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Messages - VB inc

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I've been long enough with them to notice the visible change in attitude, you fail to ackowledge.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

It is harder for some to wipe away the years of exploitation they received from an agency...

General Stock Discussion / Re: offset vs ss
« on: December 23, 2015, 10:21 »
In my view, offset seems to have professionals well established in their field. They probably get sought out from SS to contribute to offset library. If your established and doing great, would you spend your time spreading your images out to various agencies to compete with millions of images just for pennies royalty?

I am sure that there are some here that is doing fairly decent with microstock these days but that would be the minority. Earlier on, microstock money was very good money and that attracted talent. These days, it seems most posts from established contributors are making decisions outside of micro because the rewards are just not there.

You ask how to get into offset? Heres a suggestion. Make a name for yourself where you get contacted for commissioned work in your field. Have a style that is unique to you. Once your at that stage of the game, see if your still taking shots/creating imagery and hoping for the penny commissions instead of the commissioned work of thousands... ::) Commissioned work is sort of opposite of microstock.

Shutterstock.com / Re: Shutterstock, Rex & DACS Fraud Scandal!
« on: December 20, 2015, 20:48 »
How convenient for 1 person to forge all signatures on behalf of himself? No... of course on behalf of the company who is robbing others. There are so many ways to steal from people when there is very little consequences for the parties involved. This time it's just one person fired. I bet that was a pre arranged deal anyways. Investigate the fired person and find out who really is the mastermind behind this ponzi scheme.

Print on Demand Forum / Re: Crated warning
« on: December 18, 2015, 10:49 »
The "finer" art, the less image protection.  I always fail to understand what's the logic behind that.

I've always differentiated fine art and commercial art as opposite. Commercial art (also stock art) purpose is to make money while fine art's goal/purpose isn't monetary.

woah that was a quick response from fotolia... i hope its not temporary but permanent ban.

Cameras / Lenses / Re: Canon 6D vs Sony a7 mk II
« on: December 16, 2015, 19:19 »
iphone  ;D

https://us.fotolia.com/p/201160780 Fakegraphic is username

I have managed to find 2 of my silhouette figures being sold by this thief. If you are a vector artist take a close look at some of this accounts portfolio and make sure this person isn't profiting off your hard work! I have a feeling this is just a collection of stolen work we need to be more vigilant about. I have contacted fotolia and hope this matter gets settled with this account banned.

What a fitting username too!

Adobe Stock / Re: Duplicate Rejection Notifications
« on: December 14, 2015, 00:06 »
They definitely have some sort of glitch in their system. I had all my files turned to exclusive images and some of my files turned into the free section also!
I had to manually go through each and every one of my files and change the status manually.  >:(
The couple that magically turned into the greyed out check mark of the free section had to be deleted even tho these were good sellers of mine!  >:( >:( >:(
Now i uploaded back these deleted files and of course no sale yet and losing the good exposure prob doesnt help much either.

Shutterstock.com / Re: 723,027 new images added this week!
« on: December 09, 2015, 01:04 »
We are really seeing the crowd sourcing model at full speed here. I wonder if it can go any faster? This needs to crash soon.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Vectorstock Delete Account
« on: December 09, 2015, 00:58 »
That site pisses me off so much. I think it is run by crooks that hold no value of images which they prob stole from other sites with illegal credit card schemes. Why else would they sell vectors dirt cheap. It is just my guess of course but there have been many instances of contributors complaining of various things over the years. The agency never responds to my knowledge.

Software / Re: Mac OS X 10.11 El Capitan and Lightroom Problems
« on: December 04, 2015, 10:29 »
Ive mentioned in another thread that CS4 software is incompatible with the newest osx. I have learned the hard way when using illustrator and kept on crashing for no apparent reason. Im sure both companies are in favor of you spending more money so they are just big penis heads in my eyes.

whats to prevent you from getting all these footage and selling it on the black market yourself or just submitting them as your own with all different aliases...  ::)
good luck with your hustle!

Shutterstock.com / Re: Image spam?
« on: December 03, 2015, 14:40 »

This is a serious issue i was worried about when an agency has no incentive to police their library for misuse. The numbers of files they have in their library is more important than the integrity of the library itself. What else do you expect from a company whose own founder took thousands of garbage snap shots himself to start this library the first year.

I think that this is not a big deal, unless you upload icons, so you have big competition with this kind of spammers.

Most of profiles just stop upload (are inactive now), so they think that upload a huge number of icons was a good idea but then they see that images can only be founded in last pages searches so there is not good earining with all of this.

Lets say this is happening. Then others start to think ok, this person is doing it. I'm gonna start doing it in order to compete so we are both abusing. Then lots of others are abusing the system. Then so much junk gets in that any viable new files get so buried in the new rubbish uploads they never even have a chance to compete in the first place. I feel like thats whats been happening recently in shutterstock so i have stopped uploading here as i know my files are very commercial yet some of them don't get seen.

Shutterstock.com / Re: Image spam?
« on: December 03, 2015, 13:38 »
Spammers coming from mostly 2015-2014. Its a new wave from third World.
Vector spammers making mostly black ugly clipart icons.
Here is some new spammer:

This is the most intresting:
He started 2015 and, have 76 000 icon? Why?

Now this is 420 000 Spam Pictures from mostly 2015 - 2014, from 13 vector "artist". How many spammer are in total?
My soul crying.
it would be best to fire them all.

