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Messages - Shelma1

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2876 / Re: PP Sales Anxiety
« on: July 15, 2013, 09:07 »
Getty Images contributor hotline: 206-925-6577.

Nobody answers the phone, but you can leave a voicemail.

This post will self-destruct in 15 minutes.

Seems too time-consuming and complicated.

2878 / Re: PP Sales Anxiety
« on: July 14, 2013, 17:55 »
Come on, now. This is ridiculous. It's been weeks since we should have gotten PP royalties. Flooding and a holiday is no excuse. I live in one of the areas hardest hit by Sandy but still didn't miss any work deadlines. Our agency had no power, so they rented a room in a hotel with business facilities so people could meet there and keep working. Those of us without power were happy to be somewhere with heat and running water. Three days after the hurricane hit I was driving 3.5 hours each way (thanks to road closures and flooded tunnels) to work 13-hour days. I know Lobo thinks that's comparing "apples and fish sticks," but the rest of the world meets its deadlines. A show of effort by the IT department at iStock is long overdue.

2879 / Re: PP Sales Anxiety
« on: July 14, 2013, 11:36 »
Still nothing for me either. PP sales are usually 2/3 of my income at iStock. I find it disturbing that you cannot complain to your representative (iStock) about nonpayment of royalties without being banned from their forums.

I really feel badly for the full-time stock folks, whose bills still have to be paid on time despite not receiving their paychecks.

2880 / Re: PP Sales Anxiety
« on: July 10, 2013, 16:07 »
I foresee a day when iStock is absorbed into Getty, and current exclusives have their content represented there. And the rest of us are either on the PP sites or out entirely.

Having seen merger after merger in the ad biz, the bigger agency almost always absorbs the smaller one and jettisons the employees who no longer fit in. Getty is keeping the artists they feel are worthy, beginning by "mirroring" their images. I'm not sure they want to be in microstock, really.

This is difficult to believe, since they're also weeks late on Partner Program stats. I'm getting pretty paranoid about getting my money from them. They owe me more than $1500 right now.

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