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Messages - alan b traehern

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These new medical examinations follow on from previous ones which although doen live were literally laughed at by American news outlets because they were "mexicans" ... just lovely. Nice bit of racism. Well we shall have to see where it goes.

please show references where this occurred

the results were laughed at because they were nonsense, not for any racial bias

Another important congressional investigation. A congressman is calling for a federal investigation of Warner Bros. for its handling of Coyote vs. Acme.

No one called anyone a N**i though. It would be more accurate to coin a term for an "SJW" or "Woke" or "Neo-Marxist" Law. Far more likely someone's gonna get called that nowadays.

Anyway, I have nothing against Pete being an SJW or Neo-Marxist with politics of aggrievement for his racial group. Or that he is woke to the systemic policies of repression of the white man by the new world order. I make no judgement as to the validity of his aggrievement. I can't speak to the suffering he has suffered under the heel of whoever (though I can't remember anyone bringing up his race on this forum other than him? that could be a lapse in my memory?). But does it have to be forced down everyones throat? Can't we live our lives without these woke SJW people and their agendas?

I also dont care if someone else believes in chem trails, that covid and climate change are a lie. Whatever, its just that theres an off topic section especially for this stuff.

Self appointed moderator control freak has left the forum.

When did following actual 'science' and stating the obvious become offensive? This isn't just about UFOs it is also about, freedom of speech. I have a right to my opinion, without being attacked and called names. I won't be intimidated or silenced by your torrent of incorrect, irrelevant, or idiotic arguments. You don't answer any direct questions, but instead, avoid, deflect and distract.

I have a right to disagree without your abusive, bullying replies.

Adobe Stock / Re: Account blocked - another story
« on: October 11, 2023, 07:11 »
I am so sorry. It is terrible that they treat their CUSTOMERS like this. We are not just producers and suppliers, we are customers.
Dnde est Diego? This is terrible and they are slow.

Thank you for the warning.

Content for istock, deposit etc I still process all that with an old photoshop elements version.

Content worked on with modern photoshop only goes to Adobe.

I will share this thread in a few places, things have truly become more complicated.

Just briefly to clarify, that obviously didn't come across right. My concern at first was also that you are no longer allowed to use Topaz and Photoshop.

These tools may still be used for Shutterstock.

The problem in my case was that I had visibly used Sharpen AI for the reviewer, he probably didn't know this tool and put my image in the Gernerative AI box. At least that's how I interpreted their answer.

The image has now come through the review unchanged.

AI used to find AI is a bad decision. I wouldn't use the term AI in the file name in the future. Good that you brought this to our attention.

Sometimes, you need to reason like Sherlock Holmes - if you eliminate possibilities one by one - whatever is left will be true, no matter how unlikely it seems at first. If you cannot eliminate certain explanations with available knowledge - it sucks, but it sometimes happens and you just need to be patient.

Yes, glad you brought that up:

It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts.

― Sherlock Holmes

In you're determined quest for 'evidence' Peter how many congressional representatives have you sent word to, to encourage openness about UAP. It can't be zero obviously because in almost every post you claim a thirst for some evidence. So ... how many please.

You mean the US congressional reps, have the evidence and they are withholding it? Will they answer and send me proof?

Have you written to yours? What state are you in?

YOU are making the claims, could you please supply some proof? 22 pages of conspiracy and something big is coming soon, and nothing but words. Does anyone have photos of all these crashed craft. Seems there are hundreds of them. Anyone have anything that's an alien, seems there are hundreds of different visitors dead or alive, but no one has a photo? Just some petrified fake composite body.

I wouldn't be surprised if these visitors were time travelers from the future or maybe dimensional parallels that are viewing and exploring. I'm much less likely to say, just because we see a UAP that somehow in a leap of logic, equals aliens from space. Mystery light does not = Aliens. It's just lights.

Scientific Method:
    Ask a question about something you observe
    Do background research to learn what is already known about the topic
    Construct a hypothesis, or testable explanation
    Make a prediction based on the hypothesis
    Test the prediction by conducting an experiment
    Analyze the data from the experiment and draw conclusions
    Communicate the results to others

In that order, not the reverse and don't fudge the data by only taking what you want the evidence to prove and ignoring, denial, of anything that doesn't fit your preconceived agenda. Notice, communicate the results is last and with peer review and after study, then form conclusions.

YOU will provide us with the names of all the Congress people YOU have contacted in order to help them understand that disclosure of whatever the government has, is important to you. And when you do that they reply. That's a known. So you'll have those responses to hand as well.

Now I'll let you know I didn't read any of the above because its the usual nonsese and we both know you've contacted zero Congress people. So you are either entirely disingenuous and just trolling here or you have contacted them and can provide the evidence. Until you do that ... rant away ... not interested and every avoidance post you make just makes matters more pathetic.

