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Messages - elvinstar

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Just to play devil's advocate for a second: Photo files are significantly larger than e-books, so bandwidth cost is higher for stock agencies. With that being said, they still don't deserve more than 40% of total price, leaving the majority to the content creator.

Bandwidth isn't the issue. A few companies do offer 70% royalties, and while they're not super successful they do manages to get by. If bandwidth costs were a major factor in what royalty percentage they could offer, no one would offer more than 50%.

I think the fact that anyone does offer more than 50% is all the proof I need to know that 50% or more isn't just possible but it can still be profitable for these companies as well. If they're running lean businesses on their end of things, which I suspect is where the real problems are.

I was only pointing out that photos have a much larger file size than ebooks, not suggesting that bandwidth was the only reason that the agencies rip us off.  :(

Just to play devil's advocate for a second: Photo files are significantly larger than e-books, so bandwidth cost is higher for stock agencies. With that being said, they still don't deserve more than 40% of total price, leaving the majority to the content creator.

AMD is quite bad for PS/LR, when compared to Intel (http://cpuboss.com/cpus/Intel-Core-i7-4770K-vs-AMD-FX-8150)

I don't use Lightroom, but have no problems with Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, Premiere Pro, SpeedGrade, Audition, Encore, Media Encoder or After Effects.

Absolutely AMD (FX-8150). Also, I purchased all parts over a period of several months, doing careful research to be sure that I got the best deal possible. I'm sure that there's no way that I could buy everything in a day and get anywhere near that price.

And this is one of my points. What's on the monitor, by way of the Windows working environment, are some of the "uglies" I refer to.

I'm concerned with getting the job done and getting the most bang for my buck. I have 8-core 3.6GHz, 32GB RAM, 2 240GB SSD, 2 2TB HDD, 4GB video card for around $1,000 Windows 7 Ultimate. No way that I could afford a Mac with those specs.

Having worked on Macs in the past, I don't find the GUI to be any more attractive, but that's just me. To each his own.

If someone buys a mac "because it looks good on the desk", there is no point in telling that person anything about the processor or the storage.

Anyway... most people would be completely fine with an i5 pc with an SSD drive (for 600$).

Do you really think Apple is buying seconds from Intel or getting technology only after Intel or whoever doles it out to the home builders for PCs?

Once again, it is worth the extra cost for the product to look nice. People spend extra on clothes that look nice, they spend extra on furniture that looks nice, they spend more on homes, and on food that tastes better. They go to places that have more excitement of things to do and they spend more money doing so. And oh, I've even heard stories where they will spend more on unique and special images.

Strangely, I don't look at my computer. I generally look at what's on the monitor...

What will you be mainly using it for? That will help people make a useful recommendation.

you should never be offended if someone asks - because it is a perfectly normal request.

I agree 100%. People ask physicians and mechanics for opinions at parties, why should photographers or illustrators be any different? Just because you don't say yes doesn't mean that you have to be offended. Think of it as a compliment, turn them down politely, and go on about your business.

Thanks again for bringing a smile to my face on a Monday!

Here are the results of my search for "business man" from New York, US.

One thing about Google Trends is that it show how often people search for a site, not how often they use it. Maybe people are searching for SS (and possibly IS) less is that they've already found them and are happy with what they've found.

The one thing that i see (and hear) over and over is "laptop." I'm not sure why anyone wanting to get a serious volume of work done would consider a laptop in the first place. You get much more bang for your buck (Mac or PC) from a desktop. And honestly, how often are you doing heavy-duty work when you're not in your home or office?

YMMV, but for me, when I'm not in my office in front of my computer, I don't want my computer following me!  ;D

Nikon / Re: Nikon D610 - Dirty sensor
« on: April 28, 2014, 20:37 »
Well, I did it!
Now the sensor is clean, not perfectly but a lot of cleaner than before.
The center of the sensor is perfectly clean.
Some spots stayed on the borders and most of them in the angles (they are the most difficult parts to access of course).

