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Messages - zsooofija

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Yaymicro / Re: Yaymicro - Legal solution ideas
« on: January 26, 2021, 06:45 »

I just wanted to give an update, regarding my images on agefotostock. They finally deleted them (after 4+ years selling my work against my will), and it was one of the most humiliating experiences of my life.

After YayImages just ignored me for weeks, and later misunderstood my request (fx. they wrote "Are you able to login to your dashboard and view sales?" when I clearly started with "I deleted my acccount in 2016..."), I contacted agefotostock directly. They also ignored me for some weeks, but then I was told, they have the right to sell my images, because they have a contract with Yay. They just did not believe me  :(

In the end about a week ago Yay finally contacted agefotostock and they deleted my images, but they also told me, according to Yay, I just contacted them recently about this problem (implying I am a liar) and they knew nothing about my account being deleted in 2016 even though I send them the e-mail confirmation from Yay (from 2016) in which they assured me to delete my images and that they also contacted their partners, agefotostock and alamy to notify them about deletion.

So now my images are not on sale anymore, but Yay ignores me again, regarding my earnings for the last 4 years. Very frustrating.

So my advice for anyone thinking about uploading to this agency: STAY AWAY!


Minimum is 10 cents, which means if some big buyer has a deal and pays, 25c an image, instead of us getting .075 we get 10c. No that's not anything to cheer about, but that also means SS is paying us more than our true commission when a buyer gets a extremely low price for images.

In most cases this is not true. Don't forget that most clients do not download all images in their subs-plan, but SS pays us % only of the downloaded images. They keep 100% for the ones the buyer did not download.

It's difficult for me to understand how some buyer would pay less than 25c a download or use, so that people on level 6 are still getting only 10c commission. But that's what the numbers say? I think there's some Facebook deal where they use images for advertising and pay on a contract,which could be lower than 25 a use, we'll all get 10c a use for those.

Very simple: image pack with 9000 downloads for $1999 (=0.22 per image).

How many buyers use their whole pack and how many don't? .22 per image, 9000 pack, would be losing .24 per image. $2160 lost when the buyer downloads 9000. That doesn't seem very smart. If the buyer uses half their subscription, SS loses $1080 makes $990 for no download, which is a net loss of $90. Who buys a 9000 subscription and only downloads half?

Shutterstock is not an artists charity.

Sorry, I know this is old, but I just found your reply. You seem like talking down to me, but really, it's just simple math.  SS pays $900 (out of $1900) to artists, if the client downloads all 9000 files. (9000 x $0.1 = $900). I don't see where their loss is. If the client downloads less, SS gains even more. 

Than it must be a glitch. Still weird.

Is this a joke???
Is it just me, or the image has the blurred SS watermark.. under the actual watermark. LOL

Yaymicro / Re: Yaymicro - Legal solution ideas
« on: December 31, 2020, 15:12 »
My account is closed, my images are not on yayimages anymore, and they promised to remove it from partner sites within a few days.
To be honest, this was one of the fastest response / action I ever got from a website, so I don't know how they don't respond to your request..

4+ years later, my images still on sale on partner sites.  >:(

Yaymicro / Re: Yay reopening??
« on: December 31, 2020, 15:06 »
I have found some of my images. When they said they were closing the old site and we needed to opt in to sell our images for unlimited subs on the new site I didn't opt in. I thought all my images had been deleted when the old site closed. Turns out they eventually just opted it all in without permission.

Also found my images on partner sites under their name.

Other people have reported closing accounts on YAY then finding their images still on sale by YAY on partner sites YEARS later. eg. on this thread:


Just today I found my images for sale on www.agefotostock.com, via yay images. I closed my account on Yay in 2016. Not cool.

Image Sleuth / Re: Selling POD stuff, are there any rules?
« on: December 31, 2020, 08:49 »
Amazon is complete fraud  ;D they check nothing about sellers before putting up their products in their sites 😂😂

That is true, but who checks sellers these days? Do you know any PoD or microstock site that do check the products/content? I don't.

Mostly I agree, the PODs do not check and most that I've seen, hide behind DMCA and do nothing. You have to file the claim. I haven't had the problem but some others here have reported sellers can file a counter claim and block us from our claims. Frustrating.

True most agencies don't seem to check in advance. How would you expect them to check the entire WWW for similar images? Agencies on their own have hundreds of millions of individual still images. I'll admit that some of those millions are the same images, but considering every upload and 150,000 new a day, for example, how do they check, every image? How would you do that if you were an agency?

