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Messages - Hannafate

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I just checked out DesignBold, and I can't figure out how I'm supposed to make money with you.  I know the big floaty pages with pop ups and frames and garblespeak is the style, but it still annoys and confuses me.

I didn't like having to sign up to (try to) get the information I was looking for about how to submit images.

I couldn't figure out what I was supposed to do to sell things through your site.

I got pissed off when I clicked on "contact", so ask for specifics, and it went to a forum.  I tried "support center", and it went to the same forum.

I got REALLY pissed off when I wanted to remove my new account, and there was not a way to do that, the link went to the same forum.

If you want new images to sell people, you're going to have to make a better first impression on the people who make the images.

Don't you dare send me any spam.

123RF / Re: Any Signs of Life?
« on: December 16, 2016, 16:40 »
Been seeing steady growth from 123. Ahead of DT and not far behind FL for me

I don't see any of your work there. 

123RF / Any Signs of Life?
« on: December 16, 2016, 09:13 »
Has anyone detected a pulse there lately?

A response from support (besides the automated one), an image reviewed, an accepted image being added to the portfolio, a sale?

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Copyright Infringement by "Mohitchoudhary"
« on: December 15, 2016, 09:42 »
Bizarre.  100% stolen images. (lots from Shutterstock)

Usually, if you try selling on the same site you stole from, they notice.

General Stock Discussion / Re: How do you call this?
« on: December 15, 2016, 09:37 »
But, when I try it, I get rejections for similar images.

123RF / Re: 123rf what a mess!
« on: December 12, 2016, 08:58 »
I think they're dead.  Anyone else want to poke them with a stick, and see if there's a response?

123RF / Re: 123rf what a mess!
« on: December 10, 2016, 10:35 »
My most recently approved images are still not showing in my portfolio, after nearly two weeks.  I wrote to them asking if they want any more new images, since they don't seem to be anxious to get them up for sale.  They have not responded.

My conclusion is that they don't want new images, so, they aren't getting any more from me.

Right now my sales on DepositPhotos are better than my sales on Shutterstock.  So, I would say it's worth trying again.

Newbie Discussion / Re: wallpaper copyright
« on: November 18, 2016, 16:46 »
My view on "free wallpaper" is that it is exactly that, and nothing more.

It's free to put on your screen as wallpaper.

At least they don't allow a direct download.  If you try to get a free picture, it goes to a registration page, and tries to sign you up for newsletters and ads.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Adobe and EyeEm
« on: October 17, 2016, 14:12 »
Apparently there's some sort of app you have to use to get all the features of the site but support won't tell me where to get it.

Dreamstime.com / Re: Dreamstime changing my titles?
« on: October 17, 2016, 10:56 »
I'm going to go look.

They seem to be gone, now.

Apparently, you can only properly use the site's features from an iOS.  Which is weird, since you can open an account and upload images from a desktop computer.

Does anyone know if they plan to change that, or are they just being mean?

I mean, it seems like such a dirty trick to let people upload from a platform they don't support for any other features.


I may have misunderstood.

Seems clear enough to me with their current sales records they ought to change it.......

Yeah, at this rate, I'll have to wait at least another six months before I get paid.

Dreamstime.com / Anyone else get dense responses from support?
« on: October 05, 2016, 18:22 »
I sent a message to Dreamstime support:

"From discussion in the forums, I understand that it is possible to change the minimum payout to something as low as $40. I would like to change my minimum payout (it is currently at $100, and I can't wait that long between payments) but can not figure out how to do that."

I did get a prompt response, which is better than most sites.  However, it was this:

"There must be at least $100 USD in the earnings for the payment system to accept a payment request through your account"

*sigh*  I knew that.  I said I knew that.  I want to CHANGE that.

Does anyone here know how to do that?

I would like to have my business contact information widely available.   It's my business, after all. 

PhotoDune / Re: Photodune Stats?
« on: September 02, 2016, 10:37 »
I found uploading to Envato to be so difficult, and poorly explained, that it bordered on traumatic.

Envato / Re: Envato in top 4... worth the hassle yet?
« on: August 31, 2016, 17:22 »
You're probably right.  I gave Alamy another chance when they moved up the chart, but have not sold anything there.

Y'know what really hurt my feelings?  Envato's rejection letter came with a link to "helpful articles".  These articles were all "how to draw" tutorials.

I've got a fuggin degree in drawing.  I know how to do THAT.  It's the guessing what Envato wants I'm having trouble with.

I'm going to give up on Envato then.  It's so frustrating to think there could be sales over there, if only I could figure out how to get to them.  But, like you say, it's probably just a dirty trick. 

Envato / Envato in top 4... worth the hassle yet?
« on: August 31, 2016, 16:58 »
I have been struggling through the maze of Envato's sites, trying to figure out how to upload and submit something.   I finally got a vector submitted to Graphic River (I think) and it was rejected for "quality" with no clue as to whether they meant quality of the image, or quality of the file.  And, of course, I can't figure out how to ask for clarification.

Can anyone tell me WHAT is selling there that is making such a good earnings rating?

Is it worth the struggle to navigate their site*, and make all the little jpgs, to submit to Graphic River? 

Or are the earnings coming from templates, or videos, or audio, or something else I don't have to submit?

Envato is making me cry, literally.

*I gave up hope of finding my way back to a particular page, and just started bookmarking important pages as I found them.  Envato has its own folder in my bookmark folder.

Shutterstock.com / Re: Map is broken?
« on: August 25, 2016, 09:16 »
I don't understand why everyone is upset about that map.

It's fun, but not really useful.  I would be fine with the map vanishing altogether, if everything else was fixed.  Heck, just fix half of everything else.

Hi guys! I'm a newbie. Seems like I registered to a good forum.  Looking forward to learning new things here. :)

Run away!  Save yourself!  It's too late for the rest of us, but YOU may be able to save your sanity.

Well, there is that.  Chemtrails and all...

Here in the desert, it IS a big deal.  If someone puts dams on their property to stop rainwater, it can seriously affect farms downstream.

Sure, nobody is going to complain about a couple of rain barrels, but this guy was putting up ten foot dams.  He wasn't just catching the rain on his property, he was catching the rain running down from uphill areas.

When the annual rainfall is about 14 inches that can make the difference between life and death.

Especially since the rain comes in chunks.  If you don't get the water you expected from the big rainstorm in July, you may not get more until October.  That water flowing down from higher up is very important.

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