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Messages - eppic

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General Photography Discussion / Re: Virtual Paris
« on: March 21, 2010, 18:37 »
I've been following the progression of this remarkable gigapan project for awhile.  I contribute to gigapan.org and use the same autopano pro software that was used in the stitching of the Paris image (my images dont go much over 1 gigapixel though).  I do some stuff for tourism purposes for my hometown as its fun for potential visitors to have a virtual look around.

That must be one of those "Macro Telephoto" lenses they sell on Ebay.

Veer / Re: 9 sales today at Veer
« on: February 23, 2010, 19:50 »
That's awesome Brian!  I got 7 large sales yesterday too!

DepositPhotos / Re: talk about misuse of keywords
« on: February 21, 2010, 17:44 »
Well in the Bible it talks about "Tyre" and Sidon so maybe that's it

DepositPhotos / Re: Who has had sales at DepositPhotos?
« on: February 19, 2010, 13:55 »
One sub sale for me too

Cameras / Lenses / Re: New toys have arrived
« on: February 17, 2010, 23:56 »
I have the venerable Minolta 100mm F2.8 macro being shipped to me right now, which I imagine would be quite similar to your Canon macro.  Yuor pics really make me look forward to seeing what I can do with my new toy as well!

Computer Hardware / Re: Help Me Shop for a Computer
« on: February 16, 2010, 01:46 »
Why a laptop instead of a desktop for video processing Warren?  Video processing can be one of the most demanding on resources, so the more RAM and better video card is always helpful.  I have 12gb of RAM and a 1.8gb video card for photo processing and I'm happy with that.  I have the Intel i7 processor as well.

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Expecting an IS Payout Today...
« on: February 15, 2010, 22:22 »
Actually today is only a holiday in a few provinces in Canada.  Here in BC we dont celebrate heritage day or family day or whatever it's called. Istock's in Alberta where they do have a holiday today.

General Stock Discussion / Re: So, is there are a consensus now ?
« on: February 06, 2010, 16:29 »
To opt out of Thinkstock :  Control Panel (top right) => Contributor (bottom left)
=> Partner Program => click "Remove All" button.

I opted out too

Cameras / Lenses / Re: Need recommendation on a P&S Camera
« on: February 06, 2010, 01:32 »
I have the Canon G9 (excellent p&s) and the Fuji F40 which is a fantastic compact and inexpensive lowlight camera.  I got mine for under 150.00.  Not good enough for stock but overall image quality is still pretty good.

Right now DepositPhotos is your biggest chance for some payout out these 3 ;-)

If you have a larger portfolio, like say 500 good quality images, then sign up with Deposit Photos and be a part of the .20/ accepted upload deal they still have on there.  They're not all that picky with submitted images and you can make 100.00 with 500 accepted images.  Trying to make 100.00 in royalties at any of the other sites you're thinking of would take a really long time.  The only catch is that you have to leave your images on with DP for a minimum of 6 months.

Shutterstock.com / Re: SS earnings decreased
« on: February 02, 2010, 02:04 »
My January was pretty much a BME with the EL sales I got.  No complaints with me.

General Photography Discussion / Re: Property Release Questions
« on: February 01, 2010, 21:31 »
I'm guessing some sort of GPS gizmo.

Ah you are quite perceptive! It's very difficult without a property release to submit such images as even the shape of such gadgets seem proprietary.

General Photography Discussion / Property Release Questions
« on: February 01, 2010, 13:49 »
Recently I was approached by a marketing rep for a company that makes certain handheld electronic devices about doing photoshoots of their product being used in a variety of scenarios and then putting these images on Istock for both their useage as well as public useage for greater exposure of their product.

I told this rep that in order for me to do this Id need a property release from someone within their company who would be authorized to sign and authorize such a documen or else Id be extremely limited with what would be considered acceptable without copyright infringement.
The rep seemed to think he could get such authorization, so now I've never worked with property releases before and I was wondering if there's a good generic property release that others have had success with across the major agencies as Id also like to submit these images to more than just Istock ( I retain full rights to all images that I take).
There's also the matter of having a witness signing the release, but we're too far apart to physically sign it in one place; does that pose a problem?  Any feedback and suggestions would be appreciated.

General Stock Discussion / Re: CanStockPhoto - Sales Going Up?
« on: January 26, 2010, 22:46 »
I had two sales today.  My last sale previous to this was in November

Off Topic / Re: Help Haitians
« on: January 15, 2010, 01:21 »
For us canadians, you can text haiti to 45678 for a 5.00 donation to the Salvation Army for Haiti relief.  Works for both Bell and Rogers networks and I bleieve Telus is coming on board tomorrow.  Check out www.salvationarmy.ca

iStockPhoto.com / Re: pathetic "controlled vocabulary"
« on: January 13, 2010, 22:23 »
It's a frustration with me too.  I click on the keyword to expand it like say "tree" and after wading through a loooong list of different tree sub-species I find that my tree in question isn't even in the list.  I just use deepmeta and by-pass such craziness.

If you feel strongly that your image is a good seller please email us. We're always happy to hear you out and perform a re-evaluation.

But why bother with this?  I already was picky with what I uploaded ie:  good sellers and consistently accepted by other agencies yet I got  4 out of 28 accepted after getting my initial 8 out of 10 accepted. 

ah so it appears to be a common theme!  I guess I wont bother wasting anymore time submitting there for now then.

Ok now I dont understand this, but I'm wondering if anyone else has found this to be the case.  I submitted an initial 10 images and 8 got accepted, which is fine.  I submitted another 28 and only 4 got accepted, with the others being rejected for "poor lighting/ composition".  Now these images that I uploaded were all accepted by other agencies, so I'm wondering if 123rf is just plain picky or what?   If that's the case, then I just wont bother with them.

Shutterstock.com / Re: Any SS EL's today?
« on: January 06, 2010, 21:33 »
I got one today too yay!

Here's your ticket to making images like that:


While 26 giga-pixels might be a bit much, you can still make some pretty skookum images with this baby.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Key to Vetta!!
« on: December 19, 2009, 17:57 »
It appears that to get accepted into Vetta in addition to having a black BG, the subject also needs to be looking up at something outside of the composition.

Zenfolio pricelist and feature comparison:

I have a Zenfolio pro account which is 100.00/ year and it hosts my images and allows me to sell them as prints or digital downloads.  My htp://www.eppicphotography.com website homepage though is hosted on a very basic 1.00/ month hosting service which allows me alot more flexibility for homepage design and then linking my inidividual portfolios from there over to my Zenfolio ports.  Total cost is 112.00/ year.
Should you choose to go with Zenfolio, here's my referral number:

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