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Messages - SpaceStockFootage

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just a question??why a buyer should buy your clip at "regular" price if this clip has a stamp on it that says that it's included in the membership program??

Because if they're not a member then they'd have to shell out a minimum of $199 to subscribe so they can download it as part of their membership.

General Stock Discussion / Re: 150 sales at 25c
« on: July 15, 2021, 05:41 »
25 cents is the minimum for video, so while your percentage has increased by 5%, it just means whatever percentage you're getting now still results in 25 cents or less for those types sales.

General Stock Discussion / Re: 150 sales at 25c
« on: July 14, 2021, 17:46 »
So far this month I've had 150 video clip sales for 25c each from you know who.

Lord Voldemort?

Saying that all agencies have the right to shut down accounts for any reason, isn't supporting agencies... it's supporting the truth, because they do have that right. Same with changing the commission rates... which I've also stated on previous occasions and may have contributed to your perception of me.

I mean surely the opposite is considerably worse? I tell everyone what the agencies are doing is highly illegal and it would be an open and shut case in court with a good payday... everyone spends a small fortune pursuing said legal action... and everyone loses?

I guess we could have a 'positive answers only' section of the forum, where everyone tells everyone what they want to hear... where everyone is supportive no matter how wrong the poster may be? Could work.

I never think something MUST be up with the OP's story... I just know from experience that, more often than not, something is usually up with the OP's story.

stock photographers acting like fbi agents, 'there is more to the story here', dissecting every word, never seen a more distrusting bunch of people than on photography forums, and ganging up on people as well, why is it that stock photographers have such crappy personalities..

It's usually because when somebody says something along the lines of 'my account has been closed for no reason', aside from a few very rare exceptions.... there is always, usually without fail, almost every single time... a reason. A reason which only becomes apparent later in the thread when information is provided that wasn't initially. So while it would be nice to give everyone the benefit of the doubt and go with the premise that there actually is 'no reason' it usually saves a bit of time to question what they're saying.

A random example for you...

"My account was closed for no reason"

100 questions and replies later...

"Ok, so just to clarify, based on what you've told us... your account was actually closed because you have eight different accounts, have been buying your own content, have moved countries 20 times in the last year, you got a bunch of DMCA requests on your content, you now live in North Korea, you have 50 other people with SS accounts using your laptop to log in, you have an approval rating of less than 0.1%, your content is made up of blurred stills from ramdon videos that you found off the internet, and you specifically asked for your account to be closed?" 

"Yeah, that's right"

257 / Re: Banned by Shutterstock?
« on: July 12, 2021, 08:43 »
Sounds like these creative people should wear this as a badge of courage and nothing else.
I am so glad I never put any of MY CREATIONS with this mob.
They need to remember that without us they are NOTHING.

262 million in gross profit for 2020 makes them much more then nothing. They don't care about your badge of courage and don't need you.

While I agree with your sentiment, you may have missed his point slightly. I mean, all of that 262m was made licensing content that belongs to....?

I don't support such things, but they're entitled to what they're entitled to do, whether we support it or not. And yes, I agreed they should be liable for unpaid funds, but there's nothing you can do about them closing it. Do they owe you any money... have you received any earnings emails with funds that haven't yet been paid out?

Liable for what, just out of interest? If they had unpaid funds then fair enough, those should be paid out, but all agencies have the right to delete accounts at any time, and for any reason, so whether it was a mistake or not... they have no obligation to provide him with an active account.
Does it mean they can delete anyone's account at any time.. even of those with thousands of files and years of work including Big names ? OK I had very small numbers of files but still.. are such mistakes possible ?


Liable for what, just out of interest? If they had unpaid funds then fair enough, those should be paid out, but all agencies have the right to delete accounts at any time, and for any reason, so whether it was a mistake or not... they have no obligation to provide him with an active account.

What's your definition of them having matured? I mean they were at the same price as they are now back in early 2014.

262 / Re: Banned by Shutterstock?
« on: July 04, 2021, 14:29 »
Telling you facts isn't sticking up for Shutterstock... it's just the opposite of making things up that aren't true.

Most here are so over Shutterstock. You seem to be obsessed.

I like finding out what the management people are doing. Especially now that we see the results of their horrible decision against us last year in their finance and stock price.  I'm interested in why they do what they do even knowingly hurting us contributors there.  So, I'm not over Shutterstock at all.  It's ongoing.

I think the stock price makes it clear why they do what they do... horrible decision for us, but not a horrible one for them.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Buying photo/video portfolio
« on: June 24, 2021, 23:07 »
I almost sold my entire portfolio. We'd agreed a price and everything, but when he sent over the agreement it turned out he wanted my accounts as well... to transfer ownership of them to him. My plan was to sell the content for a bit of a cash injection to upgrade my computer and invest in some software... and then get back to making more content... so it didn't happen in the end.

