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Messages - w7lwi

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Dreamstime.com / Re: Massive Refunds
« on: October 28, 2013, 20:46 »
Sales have really picked up there and good dollar sales ... $5 to $12 and up.  Subs also, of course.  They've moved up to No. 2 behind SS in dollar amount.  No refunds in quite a while.

They want a release if only a body part is visible.  I had an image of a hand holding a pair of chopsticks.  After a year or so they came back and said it was a "people" shot and had to have a MR.  I told them to take it down as it was selling well elsewhere as RF with no release required and I wasn't about to supply one for something as idiotic as this.

From Huff Post:

The woman who has become the face of Obamacare has completely disappeared.

I understand, at her request, that she has been put in the witness protection program.

If they didn't like the image, why would they be downloading it?

BUYER:  This image has poor composition and color balance.  It looks like something my grandchild made in Kindergarten.  However it's exactly what I need so I'm downloading it anyway.

General Stock Discussion / Re: help with model releases...
« on: October 16, 2013, 12:42 »
On Shutterstock, you need a scan of the model's drivers license if the images are nude or show partial nudity.  That is required in order to prove the model is of legal age for that type of image.  I don't know if other sites require it or not.  On some sites, I've had to embed an image of the model on the release itself.  Not a driver's license, just the model's image on the MR.

so we can only snap naked models if they have drivers license ;D ;D ;D

I know you're trying to be funny, but a driver's license, a passport, or another government-issued ID that shows birthdate are required to have nudes accepted.  You can shoot whatever the heck you like, depending on local laws.

sure! it was just because he/she referred only to drivers license :)

Because that was what the OP asked about.  Any government issued photo I.D. that includes a birth date should be sufficient; although, SS has rejected governmental type I.D.'s before for who-knows what reason.

General Stock Discussion / Re: help with model releases...
« on: October 16, 2013, 12:36 »
On Shutterstock, you need a scan of the model's drivers license if the images are nude or show partial nudity.  That is required in order to prove the model is of legal age for that type of image.  I don't know if other sites require it or not.  On some sites, I've had to embed an image of the model on the release itself.  Not a driver's license, just the model's image on the MR.

so we can only snap naked models if they have drivers license ;D ;D ;D

Only if you want to put them up on Shutterstock (and possibly elsewhere).  Otherwise, do as you will.

Alamy.com / Re: Alamy changed payment threshold
« on: October 16, 2013, 12:27 »
Just to re-iterate:

- If your paypal account is set to USD and you are in the US, the maximum fee you will be charged by paypal is $1.

Perhaps it's just the way you worded this, but where do you get the idea that paypal charges users in the US anything at all?  I have been with paypal for several years and use them across all sites including Alamy.  It's a personal account, not business, and I have never been charged anything.  Transactions from a few dollars to hundreds and thousands with no charge.  There's no way in Hell that I am going to put my bank transfer information on a foreign site that I have no reason to believe can safeguard that information in today's internet environment.  Sorry but your explanations just don't fly.

General Stock Discussion / Re: help with model releases...
« on: October 16, 2013, 12:09 »
On Shutterstock, you need a scan of the model's drivers license if the images are nude or show partial nudity.  That is required in order to prove the model is of legal age for that type of image.  I don't know if other sites require it or not.  On some sites, I've had to embed an image of the model on the release itself.  Not a driver's license, just the model's image on the MR.

Software - General / Re: Adobe Hack
« on: October 14, 2013, 11:48 »
Thanks Cathy.  Yes I do the same whenever I get a pop-up or e-mail that has a link embedded.  If interested, I go to the site itself.  Never click on the link.  That's what I was trying to do with Adobe except whenever I went to Adobe.com, it redirected me to the Adobe Cloud site.  Since it seemed to work for you, I'll go ahead and click on the embedded link.  If it fails and my computer bites the big one, quoting Arnold Schwarzenegger ... I'll be back!   >:(


General Photography Discussion / Re: Lighting advice needed
« on: October 13, 2013, 15:56 »
Ron, one thing I'm not clear on is how many people will be in each shot.  If it's only one at a a time, that will require much less lighting than if you will be shooting multiple subjects.  Also, you mention that you need continuous lighting as people will be coming and going.  If you just have some soft ambient lights, then with the strobes set at a relative high output, aperture of f8 or f11 and shutter speeds of 1/200 or so, the ambient lighting will never show up.  I once used my 550EX speedlite to optically trigger two strobes.  I was concerned the speedlite would add additional light to the subject, but when I took a test shot with the camera settings that I would be using with the strobes, but with only the speedlite as a source, the image came out black.  The strobes are so much more powerful than the speedlite (or most ambients) that they really don't have all that much of an impact.  Also, most good strobes come with modeling lights that allow you to properly position your subject(s).

