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Messages - Rage

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General Stock Discussion / Re: Stock video
« on: September 19, 2021, 08:24 »
I've mostly been putting vidoes directly on sites like Pond5 and Adobe. The BB Facebook and fourums seems pretty positive, with people posting about new milestones and increasing earnings. Did not know wirestock did video also

Pond5 / Re: Pond5 halved prices for all clips
« on: June 15, 2021, 11:05 »
Do we have to manually set them back at the correct prices? It seems like a fixed price for HD and another for 4K regardless of what it was initially

So should the stock Coalition be pausing for a Alamy signout en masse. Maybe a wider list getting prople out of the worse agencies?

Probably one understanding is that our lack of unity and lack of strong resistance to Shutterstock has led to all agencies going the same route.

What now? How do we now learn from this and push back. Alamy has barely any significant earnings. Can they be dropped enmasse

Even in the current setup Alamy's a little confusing in commission for most sales

30% is Alamy
40% is distributor commission

So you essentially end up with some 30% even now or am i missing something.

With the new format, the distributor will still continue to take their cut of 40% and Alamy will take 80% of the rest so you get an amazing 12% . Are they determined to make Shutterstock look like the good guys

 Alamy's been such a small earner that never really looked into it

56 / Re: Earnings for Mar'21
« on: April 20, 2021, 23:20 »
Still updating i guess, guess the payment elves are still loading the statements one by one

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57 / Earnings for Mar'21
« on: April 20, 2021, 09:03 »
It seems like iStock hasn't yet gotten round to telling us what we've earned in Mar. Or its a super low number and it'll hardly make a difference so why bother

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Very very cool. Does this also submit to stock agencies automatically?

Love your key wording tool

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You guys are amazing in how you are navigating the pandemic and the agencies doing crazy things during this time

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My plan is to just work more hours, try and keep up with the percentage increase of content on the agencies for as long as possible. Should work for a few years, and hopefully it will give me time to come up with some kind of super-duper After Effects template (or two) that I can live off for a while.
That seems to be the only way out i guess. Moving to greener pastures like after effect templates or better production value vidoes like drone shots in smaller markets

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It's interesting that no one has mentioned that they'll start doing shoots once the pandemic ends. That still seems to be the way pros earn

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Aggregators do not increase your income, but decrease (taking their % cut for nothing)

hoist on your own petard!   if they take 15% then YOUR income is increasing by 85% of their sales!

And a small second note. Through aggregators, I get a higher level for pay, that might make up the 15% compensation? Might, I won't say it does for sure.

But one thing for sure, for me, I now contribute to four agencies that I don't have any account and wouldn't. I get paid whenever the total from all the places I check off, adds up to $35, not when it reaches $100. There are some benefits beyond what someone short sighted says "but they take 15%" because they also give back in many ways as well.

In today's world stock/micro stock is really nothing more than a Ponzi scheme.

1. cut out low paying agencies completely <<< name one high paying agency as there are none around anymore.

Always was a kind of like a Ponzi scheme... with impossible unsustainable increases and growth.  Promises of making easy money and people suggesting how they made such good money, to lure new victims.

Can't name one. You're right. If someone can, I want to join.

Someone left out POD sites, which can be interesting for some sales. And I didn't see mention of that cesspool Etsy.
What is a POD site?

Would Adobe not be part of the decent paying site (definitely not high). But thats per sale, definitely not yet at a total level

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There was this whole deal that going to aggregators like blackbox would help earn more in places like shutterstock with the new levels. Also aids discoverability

However I'd much rather have control over my assets.

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With 2021 mostly being dismal in stock earnings so far what positive steps have you taken to maintain or grow earnings? Some options I've seen people take

1. cut out low paying agencies completely
2. This is the new normal, make more stuff, put it on all agencies
3. Started something new like book covers - style
4. Focussed more on inperson shooting gigs
5. Left this side of the business entirely
6. Go to aggregators like blackbox, wirestock etc

Hopefully some postive way forward stuff

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Did you have a look at StockAgent NX yet? I've been using that one for some years now. Subscription costs are a bit more than a Euro a month, probably about the same in Dollars.
Whenever there are changes on the agency side the developer updates the app usually within a few days.
Just installed this one, seems like its the only one thats been getting support. Will try for some time before i decide to get the subscription

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Just saw that the microstockr app has also mostly stopped development and updates. So apparently its not only the contributors who are suffering our lack on money also means these devs are getting squeezed

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I don't need an app. I just count on my fingers. Don't even need all of them.
The app is great since the time it takes to tally the pennies might be worth more than the pennies

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Yup, have heard a bit about that and microstockr. I'm guessing the pro there is a bit more expensive

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Hi, are you all using any android app to track your earnings across a lot of agencies? Had been using the pretty good stock stats, however that seems to be getting retired soon. Wanted to know some good alternatives

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Microstock Services / Re: Photerloo: New Stock Uploader
« on: February 28, 2021, 11:40 »
Hey, to answer some of your questions.

Photerloo uploads to 13 different sites: Shutterstock, Adobe Stock, Bigstock Photo, Deposit Photos, 123RF, Alamy, Dreamstime and Freepik (FYI: Freepik a free section and a paid Microstock section, we upload to the paid section).

We also support social sites like: Instagram, Facebook Pages, Twitter, Smugmug and Flickr, these sites are good for people who also sell through their own website because social sites can send traffic back to your own website where you can keep 100% of the sale.

The site is free for 5 photos a week then paid version is $8 a month or $60 a year. Wirestock is 15% so for photographers who make more than $35 a month will pay less for Photerloo yearly than than Wirestock.  Also, Photerloo uploads to your own stock sites where Wirestock I believe you are forced to upload to their account, so Wirestock is 15% forever, where Photerloo is only needed for when you are actively uploading.

If there are any other questions just let me know.
It uploads and submits the pics across stock sites right?

Microstock Services / Re: Photerloo: New Stock Uploader
« on: February 25, 2021, 12:09 »
This is super cool, does it also submit photos to stock websites like stocksubmitter

Well, signing this gets us some more dollars. Definitely needed this year

74 / Re: SS levelling up
« on: January 12, 2021, 09:19 »

I just reached Tier 2 and on my way to riches!

First 100 images earned me a whopping $24.25.

Compared to my first 100 images in 2020, 52.7% drop ($51.64)

Compared to my first 100 images in 2019,  46.9% drop ($45.55)

Can't wait to report on my first 250 downloads (beginning of Tier 3)!

On my way to have a steak-lunch courtesy of SS

Hopefully a $1 vid download will speed that up. Its a whopping 10X of photo royalties. Maybe a steak with a coke

How does the remove portfolio process work with these guys?

Guess not hitting shutterstock hard is going to keep costing us agency after agency

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