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Messages - PowerDroid

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Adobe Stock / Re: I am so sick of Fotolia rejects..
« on: August 25, 2009, 09:37 »
I find Fotolia to be pretty fair.  Most of my stuff sails through, except one exception... the dreaded "too many similar images" rejections. 

I can understand if someone submits 100 shots of a couple walking on a beach and Fotolia rejects 99 of them.   After all, if a buyer searches on "couple walking on beach" he won't want to sort through 100 nearly identical images.

But if I have an image of an object being used in different ways or shown in completely different contexts, and keyword appropriately so each image is identified to be unique subject matter, why reject them?  In this case, a buyer would be searching particular keywords that bring up just one of the images and not the entire series featuring the common object.

I find the only way to get these through is to wait a week between submitting images containing a common object.  Frustrating.

Adobe Stock / Re: Fotolia Payouts Held Up Again?
« on: August 25, 2009, 09:32 »
Just got paid today on my request from Aug 17, so it took one week, which is normal for the past few months.

My recent payments...

Requested July 7, paid July 13
Requested July 18, paid July 22
Requested Aug 1, paid Aug 8
Requested Aug 17, paid Aug 24

Looks like you're off to a great start, showing very highly in the Google rankings.  I certainly admire the ambition and the resourcefulness and dedication needed to chart your own course.

Your work is very good, but will a buyer want to just search for images within your portfolio when he/she can find tens of thousands of similar shots searching within SS, FT, DT, ISP, etc.?  You will probably attract some people unaware of the microstock agencies and who used Google to search and found you before they found the agencies.

I'm guessing that this approach works best for artists who have a very identifiable style and whose images have practically a trademarked look all to themselves, such as LuMaxArt.  Again, no knock against your shots, but you're essentially setting up a mini-agency that covers a wide range of topics and styles, so why would a user search within a very tiny galaxy of good images rather than a huge universe of images at one of the big agencies.

I'm very eager to hear updates on how well this works for you.  Best of luck for success!  

OK, so it's too early to judge, agreed.  But I've already decided Veer is superior to Crestock.  I may drop a site soon, and it's far more likely to be Crestock, which I think is pretty useless.  I've made more in a month on Veer than in a year on Crestock, and I think once it really starts getting promoted, it could give 123 and BigStock a run for their money.

Dreamstime.com / Re: 2 weeks ago...
« on: August 23, 2009, 19:15 »
I thought I've been doing OK on DT lately, but your question prompted me to check the last three months.  Was glad I did... My port's performance has actually steadily improved throughout the summer so far.

JUNE: $195 / $6.50 per day / 370 images online
JULY: $297 / $9.58 per day / 425 images online
AUG SO FAR: $233 / $10.13 per day / 480 images online

So no problems with DT as far as I'm concerned... if they've been making any changes I hope they keep them up!

General Stock Discussion / Re: BigStock Raises Payout To $50
« on: August 21, 2009, 23:22 »
I still don't think this is something anyone should be losing sleep over.  I might lose $30 of commissions that are owed to me if BigStockPhotos goes under?  It's the end of the world!  I won't be able to treat my family to McDonald's tomorrow.

Seriously, consider the silver lining if BigStock does call it quits (even if they fly to Bermuda with all the $30 payouts they owe us)... the few people who regularly bought from them would have to switch to another service, say SS or IS or StockXpert or DT or FT, etc... sites I'm much more fond of than BigStock.

But if this happens and everyone wants to start a class-action lawsuit against the owners of a defunct BigStock, count me in... though my portion of the legal fees would probably eat up my entire $30!

StockXpert.com / Re: 9 months since Getty bought StockXpert...
« on: August 21, 2009, 12:13 »
I'm praying StockXpert is allowed to just keep chugging.  It's consistently been my 2nd best performing agency, even through all the recent changes.  August has been no different, and fortunately the bulk of my sales are from StockXpert itself and not through JI or Photos.com, so if and when those go away, I won't be hit too hard.

My August totals so far (based on portfolio of around 530 images):

(Stockxpert pay-per-download)      100      $122.50

(Stockxpert subscription)      35      $10.50

(Photos.com subscription)      32      $9.60

(Jupiterimages Unlimited subscription)      113      $33.90

TOTAL       280       $176.50

General Stock Discussion / Re: BigStock Raises Payout To $50
« on: August 20, 2009, 15:43 »
The trend in agencies "screwing" contributors is a textbook example of supply and demand.  The supply of contributors is growing so uncontrollably that it makes sense for an agency to take a survey of the competitive landscape and lower commissions, payouts, and generally put the squeeze on "suppliers" as long as the market allows it. Frankly if I were them I'd be doing the same thing.  It's up to each individual contributor to decide his/her tolerance for negative changes and get out when the time is right for him/her.  But no one is forcing you to stick around if you don't like how you're being treated.  Enough of the vicitm mentality.  If you can't make microstock work for you under current conditions, then you'll be weeded out and only the strongest will survive.  But if the agencies go too far and their most valued contributors start dropping, they will surely reverse course.  This is how the free market works, boys and girls... if you don't have the stomach for it, you should consider getting off the ride.

