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Messages - antoniodalbore

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4
Lighting / Re: Powering strobes outdoors
« on: May 03, 2009, 03:25 »
Ouch... Sean... I didn't know AB had such battery system!


I assume a lot of people would use the Alien Bees Vagabond battery system to power their AB strobes.

Software - General / Re: Keywords Translation Tool?
« on: May 03, 2009, 02:40 »
Thanks Keith, but I where looking for some kind of standalone application running on PC/MAC.

Our tool at currently does this although there is no easy export mechanism. Stay tuned for something coming up that will make exporting translated, embedded IPTC automatic, online soon.

Lighting / Re: Powering strobes outdoors
« on: May 03, 2009, 02:39 »
Honda diesel generators are the way to go...

They are quite compact (pretty easy to carry in the trunk of your car), silent and very efficient.


Software - General / Keywords Translation Tool?
« on: April 30, 2009, 13:34 »
Hi guys,

anybody knows if there is any automatic tool that translate automatically the keywords embedded into EXIF/IPTC of a JPG - using Google Translation or their own vocabularies?


As far as I know PicNiche does ask the FF Password Manager to open a session and take care of the authentication itself.

The passwords are stored safely in FF Password Manager NOT in the toolbar somewhere.

I'm also wondering how safe it is. Perhaps we could monitor the network traffic while it's running to see which sites it is trying to contact. OK, this is engineer speaking out of me :D

Yes Leaf,

it's a thing for exclusive only.


that thread didn't open for me.  Perhaps only exclusives can see it?

Nice to see iStock is keeping things fresh :)

Yup, also got invitation, but... what kind of content are they looking for?
Need to spend some time browsing the whole IS portfolio to pick some 'premier' pics...


Microstock Services / Re: Twitter
« on: April 27, 2009, 10:16 »

Fully agree with Peter!

I wouldn't really be happy to give somebody else my full-rez pics, even with a signed NDA or contract whatsoever.

Perhaps I am a bit exaggerated but better to play safe...


60 / Re: IS RSS Feeds
« on: April 21, 2009, 06:55 »
Thanks Sean,

means I have to spend a bit more time on study...

61 / IS RSS Feeds
« on: April 21, 2009, 04:43 »
Hi All,

anybody using iStock RSS feeds of latest approved images embedded in your own website?

I am investigating the potential of SimplePie for my Joomla-powered website but from a quick review seems IS RSS feeds are not handled properly...

Any other idea will be highly appreciated.


General Photography Discussion / Re: Shameless Self Promotion
« on: April 20, 2009, 08:30 »
Hi Beate,

perhaps a little bit of personal presentation of your personal career along with slightly different (less pretending) user name should have helped to get more "warm" welcome in the microstockgroup community.


OK, I admit it, I was disenchanted with the crowd here. Perhaps a little upset about the freezing cold welcome.

Nikon / Re: No interests at Nikon Cameras
« on: April 16, 2009, 03:49 »
Nikon here...



General Stock Discussion / Re: This is not a good week?
« on: April 09, 2009, 06:23 »
 :-[ Down here!

Cameras / Lenses / Re: Tripod and photography
« on: March 26, 2009, 05:23 »
Tripod is ok in Italy, except inside (outside ok) some National Monuments and UNESCO site where you need specific permit and pay a "photography fee".


No specific benefits, TIFF and PSD share most of the features.
Just my personal choice of archive and considered by me more "open" and "standard".

Anyhow, It is a matter of fact that ALL Raw Processors save image in TIFF files. This is not true for the PSD.

What is the specific benefit in TIFF, compared to PSD?   

I keep archive of both RAW and TIFF because:

- TIFF is the output of my processing job, sometime it take some time, and I don't want to waste my time. Also very useful for metadata storage (Keywords, Caption, etc.). TIFF is also used to be stored in my image database managed by Extensis Portfolio. My TIFF are all stored at 8bit channel/color in Adobe RGB color space. Each time I need new different variant always re-process RAW > TIFF 16bit > Final Tuning > Convert 8bit > Save TIFF/JPG.

