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Messages - k_t_g

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Sorry the way I acted the other day. I was getting all frazzled.  :-[ So after awhile I had to just call it quits for the day because I just couldn't think straight anymore. The next day I tried something else that I didn't think to try and I was able to get into my account.(why didn't I think about that in the first place)   Got in and everything was alright. But I still have to think of a solution to the original problem. Thinking of joining a local credit union. I was eventually going to do that anyways. But I will have to first ask a few questions and then find the time to do that. Just so busy these days.  I don't want all my eggs in one basket after all.

But anyways thanks for any advice anyone was trying to give me. Just want to make sure I said that.  :)

I have a feeling that I was robed!  >:( :( Can't even get into my account.  >:( >:( >:(
I don't know If I can do anything now.  :'(

Can't even get into my account >:( My password still works but for some reason I can't get passed the "summit mobile number!" crap. I don't have a mobile phone and I cant even use the link they provided for codes.  >:(

Well I am trying to save a bit of money. Its not like I make money all the time you know. Trying to after all and this really doesn't help.  :(

And yeah, yeah I know about the banks charging accounts. Mine does it regardless if you have an active account or a not so active account and on a monthly basis they charge.  :(
So I always have to do a bit of juggling ever so often cause well if you don't keep one of your bank accounts active and it goes inactive they will take your money.  >:(

Looks like I'll have to "juggle" this PayPal account as well.  Sigh...
Just have to figure out how.

Looks like someone already posted this question at the PayPal forums.
Stay tuned!

Nope. Just says that they're going to charge starting some time in November. I would like to either find out here or contact them for more info.  :(
Hopefully this issue can be solved simply.
I just hate to well you know have to "juggle" yet again.

General Stock Discussion / Paypal's latest policy updates.
« on: August 13, 2021, 22:34 »
Just got an email from PayPal stating the latest policy changes.
Well looks like they're going to start charging for inactive accounts starting some time in November as one of their latest policies. For us Canadians its going to be around 20 dollars. Not happy!  >:(  Every bit I work hard for and it all counts. I don't need some money hungry dirty monkey paws stealing my money.  >:(

Anyways anger and frustration aside ::), do you know if I could just log in now and again and that would solve that issue or do I have to take some other possible drastic action?

Thank you for any reply.

Print on Demand Forum / Re: regarding POD book publishing
« on: August 11, 2021, 22:24 »
Thanks a bunch every one! The info you guys provided is very helpful and useful. Much appreciated! 😊👍
Just making a children's book.  My first one. Its a bit of an experiment just to see if its worth my time. I did have success in the past working for others. I still don't wanna give up on that but I just wanted something to call my own.

Print on Demand Forum / regarding POD book publishing
« on: August 10, 2021, 23:10 »
So which is it?
Thanks. 🙂

General Macrostock / Re: Any experience with Tetra Images?
« on: June 22, 2021, 22:56 »
You can always do some research on your own?
Looks like they're associated with Getty. 🤔

Illustration - General / Re: Any free 8 bit filters?
« on: June 04, 2021, 22:33 »
I've seen one of two but you have to pay the piper. I would still like a free one though if possible.

Thanks.  :)

Example please? I have an older collection (hoard...) of 8bf filters, and I don't know what all of them do. Maybe one is nostalgia crappy graphics?  ;)
Oh cool! Thanks. That's nice too. 😊👍

Illustration - General / Re: Any free 8 bit filters?
« on: June 04, 2021, 22:29 »
I just found this one for Photoshop.
Its a few years old.
I guess that's good?

Illustration - General / Re: Any free 8 bit filters?
« on: June 02, 2021, 22:33 »
I've seen one of two but you have to pay the piper. I would still like a free one though if possible.

Thanks.  :)

Illustration - General / Any free 8 bit filters?
« on: June 01, 2021, 22:50 »
Can anyone recommend a free filter plugin for Photoshop and for Illustrator to give my art an 8 bit look to it?
I'm sure I could make this FX with out one but I would like to not spend so much time on it.
Thanks!  :)

I tried them. I find them not as flexible as I would like them to be. Most of the "goodies" are offered as premium services.  Dashboard services are not as easy to use. Better off with some of the others out there.

Humm VECPHO ? Vector soup? 🤔
Sounds Vietnamese?

Well you can get off the "hamster wheel" and try other ways of revenue? Just have to try and don't forget to support each other in your endeavors.🙂 If you don't stick around and give all your energy to these rich cronies, they'll have nothing to crack a whip at.

Ugh! why do you guys have to "fix" things if it ain't broke?
I really can't stand it when a web site has this "new thing" and they don't bother with extensive testing.
Had that issue with another company already.  Not looking forward for that to happen with mine too?  :( Too many things to deal with lately.😖

*steaming pile of poop*💩 :( Its a good thing I have some other skills to take advantage of. Sigh.....
And I to think I kindly did a survey not long a go.

Shame that artists are always treated as the "toilet paper" of the industry instead of fine paper.  We are not a dime a dozen.

Anyways those companies that live by greed and individuals likewise will have that back fire on then sooner or later. They are just shooting themselves in the foot.
A real same.  :( *shakes head*🤦‍♀️

General Stock Discussion / Re: Canstock payment ?
« on: April 09, 2021, 22:35 »
Every one has issues with those checks. Best to have payment go into PayPal or something like that.

Illustration - General / Re: Illustrators Chat
« on: February 11, 2021, 00:06 »
Howdy, medveh!

The changes in June 2020 at SS made me think that I should shift my focus from microstock towards other areas like POD sites. I love creating seamless patterns so now I am focusing on that too.

I figured the same, especially as POD sites and Etsy note the uptick in people buying for their homes because they are stuck at home most of the time. It only makes sense to invest a little more time into my portfolio there.

I like to plan out illustration sets or mini collections around a theme, and I definitely want to have some seamless patterns. They look great on pretty much every product offering and have been fun to make since I learned how to. My goal this year is to create a xmas holiday collection around one of my better selling pieces on society6 and see how it does.

Only thing is that if you're a regular person, the products being sold are rather expensive. I mean if I really wanna T shirt with a design on it, for me, I would rather spend a few bucks compared to about 20-30 or more bucks in Canadian.
For a Canadian, those products are a bit pricey.  This is concerning for me especially if buyers might see this as expensive. Oh well.  Still I have to try just like anyone else.

Illustration - General / Re: Illustrators Chat
« on: February 10, 2021, 23:59 »
Zazzle has nightshirts.  I think they call them dorm shirts, or shirt dresses.
Ah that explains it! You learn something new every day!
Sort of like the best baked potato I ever had is called a Jacket potato and it comes from the UK.
 But yeah thanks for the info! Never heard them referred to dorm shirts.

Off Topic / Re: Simpsons Intro Recreated With Stock
« on: February 10, 2021, 23:51 »
Very creative!  :)

Illustration - General / Re: Illustrators Chat
« on: February 08, 2021, 17:11 »
Anyways. I wonder if there's a good place anyone could recommend that would have custom night shirts available to be custom designed? So far I haven't seen those offered at any place where you can design custom products.

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