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Messages - click_click

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Nice start,
time lapse videos are very touchy to do (in my opinion - I'm trying to get them perfect...).

First problem is the sun moving around and especially creating funny shadows in your scene.

Well it takes careful scouting to find the right spot for that and the right time of day to do that.

Secondly I have to mention you got a lot of flickering going on. If you don't use a fixed aperture lens you will inevitably get flicker. That has to be removed within After Effects or any other video processing software (often using a 3rd party plug-in).

I throw my time lapses together in After Effects. For a 2 minute video in Full HD and with Photo-JPG compression I think 2GB  are pretty ok.

For web purposes 720p is perfectly fine, especially if you do it in h.264 (that's enough for my taste - people submitting to vimeo probably will burn me for that). I'm trying to be practical and somewhat efficient.

I would redo a version with flicker removal and taking only every 5th shot to reduce the overall length to a clip that you can submit to the footage sites. If it passes I think it could sell a few times.

Keep going!
Good luck

StockXpert.com / Refunds now at StockXpert - finally :-(
« on: April 27, 2009, 22:04 »
Well, it finally hit StockXpert now.

I just found a little extra line in my royalties overview about "Stockxpert refunds".

Has this been going on for a while already?  :-[

Adobe Stock / Re: Fotolia blocked account
« on: April 27, 2009, 19:30 »
it took a LOT of emailing, but my account is working again. They are still investigating situation, but I really believe in happy end now.  :)

Charles79:  I would suggest to contact more people from Fotolia management. There is section Management on Fotolia Blog, where You can find email addresses. I wasn't trying to contact them on the phone, because I am more confident in written communication in English.

Forget contacting them by phone, they will just tell you to write to Chad.

You might get lucky if Chad has time when you are calling, otherwise it's a waste of time.

I understand click_click's problem is a cancelled purchase, but the cancellation refers to a date in which he did not have a sale on that value, what looks like a mistake.

That is correct.

I understand there is credit card fraud happening in this world.

But as long as the amounts are not matching up it leaves a sour taste...

General Stock Discussion / Re: Copyright protection of photos
« on: April 27, 2009, 19:04 »
I know a guy in USA who register his images and he won a sue of a few thousand dollars.  Not a microstock thing though, as he isn't in this market.  That's when I lernt about this sending-a-CD thing, although there are images that he register differently (I don't remember why).

I don't know if we have something similar in Brazil - would I be able to register in USA?  When one registers his images in a country, does this automatically give him protection everywhere? 

I believe you can register in the US from anywhere in the world.

Use a Voip software to call the copyright office in the US (or straight from your phone if you can afford it). They are very helpful and they can tell you for sure.

Once you have them registered in the US it will help a lot!

General Stock Discussion / Re: Copyright protection of photos
« on: April 27, 2009, 12:38 »
Just do what Photoshow says.

You will thank him one day! Trust me.

Adobe Stock / Declined credit card - it just won't add up...
« on: April 27, 2009, 09:15 »
I never checked this before but I can't get this straight now:

Today I got money deducted from my account due to a credit purchase from 2-22-2009 with a stolen credit card.

When I check all my sales from 2-22-2009 there is no amount from that day that matches the deduction or any combination of sales added together either.

Before I contact support I wanted to know if anyone else experienced this kind of math before.

OK for your non-released images:
FTP, when done move all the files into the images folder which takes less than a second. Go to the StockXpert site click on StockXpert briefcase and hit the 'transfer' button takes about two seconds. Then that's it, complete, done. The rest of the stuff is there for us to organise our files should we choose to, you don't have to use categories if you don't want to, and you don't have to move them from the folders if you don't want.

Not that I have a problem with the SS upload system either but if you want to make comparisons, you still have to click a button once your files have been uploaded by FTP, 'you have' to add categories, and then for anybody that's in the real English speaking world you have to click again to tell the SS system that their way of spelling things isn't always correct!

RT, I understand what you are saying and it is true that I'm not spending half an hour after every upload hitting useless buttons. It's just that it adds up everytime I upload to StockXpert.

Furthermore I seem to be a complete idiot as I think it's very, very, very confusing to leave files in folders with funny folder names - just because I'm "too lazy" to move them into my home folder (where they should be to begin with) in order to see all submitted images at once.

Anywho, it is a personal preference and I do believe it is a bit cumbersome at StockXpert - not impossible to live with but a bit clumsy. Hey, how boring would it be if everything would just work out great from the beginning...  ;D

Sales start to increase at StockXpert. I hope the bad times are over.

Peter, as you've pointed out the upload process is simple, but then again so are some people!

OK RT, it's on.  ;)

First of all, I do agree that bulk editing in itself is an important feature during the upload process. However, since the FTP upload process is designed the way it is, I'm forced to go through the Briefcase thing even if I upload images that are not a group or don't require sorting.