General Stock Discussion / Re: BigStock Raises Payout To $50
« on: August 20, 2009, 13:24 »
I think BigStock -- and every other microstock agency -- thinks the same way when they institute these changes.  They know some people will get mad, but those who get the angriest tend to be those with the lowest sales.  Someone said this difference amounts to a wait of five years for a payout vs. the current three years?  If you're so traumatized by this, you could stop contributing, and it wouldn't bother them.  But if say, Yuri, got mad and yanked his portfolio, an agency would be sure to notice.  But that's the thing in a change like this... Yuri's not likely to care because he's likely to get a payment every week and a half as opposed to every week.  His total revenue won't change (aside from the theoretical few pennies he could have earned in interest during that period.)   I'm still a beginner in this, and I'm not crazy about the change but I know I have the option to just stop contributing, wait till my next payout (currently getting one every two to three months) and delete my portfolio.  But it's my goal to be more like Yuri and less like someone getting a payout every five years, so I'm going to keep my eyes on the prize and keep uploading.

General Stock Discussion / Re: BigStock Raises Payout To $50
« on: August 20, 2009, 09:20 »
I can't believe anyone is this concerned over a few bucks.  You'll get the money, but it will just take a bit longer.  If your argument that it will take you forever to get there, you should reevaluate whether the return from submitting to BigStock -- even microstock in general -- is worth your time and energy.

Veer / Re: Losing my enthusiasm for Veer
« on: August 20, 2009, 09:16 »
how do you know how many $$ you have?  did you look at each and every image and add them up?

I was waiting for the sales stat page to go live, but lost patience.  It took about ten minutes to go through each page and jot down the sales... I have 21 pages total.  Annoying, but since I was pleased with the results, I guess it was worth it.  But I certainly won't be doing it again anytime soon.

Just to clarify... it took about 10 minutes total to do all 21 pages, not 10 minutes per page.  That would be nuts.

Veer / Re: Losing my enthusiasm for Veer
« on: August 20, 2009, 09:14 »
how do you know how many $$ you have?  did you look at each and every image and add them up?

I was waiting for the sales stat page to go live, but lost patience.  It took about ten minutes to go through each page and jot down the sales... I have 21 pages total.  Annoying, but since I was pleased with the results, I guess it was worth it.  But I certainly won't be doing it again anytime soon.

Veer / Re: Losing my enthusiasm for Veer
« on: August 20, 2009, 06:54 »
Very mixed feelings about Veer so far.

Frustrated with the randomness of reviews.  (Batch of 30 will sail through with no problem, next batch all rejected for not being suitable for their needs -- though same subject matter and style as previous batch!)

But encouraged by sales so far... $27 in sales, 21 downloads, from 418 images online.  Better than Crestock for me by far.  Hoping it gets even better as they start promoting it more and their buyers realize the Marketplace exists.

My CanStockPhoto experience is very strange.  It was dormant for a very long time, then starting around May or June I got a run of $19.80 sales, about 6 or 7 in a month, sprinkled in with a bunch of $.30 or $1.00 sales.  Now the activity has all but dried up again... quiet for the past several weeks with just the occasional tiny sale.  I wonder if they had invested in some advertising around June or so that boosted our downloads in early summer.  Anyone else notice the same thing, only to see their CanStockPhoto sales dry up lately?

Adobe Stock / Re: Fotolia Payouts Held Up Again?
« on: August 18, 2009, 14:27 »
Fotolia seems to be a consistent, if not speedy, payer for me...

Just checked my recent payouts...

Requested July 7, paid July 13
Requested July 18, paid July 22
Requested Aug 1, paid Aug 8
Requested Aug 17...

So lately it's taking between 4 and 7 days, but the longer periods could have weekends falling in them, so I'm not alarmed.

Hmm... just looked over my daily results and don't see it.

What's your portfolio size?  I'm guessing the larger it is, the less likely you'll notice wild swings, unless they're tied to something hitting the whole market like a holiday, summer, etc... but those would hit all the sites, not just certain ones.

My port is about 546 pics, so I'm getting the typical predictably unpredictable fluxuations you'd expect of a smallish portfolio.  Hoping the downturn I've seen across all sites over the past month or so is just the summer slump.  August has been especially lousy (down about 20% from July)... someone mentioned that much of Europe takes most of the month off.  I recently discovered that my Shutterstock downloads were about 35% US and 65% outside US, so this might make sense.

Veer / Veer - How are you doing so far?
« on: August 18, 2009, 12:55 »
Seems like no one has been talking about Veer lately, maybe for good reason, but... I think it's time for another look, since it's been up a while.

I wanted to compare my performance there vs. the other sites this month, so I went through the ridiculous exercise of going through each page in my port and jotting down my numbers (the sales stat page better come quick!).  Didn't track views, just sales.  Anyway, here's how I've done so far...