It is even cleaner some hours after I cleaned it than just after I cleaned it
If I follow this logic, in three or for days it will be perfectly clean  ;D

Can you share your technique, the kit/materials that you used or the tutorial that you watched before attempting it? I've got 4 bodies that have never had their sensors cleaned.


Photography Equipment / Re: cheap but not disposable strobe
« on: April 28, 2014, 20:33 »
Can you replace the bulb, add modifiers like softboxes, is there a warranty, any resale value, etc...?  I would still go with Alienbees if you want something cheap.

  • You can replace the bulb
  • I have softboxes for mine
  • Not sure about warranty as I've never needed to use it
  • Why would you worry about resale value on a $65 item?

Photography Equipment / Re: cheap but not disposable strobe
« on: April 27, 2014, 22:10 »
If you're really looking to save some money, I've had a few of these for years and they just keep on going.


Maybe there's a bug.

There are no such things as bugs, only features.  ;)

Shutterstock.com / Re: S J Locke Uploading to Shutterstock
« on: April 24, 2014, 18:17 »
I'd definitely vote for a rate increase at $100K ... because I passed that milestone last month!


You can add one more. Very nice work!

I would guess that everyone's experience is different. What is a great site for one person is bottom of the earnings list for another.

I'm thinking drone and Go Pro. Plus I already have two Go Pros...   :) Can't afford the drone, yet.

I have that combo and it's a blast! I fly my GoPro on a Parrot A.R. Drone 2.0 ($250USD) rather than the more popular, pricier ($860USD) DJI Phantom. I just don't have the cash to spare for a Phantom, even though I would love to own one!

but it is shocking to contemplate the amount of money I may have lost in the past 5 years or so

By that logic, you've lost MILLIONS by not winning the lottery!  ;)

General Stock Discussion / Re: Heartbleed bug!
« on: April 14, 2014, 17:55 »
^  Click on the lastpass icon in your browser, then select "Tools" and "Security Check".  It will open a page with an offer to take their "Security Challenge".  Click the button.

It will then scan all the passwords in your vault and report on how secure it thinks they are, duplicates and the like (might take a while).

After this, it will give a report which includes any sites it found in your vault which are known to have been vulnerable, and whether or not they have been fixed.  If they have, it will recommend you go change your password - if not, it will suggest you wait.

Thanks! I had clicked the "Security Challenge," but thought that it wasn't what I was looking for. Now I'll go do it again and follow the instructions. :)

Very fun stuff! I need a plane...

While I was filming a music video, I noticed that one of my quick release plates was kind of strange. I tightened the screw and thought nothing of it. When I came back in from a cigarette break (I don't smoke any more!) a bit later in the shoot, everyone in the room was really quiet and looking at me with fear in their eyes. Turns out the quick release failed and my 5DII fell off the tripod from about 6 feet. The body was fine, but the lens had to be sent in for repair.

Even funnier was the time that my wife and I took a few friends up into the Adirondack mountains to picnic and take photos along the Moose River. I dropped something small and cheap (I can't remember what) and my buddy was on a rock trying to reach it. I asked him to give me his camera which was on a neck-strap. He declined. I asked him to hold onto my arm for support. He declined. He fell into the river with his D40x. It wouldn't have been funny except he looked like a cat in a bathtub. The look of pure panic on his face just set me off. We both look back and laugh now because that was the incident that made him buy his first t2i and now he makes a living as a video producer.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Heartbleed bug!
« on: April 12, 2014, 23:00 »
Thanks for the info about LastPass. I didn't know that! How to you get LastPass to check your vault?

Here's a site for people that don't have LastPass to check...


Lastpass, if you're signed up for it, has a test for sites in your vault and tells me:

FAA - Fixed, you can change your password now
Pond5 - Not yet updated, wait before changing password

Presumably then iStock, SS and Alamy are OK as I have them in my vault too and they weren't flagged.

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