Software - General / Re: Adobe Hack
« on: October 13, 2013, 15:37 »
Adobe did get hacked and did send emails but they would NEVER set your password for you. Their email suggested that you go reset your password. Attached is screenshot. Sounds like you got one of those suspicious emails they are talking about in their email.

This is the same message I just received.  Note it says "we have reset your password...."  then goes on to say visit the link to create a new password.  If this e-mail is legitimate I'll go ahead and use it.  I just get suspicious when this comes in and I have no way to verify whether or not it's a scam.


Hot homemade buttermilk pancakes with real butter and Knott's Boysenberry syrup.
Deep dish macaroni and cheese.
Grandmother's drop dumplings with chicken gravy (last had back in the 1950's before she passed away).

Software - General / Adobe Hack
« on: October 13, 2013, 13:19 »
I just received an e-mail, purportedly from Adobe, indicating their system was hacked and that they had changed my password and I should click on the link in the e-mail to go in and change it again.  My understanding this happened sometime back so I am suspicious of receiving an e-mail now, sometime after the fact.  I also avoid clicking on any link in an unsolicited e-mail so I went to the Adobe site to see what information I could find there.  At least I tried to.  Adobe.com redirects me to the Adobe Cloud site which was totally worthless trying to find out any information about this issue.

Has anyone received these e-mails recently or know how to get to a real Adobe site and not Adobe Cloud?  The only past interaction I've had with Adobe has been to register my copy of PS CS6 and I want no part of Cloud.  I think I had to set up a log in to do that, but honestly don't remember.

Shutterstock.com / Re: Disappearance of the EDs
« on: October 11, 2013, 13:09 »
Back when I first started with microstock, on the SS forum I had the misfortune to describe an EL as an "Extended License", rather than the proper term "Enhanced License."  I was immediately jumped on by an SS admin who corrected me in no uncertain terms that it was not to be referred to as an Extended License.  They apparently take their terminology quite seriously, so I wouldn't be surprised if they wouldn't take umbrage at the use of the initials ED when referring to their EL term.  May seem silly to most of us, but stranger things have happened before and likely will again.

General Stock Discussion / Re: more or less keywords
« on: October 11, 2013, 13:00 »
Correct me if I'm wrong, but if a German keyworded his image on the German site, isn't the system supposed to automatically translate his words into English when viewing his work on an English site?  At the same time, if he were to keyword on the English site using German words instead of English, the English site would assume whatever he enter was an English word and not German.

So the question becomes was the keyword added in the wrong language on an English site, or is the automatic translator not always working properly, assuming a word in one language is the identical to the same word in another language, even thought the two words have totally different meanings in their respective languages.

Off Topic / Re: Physics
« on: October 08, 2013, 20:54 »
I couldnt find the right words to explain it. A motor powers a cogwheel and the chain transfers the power to another part of the machine. This can only be done with a cogwheel and a chain, it cant be done with a ball bearing and a chain, unless the chain is welded on the ball bearing.

I came to this thread because I got annoyed by someone saying his/her niche is too specialised for Shutterstock. I guess the niche is impossible physics.

Actually if the chain were welded to the ball bearing, that wouldn't work either as you can't transmit torque through a ball bearing unless the balls themselves were rigidly attached to both the inner and outer races.  But then it wouldn't be a ball bearing and, besides, the chain would only rotate until it got to the end of the weld at which point it would try to continue around the outer race, pulling backwards on the driven load, locking up the motor, likely causing it to overheat and fail in any of a number of possible failure modes.

Photoshop Discussion / Re: Attack on Adobe Computer Network
« on: October 04, 2013, 13:24 »
I've never purchased anything directly from Adobe.  Always from third party stores.  I have however, had to register my software with Adobe.  I assume (terrible word) because of this I needn't worry about this specific hack as Adobe has never, to my knowledge, had any of my CC information.  There'd be no point in the third party stores sending that info to Adobe.

