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Messages - Gregor909

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iStockPhoto.com / Re: Got Flames?
« on: March 20, 2009, 09:21 »
Yes flames are cool, I got a few!
Now I want a pink flame!  (10000 downloads)  :o

General Stock Discussion / Re: Vectorizing
« on: March 19, 2009, 17:09 »
There is no copyright on a 10000 year old pattern, but that means you don't own the copyright either.
Illustrations derived from artwork you don't own the copyright to is strictly prohibited and a violation of the membership agreement of most Stock agencies.
You can own the copyright on the photograph, but you must also own the copyright of any artwork visible on the photograph if you want to derive the artwork! You can only sell the photograph!

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Istock down
« on: March 04, 2009, 12:12 »
If our passwords are really out there...why doesn't Istock inform us about this. There are so many contributors who never read the forums!

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Istock down
« on: March 03, 2009, 21:49 »
Dam*n hackers. Shoot them all those miserable f*cks!  >:(

Newbie Discussion / Re: graphics tablet
« on: March 02, 2009, 13:44 »
I have the Cintiq 12WX at home. I have a Bamboo (black) for my internet pc. (Yes I even surf with a Wacom pen). And I have the Bamboo Fun for my laptop, suits fine with my white laptop!  ;D
Bamboo tablets are fine. They have more buttons than the old ones, 4 buttons. You can assign shortcuts to those buttons. And the scroll/zoom function is also nice.

Newbie Discussion / Re: graphics tablet
« on: March 01, 2009, 20:31 »
Trust is crap. Wacom is the market leader!
And Wacom pens don't need batteries.

Yes I agree, it's a magazine for amateurs.
But that's the largest market.
I think you people underestimate how many amateurs buy stock images!
I have had more then once buyers whining about my images ,through sitemail and comments (Istock) because my seamless vectors have a gradient. Professionals know how to remove a gradient in a few clicks.

There are amateurs and hobbyists who buy stock. I don't know how many, but maybe a lott more than we ever imagined!

I don't agree with the above statements!
This is free advertisement, I would do it right away! I think you will see a huge increase in sales after they publish the magazine.

If you truly believe this you should be proactive and offer your images for free use in exchange for a credit mention:
1. Send emails with image thumbnails to every photography-related magazine editor you can think of.
2. Post full resolution images on Flickr, Stoc.xchng and like sites.
3. Regularly 'donate' your images on 123RF.

Yes, you'll surely see a worthwhile increase in your income ... not!

That's true on all the sites you mentioned, but did you ever read that magazine? Its in all the bookstores here in the Netherlands', so probably it's sold in the rest of Europe as well.
All those readers are gonna see your work. What do you think it costs to put an ad in that magazine?!

I don't agree with the above statements!
This is free advertisement, I would do it right away! I think you will see a huge increase in sales after they publish the magazine.
I know that magazine, it's clearly stated that readers cannot use the images on the cd for commercial purposes.
But I see you already replied. Lets hope they don't skip your image and ask somebody else.

Oh and besides, great image and beautiful model!

General Stock Discussion / Re: Tear Sheets - Post your finds here
« on: February 07, 2009, 11:12 »


Hey cool, that's my pattern on the background!  :o
Thanks for posting this!  ;D

StockXpert.com / Re: Revenue plummeting at StockXpert
« on: February 06, 2009, 16:00 »
Yes, decline for me as well, and now I know why;

Today I received an email from StockXpert; "XpertTips" . Which I assume is send to all the buyers as well.
And what are they advertising in that same mail? Photos.com subscriptions!!!  >:(
So all the StockXpert buyers can skip right over to Photos.com and we are back where we began at SS earning only a miserable 30 cents!
So this is what happens when the big companies take us over!  >:(

Shutterstock.com / Re: How did SS perform for you this month?
« on: January 28, 2009, 17:06 »
In spite of regular uploading, my income stays average. No increase since June 2008!
And I know this involves everybody, because I have less downloads for one file and it is still in the top 50, even higher. A few months ago, you needed much more downloads for being in the top 50!

Congratulations Steve and wife with your new daughter Donna!  :)


My StockXpert sales have trickled to a small number.  I had wondered if it was because I am opted out of subs and maybe got a worse search position, but if others are experiencing the same maybe it is more likely to be a migration of customers away from StockXpert. 

This is a very likely culprit.

Yes, I was thinking the exact same thing!
I'm wondering..... Do StockXpert customers see a lott of Jupiter/Photos commercials lately?

Yes, same for me!
Jupiter/Photos sales are going up....overall earnings are going down!
I don't like it, I don't like it at all!  >:(

StockXpert.com / Re: StockXpert becomes dating site?
« on: January 23, 2009, 09:36 »
Oh no, it's one of those d@mn Nigerian 419 scams again.

She is actually looking pretty nice!
But we all know this is not the person who is sending those mails!

General Stock Discussion / Re: Vector Artist wannabes!
« on: January 21, 2009, 09:47 »
Although I also think this person sounded a little arrogant, I don't think he qualifies for being a troll!
He made some valid points, and he didn't offend somebody personally!

I agree there's a lott of crap vectors on Shutter. But being talented doesn't mean you should feel more important than those without talent.
I personally feel pity sometimes for some contributors, and I think they will never make it. But I have respect for their hard work and consistency.

Talent is gift, you cannot praise yourself for something that has bin giving to you!

General Stock Discussion / Re: Vector Artist wannabes!
« on: January 20, 2009, 13:36 »
..... So, If indeed you expect to create best selling vectors in 6 months, give up.. Honestly:)

It's doable!

General Macrostock / Re: Accepted at Getty
« on: January 15, 2009, 20:04 »
Does anyone know if they accept illustrations (raster images)? They certainly have lots of them on sale, but their application form only mentions photos.

Thats' a very good point I have lotza those!`+&%~```

Yes good point. Im curious too!

Oh and congrats Elena

StockXpert.com / Re: Reminder to monitor your JIU sub sales!
« on: January 13, 2009, 08:48 »
Wow a lott of JIU sales last week!
Too bad it's only 30 cent per sale.
And it looks like "Stockxpert pay-per-downloads" are going down.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Problem logging into StockXpert
« on: December 22, 2008, 18:41 »
I can log in, but they're trowing me out every 10 seconds or so!  :(

iStockPhoto.com / Re: istock photos 'caught' in action
« on: December 12, 2008, 20:03 »
That would be nice! 20% of a billion dollars per sale!
I would go exclusive right away!  ;D

Just forget about it! Nobody gives a sh*t!
They stole my image for a Hollywood movie and the stock agency didn't even reply my mail.

Don't expect any justice in this business!

iStockPhoto.com / Re: Application for new contributors closed!?
« on: December 06, 2008, 18:04 »
Ok now it's a glitch! But I was wondering; what if?  ;D

Ok I stand corrected! I forgot about portfolio sizes!
But if the Highest Average Downloads-list is accurate, there's a lot of exclusives!

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