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Messages - Pauws99

Pages: 1 ... 175 176 177 178 179 [180] 181 182 183 184 185 ... 195
I think much of this is true - how many SLR owners create images close to their capability?  I know I didn't till I got involved in Stock photography. I guess the industry might go back to volumes in the film era where camera updates were rare as I recall. I think Nikon will last quite a bit longer because of users investment in Lenses and the fact that DSLR lenses are better due to physics so there will always be a semi/pro market.

Image Sleuth / Re: Judge Judy Image use lawsuit
« on: March 15, 2014, 13:40 »
As I read it it its not so much for using her image as the claims made?

4478 / Re: PP Sales for Feb 2014 have started
« on: March 15, 2014, 06:30 »
Its a shame when you have a good month you have to worry about miscalculation surely they can't make the same mistake twice.........can they?

Unfortunately I see little future for high street electrical/photographic stores. You can get all the advice you need from the internet and best price too. Maybe the odd niche store will survive.

In the UK were are heading for high streets full of charity shops, fast food joints, betting shops, nail bars and barbers!!!

4480 / Re: PantherMedia relaunches website
« on: March 14, 2014, 06:41 »
The contributor interface seems to be unchanged still a hassle to upload there

General Stock Discussion / Re: Are we getting outsourced?
« on: March 13, 2014, 03:51 »
I didn't think women with cucumbers was the kind of thing mainstream stock went in for  ???

Agree when I started out I put text on some images which were rejected - don't think designers need to know where to put text. Perhaps someone who has sold images like this will tell me they are succesful?

Fretting about SStocks share price gives us something more to fret over which we have no control over. Does anyone in the businessreally think the shares are NOT overvalued? A weeks stockmarket trend does not tell us anything.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Are we getting outsourced?
« on: March 10, 2014, 15:28 »
Its just another  camera at the end of the day

Perhaps they are related in some obscure way?

Yet another announcement where no one quite knows what it means (most of all I-stock probably)

Don't think SS need to start copying Istock somehow - they have the Facebook Model which earns us money

Yaymicro / Re: Yaymicro - worth getting on to?
« on: March 07, 2014, 08:33 »
i prefer to think its high as currently few people have entered their earnings - nowhere near 123 for me fact been dead for a while

4489 / Re: iStock New Sub. Model Just Announced!
« on: March 05, 2014, 08:28 »
Shows what a waste of time that what if post about what if SS lowered rates was - who predicted this one.? I stock seem hell bent on self destruction

4490 / Re: How are sales going?- Shutterstock
« on: March 02, 2014, 06:45 »
SS does everything better than Istock as far as I can see :-)

General Stock Discussion / Re: February Sales
« on: March 02, 2014, 06:44 »
SS very good boosted by large SOD. Everywhere else pretty much in line with the poll except Dreamstime who continue to underperform . Alamy where I place RM has gone down the swanny for me. A good run at Canstock ended as it returned to normality and veer only showing a faint pulse with 100 pics sitting/sleeping/dormant/dead  in review q.

Whats the point of worrying about something that theres no sign of its happening isn't there enough doom and gloom on here already?

Seems to have paused looks like a good month for me so far - might know for sure in about 6 months ;)

4494 / Re: This image has styling issues. ??
« on: February 26, 2014, 17:18 »
Not a rejection I've seen before - maybe its new I would expect them to use "poor composition" if they didn't like them for the reasons given above.

I think its much simpler Shutterstock are slaughtering the opposition by being merely competent - yes far too easy for them which may cause problems down the road.

4496 / Re: Partner Program Recoupment Notification
« on: February 25, 2014, 10:49 »
I find the most annoying thing (well second most) is the lack of apology or even acceptance of responsibility the email reads as if its some kind of act of god that these "irregularities" aka mistakes occurred.

I dont think they have a clue what the amounts are without resort to the slate and abacus so its only worth it for relatively large amounts

Indeed and I was delighted the other day to get a tasty $68

General Midstock / Re: ZOMG I just had 3 sales through Zoonar
« on: February 23, 2014, 04:39 »
A massive one sale for me - I keep hoping................................but then I'm an optimist!

Nothing wrong with Capture imho

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