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Messages - PenelopeB

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51 / Re: How to leave Snapvillage?
« on: June 12, 2009, 05:19 »
I emailed last week and they told me if they closed my account (deleted my images), I would have to forfit my 11.00 in earnings, or I could delete them one by one (over 300 images).

I thought that was kind of cheesy!

So did RJMIZ pull another one over on us and come back as Old Hippy?

My thoughts exactly... I was wondering if this person is "Miz"erably reincarnated. (RIP Miz)

53 / Re: Gone exclusive
« on: May 23, 2009, 12:17 »
Glad you made a decision that you are happy with!

I've been sitting on the fence for a long time, but I think I will join you soon. I'm just waiting for a couple hundred more down loads and then I will be silver, which will make it worth it more.

Good question regarding StockXpert and iStock for exclusives. Anyone have an answer yet?

That would be terrific!

I would have liked to have "culled" my SV portfolio prior to this, but couldn't find where to do so, so my attempt to "populate" SV with photos in the beginning and have faith in a new site backfired now and I got the "we'll call you" email as well.

Sucks. Thanks Corbis and Veer. Maybe it is a "girl" thing. Kidding. No snotty replies please. I get it... take better pictures.

Off Topic / Re: Happy mother's day!
« on: May 10, 2009, 09:48 »
Wow... you guys can't remember your Mom without a reminder?? tiss tiss... :'(

I have a bunch of photos from Minilypses that I can "only" upload to iStock. (which is totally fair) So that means that these will be available through and JI?

So whats the down side??

Oh... and I've got double the photos at StockXpert too.

57 / Re: People leaving?
« on: March 16, 2009, 11:11 »
I stopped uploading just in case I end up going exclusive with iStock. I "really" don't like having my photos held hostage for 90 days. I stopped uploading to Dreamstime for the same reason. This is very disappointing as I think highly of both sites. I think both are fabulous and I do understand why they do it, but this is just my little idiosyncrasy. (some people won't upload to sites that do subscription)

Adobe Stock / Re: Can't get Fotolia to load...
« on: March 11, 2009, 08:37 »
Still having issues at home with firefox and my mac. (not ftp, but just loading the site), but at work with firefox and using a mac, no problem?  Go figure!

Adobe Stock / Can't get Fotolia to load...
« on: March 08, 2009, 19:34 »
Is anyone else having problems trying to get Fotolia to load?  I click on any/all links to fotolia and it just comes up with a blank screen that says "Done" at the bottom left? I've cleared my cache, rebooted, tried everything and nothing works.

Thanks and regards

Adobe Stock / Re: Fotolia Payouts Held Up Again?
« on: February 21, 2009, 03:13 »
I'm delayed too. Poop.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Lypses-expensive night out?
« on: February 09, 2009, 09:03 »
I've been to two minilypses with iStock and found them to be two of the best learning experiences I've every had (I am not exclusive). People shared what they knew, there was a seminar at one of them, social events, tons of props, lots of models from Model Mayhem at no cost, swag, and it was subsidies in part by iStock. There were amazing photographers there and if you watched, and absorbed, you could pick up on so many new ideas to build your own ideas. It was a totally "hands-on" learning event. And... I met some really wonderful people.

Best money I ever spent and will continue to attend future ones.

Veer / Re: Snapvillage to be folded into Veer
« on: February 06, 2009, 15:25 »
Wow, I feel warm and fuzzy already?

Did you go to that ski cabin near Mt. Baker too?  :P

It was -32 celcius yesterday morning... As a Northern Canadian I'll take all the warm and fuzzy I can get.

Veer / Re: Snapvillage to be folded into Veer
« on: February 05, 2009, 20:20 »
Veer is pretty awesome actually. I've purchase some promo items from them, and they sure sock it to you with excellent marketing material. They have this little book for designers that they mail you and its fabulous. I take it on vacation with me and its very entertaining. Some of the fonts they sell are really amazing too. I can only aspire to be as good as their contributors and hope that a few of mine make it in.

Veer / Re: Snapvillage to be folded into Veer
« on: February 05, 2009, 15:11 »
How come since this email was sent out I can't get Snapvillage website to load? and when I tried to sign up with Veer, My mail is returned.

Wow, I feel warm and fuzzy already?

65 / can't log on?
« on: January 25, 2009, 08:11 »
When I try to log on, it say that my user name and/or password is invalid.  Anyone else having the same problem? I contacted support.

Site Related / Re: Your Avatar on the MSG business card
« on: January 21, 2009, 18:44 »
My avatar is pretty "weenie" but go ahead. ha!

67 / Re: SS rejections explosion!!!
« on: January 07, 2009, 11:24 »
Good Idea! 

6 out of 7 rejected - one for putting it into the wrong category???

another for out of focus (it was something shot in the fog - doh, what was your first clue?)

They are just not worth it any more.

Off Topic / Re: Share your weather
« on: December 21, 2008, 00:51 »
crap... it was minus 24c this morning after 20cm of snow the night before on top of the 15cm we had already. New storm moving in, another 20cm on the way overnight - crap.

But... "silver lining"... I'm leaving on Xmas day for Elizabeth City, NC on Thurs to catch a sail boat to Savannah, Georgia.  Weather permitting of course!

Yah, I'm in Ontario Canada half way between Toronto and Barrie.

69 / Re: Delay in payments..January 2nd 2009
« on: December 16, 2008, 12:55 »
I requested a payout on the 12th... does that mean I won't be paid until Jan 2 - ?  or are they processing normally up to the 16th?


Off Topic / Re: eBay crooks
« on: December 16, 2008, 09:44 »
again... what Paypal problems so I can be on guard in the future?????

Off Topic / Re: eBay crooks
« on: December 16, 2008, 09:00 »

both ebay and paypal are crooked - don't even get me started on paypal the thieves .... my blood boils over with fury at the mere mention of the name ... so my heart goes out to you Helix7 ...

hoi ha - what problems have you had with paypal?  Yikes!

Off Topic / Re: Hey Merry Christmas, everyone
« on: December 15, 2008, 16:21 »
Peace on Earth.

And of course Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.  We just shoveled 30 inches of snow off the roof of cottage on Saturday, but it was raining north of Toronto when we got home. I think your arctic blast is headed our way Dragon_Fang.

I going sailing down the coast from Portsmouth Virginia to Savannah Georgia over the Holiday so have a blast everyone!!!


General Stock Discussion / Re: Studio Prop Sale
« on: December 03, 2008, 14:16 »
Life is far to short. Suck the marrow from every bone you can! and Enjoy.

General Stock Discussion / Re: Studio Prop Sale
« on: December 03, 2008, 12:31 »
How come you are shutting down your studio? (I would kill for a studio)

(if I'm being to noisy, you don't have to disclose, I am just curious) Is the economy in the US that bad?

I hope not for your sake, and I hope all is well.


75 / Re: no email about payout this month?
« on: December 03, 2008, 06:19 »
I got one on Dec 1 ?

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