We wait with baited breath ...

It's useless to try to have a conversation or reason with you. If that was your goal, to silence anything that's not in line with your personal agenda, you win. I have better things to do with my time than take your personal attacks, name calling and abusive replies and then try to be reasonable in response.

He's not interested in conversation or questions, only the blind followers who won't question the obsession and cult beliefs. Only those who agree are allowed to comment. I'm done too. We can look forward to 22 more pages of unreliable and biased fake news links.

NASA Report, Officials stressed the panel found no evidence that UAPs had extraterrestrial origin.
Now mummies from space. Don't ruin the childish fantasy with made up stories. This is total nonsense.

That was wasted effort again. You seem keen on that. Or maybe you've got some kind of memory issue. Certainly selective amnesia.

NASA - spending $100,000.00 to investigate UAP. Which isn't even lunch money and they started a month ago. Credibility - ZERO

Adam Frank - clearly a moron. Hearsay only counts as evidence in legal terminology and 'Frank'ly his opinion is irrelevant. Because David Gruschs superiors who investigated his claims (we'll say claims but actually it was a sanctioned investigation into all special projects over 4 years) and they found his 'hearsay' credible and urgent. But then they had the clearances to see the evidence for themselves unlike this pillock. Surprised youde include that dross but whateva.

Shermer - he has his baseless opinion which he is entitled to make a living from.

Carroll - who lol.

Peter - same old same old. Rinse repeat.

You asked for facts that contradict and then attack the person not the established reliable sources.

... The chinese and Russians do not have oversight like the US and or limits of morality built in from a young age. Frankly they just dont care about much. Safety, morality, money,  anything.

sounds like you're the one in an alternate universe if you believe the US is so different from R&C in these areas

Research has shown that repeating a claim increases that claims perceived truth value. The UFO propaganda machine is designed to tell the lies over and over and also discredit anything that doesn't agree with the propaganda version of the story. Anything that shows evidence that does follow the story line is vigorously attacked, but anything that follows the propaganda mission is accepted without questioning.

They claim to be searching for the truth but instead are ignoring the facts that would show their claims are vague fantasy science fiction.

Resolving cognitive dissonance. If more and more people can be persuaded that the system of belief is correct, then clearly it must after all be correct. Believers will spread the word in order to recruit more members to the group. Anyone who disagrees will be ignored or ridiculed. Any information that doesn't fit the belief programing will be ignored and ridiculed. Obvious fantasy and frauds will be used, and repeated, as supported evidence.


Perpetual motion machines - planets?

Planets are not perpetual motion machines. They lose energy when they do work like sending out gravitons or creating tidal forces.

You are arguing with someone who has no idea of what science is, but he believes his fake UFO SciFi trash.

Captain Kirk

Actor William Shatner gives his opinion about the latest UAP hearings. Rediculous he says ... https://youtu.be/CbL6iRkTvz0

William Shatner the "singer" ... apparently ... Do not operate heavy machinery, or you are a person of a nervous disposition or if you are suffering mental health issues. Going where no man has gone before, with the hope that he may not find his way back I give you the one, the only William Shatner and Rocket Man


More of your personal attacks and insults for anybody who doesn't agree with you. But you are hurt if anybody disagrees with your brainwashed tripe.

What do the aliens look like? We have all kinds of reports and claims, people have seen them and believe they have been abducted. What do aliens look like in their descriptions. That's a pretty basic and simple question? Is there any group consensus or collective way to describe the alien appearance?

What do UFOs look like. I mean, I can describe an airplane, boat or a car, can someone describe what the aliens travel in? No I don't expect anyone to understand the propulsion systems, just some nice basic data to build from?

 There are all kind of photos and claims. Darn near everyone now carries a camera/phone that can take photos or video. I would expect we'd have more and better images, than in the old days.

After the disclosure or the official first contact, you should be able to buy an encyclopedia of aliens with illustrations. If you survive the ontological shock.

For now, the field is so muddied with hoaxes and disinformation, that for the average person it is difficult to figure out what is true.

Listen to serious and credible people like Elizondo, Nolan, Coulthart or Valle. You will not hear stories about the Galactic Federation or alien races from them. But what you hear from them sounds very serious. Elizondo and Nolan probably cannot disclose everything they know and have seen. Look up that famous "somber" comment from Elizondo...

There are plenty of reports from "experiences", just look for them. There are some recurring "races" of aliens in their stories, but it is up to you to judge how credible a given experiencer is. I will not do that for you. I am not trying to convince anyone about anything, but I wish some people expanded their intellectual horizons a little. It is great to be an open-minded skeptic, but it is stupid to be a denialist.