The higher the database of the agencies, the lower the sales that a photographer will make.

Considering the effort that each contributor have to spend now to produce extra high quality images, I think that in a year's time the gain obtained will be so unprofitable that many will stop producing images.

can't wait for that ;D

If you can't wait, then I have good news for you.  You don't have to.  Just stop right now and enjoy the benefits of not having to worry about falling royalties, corrupt agencies and think about all that stress you will forgo.   ;D

GLStock / Re: Somebody get the crash cart - GL has flatlined!
« on: September 26, 2013, 16:30 »
What is the payout level at GL?  Like many have reported, I sold relatively well when it first started, but for all intents and purposes it's died this year.  I reached just over $40 and then nothing.  Had one sale this month that brought my earnings up to $41.08.  While the upload process is relatively easy, there doesn't seem to be any purpose in continuing if little of my stuff sells there (does well elsewhere).  I'll leave what I've already uploaded alone, but doubt I'll be uploading much of anything new unless something turns around.  There was a post sometime back (last year I think) where it was suggested that illustrations did better on GL than photographs.  Has there been any confirmation of this or was that just someone's idle speculation?

Shutterstock.com / Re: Changes to the TOS at Shutterstock
« on: September 24, 2013, 20:22 »
Don't talk nonsense. SS are in a different league, compared to your bizarrely beloved Istock, when it comes to contributor respect and relations. As an Istock exclusive muppet, having had your TOS changed multiple times in their favour, you don't even know what that means.
What does that even mean?  If iStock does something you don't like then anything Shutterstock does is great?  I think this has nothing to do with keeping secrets from competitors since the important information is already public or kept secret from the contributors, what's left to tell?

If you don't know, that means we have been doing our jobs keeping this information away from the competition and their apologists.   ;D

Software / Re: Adobes Profit Falls 59 Percent !
« on: September 17, 2013, 20:35 »
Actually, CS6 was not a physical disk. It was/is a download. Disks are going the way of the dinosaur. I don't think you can upgrade from PS7 to CS6. (only from a former CS version)

I purchased CS6 earlier this year and received a hard disc.  So far as I know you can still find hard disc copies on the internet.  Agree you cannot upgrade from PS7 to CS6 (or any other available CS version).  You'll need to purchase the complete stand-alone software.  I got mine for around $400 or so.  Just search the web.

I'll just renew my wish that the sites would return their search results to more of a meritocracy.  (for all the good that wish will do me ;) )

Wish in one hand and spit in the other.  See which gets full first.   ;D

iStockPhoto.com / Re: PP Sales July 2013
« on: August 16, 2013, 17:21 »
I'm still struggling with identifying my PP downloads on IS.  I've found the list of PP sales OK, but I don't see where I can tell when they were downloaded.  Was it July, June, May or whenever?

And the pricing seems a bit odd as well.  For example, I show 14 images that have each been downloaded three times.  But the royalty amounts vary from image to image.  There's one image with a total royalty of $0.78 for three downloads.  Another ten at $0.84 for three each.  One at $1.10 for three downloads.  One at $1.76 for three.  And one at $24.58 for three downloads of one image.  I assume the $0.84 is the "norm" as that's $0.28 per image, but what accounts for the wide variations on the others?

Shutterstock.com / Re: Shutterstock Q2 Profit Rises
« on: August 09, 2013, 17:05 »
These numbers are all well and good and indicate what SS is doing as a company.  So long as they remain solvent and show no sign of going out of business what really matters to me is what is my financial position.  How much money do I make and are my RPD numbers in line with the average or do I do worse (or better).

Q2 came in at $0.698, slightly better than average.  However this was due to an exceptional month in May ($0.901).  April and June were below average at $0.608 and $0.584 respectively.  So far, July and August are looking better.  July at $0.710.  Really too soon to judge how August will turn out but I'm at $0.877 through today.  August sales are starting out significantly better than July, but it really depends on the mix over the next three weeks.

Veer / Is The Veer Site Down?
« on: July 28, 2013, 20:23 »
I can log in as far as the contributor landing page, but have been unable to open either the Dashboard or Workspace.  Anyone else having the same problem?

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