Last, believe it or not, some agencies actually do check.  :) Here's a rejection I got recently:

Rejection Reason

    Image found on one or more stock agency sites and may infringe on another person's intellectual property rights.

Meaning they checked for similar and found similar on other agency sites. In fact I checked and found similar, but not the same as mine. I used a newspaper image from around 1872, which is fine and free to use, out of copyright. But because similars were found, using an image search, mine was rejected. Mine was not copied, and of course  ;) mine is much better.

My objection is, that these POD places don't try to protect us, even when we make a claim. The agencies try to block us from contacting their customers, and I can see why, because of false claims and harassment, but then the agencies don't really do anything to help or protect us, much of the time?

Why bother filing or finding misuse if they - PODs and agencies - don't even try to help? Of course we're unhappy. Another part of this is, anything on the web can and might be stolen from us. The only place things are safe is by never trying to sell them. So we are stuck. Either have everything protected at home and never make a sale, or take the risk and put it up on the web for download.

There will be thieves and misuse.

I don't expect agencies to check for thieves, I just said they don't. But I would expect them to act when contributors point out stolen content, and I expect them to delete the whole portfolio, not just the image in case.

Your example is probably one in a million with the agency that does check.

Why bother filing misuse? I personally bother because I would like to be paid for my work. And I do see the point, because this usage (PoD or resale on merch) requires an EL and I sold tens of thousands of regular licenses but only a couple of hundreds (max a thousand) of ELs over the last 12 years, so I think the chances they indeed bought the EL are pretty small. I never file misuse for uses that are allowed by the regular license.

I am not saying everyone should do that, I just said what works for me.

Image Sleuth / Re: Selling POD stuff, are there any rules?
« on: December 30, 2020, 07:09 »
Amazon is complete fraud  ;D they check nothing about sellers before putting up their products in their sites 😂😂

That is true, but who checks sellers these days? Do you know any PoD or microstock site that do check the products/content? I don't.

Besides the sites already mentioned, I make surprisingly a nice amount on Canva (even without the double earnings they have now for some months).
I say surprisingly because only 10 percent of my portfolio is accepted there (~70 vectors) and I make almost as much as on AdobeStock (~700 vectors)
BUT review sometimes takes months and after many years I still have no idea what they accept and what not, they don't give you a rejection reason, and the contributor interface is pretty annoying too (for me at least).
So if you have strong nerves, you might want to give it a try.

Image Sleuth / Re: Selling POD stuff, are there any rules?
« on: December 28, 2020, 18:18 »
Ok, I didn't know about these terms, thanks for pointing it out @ShadySue and @Uncle Pete. Shutterstock and istock can go ahead and punish me  ;D . I really think they have more important tasks (like how to rip off contributors even more).
BTW, it's a joke SS asks you to contact them before. They reply after several weeks, sometimes months, and the answer is usually not related to the question.

Image Sleuth / Re: Selling POD stuff, are there any rules?
« on: December 28, 2020, 12:36 »
Thanks for your comment zsooofija.  Which agency are you writing about?

Reading what others have written there seems to be different views on whether the POD shop needs to buy ANY kind of license BEFORE they actually sell the POD.  Also these deals seem to differ from agency to agency.

Which agencies require ELs before actually selling PODs? 

It would interesting also to know which agencies require no license of any kind before actually selling PODs?  Or just standard license?


I don't know which agency offers standard license for resale on merch, I know some do, but I don't use them (vecteezy and some other almost free sites). I hope none of the big ones.

I know about AdobeStcok, Vectorstock (I disabled ELs because it's too cheap),Dreamstime and Shutterstock (not selling there anymore). At least these I remember in relation to these cases of misuse. People usually wrote back, that oh, they didn't know they need a special license, they thought standard is fine blabla.. 

It's not about accusing anyone, it's about asking a question. I don't see any problem with that, especially because in very few cases they did have the proper license (like 5% or something).

Image Sleuth / Re: Selling POD stuff, are there any rules?
« on: December 28, 2020, 06:47 »
I mailed one of the sellers in Amazon and they replied that all their images come from "the net picture library".  When I asked them for more details they claimed to have bought the image from Shutterstock.  They also removed the image from their shop even though I didn't ask for it.  I checked my SS site and it has been bought once from SS a couple of years ago with a standard subscription.  I didn't mail the other 5 Amazon shops also selling PODs of this image.  They could all make similar claims or just not bother to answer at all.