Images online: 418
Rejections: 82
Purchases: 21
Revenue: $26.95

That makes Veer #8 of 9 sites for me (Crestock, as always, dead last).  How about everyone else?

Has anyone had better luck getting batches approved lately?  My last two batches got whacked with the "images too similar" stick, all at once.  Many were pretty unique with nothing else similar in the batch or my overall port.  Pretty clear that it's very hit and miss there right now.  I either get a lenient reviewer who will let 30 images in with no problem, or a grump who will reject 30 at once without, it seems, really looking at them.  I want to upload more, since I think the results are at least promising, but refuse to until they figure out what they're doing in terms of approvals.

Veer / Re: Veer: Portfolio Size, Sales, Views, & Keywording
« on: August 18, 2009, 12:49 »
I think it's time for another look at Veer, since it's been up a while.

I wanted to compare my performance there vs. the other sites this month, so I went through the ridiculous exercise of going through each page in my port and jotting down my numbers (the sales stat page better come quick!).  Didn't track views, just sales.  Anyway, here's how I've done so far...

Images online: 418
Rejections: 82
Purchases: 21
Revenue: $26.95

That makes Veer #8 of 9 sites for me (Crestock, as always, dead last).  How about everyone else?

Has anyone had better luck getting batches approved lately?  My last two batches got whacked with the "images too similar" stick, all at once.  Many were pretty unique with nothing else similar in the batch or my overall port.  Pretty clear that it's very hit and miss there right now.  I either get a lenient reviewer who will let 30 images in with no problem, or a grump who will reject 30 at once without, it seems, really looking at them.  I want to upload more, since I think the results are at least promising, but refuse to until they figure out what they're doing in terms of approvals.

I don't track RPI and don't consider it a useful metric. 

I think this shows that everyone finds their own ways of tracking progress.  Whatever gives you insight on how to create the most marketable images is what you should do.

I also track moving averages -- 14-day to show short-term trends and 120-day to show the long-term -- but for my forecasting, I think RPI is the single number that matters most to me.  My short term goal is to earn $100 a day, and if I know I'll earn an average of $.10 daily RPI, I need to have a portfolio of 1,000 images to do $100/day.  If I upload 3 images a day, I will have 1,000 images after just under a year, and will be at my desired $100/day level... but only if my RPI holds steady. 

So for me, it all boils down to two numbers: my uploads (which I control) times my RPI (which I don't control but watch like a hawk) = my goal.

Also, out of curiosity, do you track return per image (RPI)?  I'm finding that to be an effective way to identify trends.  As you add to your portfolio, you would expect your revenue to go up, but only if your return per image holds steady.  

I track a daily and monthly RPI.  I had been holding steady at about $.11 daily RPI, allowing me to predict my revenue growth as I added new images, but that has taken a hit these past few months, knocking me down to about $.085 RPI today.  Not sure what to think about how the next several months will go.

Without a crystal ball, I guess the best plan is to just keep steadily uploading!

I've heard a lot about people being adversely affected by the Shutterstock search change, but (knock on wood) I didn't see a difference one way or the other in my downloads.  I'd say my daily downloads break down to about 50% new (uploaded in last four months) vs 50% old (uploaded in my first four months).

SS is consistently my #1 earner, and here's how I'm faring lately on the other sites, by order of how well they're doing for me...

#2 StockXpert - did great until they made their recent changes, and today is the lowest in a LONG time
#3 DT - steady performer, growing quite a bit lately as my better images climb up in the levels
#4 FT - unpredictable... great one day, terrible the next... with today being awful
#5 BigStock - never really saw much growth there.... a good day is $5, a bad day is $0, and that's been consistent for many months.

Not on IS yet... my last several submissions got the "images too similar" rejection, and I'm in the 180-day waiting period to resubmit... it's coming time to try again, but I'm terrified I'll get rejected again and hear that I have to wait a full year to try again, since the periods seem to double with each rejection.

General Stock Discussion / Summer Slump vs. Beginner's Growth
« on: August 17, 2009, 13:24 »
Hello all!

This is my first post here.  I've been reading for a few months, finding lots of insightful information, and figured it was time to "enter the fray."

I've been uploading to several microstock sites since late in 08, and it's been a fun, rewarding experience.  Every month until July 09 has been a "BME."  I've been steadily uploading about 50-60 images a month, with the goal of 2 a day, so I imagine that helps keep the portfolio fresh and my pics  near the top if the buyer is searching by newest first.  (It's worth noting that I've been striving to create a diverse portfolio, mixing up my subject matter so I'm not cannibalizing my own sales.)

So things were going great until July hit, and my growth stopped.  No complaints... July was flat to June, which I guess I expected.  But then August rolls in and my downloads are taking an even bigger hit.

Since I have yet to go through an entire 12-month cycle, I'm wondering if this is common, or if this is an indication that my "beginner's growth" is running out. 

Please share your:

1. Best months
2. Worst months
3. Did you have a "beginner's growth" period that noticeably tailed off after a number of months, and if so, after how many months did it happen?


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