too saturated. There are a 1000 very good photos and illustrations on every subject.

I don't care about per unit price. It's how much I make per month that counts.

The first 6 months it was Hell. Burning 15 DVDs on my desktop for a lousy $29-$69, then I started getting the Ebay and private feedback to use as references. Then I upped the price and went direct marketing. Facebook ads were a good avenue.

Yes I did. The one of Cacao beans, bought from Fotolia. I use Fotolia on all 3 of my blogs. Probably $200/month.

All those highly quality extra small pics for dirt cheap. Good deal.

And then you post them on a blog and 30 seconds later they are on Google images for free. WordPress should come up with a pluign to stop that.

I have not listed my video/photo website. Just one of my blogs. Don't want to be accused of self promotion.

Per clip and photo I sell them for far less than 50 cents per unit.

I sell DVD sets that contain 50 GB of material.

I have a portfolio of 300 video clips and 250 photos and I rarely submit to micro-stock sites anymore. The single reason I stay with micro-stock is to showcase my stuff. I spent 2 years developing my Ebay DVD sales and other avenues. I started off selling DVD sets for peanuts. 300 clips/300 photos for $29. Now I sell them for $299. My best photos only go to Alamy and I never submit a prime piece of work to micro-stock.

Good luck in the rat race of Micro-stock,

*link removed*

PR4 website with the best Photo/Video store script for sale.

Ownership of 300 Stock Footage files. All files listed and selling at Pond5, Shutterstock etc.

*link removed*

I'm getting out of Microstock and selling everything.

The script is from



General Stock Discussion / Re: own website/gallery for a greenhorn
« on: February 18, 2011, 09:44 »
All you need is a WordPress Blog with any of the free Gallery plugins. Easy to operate and maintain, plus WordPress has built in SEO.

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