Jo Ann is most likely right.  Embedded images are the rule here and if no watermark is required, nor mention of agency/author, the artist has no way of knowing whether a POD use is legitimate or not.   

As ShadySue said it might not be a very good idea to make accusations without proofs.  It would be quite hard and time consuming to prove anything and even if I managed to prove something I can't see any rewards coming my way.  And if no purchase of a license is necessary before a POD is sold, proving is still more difficult if not imbossible.

Sorry for this gloomy view and thanks for commenting.


I mailed several of these shops, and never had any problems. I usually (80%) get a reply telling me when and where they purchased the image, and I can check. If it's not an EL, I just tell them they need an EL to sell the product, so they either delete or they buy the EL. So in some cases it is worth it (for the EL) but for me it is also worth it just to know they don't profit of my work.

If I don't get a reply I just file a DMCA notice, in case they have the license they can file a counter notice but most of the times they delete the product.

I am always very polite in the e-mail without being accusatory.

Canva / Re: Canva, what's the plan now?
« on: December 15, 2020, 12:46 »
OK. Pretty decent sum has turned up for Subs income November. :)  But not the same as previous months.:(

So not the 'double earnings' any more or is it just me who has got this reduced amount?

I got more than double so I don't know. It's possible it's just a bug (there were some negative earnings showing when they introduced double earnings).

Go to edit image, scroll down to the bottom and there's a small bin on the right (under the "exclusivity" checkbox)

Interesting they seem to be spending more resources making sure people don't publish earnings than they do with stolen portfolios.

Why would they spend any resources on stolen ports? It's something that generates income, they stopped caring about that years ago.

Canva / Re: How to delete an image
« on: December 02, 2020, 02:35 »
You can check them here also: https://www.canva.com/portfolio
I don't have duplicates BTW, I just checked.

Newbie Discussion / Re: Provide Commercial Use License
« on: November 25, 2020, 18:20 »
I found this online. Maybe it can help as a template, and you can delete what is not relevant.

Canva / Re: Canva, what's the plan now?
« on: November 25, 2020, 11:14 »
never was a big seller on canva with out about 300 photos, made 50 bucks a month or so, at least payout every 2 months, now i make 2 bucks a month, so pay out every 50 months. something doubled alright, but it wasnt $$$

The six month period when they payed double earnings ended, so October sales are already real sales. How come you didn't get double earnings for last 6 months? Maybe you deleted some images or something (that was one of the criteria so you do not delete images already accepted).
My sales for October were better than the double earnings, so I am happy so far.

Self-identifying artists from underrepresented communities are creators who identify as being part of an underrepresented community, such as: Black, Hispanic & Latinx, Asian/Pacific Islander, Indigenous, LGBTQ+, Female, Disability, Age, Veteran, Religion, Body & Skin Type."

seems the only folk left out are self-identifying cis white young atheist males! 

are all religions underrepresented?  what is a self identifying female?

[tongue only slightly in cheek]

There are lots of male veterans (over 1 million in the US only) under the age of 34 so they are not left out.
The answer to your last question is pretty self-explanatory.

I am pretty sure it's a partner of AS. There are many sites like this, I think they buy the proper license when they sell the product or something like that.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Stolen content available for sale
« on: November 11, 2020, 05:36 »
Restrict new users from Ukraine.

According to this logic, ebay or etsy should ban sellers from the USA because only this year I reported about a dozen users from the US selling my work without a proper license.
It should be judged on a case-by-case basis rather than based on the country you are living in. Agencies could do a much better job on checking/reacting, but since they are making money either way they don't care that much.

Just a point, since people are getting all up in arms. She said RESTRICT not ban.

I don't know why anyone here would defend image thieves, whether they are from (country name here) or anywhere else. SS does restrict some new users from some known hotbeds of thieves, fake accounts and where they are known for portfolios of entirely stolen images. Last I saw, it was 90 days before they can collect the first payout.

Someone else has said, agencies should do better ID checks. Funny how many times we've seen people complaining that the agency won't accept their ID or how the people don't want their private information in the hands of the agency. Darned if you do, darned if you don't?  ;)

Account Registration

    You must be 18 years of age to create a Shutterstock account.

    You may not sign up for an account with identification documents belonging to another individual, share an account with another individual, and/or share content with another Shutterstock contributor without prior consent from Shutterstock.

    The Make payments to name in your account must be your full legal name as it appears on your identification documents; this is the name to which royalty payments will be made. For business accounts this field will contain the business name.

