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Messages - bjorn

Pages: 1 2 [3]
For what it is worth....
I would choose:

 Wind toss coconut by the beach
 Himalaya mountain
 Open bible
 Stone road closeup (grey stones)

Good luck...

Like the other day,  was listening to someone talking about old love letters and suddenly, out of nowhere, I got the idea for an image of a tear-stained letter.

Yeh, i recognise that!
You see/hear 2 or 3 things and after a while your mind mixes them as in a visual blender and there it is...
Eg, saw a tree with yellow ribbon 'caution' and another shot of a baby, then this image of a baby/senior with yellow ribbon fragile wrapt around it, pops up   ;D

What about...
Charlie Waite

And i like the english (paper) magazine Photography Montly

Do you visit any (local) clubs?

General Stock Discussion / Where do you get your inspiration?
« on: December 16, 2006, 03:10 »

Just wondered, where do you get your inspiration?
When does that great creative photo visualises before your eyes?
That feeling you have to get to your camera and drop everything...

Perhaps we can share...

So please let me/us/each other know...
is it:
-other photographers
(please mention names/sites)

Thanks for sharing,

Software - General / Re: Thumbsplus
« on: October 21, 2006, 01:51 »

I use Pixvue (Annotate) and have no problems with the keywords at Istock, the discription doesn't come through but the keywords do. Perhaps its the version, i use (see prop. of exe)

55 / Re: How to know if you're doing good or not?
« on: October 10, 2006, 11:58 »
Hi Rachell,

Just wondering, what camera do you use?


General Stock Discussion / for your info:sales chart link...
« on: September 16, 2006, 12:38 »
for your information...

Some charts on someones stock sales over the past months with different agents.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Private sell/host your own photos?
« on: September 16, 2006, 12:22 »
Hi Leaf,

Thanks for the info!
If i may ask, what pricing model do you use? Royalty free/right managed/etc?
And roughly what price? somwhere around $1,$2, $3 on size or more?


General Stock Discussion / Private sell/host your own photos?
« on: September 16, 2006, 05:59 »

Just wondering if any of you host your own website to sell your photos?
In case you do, i'm wondering:
-what software do you use? (written your own, bought or freeware?)
-what payment system do you use? (and what are the costs?)
-what pricing model do you use? (same as the prof. sites? $1,$2)
-do you do anything on marketing?

In case you sell on the big 5 as well, how much do you sell private compared to eg. istock/shutter/fotolia/etc...

And looking forward to a link ;-)

Thanks for sharing,
ps: i'm relative new, and did some searches but couldn't find any on this subject, so if there where previous discussions please drop me a link.

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