This is a serious issue i was worried about when an agency has no incentive to police their library for misuse. The numbers of files they have in their library is more important than the integrity of the library itself. What else do you expect from a company whose own founder took thousands of garbage snap shots himself to start this library the first year.

Mac OSX El Capitan and CS4 is incompatible!
It is really moronic how they expect you to keep spending and keep spending to get the latest software when the old one was just fine!
On my illustrator CS4, every time I try to copy attributes from one object to another, the program just crashes!!! After spending some time with adobe support I was told it is no longer compatible with my operating system on my imac... OMG  :'(

Shutterstock.com / Re: Finally shutterstock accept my port
« on: November 27, 2015, 15:53 »
Thank you for all for valuable feedback, I've now 230 images online on shutterstock. My only concern is that I am getting .25 per sale & I've sold 35 images in two weeks. Is there any limits before I can get better reward on my images?

Thats the norm. Thats microstock. Occassionally you might get an el or a big od and some credit sales but this is what you need to expect in this part of the visual arts business. You generally need lots of images to make any reasonable income.  Most people today cannot make a living at microstock, not that you are expecting this but i say that just to give you some perspective.

Thank you for your words of advice, I am doing freelance designing from last 5 years and making good income but as you freelance industry is also sinking so I need to shift my potential into this. How many images you think one need in order to make about 3-4k a month?

Your going in the wrong direction. You should get more freelancing to get out of this shrinking pie!

Hey Leaf,

From my experience, it is very hard or near impossible to keep that pencil type texture as you vector it. If there is actually a process that I am aware of, I would love to learn it too. It would be extremely helpful to my workflow too as I always lose the sketchy feel of my sketches when I transfer from sketch to ink to vector. But if there is a vector version of the sketchy look, it would be so memory intensive as  the program has to account for so many points that is making the texture up. I do not think illustrator has a plug in for this either.

General Stock Discussion / Re: If you were a buyer
« on: November 25, 2015, 15:00 »
So i'm the only one that buys at Fotolia?
There are two reasons for me:
1. I always have credits there and don't need to buy or subscribe anywhere else
2. I mainly buy "european" images (landmarks and landscapes)

I also buy at fotolia because i have credits there also. I tend to look/search on shutterstock first and then go on fotolia to see if the same artist/image is there. I feel the quality of the library at shutterstock is better.

What I mean is, how does someone get in possession of other contributors' full size images?

probably fake credit card to open up accounts and then subscriptions

Very sorry to hear about this.

One of the dangers in submitting to smaller agencies I guess. I don't see this industry being regulated any time soon and it seems like the wild wild west online...

One of my images have 10 downloads today so far. First time any image reached the 2 digit mark in a single day...could be the 2nd, can't remember.

I don't have many hot sellers...just a lot of consistent sellers that get one or 2 downloads a day. 3 of my sets have reached 800 downloads each. Yesterday I had the best day ever in terms of downloads...partly because of the holiday images that's getting hot at the right moment.

I expect some holiday images to do spectacularly well this time of the year. Thats something i don't have in my portfolio. That's sort of the reason i posed this question to see if some holiday images sell more than 10 times a day.

Do you sell pictures or vectors or both for your examples you stated?

Off Topic / Re: Terrorist attack in Paris 140 dead
« on: November 19, 2015, 13:35 »
If you guys really want an informative read on the mindset of isis and their goals, below is a link to a long article who pretty much explains the group and their ideology which has been pretty much accurate to say even isis members are saying that thats who they are and about. Pretty scary too.


General - Stock Video / Re: Fotolia review team sucks!
« on: November 19, 2015, 13:22 »
For those who are interested, This is their answer for my questions;

Thank you for your e-mail.

Please note that all the files are reviewed by our selection team. Also note that the selection team is a separate department, and unfortunately we have no influence on their decision.

The main criteria for validation or rejection are: the quality of the image/video, the technical requirements, an incomplete or invalid model release form, the similarity to existing Fotolia photographs and the image's/video's sale potential.

Also note that our search engine works with single words. Compound word phrases entered as keywords are not valid, and this is one of the other main reasons of rejections.

We know that it can be difficult to have an image or video rejected but please bear with us.

We encourage you to please continue uploading more images and videos Online for review.

Kind regards,

Bolded by me above. I have to go back to my rejected files and see if i have any of those now.

It would be interesting to hear more from others about their experience with their hot sellers and to see if there is a shift from 2 years ago to now.
I only submit vectors on SS so that might also play a part here. My hot sellers gets in anywhere from 4-9 downloads a day on good days. I don't ever remember a file of mine going over 10 downloads a day. Im sure there are images that gets more than that or at least i would like to think there is.
The popular downloads from my library are groups or sets if that helps. One my more popular sets has around 3400 downloads and i uploaded that may 2013.
I do think there has been a slightly small shift in downloads recently but i wouldn't mind hearing stats from other people if they willing to share. It would provide me a better picture of where i stand compared to my fellow contributors.

Adobe Stock / Re: Understanding FT Sales
« on: November 18, 2015, 13:09 »
just googled dollar to euro and dollar is more than euro?? 1 dollar is .92 euro

If one dollar equals 0.92 Euro, than "dollar is NOT more than Euro"  :P

 ;D ;D ;D thx u r correct

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