    In order to make your Shutterstock account a business account, you must provide us with documentation as required by your country or state that indicates you are a principal owner of the business. 

    You may not open a second Shutterstock account without permission from Shutterstock.

    You may not share the same online payment processing service account (like Payoneer, Paypal or Skrill) with another Shutterstock contributor. 

If this is how they handle things, agencies should know precisely who is opening the account and who is responsible for the uploads. But some places, it's much easier to get a fake ID, or possibly some agencies just are trusting, until something goes wrong?

The word for blaming a whole country or population for what a minority of individuals do is stereotyping or a generalization, maybe a negative ethnic bias? Nothing to do with race.

Racism is not just about race, it can be against a ethnic group also. (because scientifically race is not even thing - we all belong to the human race - but that is a whole other discussion).
I still think it should be agencies responsibility instead of these discriminatory practices (call them whatever you want).

LOL as one of the American Race now, I was making it clear that it's not race but the correct word is stereotyping, nothing more or less. And I think you read what I wrote which said: "If this is how they handle things, agencies should know precisely who is opening the account and who is responsible for the uploads." because the agencies have IDs and payment accounts. Nothing about discrimination, which is another good word for restricting whole countries.

So you and Cathy can keep insisting that a country is a race?

racist, racism  (rā′sĭz′əm)
1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race.

No one said a country is a race. And sure, you can pick the definition that suits your arguments. And I can pick the one that suits mine, so there is no point in arguing. Really. Or you can read more about this if you are interested because it is not as simple as you present it.


prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.

What is important is that no one should be discriminated based on the country she/he lives in. I had a 3 month restriction when I started stock photography, and I did nothing wrong ever (except being unlucky to be born in my country).

General Stock Discussion / Re: Stolen content available for sale
« on: November 08, 2020, 16:04 »
Restrict new users from Ukraine.

According to this logic, ebay or etsy should ban sellers from the USA because only this year I reported about a dozen users from the US selling my work without a proper license.
It should be judged on a case-by-case basis rather than based on the country you are living in. Agencies could do a much better job on checking/reacting, but since they are making money either way they don't care that much.

Just a point, since people are getting all up in arms. She said RESTRICT not ban.

I don't know why anyone here would defend image thieves, whether they are from (country name here) or anywhere else. SS does restrict some new users from some known hotbeds of thieves, fake accounts and where they are known for portfolios of entirely stolen images. Last I saw, it was 90 days before they can collect the first payout.

Someone else has said, agencies should do better ID checks. Funny how many times we've seen people complaining that the agency won't accept their ID or how the people don't want their private information in the hands of the agency. Darned if you do, darned if you don't?  ;)

Account Registration

    You must be 18 years of age to create a Shutterstock account.

    You may not sign up for an account with identification documents belonging to another individual, share an account with another individual, and/or share content with another Shutterstock contributor without prior consent from Shutterstock.

    The Make payments to name in your account must be your full legal name as it appears on your identification documents; this is the name to which royalty payments will be made. For business accounts this field will contain the business name.

    In order to make your Shutterstock account a business account, you must provide us with documentation as required by your country or state that indicates you are a principal owner of the business. 

    You may not open a second Shutterstock account without permission from Shutterstock.

    You may not share the same online payment processing service account (like Payoneer, Paypal or Skrill) with another Shutterstock contributor. 

If this is how they handle things, agencies should know precisely who is opening the account and who is responsible for the uploads. But some places, it's much easier to get a fake ID, or possibly some agencies just are trusting, until something goes wrong?

The word for blaming a whole country or population for what a minority of individuals do is stereotyping or a generalization, maybe a negative ethnic bias? Nothing to do with race.

Racism is not just about race, it can be against a ethnic group also. (because scientifically race is not even thing - we all belong to the human race - but that is a whole other discussion).
I still think it should be agencies responsibility instead of these discriminatory practices (call them whatever you want).

General Stock Discussion / Re: Stolen content available for sale
« on: November 08, 2020, 05:05 »
Restrict new users from Ukraine.

According to this logic, ebay or etsy should ban sellers from the USA because only this year I reported about a dozen users from the US selling my work without a proper license.
It should be judged on a case-by-case basis rather than based on the country you are living in. Agencies could do a much better job on checking/reacting, but since they are making money either way they don't care that much.

Image Sleuth / Re: Stolen vectors from multiple accounts
« on: November 05, 2020, 11:16 »
The third one (the original artist) replied me, and he reported it. Hopefully it won't take long. I am curios if they just delete one image or the whole port.

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