Why haven't we had a disclosure or an official first contact yet? Well, just look at this thread... Denialists and religious fundamentalists on the whole planet would probably go berserk... But things have accelerated greatly in the recent months for some reason. I think we are approaching that moment.

This will be just another farce from the UFO cult followers. These events are nothing but more programming for the weak minds of the brainwashed.

The internet has created a cult of false information and the easy way to deliver it. Now claiming a big event and how serious and credible people are coming forward. If what they say is true we haven't had first contact but there are 82 species that have visited. https://www.inquisitr.com/3434305/ufo-researchers-82-alien-species-are-currently-in-contact-with-earth-and-at-least-four-are-fighting-for-control-over-earth-video Hellyer gave testimony before Canadas parliament about a government cover-up of UFO information and ETs visiting Earth in advanced UFO spacecraft.
Watch the brainwahsed come back at you and me, without answering the Hellyer claims and how absurd they are in fact.

Indicated by 4 or more of the following: 1) suspects, without evidence, that others are exploiting, harming or deceiving him or her, 2) Is preoccupied with unjustifiable doubts about the loyalty of trustworthiness of others, 3) Is reluctant to confide in others because of unwarranted fear that they will use the information maliciously, 4) Reads hidden meanings or threatening meanings into benign remarks of others, 5) Persistently bears grudges, 6) perceives attacks on his/her character or reputation that are not apparent to others and is quick to react angrily or to counterattack, 7) Has recurrent suspicions, without justification, regarding fidelity of spouse or sexual partner. DSM-5

General Stock Discussion / Re: Rejections on adobe
« on: June 09, 2023, 08:13 »
The problem seems to be, over the last few months, rejections are more and the reason to teach us why has been less. Quality tells me almost nothing. If Adobe wants to help and have less quality reasons to take review time, Adobe should teach us why we are getting quality rejections. We are just guessing at this point.

The Mandela Effect is an observed phenomenon in which a large segment of the population misremembers a significant event or shares a memory of an event that did not actually occur

Nelson Mandela, who this theory is named after, died in 2013. However, countless people distinctly remember him dying in prison in the 1980s. I do not personally but he was a passing event I barely remember. Maybe those closer to the event have a stronger or more solid memory which resist the ripple.

for example ...

"Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore, ... apparently incorrect. I can see her say it.

Sex in the City was factually Sex and the City.

Febreeze spray is actually and has always been febreze.

The monopoly man never had a monocle 🧐

Sketchers shoes didn't have a t. Skechers is has always been.

Kellogs Fruit Loops never existed and has always been Froot Loops.

Pikachu's tail ... is all yellow and doesn't have a black tip.

Cheese itz crackers was actually Cheese it. Makes sense?

Double Stuff Oreos .... nope ... double stuf. one f.

C3PO of star wars isn't gold. Most of him is but not his right leg from the knee down. Which is silver.

Cinderellas Castle in Disneyland.  Afraid not. That's Disney world. The castle in Disneyland is sleeping beauties.

"Play it again Sam" in Casablanca ... is never uttered. The words are "Play it once, Sam. For old times' sake.". I personally can see Humphrey Bogart saying it. I can see him saying it angrily whilst holding a cigarette like a pencil. It wasn't even him saying it 😳. I'm not the only one.

Have a think where New Zealand is in relation to Australia. North East? North West. In fact South East. Its true.

Loads more out there.

Maybe they make a slight change over time. Like tye one between my mother and I last week.
People in the UK will remember Dime Bar ... as an insult by Harry Enfield. After the chocolate bar. In fact it's Daim Bar. They aren't called Dime Bars. Never have been.

Relax they were lol. They did change their name ro Daim Bar though. in ... 2005 😳😳😳  wtaf.

Roswell mystery gets repeated as a crashed UFO but it never happened that way, just a weather balloon? You left that one out.

David Grusch speaks exclusively on Newsnation

Time : 9pm Eastern Time Sunday 11th June
GMT :  2 am 12th June

Hour long interview followed by an hour long analysis.


Claims and theories without proof.

Off Topic / Re: Stop talking politics!
« on: June 09, 2023, 07:52 »
I think it is very difficult to separate the microstock business from political issues. Politics engages microstock contributors in the same way as landscape, architecture, wildlife or whatever topics.
The agencies' databases are full of politically influenced images.

Contributors present their opinion or their concepts in images. Or they photograph the reality shaped by politics. Or politicians themselves. Or their opinions on banners. Politics shapes our lives and their contents. If we produce images about it, why shouldn't we also verbalise our opinions about it?

Wouldn't the logical consequence of "stop about politics" in a microstock forum then also be "stop shooting politics" for a microstock agency?