I tried to express in my first post that other sites don't require the push of a button to tell the server that file transfers have completed. It's pretty much a redundant process when (again) you look at SS where the uploads are instantaneously available after they are completed in your FTP client.

Another thing that I accidentally forgot what "simple" Laurin" brought up was the simplicity of having no categories. Look at Crestock, 123RF etc. who make my life a whole lot more efficient by dropping categories. I really would like to hear one day why the category system is sooo important to other agencies.

Then again:

You don't have to move the files around though, they are just grouped for easier editing. Maybe that's not the best concept so please share your favourite way to edit files and we'll definitely consider implementing it.

Uhhhm, ok let me illustrate that:

1. I drag and drop my files into my FTP client - transfer starts
2. Once the transfer is over I navigate to StockXpert's "My images" folder
3. Here would be the perfect moment to apply check marks to images that don't need a release to be submitted by pressing submit! BUT NO!!!!  :o
4. I have to click "StockXpert Briefcase"
5. I (human) have to tell the server "Pretty please move my transferred files to a place where I can actually edit them" - absolutely redundant and time consuming
6. Files will be moved to a new folder with a funny Briefcase identifier
7. Since I haven't uploaded via FTP in a looong time I'm not sure if now I have to select my briefcase folder from the dropdown menu on the upper right hand - let's assume this already happened and take a "shortcut"
8. My transferred files are happily sitting in the briefcase folder. As they include IPTC they were good to go since step 2 but here we are at step 8 and it's not over yet...
9. Assuming that we talk about image uploads that require the least effort possible (non-released) I happily select all the check boxes of my images that I want to dump in my home folder.
10. I will stop doing this now because everyone knows who to move files from the briefcase folder to the home folder.
11. One day when I have too much time on my hands (yeah right...) I come back to StockXpert to delete all those Briefcase folders that I simply don't need

So obviously I'm the simple one who wants ONE folder at StockXpert that contains my pics.

I think the files should all be dumped into the home folder after upload (no button pressing necessary). Then the non-released images should be check-marked and submitted (check marks could be defaulted on "ON" for all new uploads which makes it easier for sets without releases.

Files that require releases could be then check marked in order to hit the button Attach release (or have a look at Crestock's system - awesome).

This way you have to put in the work for images that do require work and not the entire uploaded batch.

Looks like everyone has his/her own favorite way of submitting.
Take a stop watch and process your uploaded (non-released) files on 123RF and then at StockXpert.
For image preparation with releases one can argue again which system is the best there.
Someone else can discuss that...

Of course I might be a simpleton and have used the system in a completely wrong way. So please enlighten me how to do it faster.

I removed some topics and created a sticky one with official info. The sort order is already fixed, and I'm very glad because I was about to go crazy just like everyone else. :)

You just have to upload the files to the FTP, press a button, and tag them with the bulk editor. That's it.
You can't skip the FTP part, somehow you have to get the files online.
You can't skip the button pressing part, you have to tell the system somehow that you are done.
Finally, having folders give you the ability to edit many files at the same time.
There aren't a lot of things to simplify here... :)
We could group images by upload date, but that's the same thing.

Thanks for chiming in - seriously at least we get information straight from the source!

the FTP upload IS extremely tedious. It's not just Laurin feeling that way, and not just me either I'm afraid.

I understand that this FTP issue is not an urgent matter for StockXpert at the moment but Laurin was explaining correctly that Shutterstock set up their FTP system in a way that does not require hitting any buttons to tell the server that the uploader has finished transferring files - nor moving files around in various "Briefcase" folders etc (it is annoying AND time consuming).

This might be a technical challenge for StockXpert to achieve but I have to agree that this is the easiest way to upload files.

Drag and drop into your FTP client AND DONE!

Please Peter keep posting here about the progress of StockXpert.

Thanks for that Yuri!

Still you have to admit that you do employ outstanding models!!! I doubt that they still do TFCD and how could one like "us" afford professional, "next-door" look like models???

It does take a determined and eager and suited model (including the proper wardrobe...) to get the shots that you do. I've met too many (almost only) "models" and/or "actors" that just won't pull off what your models are doing...

I still believe you have to have the luck of meeting the right people for the job in order to nail it.

Anywho. Great read! Keep up the outstanding work! All the best to you!

For the last few weeks I've been shooting a lot of editorial stuff as there has been a lot going on in my area. The latest event being the Indonesian general elections. I realise that there are less businesses that can use editorial images, but there are still plenty of businesses worldwide with a need for them, well at least I would think so. I have put the images I have shot recently on Dreamstime, Bigstockphoto and Cutcaster and not a single sale. You can see some of the election images here and I've posed a few more questions in the post. Hope you might be able to answer a few of them. http://microstockposts.com/2009/04/18/in-the-news/ 

I take a guess since I'm also not working as a news-editorial photographer but your images appear to be news-editorial to me. Anyone, feel free to enlighten me if I'm wrong.