I'm considering a new laptop, and after a reasonable amount of research, this is the best one I could find for less than $5K.

General Stock Discussion / Re: recommended video sites?
« on: June 09, 2021, 15:27 »

Envato Elements   24.29%
StoryBlocks           15.34%
Motion Array           12.80%
Pond5                   10.44%
BlackBox                     7.83%
iStock                     5.30%
VideoHive                     4.09%
Shutterstock             2.17%
Adobe                     2.08%

There's also 1.5% from five different agencies, I no longer submit to those. The remaining 14% or so, is from After Effects projects and 3D assets so I've not listed those. Not yet had any sales yet this year from 123RF or they're at 0%. Don't submit to those any more either.

They have altered the deal. Pray they do not alter it any further.

I'm with Sean on this one. It's not about doubting the technology, thinking its a bubble or being against the concept... I just don't understand how somebody can prove ownership of a physical item with an NFT.

When you create an NFT you create a token... an entry in the blockchain. You own that entry, that token... but what information does that entry in the blockchain contain to prove ownership of the item it relates to?

Even with digital items... the NFT artwork... the artwork itself is very rarely embedded within the token as the file sizes are too large. So you just own the token... they only send you a jpg as a courtesy, you don't own it.

So as Sean says... how can you prove ownership with an NFT? What's to stop me from making NFTs of all your stuff before you do... and then reporting that you stole them? Surely you need some official physical or digital proof of ownership in the first place to prove ownership... and if you do, then there's no need to create an NFT for proof that you already have? Do any insurance companies check the blockchain for proof of owneship... is it something they'd accept?

General Stock Discussion / Re: recommended video sites?
« on: May 26, 2021, 06:11 »
Not 100% sure... haven't uploaded for a couple of years and haven't logged in for months.

General Stock Discussion / Re: recommended video sites?
« on: May 26, 2021, 03:51 »
How many videos you need uploaded to make Motion Array worth it?

I get about $3 per month, per clip. Earnings have quite a decline over time if you're not continuously uploading though (I think I made about $12 per clip in the first month). If they download your file once, they can continue to use it forever, like most royalty free stuff. Envato Elements would be better for consistent earnings as it's a single use license when you download a file and you have to reregister the use every time you use it. While it's physically possible to not do that, the majority of people seem to play by the rules so you notice a much slower decline in earnings even if you're not uploading new content. Still, I find both of them worthwhile uploading to... but be prepared to wait two months for your MA content to be reviewed. Ground to a halt after Artgrid took over.   

General - Stock Video / Re: Best Video Stock Sites
« on: May 26, 2021, 03:44 »
Has anyone tried the Depositphotos website?

I uploaded a bunch of clips a few years back and haven't had a single sale. And this is stuff that usually gets multiple sales a month at the other sites.

General Stock Discussion / Re: recommended video sites?
« on: May 23, 2021, 21:48 »
Still HD by a long way. Maybe get 10% or less of my sales at 4K.

General Stock Discussion / Re: recommended video sites?
« on: May 23, 2021, 18:07 »
Motion Array as above. I get a minimal return from Motion Elements. I find their submission process annoying though, for reasons I can't remember (as it's been so long ago when I last uploaded there)... so I don't have a massive portfolio with them.

Videohive are worth a go, especially now you can set your own prices, and being on Elements can give quite a boost to your earnings as well.

Storyblocks have been surprisingly good... earnings have been steadily increasing for the past couple of years.

iStock. Low sale prices and everything lower commissions, but hey... in for a penny in for a pound. You can make it up in number of sales.

I'd avoid clipdealer, clipcanvas, dreamstime, 123RF and depositphotos... I get sales once in a blue moon. Or not at all.

Every time there's an announcement like this, there's always skepticism from contributors. But the most important part that everyone seems to miss, is that they said they're confident it will result in more revenue... they didn't say who is going to be the recipient of this additional revenue. I have no doubt that this will result in more revenue. For iStock. They wouldn't have implemented it otherwise... they just never mentioned that it would result in more revenue for us lot. Keep that in mind when you're all posting "they promised us more revenue" a month, six months, a year down the line. They didn't.


Pond5 / Re: How has Pond5 been in 2021?
« on: May 17, 2021, 08:58 »
So far... 40% more per month than in 2021 which is surprising as although I've been uploading more content, I wouldn't have thought it was enough to make a significant increase in income, more just enough to stem the inevitable decrease in earnings over time when you're not uploading anything or just uploading 'a bit'. Hopefully it lasts.

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