If you want to argue politics you should go to a political forum. If you want to discuss microstock and photos come here. Do you go to a cooking forum to argue politics or national differences? Asking the people stay on topic is not censorship. The only people who will shout how they are being censored are the ones who want to argue politics everywhere they go all the time. Politics shapes our food and diet, many places by location, but that doesn't make a food forum a place to argue politics.


Where do you start. The Bermuda triangle is a fact. The cause isn't but I subscribe to the underground or underwater mass gas releases experiments that were done which can be found on utube. The gas aerated the water and reduced its density. The only reason things float is that the specific gravity of water allows for things to float ad long as they displace more water than the object weighs. Aerated water changes the maths and boats sink through the water very very rapidly. It doesn't explain the various planes that went missing due to instrument failure specifically the compass but many things can cause a compass to fail.

I saw a scientific documentary about the Bermuda Triangle a year or so ago. With new technology, they were able to scan to the bottom of the ocean in that area. Its apparently extremely deep and narrow - with very deep cliffs on either side - that can cause rogue waves and severe weather turbulence. Boats, ships and planes can get sucked down, similar to a reverse Tornado effect. That's it - nothing more. No aliens, no underwater alien bases, no magic tunnel through to other planets/parts of the universe, etc.

People shouldn't watch too much Ancient Aliens, which is meant for entertainment purposes only.  ;)

Marilyn did not commit suicide, as commonly claimed, but rather was murdered by government officials to silence her about highly classified things she knew about UFO crash retrievals. That's the kind of stories that the UFO nuts spread, when there's nothing to support them.

but clients who need lot of images don't have enough time and often knowledge to play with various prompts to get results they want.

Which is no different than using a stock agency. You enter what you want (just like with AI image generation sites) in the search field and then you get various results that are mostly useless, usually because of completely irrelevant keywords added by the contributor. With AI, at least if I tell it to create a dog sitting in grass I don't get 5000 cat photos like on most stock agencies.

 And there really is no great knowledge or playing around needed. I am still not sure what some people here are talking about or what crazy AI image generation sites you are using that you make writing prompts sound like rocket science. Just describe what you want in a few words and in 90% cases you will get a usable result at once. Works for me.

But you said
I'd like to point out that, at least with modjourney, that is not necessarily true. The more prompts I use, the more of them midjourney simply ignores, just like it keeps adding stuff I did not describe and even the --no  command will be ignored. Some people (sometimes purposefully) misjudge  midjourney's ability to really create images based on very detailed descriptions.

Here's to the US left wing.

ChatGPT and similar generative AI models have already been tied to sensitive data leaks and copyright violations and have prompted fears of automated disinformation and malware campaigns and thats in addition to basic concerns about accuracy and bias.
Now, the US government is trying to get a handle on things. The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) is asking for public comments on possible regulations to hold AI creators accountable. The measures will ideally help the Biden administration ensure these models work as promised "without causing harm,"

Next they will need to regulate and ban the internet for disinformation and bias. Your freedom is at risk.

Edges AI image generator will be available to everyone as they offer Dall-e as a sidebar choice. Image Creator generates AI images based on your text. Powered by DALL-E


Use of Creations. Subject to your compliance with this Agreement, the Microsoft Services Agreement, and our Content Policy, you may use Creations outside of the Online Services for any legal personal, non-commercial purpose.

Cashed out some revenue: what should have been 140, was now $140, which converted to EUR and Paypal fees included, resulted in 125 to my bank account.

A more than 10% decrease in revenue. Thanks Adobe.

Welcome to the club many of us outside the eurozone were part of since the very beginning.

Still, that's different; most other agencies outside Europe never had a payout option, so you accept the $ currency when you sign up, simply because there was no other option.
Fotolia had -accounts from the beginning, so you sign up for that and expect payments for life.

Suddenly Adobe decided to change it unilaterally and practically overnight. It's a disservice and a big middlefinger to all contributors overseas. It's taking away a service that should be standard for any international agency.

These companies were not created to support you or other artists. They are not a service, this was an exception, not a standard. You had a benefit, you got paid more than the rest of us. Fotolia is gone, your bonus has ended. Welcome to the present. Get over yourself.

Adobe Stock / Re: Adobe sales
« on: March 17, 2023, 07:03 »
There are sales, I think it's because I put my video in a free library. Advertising works.
Yes. There are sales. I did not put any videos in any free library.
I write for myself and draw my own conclusions. I am not responsible for what you write, as well as for the veracity of your information.

Are you responsible for what you write or your own veracity of your information? I have many sales and I have nothing in any free library.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Mr. Rinder?
« on: March 03, 2023, 16:40 »

He wrote that bio same as his website, word for word.

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