That being said first what comes to my mind is that when "news" is happening the big agencies and news sites want to have images asap. This won't be happening on the Micros and neither will that happen at Alamy.

You will have to go through the hoops of the review process whether your shots are "news-worthy". While I agree, that some photographers might not understand editorial shooting in the end it comes down to what the customer thinks fits best to their story. So the choice should be left with the buyer and not the agency.

My understanding is that the big editorial photographers supply only images that are top-notch and that there is no more reviewing involved.
Their shots go straight into a server system or to an agency being distributed almost in real-time.

If you see yourself mainly doing editorial work you might want to check out other ways to sell your images. Get in touch with agencies and search for distribution channels solely for editorial material. This stuff won't make it worth your efforts if you try it through the Micros unless you ONLY do major events like the Oscars, concerts of superstars etc. and that is really tough to get in if you are new to the whole thing.

Keep shooting!

Good luck!

General Stock Discussion / Re: Copyright question
« on: April 14, 2009, 08:17 »

to earlier if you take a pic me sprawled over my ferrari (maybe in a couple of years :)), ferrari dont allow you to sell it (probably only wife would buy it, but thats not the point :)) because of copyright on their vehicle.


Now there's an image! ;D

*shaking head to get image out of head*

It would be useful if someone on this forum who sells "personal-use" prints would chime in (explaining legal rights/issues for the respective country - ideally after consulting a legal representative).

As some stated above I am totally under the impression that as soon as there is money involved I tap into commercial grounds which could heavily upset potential copyright owners.

Remember without the boat, yacht, race car or whatever you are photographing the picture would be quite boring. So in the end only the years of engineering and millions of $$$ from their sponsors make it possible to even take that picture. Now most of the people think that they can make money off of that because the guy next to them doesn't have a camera with them at the time or doesn't know how to handle a D-SLR?  ???

Sounds a bit like wishful thinking to me.

Or let's look at this: You take a photo of a race car (Nascar, Formula 1 whatever). In order to be sure that you can sell your photo as a print simply contact the manufacturer of the car, the racing team, the driver, the tire manufacturer, the sponsors, the management of the race track where you took the picture and find out if they approve it. If yes, then I believe you have solid grounds to charge money for prints. I know that people do this all the time but I think they simply fly under the radar and that they might get away with it while they're lucky...

Here's another one: Let's say you take a photo and sell it through SS and it gets downloaded and used for a huge billboard along a major highway. Let's say the advertising company that bought the picture made some amazing piece of advertising out of it so that people would want to have a picture taken with them and the board in the background (or maybe without them in the frame if they are not so pretty...). Now since not all people who would want to do that, know how to work a camera, they would have to ask someone else to take the picture for them. Since some professionals won't work for free you would have to pay them in order to get that picture taken and printed.
So is this still "ok" to see that along that highway people take pics of your billboard photo charging money for prints? I look at it that way, without your photo the billboard wouldn't exist as such and therefore there wouldn't be any picture the people would want. So since your work is an integral part of this photo I believe you have rights to claim compensation.

I understand that this is by far not common practice but I don't think that it's legal either. In many, many, many (did I say many?) cases the copyright owners, models or property owners don't have a clue what happens with their unreleased stuff.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Copyright question
« on: April 13, 2009, 21:57 »
...  Nine month calendars don't sell very well.   ;D


General Stock Discussion / Re: Stockxpert going down?
« on: April 13, 2009, 16:35 »
... That's why they are courting Flickr cellphone shooters  ;D

I don't want to derail the discussion, but I just wanted to say that made me laugh  :D

Yeah, that was funny.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Stockxpert going down?
« on: April 13, 2009, 10:05 »
I have a love/hate relationship with StockXpert at the moment. On one hand, my sales of older images are still strong there. On the other hand, NOTHING I've uploaded in the past two months is selling - the images aren't even getting any views.  >:(

Because of this, I have stopped uploading to StockXpert for the time being. Time is money, and it's not worth my time to upload images that won't be included in the search engine.

Correct. I also sell old stuff sometimes at great prices but recent material gets rarely seen/purchased.

I don't think that StockXpert will be gone anytime soon so I won't stop uploading.

It's a matter of the tech department to get their act together so all images are indexed properly and displayed correctly in the customer searches.

Let's see what happens in the next few weeks. It "shouldn't" take longer than that to fix such a crucial issue...

General Stock Discussion / Re: Stockxpert going down?
« on: April 13, 2009, 10:01 »
Don't know if this should be in another thread but I was wondering about Getty buying the competition and letting it dry up.  Where does that leave all the buyers who prefer microstock to Getty prices?  Isn't it reasonable to believe there will always be a market for "cheap" pictures?

