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Messages - fmarsicano

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I meant how about You first

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Yes right Home about You first

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It's the second really bad months amazingly bad I used to have about 25/30 sales now not more than 12 bad bad bad

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To do what I do you do have to invest a lot of money in equipment,studio,lighting,models so I guess it will be anyway difficult in the future that there are so many people that will invest so much money.I really am not scared of competition.If you do quality work you will sell.If you believe in what you do you will sell.If you work truly hard you will sell and succeed

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I can tell you why my clips sell: good realistic acting, this is a skill difficult to copy it is not a tomato or apple and most of all every person is different so you will never be able to copy how a person looks or shows an emotion.I just know that is hard work.Another suggestion is to work very hard on your color correction and make it look unique.I truly wish good luck to everyone

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PS my only real big earner are SS and Pond5 just started with Dissolve I am very positive about Dissolve I am sure they will become very big

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Video id for me tue next big thing, I have online 1600 clips and I make about 4k a month consider though that 8 months ago I was earning 700$ and I had already 900 clips so as you see it si really amazing how video can really become the big thing very quickly

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Pond5 / Re: Pond5 Introduces: Automatic Keyword Tagging
« on: May 12, 2015, 03:28 »
For me a really bad experience loosing so much time to remove all tue wrong keywords

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Pond5 / Re: Pond5: What should we improve?
« on: April 23, 2015, 14:20 »
Well I don't really agree because if someone sells his clips at 20$ it makes a really big difference and it destroys the market and our business even selling at 40$ is very bad for us so I would really say that everything depends on the price and not the number of clip sold

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Pond5 / Re: Pond5: What should we improve?
« on: April 22, 2015, 09:42 »
I have 1400 videos last month made 750$ this month I am at 170$ kind of crazy like this doesn't make much sense

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Pond5 / Re: Pond5: What should we improve?
« on: April 15, 2015, 16:53 »
Please stop or put up a button to decide or not to have automatic keywords it really is a killer 50% of the keywords are wrong please stop make us loose a lot of time and money

Inviato dal mio iPhone utilizzando Tapatalk

62 / Re: Sales on CanStockPhoto getting better
« on: April 14, 2015, 15:44 »
I sale about 4-5 clips per month with about 1000 clips

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General Stock Discussion / Re: Making The Family Work :-)
« on: April 10, 2015, 02:07 »
Very nice job and vacation😉 I am sure your clips will sell well. Can I ask you a question? What camera do you use?

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General Stock Discussion / Re: About video quality for stock
« on: April 09, 2015, 02:59 »
It really is a complicated matter, I would say go with your feeling and emotion, do it both, heavy color correction if it gives an emotion or flat if you feel the client could use it at best, there really isn't a rule on this.One of my most sold clips is a closeup of a Woman crying and I can tell you I made it completely yellow I never thought it would sell and I sold it 20 times so no rukes attached really

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Pond5 / Re: Pond5 auto tagging artificial intelligence
« on: April 03, 2015, 01:36 »
It is just making me loose a lot of time to cancel each keyword really bad choice my gosh

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General Stock Discussion / Re: Five Years Full Time Stock
« on: April 02, 2015, 05:27 »
The most fantastic job ever I do love it every day more

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Could you please add Dissolve in the agencies please

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General - Top Sites / Re: Fotolia beats Shutterstock
« on: March 04, 2015, 08:38 »
Fotolia 10% of Shutterstock earnings but growing in the last 2 months

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Pond5 / Re: Pond5 launches The Public Domain Project
« on: January 20, 2015, 15:57 »
 - 4K video auto down conversion is coming. :)
 What about 1080p down conversion? Still the market for 4k is probably 5% of 1080p and 720p why not thinking about now like all the other agencies do? They all down convert our clips why doesn't Pond5? Could you please Johnatan tell me one reason please

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My sales are down too since two months almost 50% less than 2-3 months ago with 1300 clips ss this month is up a lot

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But I got probably 2/3 refunds in 2 years and now suddendly during the promotion me and my wife got refunds for more than 50 downloads sorry but something is not right here also be because the downloads happened during 5 days and not all at once I truly think is very strange

Inviato dal mio iPhone utilizzando Tapatalk

They gave the bonus just to take it away this is what they wrote:
Due to reasons which are beyond our control, we are sorry to let you know
that $.... have been removed from your earnings as result of a refund for
Possible refund reasons:

- Accidental download;

- Admin download test;

- Credit card fraud with mandatory refund issued at request to real card

- Duplicate download;

- Incorrect size/format/license purchased;

- License update;

- Performance issues (misspellings in texts, quality);

Due to the high volume of daily transactions, we cannot provide additional
clarification on the refund performed. Measures are always taken for the
licenses to be withdrawn and images deleted. Any subsequent unlicensed usage
is liable to legal action and penalties.

This is really theft

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Dreamstime has take  away to me and my wife the money we earned with the last 50 downloads I think we will close our accounts this is inacceptable

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Got 30 sub sales in last 4 days like what I get for the entire month

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General Stock Discussion / Re: HAPPY HOLIDAYS AND BEST WISHES
« on: December 25, 2014, 04:57 »
Happy marry Christmas to everyone it has been an amazing year I opened my own studio with my wife to work on stock photo and footage for microstock my income in the last 12 months is tripled and I found some great niche.Still truly excited about this fantastic job about life about my two amazing children about my wife about myself discovering every day some thing New and positive I wish everyone the best

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