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Messages - lola

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Veer / Re: How is veer with vectors?
« on: April 18, 2011, 20:28 »
Follow-up:  I submitted on April 2nd and it's been 16 quiet days - nothing so far, still in review. 

Veer / Re: Unacceptable review times at Veer
« on: April 18, 2011, 20:26 »
My first 10 for Veer have been sitting in review since April 2nd - so 16 days so far.  Not very encouraging.

Will all following submissions take as long as the initial 10? :-\

General Stock Discussion / Re: Say something Positive Thread
« on: April 15, 2011, 17:11 »
Pixart - wonderful, and meaningful story!  :D  I don't know if I could have let him/her go - that took a lot of maturity on your part - it must have been very difficult.  How did you know it was YOUR duck when he/she returned - was it more friendly?  That first realization that that was your duck, back at your house, must have been the most amazing thing!

General Stock Discussion / Re: Say something Positive Thread
« on: April 13, 2011, 21:57 »
I love taking photos - like all of us here.  I love climbing into some forsaken place, getting dirty, tripping over roots and stones, and finding a beam of light glowing on a tiny perfect flower in the middle of the chaos.  I love that I get to have those moments.  I love how photography helps me to see the world in a different way, and how it makes me appreciate the tiniest of things which go unnoticed by others.  There is more joy to be found in the world when you really take the time to really SEE it. 

I may not have a fancy car or house or job, and much of anything, but I love that a spiky lemon-colored caterpillar crawling on the ground can make my day.  It's not easy to get everything you want in life, but it's easy to look around and appreciate what you already have.

(Okay, the above sounded a little preachy - sorry.)

Oh, and if I wasn't at least somewhat positive about micro, the fact that I'm new at this and have made all of $30.00 since I joined in Jan 2010 would have discouraged me to keep at it.

I also "did it my way" and had to answer to NO ONE - which I am loving more and more the more I work for others. 

No, not by the river, but I am worried for those who are.  You have a whole business set up online and a physical studio from the looks of it - cool.  How do you find time for stock with your business - or are some of your clients also models?  That would be very convenient. :)

I bet we've crossed paths :D

Hey pixart - I'm in Wpg :), and do tons of car trips all around MB for the nature shots.  We've found many amazing little areas that astound me at the wildlife and wildflowers - I always await spring with eagerness, so that we can get back out there.  Soon we'll be taking a trip to Nopaming park where I'm hoping to see lots of cool things - since it's more wild and less touristy, with not that much traffic through it.

There are times I wish I lived in Hawaii or Tahiti, of course, but there is so much to see here that we continue to love our little outings.  Before it gets hot we're also planning another trip to Spruce Woods for the sand dunes and cactus.  Where else can you have wild polar bears and sand dunes in the same province/state?

thinking to self.........I really should keep uploading my stuff to flickr, I've sort of stopped since starting stock, but it's a good place to refer people to in the meantime, and I have lots of other and better shots.

Thanks everyone for your continued critiques - they are very encouraging - and I can see all the stuff you've noticed as well in the mentioned shots.  Clean shots is a major goal of mine now especially with wanting to submit to stock.

Is cross-processing ever accepted at Istock or Shutterstock - or would any of these "filtered" images be refused right off the bat because designers can probably do a better job at it if they wanted to?  Or, are some sites actually looking for "more artsy" stuff like that?

example:  http://www.flickr.com/photos/windseed/3741663650/#

Hi all, I'm already approved on SS, and 7 other sites, but only with illustrations, not photos.  I have steady sales on SS, and just this month my images started selling on FT and 123RF in miniscule amounts - but my port is tiny - only 40 or so images, and under 10 at FT, and DT because of their constant rejections.  So yes, I'm a total noob.  I'm glad that a few of you that had a look at my flickr didn't think I'm off my rocker.

Before even considering stock as a possibility, I did months of research into stock photography and gathered lots of general info on how to get your stuff ready for stock.  I've been taking shots for 15 years now.  I did a menu shoot for a local bakery - big deal - and learned how NOT TO GET PAID - good first lesson in the photo business.  Also done several wedding shoots for friends - you know how it is, and only asked to get paid for the film - back in those days.  But, I know any experience is worth little in the stock business if you don't what sells, how to shoot it well, and how to prepare those images for stock.

Actually it was when I started to shoot wildlife that I realized how little I knew.  Trying to shoot birds especially has helped me to learn on my feet.  My endeavor now is to get the technical quality down and always to continue improving on composition, subject matter and finding that illusive perfect light.

When I started to realize how hard it is to meet SS's criteria for photos, I decided to go back to my previous love - drawing, and I started to upload illustrations instead, where I was able to control all the variables due to having good programs to work with and a little drawing talent.

I am not stupid though, I know that a nice shot is just that - doesn't mean that it will sell at all.  And obviously I'm come across the wise counsel that nature shots are way overdone and usually not welcome - hence my hesitation at uploading those to start with.  I think with DT I'm going to do 1 or 2 at a time because my approval ratio is like 15% there right now. ::)

Anyone interested in giving me some critiques I welcome it - though I know it's not much to go on - plus some of that work was done with an even worse camera.