- RAW is useful because with the development of the raw processors SW often I can reprocess an old file and get actually better result. Also need when for a certain job require different image (B&W, more saturation, etc.). Consider of it as "digital negative".


nice process, but why don't you keep the archive as RAW file not TIFF?

Cameras / Lenses / Re: Pentax 645
« on: March 26, 2009, 04:46 »
I don't think it will have market, does not have the flexibility of digital backs neither possibility to use old lenses.

Not sure it will ever be marketed outside Japan...

Just my two cents!

Yes, 100% of my shoots.

Here is a brief of my workflow:

- Shoot in RAW 14 bit uncompressed
- Process in Capture One Pro, save as TIFF 16Bit
- Final tune in PS
- Save As TIFF in Archive
- Save JPG quality 12 for Agency
- Archive RAW


Payoneer / Re: IS payoneer card in EU
« on: March 26, 2009, 04:15 »
Thanks Keith,

I think will go ahead with the card, seems a good deal!


Payoneer / IS payoneer card in EU
« on: March 25, 2009, 04:37 »
Hi pals,

there is anybody having experience with the IS Payoneer card in Europe in terms of cost of transactions?

The pricing scheme on the site say that for transaction outside US the fee is "$0.00 + upto 3% of transaction amount". What do exactly translate in real life?

There is anything else hidden that I should know?


No way on IS,

you have to Deactivate it and resubmit again.


Photo Critique / Re: Is this photo underexposed?
« on: March 13, 2009, 04:35 »
Yes, it is...
Just look at the histogram and you will see that the right side (high lights) is flat.

Also the image is missing a bit of contrast or low light tone (flat left side).


74 / Re: Deepmeta
« on: March 11, 2009, 10:01 »
Hi pals,

I am using it since 2007 and never had any issue with it.
I find the application to be very useful, user friendly, stable and pretty fast.

Just my two cents...

Off Topic / Re: Quit Job To See The World
« on: January 24, 2009, 12:28 »

feel free to contact me for China or Asia in general, although I am European is where I spend most of my time.

Specifically about China, if you are looking special place for travel photography just try to avoid the east side along the coast as if very much developed and not too much unique you can see there, except millions of people everywhere.

Personally I am most keen to explore the few, least, genuine place remained in China. If u also like that then don't miss:

- Inner Mongolia (Neimongguo) - vast steppe and semi-desertic area with strong winds - coming from siberia / mongolia - for most of the year.

- Great Wall - DON'T GO TO THE USUAL BADALING OR SIMATAI OR OTHER TOURISTIC PLACES AROUND BEIJING. You will see a pieces of fake wall made of fake old bricks... Instead try to get some local contact and go on visit real section of the GW. Anyhow it's log enough to find hundreds of real spots.

- Bamboo forests in Sichuan, is where Chinese Government is freeing pandas in forest. Find a contact over there and enjoy some fine hiking.

- Shangrila Alpine area in west Sichuan. Amazing places with many people living as nomands along alpine-style valleys. Amazing if you like wild flora and fauna.

- Tibet (Xizhang) - one of the best place to go in China. Avoid Lhasa and surrounding and don't go there with an organized tour: they will show you what they want u to see. please write private for more info on how to enjoy Tibet with no risks...

- Xinjiang - the north-west province of China where live th Yugur and few other ethnic groups. Nice and welcoming people, spectacular desert (tamalakan), old cities. Don't miss the Flaming Mountains and see the production of Silk, Cotton and Grape.

- Yunnan - famous for their hills covered of tea plantations, also nice semi-tropical area near the border with Vietnam. Don't go them alone, is dangerous and very controlled by the Army. Also worth to visit the local ethnic group Bai (colorful traditional clothes) and few other I don't recall the name right now.

- Hainan island - I don't like, too hot and humid for me. Nice to hike on the top of the main mountain of the island. Good place if you want relax, sun and beaches.

- Shaanxi. The provine of the Terracotta Army. Altough very touristic is worth to visit. When you are in town (Xi'an), don't forget to visit the muslim district and the two pagodas.

Well... it need few hours to add the hundreds or more places I have been there...
Anyhow, pls check out my website ( and feel free to contact me if I can help u for more tips of Asia and Middle East.


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