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Messages - Maui

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51 / Re: sjlocke was just booted from iStock
« on: February 11, 2013, 11:32 »
Pride comes before desaster, and arrogance before a fall.

Proverbs 15,16

52 / Re: sjlocke was just booted from iStock
« on: February 11, 2013, 11:23 »
Wow. Welcome to the free world. Good luck to you!

Did you mean Paris in Arkansas,  in Idaho, in Illinois, in Iowa, in Kentucky, in... ? :P

Ok, given the negligible revenue I get from them, I will pull my portfolio next week.

General Photography Discussion / Re: Web storage service
« on: January 31, 2013, 08:38 »
Crashplan, very affordable:

But uploading 2TB of data will take a very long time.

Image Sleuth / Re: I find MY image on Google Drive
« on: January 29, 2013, 08:41 »
I met with my lawyer today and show my papers and she told me that is interesting case...

I don't know about lawyers, but when you go to your doctor it is usually not a good sign if he calls you 'an interesting case'. :P

I think for a relatively unknown artists it is better not to use credits. People are unlikely to buy so many images from you that a credit package makes sense. If they need only one or two images from you, what would they do with the remaining credits? Personally I wouldn't want to leave my money lying around on some little known website.

58 / Re: Vector Exclusitivity - Should I drop it?
« on: January 21, 2013, 11:53 »
I think SS would be a very good site for your portfolio. They have never deceived us and you should do well there.

Sean, you are listening, aren't you?  8)

60 / Re: D-Day (Deactivation Day) on Istock - Feb 2
« on: January 18, 2013, 05:32 »
A member form the German community who has just quit hois exclusivity has started a new facebook group that is highly active.

Can you give us a link to that group?

It is a closed group in German language only. I think he wants to keep it for his friends and colleagues. If you are fluent in German, send me a sitemail, then I can send you a link and you can ask him to join.

I am fluent in german, but since I have no images on istock and in the Getty deal it is not really so important for me. I was just curious ;)
Thanks for the info, though.

The link that blog article provides to check if you are images are on the Google site is a dead link:

Works for me now, but yesterday it was offline for some time.

If we had enough people doing this, we could all "vote" for the same BAD photos.  If we would all suggest our worst photo, then define about 50 (or more) of them of different MSG'ers, then each of us would vote on 10 of them.  I bet Google automates part of this and will add the top 1000 to their collection ...?

LOL! What an idea! Let's create the 'Google Crap Collection'!

63 / Re: D-Day (Deactivation Day) on Istock - Feb 2
« on: January 16, 2013, 12:38 »
A member form the German community who has just quit hois exclusivity has started a new facebook group that is highly active.

Can you give us a link to that group?

I am going to alert a few other photographers who may not have heard about this.

Very interesting looking at the Officers and Staff of PACA. Getty are not just members. Vice President and the Education & Communications Officer are both from Getty

So you already know how they will react to your complaint  ;)

Useful info for those affected...

Be very careful about what you are doing.
Since Google's and Getty's laywers think they are in the right, they likely will not take kindly to a DMCA request.
I you do that, be prepared to go down the route to a full-fledged lawsuit.

General Stock Discussion / Re: how is it possible?
« on: December 29, 2012, 11:12 »
Have a read of this:

"Licensing: Extended License Usage Examples
The following examples are acceptable uses of files "purchased" (i.e. licensed) using the Extended License:
Here are some more examples, using the three categories of permitted uses in paragraph (c) of the extended license.

You may license, sublicense, sell, resell, or redistribute the Work or offer to do any of these things (together referred to Resale) in the following circumstances:

(i) the Work is incorporated into a larger work you have created.

The last sentence clearly allows that photos may be incorporated as backgrounds in a larger work.

New Sites - General / Re: Pocketstock RIP?
« on: December 28, 2012, 07:36 »
Working fine here in Germany.

Selling Stock Direct / Re: Should I buy ktools
« on: December 26, 2012, 04:12 »
He means Javascript, I guess.

71 / Re: Scam site
« on: December 24, 2012, 05:38 »
They seem to use a regular iStock account or API for obtaining access to full resolution images.
I find it very strange that iStock should not be able to shut down that account.

Makes one think that they are not really interested in shutting down the site...

72 / Re: New statistics Istockphoto
« on: December 11, 2012, 12:53 »
I noticed that this site still exists, but the statistics for iStock have not been updated since june. Is there a reason for that?

Selling Stock Direct / Re: Should I buy ktools
« on: November 11, 2012, 10:37 »
You may also look at CMSAccount, which is a bit cheaper:

A quick reminder to all readers, that Dan Heller already wrote at length about photographs of trademarked items:

Where did you get the base data for the maps?

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