I, personally, do not see how Getty, or any other huge company, can completely eliminate a Market.

I took the freedom and started a new thread about your question here: http://www.microstockgroup.com/general-stock-discussion/getty-buying-the-competition/

Getty won't be able to eliminate a market but they will certainly be able to control it to a certain extent.

General Stock Discussion / Getty buying the competition
« on: April 13, 2009, 09:59 »
Since this topic came up in one of the threads I thought I start a new thread just for this discussion:

The original issue was StockXpert performing funny at the moment because I believe Getty's involvement in the Jupiter world (hence StockXpert) has something to do with it.

Since it's nothing new that Getty is a really hungry beast we wondered how this hunger might affect the future of microstock (and respectively certain microstock agencies).

Take it away.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Stockxpert going down?
« on: April 11, 2009, 21:26 »


Edited to add following quote:

I built this site myself about 3 years ago with some help from the admins from sxc.hu (which was also built by me) and my collegaue at HAAP who does a lot of paperwork. I managed the site until Jupiter joined in.

After that I decided to move to the background a bit, but as you can see the site got off the right track. I don't want to go into details because it's not ethical, but things didn't work out as planned.

Luckily a few weeks ago the Getty deal put an end to the JI era, and finally we can fix the things that have been annoying everybody (including us) for a long time.

Personally I'm very excited about the future and I can competely understand the frustration of some people because I am also very frustrated. This is all I can tell you for now.

Copied from the StockXpert Forum.  Was posted by "Admin"


I don't get a good feeling when internal things, especially management issues "leak" into any forum. Being posted by "Admin" - supposedly - I'm more than hoping that this will work out.

It takes a lot to run a site, like StockXpert used to be, into the dirt. To pull out it will be even harder...
Quite a few contributors have stopped uploading or left StockXpert altogether. Footage has died for me many months ago. I have no clue how they will manage to get that going again.

SXC.hu was a great venture and the development of StockXpert was a logic and smart move which came at the right time.
I can't stop repeating how sad it is that StockXpert took such a dramatic turn. I would really like to see them rescue this agency since it had a great potential it would be tough to lose such a potent business partner.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Stockxpert going down?
« on: April 11, 2009, 12:48 »
The business owner is Getty. Why would he put money in a competitor of Istock? Rumors are that most of the staff is fired. What Getty's plans are, nobody knows, but StockXpert as we knew it is gone.

That was my theory. "Good" to hear that others feel the wind as well.

Seems like it's just a matter of time until Getty and Corbis keep eating up the "small" ones until nothing's left over...

General Stock Discussion / Re: Stockxpert going down?
« on: April 11, 2009, 10:33 »

These days I have sales only on old photos..

Almost have no views with new photos...

Sold yesterday one XL "bestseller photo"  for ONLY 30 cent sub...

My heart is bleeding...

Tell me about it - I get 5-15 sub sales a day as Vectors, XL and XXL. Theoretically that would mean $25+ per day if those were StockXpert credit sales, instead I get $3 (selling 10 a day).

That's a lot of $$$ that StockXpert used to make in the years before but for some reason their net revenue (straight credit sales and StockXpert subscription purchases) won't lead them to a better future anymore. They seem to rely on Photos.com and JU and lean back because they don't have to worry about marketing anymore. Maybe Getty told StockXpert not to "waste" more $$$ on advertising (assuming they would die over time anyway...).

Any serious business owner would show a lot more interest in fixing all those bugs on the site and also communicate what the plans for the future are. But instead it's just a communicative wasteland.

This is just devastating...

General Stock Discussion / Stockxpert going down?
« on: April 10, 2009, 19:12 »
this is my first post, so also "Hello to everyone".

After the introduction of Photos.com and Jupiter Unlimited, my StockXpert credit sales went downhill. Most of the time the subscription-sales of Photos.com and Jupiter alone generate more royalties than StockXpert's credits and subs together.
This wouldn't be bad if my regular StockXpert income would stay the same and additional royalties from Jupiter and Photos.com would add on top of that...

StockXpert did great for me up to half a year ago but then it just turned bad.

It seems to me that Getty as the new "owner" tries to choke StockXpert until it's dead.

When you check the forums over at StockXpert you see a lot of posts from people who complain about many different site issues.
The newest and biggest issues seems to be the search engine bug that certain photographers used to manipulate in order to have their images displayed ahead of others.

The self promotion tool also shows a big hole that StockXpert won't even fix. Supposedly only the "abusers" will be contacted... so who knows how that is going to work out.

User info in the footage section is constantly off the mark and user made StockXpert aware of this 12 months ago.

In my eyes the management appears to be very easygoing about those issues like they don't really care.

While StockXpert used to rock and sometimes outsold any other agency I can't help but wonder if StockXpert is about to go down.

How are your thoughts about this?

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