But, perhaps I should be asking for critiques in the Critique Forum?   :-\

Thank you everyone.  I will try DT and FT first.  I wanted to sell this camera, because it actually cost the same as a basic DSLR, but it's already over a year old and no one would want it.  So I am looking into getting a used DSLR - on Adorama or somewhere. 

I've read that the kit lenses that come with the basic rebels, for example, are crapola - is that correct, or would they still do better shots than my p&s?
Oh - my cam may be okay for something- it does take hd video - maybe I should try taking some - though I realize there is a steep learning curve to get those to be stock-worthy as well.

Okay, so here's my tiny, nature-oriented only at this time, flickr account -


Go nuts guys - I value your opinions.  And, I'll get over it in several years if you tell me I totally suck!  ;D

Those are not what I was thinking - interesting.  I was thinking FT and DT.  I already know Alamy wont accept them because my camera's on their banned list - they only want DSLR's - thought I don't know how that automatically makes a good photo though...

Shutterstock really wants perfect focus front to back, no? - I keep seeing that said on the forums.

I may have some noise and some fringing - but only visible at 100 to 150%.  I'm okay at mostly fixing that in Photoshop, but I'm no pro at it.  I think I have an okay eye for subject and composition, and I do have access to many cool subjects, it's mainly the quality of my cam that's the biggest issue - though of course I only consider myself an amateur.

I'm already on Cutcaster, and GL, but I didn't realize that GL takes regular shots - I thought illustration only, and just recently - people shots.

No, I don`t really want my images on sites that will not sell them, so perhaps I should stay to the middle tier at the lowest?

Can I post the link to my flickr (it's the only site some of my shots are on) - or is that not okay here...?  I'm asking because I see people post their own website links, but I don't want to break the forum rules. 

(If you guys think my pics suck then that's an indication I have a lot more work to do before even thinking of submitting...)

GLStock / Re: GraphicLeftovers - any good news?
« on: April 05, 2011, 22:35 »
Well, they just promptly solved my problem. 

So, again - nice to deal with.

I've only done stock illustrations, but my intention all along was to upload photos.  I would like to start submitting some to see if they are up to par.

Is there a list anywhere of the top 2 or 3 sites that it's the easiest to get into at first with photos?

I don't suck, but my camera isn't a DSLR, (it's a Canon Powershot SX1 IS) so I don't want to start out with SS or IS obviously - are there any sites that would even look at my stuff?  Oh - and unfortunately a lot of my subjects are nature - SO IT SHOULD BE EASY, RIGHT!  ;D

I am willing to with models if I have to, but I do have lots of old architecture shots, and some cool macros as well.  Plus, I have a small home studio set up.

Is it okay to post a link to my flickr here, or not - to show you guys (mostly nature because I set it up to send tourists there for info on local nature attractions)

Stupid, stupid - whatever, I guess I have to keep redoing all my jpgs for the other sites - just adds more work.

I used the web uploaded, not FTP - I always use the web uploader.  I lose most of my images, not just a few.  Some I've tried to upload 6 times now!

I will contact GL personally....but I have before and nothing changed...maybe it's a programming thing.

Because that would suck - all other agencies want higher than that - why wouldn't they want higher resolution rasters - isn't bigger better in this case? ::)

Yeah, I've said it before, but I'm still having the problem - they never get to the "unfinished" section, for me to be able to get them into pending. 

Some do, but most don't.  I've even checked days later - nothing...

Does anyone else have this problem?

 deleted - solved my own problem -  ::)

GLStock / Re: GraphicLeftovers - any good news?
« on: April 02, 2011, 15:23 »
I'm still losing most of my uploads with them.  They just disappear - never show up in the "unfinished" or "upload queue" even days later.  Pretty annoying.  I have the images, but it's taking days to get even a couple of them online...

rimglow - ANY forum search results in a proxy error, then a time-out, then something else - you need to redo it several times - it's just another thing that frustrates the contributors, and especially newbies trying to get info from the forums.

I personally don't care about captcha - SS allows newbies to be seen in searches which has resulted in sales for me from day one.  Can't say that for the other 8 sites I'm with.

I like it too, and hope it gets permanently installed.  I think members have been asking for this, no?

digexpress.. - I just wish I knew what they meant specifically was done "badly" according to them.  Like, was it the outline, the coloring - what?  Maybe you don't need to say it in the initial rejection - because it takes a long time, but if someone is replying to your rejection email - take the time.

I have since had the file approved, but the other one - I asked about, and nothing - no extra reasons, or explanations - they just ignored my question altogether - though they specifically ASK us to email them regarding rejections, and not talk about it on the forums. 

My approval rating is now under 20% there.  Whatever, I'm new, and with the high rejection rate they're perhaps more tough on me than others...?

Veer / Re: How is veer with vectors?
« on: March 21, 2011, 21:47 »
Thanks all - I will be uploading my first 10 this week - we'll see how it goes...

Veer / Re: Trying to upload first 10 - is upload down?
« on: March 21, 2011, 21:46 »
Thanks all, I will try again. ;)

Veer / Re: How is veer with vectors?
« on: March 20, 2011, 23:46 »
I saw that legacy artboards info on istock too, I think...

...overall though, do you find them any tougher then the sites above them in ranking?

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